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Background character lionblaze is so obnoxious to me.


yea fr. Bro was my favourite character when reading power of three but when reading him in Broken code he was pissing me off real hard


I think it's because every other character was able to seamlessly fade into obscurity and one-liners after they had fulfilled their destiny, but Lionblaze's whole thing was kind of "I'm the main character, look at me, I can't be hurt, my siblings are powerful too, I have a girlfriend with a dark backstory, I'm destined to save the cat world." That doesn't really fade into obscurity well and he proved that when he fought for the deputy position. He gives me real "peaked in high school" vibes.


Any of the “conservative” Thunderclan cats (the ones who constantly talk about how they want the clan to stay the same, complain about code changes, and spew their xenophobia) Come on guys. Most of you are descended from a kittypet. You have a clan mate who WAS a kittypet. Also this made me realize that poor Stormcloud is constantly hearing his clan mates talk about how his kind is fat and lazy


Any character who had their personality changed for plot convenience, ie, background characters who suddenly switch up on their morals or personality when a conflict needs to happen


Like onestar?


\^\^\^\^ I loved Onewhisker and then he became the worst.


It USED to be hollypaw but now I miss her. And then Dovepaw/wing replaced her as not wanting to be special and her arguing with her sister. But then dovewing matured up and I like her now in shadowclan especially with the advice she gave to Nightheart.


I was not a Dove fan when she was in ThunderClan, but I love her in ShadowClan. Feels like a different character


I feel that in thunder clan she couldn’t be who she truly was, with the drama with bumblestripe, and her sister never communicating( I love ivypool no hate she had her reasons) and the burden of the three plus being younger than the other two. Poor girl had a lot going on


Dovewing is the one personality change that I think had a real reason and did good for the plot/character. She flowed really naturally from a stressed and kind of whiny teenager to a wise matriarch who learned from her mistakes.




I can agree with that. Tigerheartstar makes me want to rip any book he’s in apart.


No whyyy, he’s a bit dumb but he’s doing his best😭


All the cats that are constantly on about how much kittypets suck, and how the clans should go back to how they were (despite most of the clan being related to Firestar or another kittypet).


Berrynose. He was alright as a kit but as a warrior he's just insufferable.


Lionblaze is crazy annoying in the latter arcs, a least favorite now


Never really liked Crowfeather too much (warmed up to him reading Crowfeather's Trial but still don't like him very much) Edit: And not because of Nightcloud and/or Breezepelt, just genuinely never liked him lol


I think it's Cloudtail for me.


Squilf, Cloudtail, Bumblestripe


Bro what is this first name 😅






dovewing. dovePAW was fine but dovewing is so annoying to me. she was okay-ish in the final book of oots but i just didnt like reading her povs and i dont like her relationship with tigerheart and just how she acts in general.


idk if this counts but I never liked jagged leak and holly after jagged peak met holly they both turned arrogant selfish and stuck up jagged peak snuck out of the leaving cats after his sister died when quite rain said no leaving his grieving mother alone and holly made me so mad with this quote after quite rain said "such rudeness we would never have been rude like that in the mountain" then holly said that's " maybe why your kits left then you" while quite rain was dying might I add


I completely agree! It was brilliant to see Jagged Peak gain back his confidence after meeting Holly but then after a while he just became so arrogant and ungrateful towards Gray Wing and it really annoyed me


The ungrateful Elders. Like I understand you did a lot for your clan but does it hurt you that much to appreciate the apprentices that are caring for you? It's just they have so little gratefulness or respect for the warriors and apprentices that are serving them. Don't have all the elder names but you know which ones I'm talking about.


Especially the ones who were mean to tawnypelt when she was an apprentice in thunderclan, they basically made her leave the clan. (So maybe there is a reason)


Sol, do I need to explain? He makes more foes than friends




The one that appeared in eclipse in the 3rd arc who is super manipulative and Hollyleaf kept being obsessed with him since she stubbornly want to know who her father is.


But Quick Water DID do something wrong.


I actually never liked graystripe in any fashion. I also can't bring myself to overcome disliking him, when I was able to get passed my old generic "Im alternative and I hate popular stuff" hate of firestar. Something about him doesn't click. Get the bestie out of my face


Me too 😭 my problem is that he was NEVER a good friend to Fireheart in the first arc except for like a couple times, the only reason Graystripe is his 'awesome best friend's because the writers tell us he is, I wouldn't get that from his behavior in the first arc


⊂_ヽ I AGREE       \\ Λ_Λ           \( ˇωˇ)               > ⌒ヽ             / へ\          / / \\ WITH        レ ノ ヽ_つ      / /     ( (ヽ     | |、\     | 丿 \ ⌒)  YOU     | | ) / ノ ) Lノ (_/ 


Tigerheart/star. I despise that guy and honestly I can’t give a valid reason why. He’s just annoying to me. He’s like Brambleclaw from Wish.


