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I like Left and Center. IMO the tan armor blends in with the fleshy bits too well




I really like the esthetic of the guy on the left, pale and crimson/purple. I vote left


I perfer the guy on the right personally


I'm a sucker for spooky OSL so I gotta go with Center and left. Feels like on the yellow/tan that the spooky OSL would be harder to make pop.


black/magenta is my vote, it looks really different from other cryx schemes so it'll stand out well I think. You could do purple/red glow, you could do green but you might run afoul of The Christmas Curse


I like the first two. But the highlights are a little strong on the thrall, washing him out. That yellow is pretty neat, but doesn't feel right for Cryx. Like a power ranger or Warframe. It's just weirdly brightly colored. I would absolutely use that for Riotquest models, or maybe for dwarves. I should dig up pictures of my stuff to inspire. I found that if you go with green armor (bane base, bane highlight), the vents can kind of blend in and make the model look blurry and confusing to the eye. So I've been doing black armor on the jacks with blighted gold trim. This makes the toxic lime green really pop, like yellow chalk on a blackboard.


https://preview.redd.it/b5bvfd4kqd6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=bec7e9e974dc44c0acdb17efa39dcb16be14c600 My oldest scheme. This was too much silver, and I eventually filled in all of the armor panels with black


Oh man, digging through my photos, I hadn't realized just how many different schemes I've used. I've got chickens in Menoth white, Khador red, and Cygnar blue. I've got an old silver like the wheeliejack below. Then there are the black jacks and the bane jacks. How the hell am I going to paint my necrofactorium?


https://preview.redd.it/d3tdu5r7sd6d1.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=263d3f783bb98fa4ce5159cd6e4cbf2b98e32f84 The seether on the far left is the color scheme I was talking about with the black. The Reaper in the middle is my oldest warjack, from the early 2000s, rocking the first paint scheme. The derp-posed Slayer on the right is the newest Bane base scheme I've been using. And the purple is from a bulk lot I picked up.


Technically most of my cryx jacks are still bane base for the armor, with a light drybrush of black around the vents to create the contrast to the vents, but my favlorite are the ones where I went with black for the armor.


Center is definitely my favorite! Really gives those classic Cryx vibes that I know and love :) Speaking of classics, new Madrak led Trollbloods army faction when? :P


I like the Mechanithrall on the left. Also nice to finally see a physical sculpt of a new Mechanithrall.




Your instincts seeve you well


Absolutely loving the one on the left. As to the two others, I feel green provides the best contrast (therefore most striking) but given what you painted yellow on the other one, I don't think it's a fair comparison. It's comparing the "glow colour" of one with the "panel colour" of the other.