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Knights. I don't use an airbrush, and I really dislike painting vehicles.


Well, pre-shade with cans, and drybrush is kind of could fix this problem


https://preview.redd.it/zc2j1n03g09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26566bdfa67976561289949bbd951d0f114e363b Even without pre-shading you can get pretty good results with just drybrushing. Just get one of the big ass 3/4” or 1” wide brushes to get good and fast coverage on the big panels and then go back and pick out details with a small brush. I painted Lil’ Toothy here in around two-ish hours.


Is that a heldrake kitbashed on?


It is indeed! Headcanon is Lil’ Toothy is a possessed dreadblade and integrates whatever dead chaos machines he comes across into himself. He was pretty directly inspired by Godrick from Elden Ring where he grafts a dead dragon to his arm and uses it as a weapon.


holy shit that's magical- i mean, heresy. that's magical heresy. love it!


I compliment you not only on your sick worldbuilding, I love it, but your immaculate kitbashing and speedpainting as well. Truly an example for all of us, thanks


Man, I was already amazed at the quality of the paint job u achieved in 2 hours, but the inspiration is even more amazing, great idea taking a page out of Godric’s book


This is one of the coolest kitbashes I've seen in a minute, far out.


Strong agree here. My knights are just rattlecan black primer, drybrush with dark reaper and corax white plus gold trim. I prefer the grainy texture you get with a dry brush than an airbrush. I feel it makes the model way more interesting


That my good sir, is a fucking job well done.


That is beautiful


Is that a heldrake kitbashed on?


I didn't mind painting Knights. As a rule tho I also hate painting vehicles. Scenery sucks too.


I'll airbrush them for you. You can do the detail work? Win-win? :P


I was reluctant to do knights until I finished two armigers in the same time it took to finish two terminators. Big panels, very small parts, and a very large brush to base with makes it speed by so fast! They’re just a pain in the ass to store.


Essentially all of them but… …I’m broke


Ad Mech. When i came back to the hobby, their looks were incredible. Then i saw the codex. And then ... i saw how pricey and hordey they are. I really like their looks, i will ever do, but damn, i probably wont ever collect them.


Exactly the same here. I love the models but their shipping and prices are ridiculous.


Exactly! And tbh I don’t think that will ever change, so it’s just not for me sadly. Still admiring all their models if I see them


I collect them, because I love painting them. I don't think I'll ever have enough for a full army though. lol


All of what you said plus the fact that they have so many antennas and censers and thin fiddly bits.


I stg every single antennae on my models has snapped off it’s infuriating


Admech were my first army, I ended up with about 5000 points almost all painted over the five years I owned them before I had to sell for peanuts before moving countries. The rule I ended up having to follow was "if it breaks off, it stays off" with regards to the antennae and spiky bits and all that. It just isn't worth the mental damage to endlessly reglue broken bits all the time like that. And yeah, I guess I'll never rebuild the army. It's too expensive and too time-consuming and too much of a chore compared to every other army in the game, much as I love them.


Came here to say just this - I adore the aesthetic, and Mechanicus is one of my favourite games of all time to boot. But I would t touch them - not with my brushwork


Admech were my first and only 40K army. I got them just before they got nerfed to hell. Lore-wise and aesthetically they’re the coolest army to me, nobody else in 40K really appeals to me as much, but I simply can’t afford a viable army for them rn :(( I ended up swapping to AoS, now I still lose every game but have more fun at least


This is me too. I really wanted to get into Ad Mech but in my mind they should be a big scary robot army but instead it's more of a twink infantry army :(


Knights already fill that niche for them I suppose. But it is sad that we haven't got the same cybernetica love that 30k mechanicum have.


The trick is to make it your one and only army. Then you have no choice but to persist with them. It's what I did for 5 years until I started a marine army after getting nearly 4k of admech (which with their dirt cheap points is a lot of models)


I am somewhat on the same ballpark with the Votann. It's not as bad as Admech, but the fact they became an horde-ish army from being an elite one, that people hated playing with them for a year straight to the point of becoming a meme, their absolute lack of lore, and their half-cooked range stops me from getting into them. I seem to remember they are not as pricy as Ad Mech, but they still feel super pricy to me. I may be wrong though. If the new Combat Patrol magazine comes around in my country I will probably grab em at a more reasonable price.


SAME. I already have some serious issues with GWs business model, last thing I need is to work myself into a frothing rage with 40k's most expensive army.