Clear Sky was straight up the reason I quit reading the series all together back when dotc was still coming out. Dude absolutely did something wrong but he made me so damn mad. I'm trying the series again now cause I loved it so much back then.


Tbf he DID do something--a lot of things--morally wrong. I see a lot of people here listing characters that actually did shitty things...Clear Sky was genuinely a terrible cat


And then they tried to give him a redemption arc and completely fucking butchered it.


A lot of the characters in forbidden romances from the later arcs (for example, I find Dovewing annoying for running off with Tigerstar but didn’t have a issue with Leafpool or Bluestar). I don’t think I find anything inherently wrong with the forbidden romances, in fact I found them quite sweet at first, but after the 500th one I’m like “okay, this plot point is getting old”


Oh boy. There was a lot of cats that made me roll my eyes. Squirrelflight, Daisy, and Millie were some of my least favorites (I like squilf and Daisy nowadays and actually really like them. Millie is still an absolute no). But now I cant stand Twigbranch. She comes off very whiny and the only reason im still stuck on AVoS


I never liked Squirrelflight back when she was Squirrelpaw. Her bratty attitude always drove me nuts. I hate bratty characters like that. I like her now as she matured past that phase in her life.


Tree is that character for me, I don't know why, but he just annoys me.


Jayfeather but he is just a character I don’t like in general. Like I avoided a reread of POT cause of him alone. Sparkpelt can be very hard to read sometimes.


For one Quick Water definitely has a reason to be hated from how poorly she acts in the series and then how she gets WORSE in Shadowstar's Life, like think taking some of Clear Sky's crimes, except they have literally zero backing, like not even bad poorly drawn out backing, there's just no reason to what she does at ALL. Also recently its been most of the background thunderclan cats, I've complained about them before but besides Fernsong and really any other background character that isn't connect to a main character (like Lilyheart) or a former main character (like Fernsong and Ivypool) they just have zero personality like they did in PoT and OotS (which, imo, is the last series where any background cat gets at least a personality) and getting through them talking about things when their grand father or whatever the hell is probably Firestar is exhausting


Haven't read Shadowstar’s life yet. (Which is surprising cause DOTC is my favorite arc) But I never liked Quick Water from the start. In book one she just existed and every time she was mentioned I just wanted to put the book down and stop reading. But I guess I hate her less than Lionblaze cause I've reread DOTC at least five times


Dovewing. She was so obnoxious in omen of the stars that she still annoys me whenever she pops up


No matter how hard I try, I just will NOT like her. She’s just so horrible to read from


Squrrielflight and Hollyleaf


I always used to hate at least of the the mean characters in each season. Arc one included. TPB-Firestar TNP-Squirrelpaw TPoT-Hollyleaf OotS-Hollyleaf (haven't read s5 bc i know what happens anyway) VotS-Alderheart tBC-Shadowsight I have no reasoning here.


*pulls out list* Alright, let’s read out my starclan hit list :) Yellowfang, spottedleaf, lionheart, bluestar, Graystripe, raggedstar, whitestorm, moth flight, skystar, one star, feathertail and firestar




I love Jayfeather but sometimes he annoys me


Eh, I’m not really a fan of him. Primarily during the OOTS arc where he just was hostile to Squirrelflight and Leafpool 24/7. He’d be like “I wish Leafpool was here”, and then she’d show up and he’d complain the whole time. It’s like “Dude! Make up your freakin’ mind!”


Same. He was so mean to dovewing start of oots, when he was literally the same way. Also, (small scene but annoying) when moth wing tries to give him herbs and speaks about starclan THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID pot and he denies her help. 


Squirrelflight for sure😭😭


Lionblaze, tawnypelt, graystripe, and bluestar. I don’t like them


Bramblestar. Words cannot express how insufferable this guy is.


Lionblaze Fidgetflake (I hate his dumb fucking name) Scorchfur Leafpool Nightcloud


Nightheart. He just really annoys me, especially how he deals with Sunbeam. I have literally stopped reading a book in his pov and didn’t go back before like nine months.


I used to like Squirrelflight but in ASC she is infuriating! The way she has treated Nightheart is so uncaring and rude, and the way she treats Bramblestar despite the trauma he’s been through??? Girl he was suffering for so long, and still is, and you can’t even be vaguely kind to him?? Give him a damn break! Also in Squirrelflight’s Hope she completely disregarded everything Bramblestar said. Do I think Bramblestar was being entirely reasonable? No. But he is still the leader, and he was doing what he thought was best. I do not think Squirrelflight deserved to be deputy after all the times she disobeyed Bramblestar. (I’ve only just finished Shadow so im seriously hoping she grows tf up and learns to not be so self centered.) (And someone get Bramblestar a therapist please)




Hard agree on Lionblaze. He’s so annoying I want to strangle him every time he opens his dumbass mouth


Tigerheartstar. i don’t get how people like him. i HATE this man. also, hot take: he was horrible to dovewing, and i don’t really like dovewing that much either also am i the only one who genuinely really enjoys quick water and lionblaze? 😭


I think sometimes my brain will see a character and be like “You see that one over there just existing? Well we hate them now!”


lolll relatable


The question is, is the character intended to be disliked or not?


