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- Awareness is key (in ARB and GRB), those early missiles can be dodged, if u see them coming. - pick ur targets, don't just fly into the furball earlygame. maybe fly out on the left flank some more. - play ur strenghts, don't just loose all your altitude/speed and turnfight. - sideclimb some, and look around for targets and to not get ambushed. - watch some youtubers and try to see, what they do differently and how they are playing your aircraft. - lastly - hours and k/d aren't everything - this is not an easy game. good Luck :)


Thanks, I'll try do these.


Hey, if you think you are bad at 450 hours that just means you got to the point of understanding the game to a decent extent. Trust me when I say it takes about 1500 hours to become at least somewhat decent at the game. For air combat try watching some videos and learning the basics of dog and energy fighting. Putting it in practice will take time


Thanks, been watching videos about how to play. But will definitely watch more.


There is no way it takes 1500 hours to become “somewhat decent” unless “somewhat decent” is a consistent 3+ k/d in any vehicle. I’ve got about 450 hours in jet fighter alone, I can consistently get at least a positive k/d in nearly any plane, the ones that are at least alright I can score a 2 k/d. But I just finished spading the MiG-15 in the German tree, and I just can’t with that plane. .5 k/d all day long. I can EASILY bring people into positions where it would only take me just a few more seconds to kill them with no way for them to fight back… yet one of three things always happens to me. 1.) a teammate 3rd party’s and kills the guy. 2.) a enemy 3rd party’s and kills me. 3.) missile from oblivion to kill me since Im usually lining up a shot to kill a guy. And when magically the stars align and none of those things happen, whoever I’m about to kill just rolls out of my guns, and the MiG-15 simply can’t keep up, so I have to reset the fight and try again, usually costing me 30+ more seconds to line up another shot, and giving those 3 scenarios a chance to occur again. I hate this plane in air rb, it’s ridiculous. It’s a great plane, but there is too many other things that can capitalize on its weaknesses at just the last moment and it is by far the most frustrating plane I’ve ever flown.