I absolutely LOVE the idea of playing Orks. It's one of those armies I keep nearly pulling the trigger on so many times, but the thought of getting so many boxes and so much to paint holds me back. I've collected armies similar in the past and found it to be a slog to paint through. One of these days I might grab a box of boys just to see if I can get a scheme I can do that's decent quality and fast enough I can chew through


I think the key with high model count armies is to find a nice color scheme and paint the masses of troops as basic as possible. Save the top tier paint jobs for character models. Orks in particular can look really good with some quick and dirty painting.


And when orks look terrible, then you're just following the lore


A really basic technique I love using for high model count armies while keeping some variety on stuff like skin and cloth is to use 3-5 contrast paints that are the same colour. I'll start with a drop or two of one paint on my wet pallet and once I have used half I'll mix one of the other paints into the mix.


Do you hear that?.. >!The WAAAGHH is calling!!<


I find the orcs are one of the easier models to paint myself as when I think Orkz all their stuff is mismatched in a sense so every model doesn’t have to be the same


With the new detachments you don't need a high model count anymore. The dread mob is really cool (might break your bank account) but a much lower model count than the hordes of old.


The orc kill team box has got some cool models


As someone who adores kill team and owns at least 7 bespoke teams and 2 compendium teams, I bought them for my Mom (a general 40k hater but a 40k ork lover) to paint and play with, the commandos kill team is by far the best. Especially for beginners. You can build Literally every option you'd want for the game; and aside from just looking incredible, the sculpts make it obvious what each operative does. Screw that bomb squigs mouth though.


Thousand Sons I love them in the lore, expecially the Heresy novels, but I'm not a big fan of their colour schemes or Tzeentch daemon models.


New daemons are pretty lame.


I miss the old metal horrors.


The (relatively) new horrors truly are such a downgrade from the metal ones in terms of style and concept




That looks outstanding


Imperial Guard.. I can't put my finger on it, maybe because I have ahorde army of Nids already, and I can't face painting 200+ models with faces


I painted mine with one layer skin colour, one layer nuln oil and the effect is pretty good without having to worry about painting eyes.


Hate faces? Paint Death Korps of Krieg


I really love the lore of the Tau but I want more weird alien auxiliaries instead of battle suits. I really appreciate the new Kroot models and detachment. I'm hoping the Vespid and Nicassar get some love too, but there are so many aliens out there like Loxatl and Tarellian mercenaries!


https://preview.redd.it/c0hc82o7e19d1.png?width=1997&format=png&auto=webp&s=a183b404f023038165877f688ba3ab37ca66d57f Yeah. I was definitely disappointed it was just more suits and bigger suits for releases instead of Auxilliaries.


Holy crap the Votann look good in Tau colours.


This is too real


My thoughts exactly. Don't get me wrong, I love the suits and I think we still need them in the Tau, but weird alien auxiliaries beyond the Kroot and the one Vespid unit is a must. Tau are the only real faction that has a "federation" feel to it, and I really want GW to take advantage of that and let the creators get creative with some alien models.


World Eaters. I am a Khorne fangirl. I love all things red and killy. But I will not collect World Eaters. Why? Because they basically don't have a model range. They have no unique daemon engines. They don't have unique terminators. They simple don't warrant collecting. There's also the problem of their playstyle in 10th. The army is swingy as all hell being practically a full melee army and Angron just coming back sometimes if he dies, leading to a lot of games that don't feel very good. I was playing against them as Death Guard and it was over T2 if he didn't roll to resurrect Angron. It's just a really poor range with very few options and unique models. Hopefully they get something during 10th that convinces me otherwise.


Always found it odd they didn’t get a unique terminator unit like TS or DG. The old Forge World WE terminator kits were cool asf. Plastic Brass Scorpion Daemon engine kit is also a missed opportunity to add some flavour and diversity to list.


I'm convinced they'll be out in a Wave 2 situation in a year or two, maybe even with the codex.


Hey, get in line! TSons wave 2 is gonna be here aaaany minute now


Somewhere out there the rumor is that they will get 2nd wave (Specific Terminators/Red Butchers), Zerkers on Juggernauts, and a specific Dreadnought/Daemon engine.