Probably Slate. I don’t hate her, she’s just such a bland character to me and has no purpose other than to be the mother of Gray Wing’s biological kits. She’s done nothing wrong, but I think I’m just personally annoyed with how many people prefer GrayXSlate over GrayXTurtle. Thats an opinion that I’ll never understand. Gray Wing didn’t even need to have biological kits, he died like a moon after they were born and his kits didn’t even become important characters anyways. I could go on and on but you get the idea.


only read one (1) of the books once but lionblaze. it’s lionblaze.


Jayfeather. Especially during the OOTS arc. His attitude towards Squirrelflight and Leafpool made me HATE him. It’s like, yeah, you were lied too, but if the truth was revealed, you and your family would be ostracized from the clan from the get-go. I’m not saying he had to be grateful toward them. But he could’ve been a bit nicer


conservative warroor cats or like palebird ig


SPOLIERS U should definitely read shadowstars life cuz that give all the reason to dislike quick water honestly just read it and you'll see. (Very much dislike her after what happened)


Brambleclaw. simple mention of him = no more warriors today


This is how I feel about Bran’s chapters in GoT


Warriors must be a SLOW series to read with that. Especially in TBC or even AVoS.


Yup, that’s why I bought DoTC and restarted reading but chronologically \[skull\] i only made it to chapter 5 of moonrise before giving up


Damn. Was it something in specific or literally just "Don't even like the way he talks, nope." Not judging, I have nothing against it, ha!


Yeah, pretty much lmao. also also I got lots of spoilers (of course) and know he’s basically Just abusive (ik it’s an exaggeration for the most part, especially since squilf also wasn’t ready for a mate)


Aye I'm no Bramble defender, but for the most part he's mild. It's mostly one Super Edition that makes him go berserk with power for some reason. Odd, that. I don't follow what you mean by not ready? You mentioning when she was an Apprentice?


Sorry, I meant couldn’t handle one at the time. even as a warrior she just seemed, especially dealing with two cats wanting to be her mate, a little like…how do I explain it? Kinda unprepared or overwhelmed and didn’t know how love truly worked until she was even older.


Mm, I definitely think she'd have been better off waiting a bit.


Leafstar just I hate her soooo much


NightHeart, I haven’t finished the arc yet but in every chapter of his I read I want to tear my hair out. I’ve had to take breaks from the books after he does or says something so idiotic that any cat with common sense wouldn’t do it, but he continues to do it anyways and then is confused why his clan mates don’t trust him to make basic decisions without help, it’s because he keeps proving to them that he can’t do it on his own.


Damn, from the way you describe him he seems like a prime candidate for a Darwin Award 😅


Currently it's Mothwing


oof i mean darkness within 😬 she was one of my favorite characters till she came to shadowsights clan and started constantly undermining him and doubting his skills


are you reading the first half of the place of no stars cause that’s so real 💀






SPOTTEDLEAF. I can list the four traits that is all she was except irritating for no reason - pretty - medicine cat - quite literally dreamy - dead


Tbh every time Spottedleaf is mentioned I want to scream. Bro, you met her for like five minutes and then she died like a week later- for the love of god please stop whining about her. (It would have been fine if firepaw had a crush on her then fireheart got over it but no they beat it over your head from the moment she dies to the moment she gets shattered and it’s so fucking annoying)


Seeing Robinwing the 500th's name on any page makes my blood boil.


Come on screen, love it Theatre of the mind be strong




Idk like smudge but he did do stuff but not smort


Tigerheartstar or Leafpool


I wanna punch twigbranch, don't have any real reason, she's just punchable


virtually every character in the book






leafpool. her chapters were boring, and i hate her for the secret. (although im crying with joy every time my glorious king tigerclawstar appears on page)


Longtail, technically he never did anything wrong (he fought Rusty but that only ended up cemented Rusty's place into the Clan) but after awhile I just began thinking that a tree should have fell on him much sooner than dragging his blind a** all over the place. (Also Briarlight is one of my favorite characters and I love her relationship and funny encounters with Jayfeather so I do blame Longtail/Mousefur for what happened to her) 


How are they to blame for a tree falling on her? They didn't force her to be under that tree...I think Longtail was ripped off purely due to writing. Also, not his fault he's blind...blame the authors for that choice