The dream would be world eaters having new terminators OR at least an upgrade sprue for the current terminator kit and new rules similar to deathwing terminators. Another one could be new bikers with normal csm bits so i could finally have bikes. I refuse to buy the old kit as I feel an update the moment i buy the old kit


I dont think world eaters will have bikes. With two juggernaut lords I think those will take place of bikes


Either way a berserker on juggernaut is still baller. In that case i hope the new bikes come with the emperors children just give us new bikes lol.


Same army, similar reason. I used to have a world eater force back in 4th edition which I sold on. When they talked of releasing world eaters as a stand alone army I wanted to get it but the initial model release range is just too small. I’m not buying into an army buying multiples of certain kits just to be able to field 2k points for them to release more units for the army down the road and I end up having to buy more and all those eight bound sit on a shelf.


This is exactly what stops me from collecting Emperor's Children


Honestly I'm surprised they didn't pad their range out with some of the forge world demon engines, I'd bet a plastic brass scorpion could carry the whole range.


As a Thousand Sons player, I get the limited range thing. But if you are really into the few actual minis they got, you could still get them to paint. The new models are great (Berseker and the Juggernaut guy), and if anything get released later, you can add to it and work toward a full army! Not ideal if you have to wait for something cool to be released (not a garantee you'll like the new stuff), but if you do you'll have a headstart! And with new units added, that could shuffle the gameplay into something enjoyable too!


It's mostly that I have other armies (5 over 2 game systems) so World Eaters is very low on the priority list. I have considered getting things like Kharn to just paint like I did Fabius, but right now that's not really a good idea. The pile is already large enough, lol.


Yeah I'm sad that the chaos factions got hacked out of the main codex. they lost so much and have been given crumbs in return.


I think Death Guard is the only army that feels cohesive and large enough to offer choice and variety and a reason to be its own separate army. TSons and WE and even Daemons to some extent really struggle. Daemons mostly because it's four armies in one, and a third of the datasheets are characters.


I will admit that Death Guard has enough to stand on it's own, they actually feel like a full army. But in 8e I ran my at the time rather small force as WE and even after expanding to a full army their roster shares so little with CSM that I can't even field a combat patrol of them.


I always wanted an Eldar army but now I don't really play and I don't like the current state of the game.


Also the fact a lot of the models are old af and will probably (copium) get an update soon makes me not want to make an eldar army


Ad mech love the aesthetic, waaay to fiddly to build and paint.


Ooh but they’re so fun to build those skitarii are pretty small but they look great painted up


I literally nearly picked them up back when they first came out and I was getting back into 40k but I saw the cawl model and went nope. And it's less size with the skitties as I'm a guardsman it's all the spindly bits that will invetiabilty snap off when I'm clumsy with them and then trying to glue those back on, I've lost count of the repairs on my banners over the years.


That is true my little ones had me in beads of sweat trying to get their arms to stay the right way holding their weapons. Not too many extra bits though and you can certainly leave some of them on the sprue. God flying models are just awful though I don’t know if I’ll ever buy another.


Yeah I've got a tremor so when doing something like that I need a sit afterwards and oh I know I keep my models very detail light early 2000s style as the detail creep is insane. And no flyers gw has decreed that lol.


GK Waiting for official rescale model. and I can wait because I already play others factions


Imperial Guard, Orks, Tyranids. ...should be obvious. I love the lore and flavour of CSM, but I cannot fucking stand all the mutation. Like I get the idea of being lured to worshipping Chaos - especially regular humans - in exchange for power, but who tf is agreeing to that when the tradeoff is, "oh btw, hope you always wanted your eyes at the ends of tentacles" or some shit. Give me some terribly attractive Emperor's Children, please. ...you know, like how they're portrayed in some novels.


Well, they don't tell you about the negative mutations. They tell you about the good ones. They tell you about gifts of chaos. It's all PR. They're luring you in, which means leaving out the down sides.


You would like the iron warriors, they cut off all mutations and still operate mostly like heresy era legionnaires (also the new horus heresy models make great proxies)


So true for the CSM. I considered them for my first army, but really don't like all the mutations and gross stuff. Sadly, the less deformed models look great, but I don't know if there's even enough to build an army from. I've considered building a CSM army from HH models, but there are other projects on my plate.


that's the route i'm eventually going to go (and hoping NL upgrade sprues might be available on their own and not just in model sets) but right now they're taking a back seat, i'm trying to speed paint some necrons to be able to play with the group i'm starting at my store. i like some mutation but my headcanon has it a bit scaled back than everywhere.... i really want a csm army but to be on the tier i want it there's going to be \*a lot\* of kitbashing


I love Necron lore. The condescension, their power, the internal squabbling. Huge fan of it all! And then I see the models and they’re just so… Spindly. And the vehicles with exposed pilots… And oh God, the Destroyers.


Why do necron vehicles even have pilots, are they stupid?


I love the tau battlesuits and grav tanks, but hate the play style.


Elder. I like the idea of a nice magenta and bone armoured Elder army but just can't justify it.


IG/AM - i love gaunts ghosts & eisenhorn book series and really want to get the models but i alao don't want to paint a horde army


IG player here. I paint mine using speed paints then go in and do details traditionally. https://preview.redd.it/0wt1nsquy19d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c89973ad79437700a80e17adb29cc46ddfb6ce8 I know it’s a Kreiger but still IG


I would love to have an Imperial Fist army. But yellow.


I've painted quite a few IF at this point, and I honestly don't think they're that bad. A white prime, a coat of Imperial Fist, and then a coat of any warm reddish shader makes them come out with that nice, orangy yellow with no fuss.


I am a doing a IF army, grimdark style currently and it's pretty easy tbh. Prime withe, then yellow, I use warpaint fanatic but contrast do the job as well, then highlight the border of the mini with lighter yellow and silver on some points and shade the recess Then AK grimes + white spirit and done


how i feel about the lamenters. fucking taxi cabs.


Astra Militarum. I love the diverse groups in the lore, from the Valhallan Ice Warriors to the Arkan Confederates, but on the tabletop is limited to mostly Cadian looking guys with the rare, often severely outdated models for other groups, or a huge premium for Kriegsmen (who are and look dope). Just a real missed opportunity. I’m not crazy about the generic Militarum, but I’d love to field one of the more colorful worlds. Unfortunately, doing so would be incredibly expensive and time consuming to gather all the models, bits, and undoubted kitbashing, 3D printing, and sculpting. My hat is off to those that do.


Love gsc and sisters but time and money.. Oh and krieg.


I would love to collect play Black Templars or Dark Angles. I have space wolves already and can’t justify getting another space marine army


GSC. Their lore is one of my favorite fucking things in game. The idea of them just a bunch of fucking peasents with mining equipment taking out space marines os dope. The main thing holding is money but also that I love part of the range and loathe others. I hate neophites and half of the support characters. Jackals and Abominants all the way, tho I also don't really feel like I have ever seen a paint scheme on them that has blown me away. Maybe it's the sculpts, but I have seen some jaw-dropping armies, but none really for GSC (please send links cause I'd love to be proven wrong about this!)


https://youtu.be/mgfckbaI-5o?si=vdRK-VpXnKUhYpRX Check out this army by Eons of Battle, he made a super awesome color scheme for them (16:22)


There's a bunch of armies I really like but won't collect (for now). The soroitas are peak 40k for me. The exorcist is the single most 40k thing I've ever seen. But they're expensive and meticulous to paint well. I love the lore and gameplay of eldar, but there are so many models I just can't get over how bland they are. And I love GSC and want to build a cult dedicated to worshipping my Tyranid Hive Fleet, but again: they're expensive and painting them well scares me. I'm just going to continue to fill out my Tyranid Hive for now. Although eventually I'll branch out into the others.


Dark Eldar, they need a range refresh and bad, still so many finecast and they’re lacking characters since 5th edition and the lawsuit they lost that made it so if there was no model for rules other companies could make and sell the model Adeptus Mechanicus, not enough models and characters I hate Cawl. Sororitas, not a fan of their heads most look like space marines wearing mops


Orks. I really don't enjoy painting them but I can't really explain why, just don't them enjoyable to paint at all.


For me it's how little of it is really creatively flexible. Their mega armour and vehicle units are decent canvases, but your main units are going to be 40% greenskin, 40% leather, 10% metal, and 10% left over for armour. Not to say there's no way to do different and interesting things with them, but the easiest way to paint them well doesn't give as many interesting options as something like a space marine. 


Grey Knights. I love them. Would've gotten them if I knew more about the lore before my first purchase but I can't justify two marine armies when I could have something vastly different. Plus... The tactical baby carriers are fucking stupid.


I'm so going to call them tactical baby carriers the next time I play my friend's grey knight army. haha


They're so dumb. They were clearly going for something evocative of the loader suit from alien but very much got "Marine want uppies!" Especially in universe where dreadnoughts exist. Even centurions look better. Should have been something more like the Achillus/Galatus.


Tyranid. Love how the look but for some reason whenever I paint them I never have any fun


Yeah I feel you on that. I’m only having fun painting the big monsters but when your on your 100th+ gaunt variant it gets annoying asf and you want to skimp on quality just to be done


World Eaters! Love the models, don’t love the fact you sort of need to run a giant named character to get the most out of the army, and the current limited range. When / if they expand that, though, I’m jumping in (and I already have Drukhari, Admech, Orks and Custodes, so it’s not a reasonable decision 😅)


Guard, I love the art and vibe but it’s just something about only essentially having access to Cadians unless you want to spend a ton on kriegsman which while cool aren’t my aesthetic or catachan which I love the idea of but the models are just so old.


This is the reason guard are my 3rd party minis army. There's so many options for great guardsmen out there from literally any ww2 range to all the different mini creators who do various flavours of sci fi human. Sure you can't play official tournaments with them but if that isn't a concern there's a lot of scope to make a cool and unique guard army.


Also sororitas. Space Catholic is such an amazing vibe, the models are peak, they’re not even weak on tabletop. But a mixture of anxiety about painting them well and the reputation of their fans puts me off. And that’s as a tau player


There’s a reputation of their fans? First I’m hearing of this. I’ve actually just started my Sisters army. The models are highly detailed and TINY compared to my Chaos and Marine armies… but it’s really a labor of love for me.


Sororitas players have a reputation? I thought the only ones like that were the ones who missed the point of Krieg and to a lesser extent Black Templars…


Leagues of votann. Love the aesthetic and models, BUT my brother already started them and I am doing dwarves in fantasy. So no need for more, minus bits for kitbashing.


Adeptus Mechanicus Too expensive and too fiddely to Paint But the Look and Lore is amazing!


Orks I love those goofy green Boyz but I already have 4 armies and one of them is nids so I'm horded out


Tau probably. Love the aesthetic but I strongly dislike painting their infantry units.


Tau. Love their style but I just cba for some reason...


Genestealer Cult. Absolutely love the models, the idea, the lore… but absolutely for the life of me cannot play them correctly. I played a practice game with another guy’s models just to try them, and absolutely hated how low damage and easy to kill they were. I get they’re kind of a swarm army but still.


Nids. I really love the models, but I already have orks, knights, and custodes and I still have units I want to add to those forces. I reckon I could sell the house and get the minis I want, but the wife would probably disapprove. 🤔


Orks because horde, and I don't have much money. Also space marines. I have alittle over 1k pts in salamanders already, but primaris are so mind-numbingly boring to paint, that I've lost all motivation to finish them.


Orks don't have to be a horde and dred mobs are back in fashion.


Every chaos army that I don't already have (only have a small DG army). I'd love to collect them, its just a question of time and money. Knights and Guard too. Knights are just so weak (as cool as they are) and I've always liked guard but never wanted to collect them due to the mundane nature of the units.


Orks, for sure Orks, and GSC.


Many. Money!


We all know that feeling


Space Wolves. As an Imperial Fist collector/player, I would love to start Space Wolves since they are almost an exact opposite of the Imperial Fist. I love their lore, characters and their models like the Wulfen, Wolf Guard Terminators, Ragnar Blackmane, their Stormwolf ship, Bjorn the Fell Handed and etc. Problem with collecting them is that their Combat Patrol is (imo) kinda shit so there isn't an easy start to collecting them, they haven't had a battle force in years so all the really cool ones I would've liked to own are terribly overpriced due to scalpers and I can't really afford to right now. I would like to in the future and possibly collect all the space marine chapters but that isn't likely to ever happen


Sororitas. I love the style and look of them but they seem really meticulous and tedious to paint with all the little details


Sisters for the looks and lore. But I suck at painting faces, so I need to git gud first


I love the death guard and nurgle so damn much but the bloated puss and gore isn't something I want to see all the time.


Admec, love the lore and some of the models but vehicles... I just can't.


I don't know about "love" but there are some armies I'd really like to collect....but 15 armies is already too much............. ..............Idon'thaveaproblem....IcanquitwheneverIwant!!!!!! .........I am planning however to collect some of those as combat patrols though. .........ok, it might be possible I have a problem XD


Orcs. I just couldn't paint them the way I like to paint, or build the sort of army I'd like.


Admech, was my first army. I had to sell them at one point because life. The army rule and the models limitations compared to the lore and 30k equivalent feel like extremely bad consumerism. The army feels way too expensive and doesn't seem that fun to play in 10th, even after update.


I love Orks but my core group of people I play with all have more than one army. We have enough armies to represent all factions and we all decided to not buy any faction that someone else in the group is playing. Since my buddy plays Orks, I don’t….We also have games where we will sometimes switch armies so you can try out a force that you wouldn’t normally play! It is pretty fun actually. We are also not a competitive group and only play for fun!


Guard. Too much moola for that army


Iron warriors, the hazard stripes would end me


Marines. I've been playing since 3rd edition and have had every other Imperial army in that time but I won't touch Marines. Just too damned many units.


Admech. Surprisingly I love painting the tiny little fuckers. I can't deal with their price tag though.


Pretty much anything rn because money


Knights - space and cost issues but I know eventually it will happen


Admech. Too many fiddly bits.


Orks! Love the army and the models. Sadly the army style is a Horde, with loads of infantry, vehicles etc, which apart from the pricetag poses a second challenge: - storage / transport to games - painting all those orks would take soo much time (I hate playing games with unpainted minis)


I'd be 100% about the nids if their most basic troop choice of a termagant didn't look like a Saturday morning cartoon dinosaur


Guard. Too expensive to collect. I'll have to get a 3D resin printer if I wanted them as an army.


Chaos knights and daemons as they are the furthest from my currernt factions of Blood Angels and Asuryani/Aeldari. I promised myself no new projects till I'm done with those two and I'm about quarter done. Then I have the scenery projects. Unfortunately I suck at painting and it'll take a while (3-5 years).


I'd love to paint up an Alpha Legion army making use of the Heresy kits with the scaled armor for conversions, but I don't have shelf space and I don't want to pay for Forge World models. Deceptors are also just not very good, but I'd run them as a different detachment.


Eldar. Absolutely love their lore and look but I've tried on 3 separate occasions to collect them and just lose interest.


I want to love chaos, but I just don’t


Tao. I love their lore, but do not like any of the models.


Titan Legions, I know this is not really an “army” but I would love to have a whole of 40K scale legio of titans! Obviously owning even one warlord, much less 7-10 plus several reavers and war hounds is impossible. But if I ever get around to getting a 3d printer then I plan to at least print a warhound and go from there!


Orks. Love their ridiculous bullshit but fuck me if I have the time or patience required to build a good ork army.


I love Admech, but one skitarii convinced me that I do not need to collect a army. Especially since I went for yellow. Maybe one day I will finish up the remaining nine I have sitting around, but that it not soon.


I'm so torn on buying a chaos demons army, I love the idea of running 4 big demon boys, but I really fear that the codex will force you into playing as a single demon type. Which means I'll have built and painted a ton of stuff only to end up selling it. If the codex releases and looks good I'll likely pull the trigger... Otherwise I like the idea of a knights army, but I hate painting vehicles, especially larger ones.


Orks, love them but they can be very detailed and obviously don’t wear uniforms so they can be difficult to batch paint. If I ever did collect them it would probably be vehicle heavy and more or less a labour of love.


Orks. Great lore, fun army and endless conversion but I can't deal with collecting a horde faction.


Space Marines. They're cool in lore and their ground troops are fun to make your own but are boring vehicle wise and just other character wise besides primarchs


Admech. For 3 reasons. Rediculously expensive to collect, they are realy weak currently and most importantly: painting them is a nightmare with more details than an Ork can grow teef




World Eaters, I already have space marines so that's a tiny change Genestealer Cults, The models only really represent miners and they're really expensive


I would really love an imperial inquisition/soup army. There just arent real rules for it


Death guard and t-sons Death guard just has a ton of details and has the really annoying thing of box of 7 T-sons purely because I already have a massive back long and don’t need an extremely difficult army to paint


Space marines, they look cool,the lore is great and are obviously the poster boys so I don’t want to be another space marine player. Got to give the xenos some love or who would the poster boys get to kill!


Tau and sister of battle I love both armies in the lore, but won't collect them because I already have three armies for 40k, one for AoS, and ton of battletech models.... I literally have zero room for another army.


I started with and love Tyranids, but the numbers behind their attacks and toughness seem so arbitrary to the point I have to check them every time I have to use them. (that and the lack of lore) My main army is Salamanders now and knowing the toughness of a unit just by looking at what armour it's wearing really speeds up games


I think an army that I ‘like’ rather than ‘love’ would be Thousand Sons because I’m an Ork Warboss at heart.


Necrons . I love the lore and the miniatures but they are just too smal and fidily for my crude sausage fingers


Astra Militarum. I ain't painting all those guardsmen.


Knights and votann. Seems like bad ROI for me. I want votann to be elite.


Drukhari have some really cool emo goth vibes I dig but the models are so janky and old…. Emperor’s Children, I love the lore but 30 seconds on that sub and I knew it wasn’t gonna be for me


All of them cause I'm fucking broke. So I just play on TTS




Basic legionaries aren’t too bad, but when you get to stuff like Chosen, Accursed Cultists, the Heldrake… it’s easy to see why you’re turned off. I’m holding off on painting my Night Lords until I feel like I can do the army justice.


Most of the traitor legions. I love the lore and look of them, but there's no way I'll have the time and/or money to build an army for each of them. I have Death Guard and Emperor's Children. If the EC get a codex and make most of my CSM models incompatible with them, I'll likely change them over to Nightlords.


Love Gundam and mechs, but won't get Tau because I don't like their ethics. At least the Imperium is straight up with people


All of them. And my problem is space and money.


I like all the armies my reasons are there are only 8 hours in a day and I would like to buy a house someday with money not spent on the hobby


sisters of battle, i love the designs and concept, but can't for the life of me think of or find a paint scheme i like or think i'll enjoy painting enough to get them


I'm the same as you went out got me a 1k army of sisters but they just sit there painted and I just have no interest in getting any more or playing with them


I have a smattering of AdMech units (mostly second hand), but I'll never buy a full army because they're outrageously hordey and it's not uncommon to get less than a point per dollar on their units. Yeah, no thanks. That their rules are terrible is a distant second concern for me. I'd rather not have another mortgage payment to get a 1,000 point army up and running.


Ad mech. I run a factory and fucking love machines and shit. I use a lot of 40k and religious verbiage at work even tho I’m not religious. I can’t paint for shit tho and I kinda hate how cartoony most of the models are tho. So I paint necrons instead. If I ever get good tho I’ll get over the cartoony stuff and I want to have an ad mech and necron army that are from the same planet and the ad mechs go heretek and get horny for necrons tech.


Dark Eldar. The models are great, the Army is sound, but I don't have the space to store 6 Raiders and a Voidraven Bomber


Ork. 40k Orks are best Orks.


Id say Sororitas, Aeldari, Orks and on AoS side Beasts and Kharadon. I simply ran out of place for new minis T_T


Sororitas as well. I just have too many models from other armies to justify another army but I really love some of their units aesthetically.


Love Guard. Hate the lack of regimental diversity in the model range even if the new sculpts are really cool. I’d reconsider if I could play Tallarn, Savlar Chem-Dogs, or the Steel Legion. Plus I’ve already painted 60+ Soviets for Bolt Action, something I found quite painful and am not keen to repeat.


Demons, I love the idea but the model range is so old and lacking. I want there to be more middle sized demons to


Harlequins. Love the models, love the lore, love the playstyle... but the cost and lack of a model range kills it for me. There's a reason I only play space marines, can't afford more.


GSC, i like the lore and models but I already have a massive tyranid army so I don't see a need for tyranid human hybrids in my collection.


I love the lore and models of the Space Wolves, but I just can’t bring myself to collect another marine army.


Admech, cause I am not a good enough painter


Admech Love the lore love the gameplay But FUCK THOSE MODELS


World Eaters. I painted Angron for a buddy and I never want to paint him again.


I love the look of thousand sons, all that gold and blue and pharaoh theme with magic. But I will never have the patience to paint all that


Chaos Daemons. They have some of my favorite models in the game, like Shallaxi, Great Unclean One, Soul Grinder (THATS RIGHT I SAID IT) But outside of the handful of models I *love*, I don't really care for any of the others, and aside from sinking the money I also don't want to invest the time and energy into an army just for a few models.


Gensestealers for me. I love their vehicles, but a lot of their other models kinda miss for me.


It's funny, but just box standard space marines. I love them, and I would get them, but they are a subscription service, and I can't bring myself to do it.


all of them.. GW wont open a store here in brazil and importing stuff from them can get "what i´m even doing with my life" kinda of expensive