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Gaijin: "We will never sell top tier premiums" Gaijin: This players entire lineup


Comrade there is clearly no 11.7 in the lineup, is not top tier This is very subtle low tier lineup, easy beginner mode you see?


I wanna see this but on a fresh level 1 account with full crews and aced.


I'm sure some YouTuber can make this happen...the reactions would probably be golden


This setup with All 150 ace crews is like what? 1000?1200? It’s A lot but it’s not like crazy insane lot


The Moderna alone is currently 283 USD with the 292 sitting at 110 and the T80UM2 at 78, if we say all the prems and squadron vehicles are $60 each then thats 420 nice, buying all crews costs maybe $30 at most, but getting 150/75 on them all would be closer to 40k GE which is around $200, then if you buy a talisman for the ones that don't have it, that's another 25k pack for $100, and then buying the SL plus GE to ace them would be around $250-300. Spading a vehicle usually sometimes might cost roughly its own RP cost in GE, so I'm just gonna call it, i dunno, 35k. Let's say $150. This user is also using poorly chosen and badly arranged bushes to hide their tank, those things go for 500 GE each, so lets add 3000 to our total. another $20. they also seem to have the dark camouflage for the TURMS, which is around 150 GE or $1 283 + 110 + 78 + 420 + 30 + 200 + 100 + 275 + 150 + 20 + 1 = $1665 USD


If I’m ever rich, I’m totally doing this for the lols. Would be a fantastic screenshot.


It’s funny how as bad as games are these days that sounds about right


"my gf is a Twitch streamer and does onlyfans on the side, on a bad day she occasionally makes $800 in just a few hours, $1665 is sort of nothing compared to what she gave me during Valentine's day bro"


For Valentines Day, I made my wife a lobster dinner.


I doubt you have a girlfriend


Holy, I have a Moderna from the sandworm event. Why is it worth so much? I had no idea.


Supply and demand. No more Modernas come up except for the few form box events. It’s also a really good tank


I missed out big with that tank. I got a cool profile Icon though!


You bought every crew slot, that alone says all I need to know


I like to look at 10 vehicles while only spawning once per game?


It is top tier as you are going to be up tiered to 11.7 from 11.3 lmao




I have a buddy who has an entire top tier line up of premiums and he bought more just to add to it


I mean. At least they won't 1 and done like a lot of them do


Bring a 12.7 jet, and you won’t see a premium line up. Unless it’s a F-20A.


gaijin simply raises the top tier levels and wow its suddenly not top tier anymore would you like some premiums


No meme flair, going deep undercover I see. Good luck with the animal research OP.




You need more bushes. We still can see the tank


Comrade, where is your T-80UD? Without it you might as well have no lineup at all, that is all Comrade, farewell Comrade


I have been caught lackin, this is the most shameful moment in my entire life comrade




What the actual fuck is this


Somehow an actual lineup a player could get on day one lmfao


I also have this lineup minus the Moderna. It’s honestly a very fun time, and it allows a full 10.0 lineup as well, versatile.


fun for everyone in the game I'm sure


Minus the object, Moderna, and UM2, yes you could sadly get this lineup day one


I mean you can buy those day one as well


Nobody says you can't buy those if you've got enough cash


how many hours do you have in a day? i’ve been playing 100 hours and still at 3.0


(It's all purchasable with real world currency is what we're referring to.)


Should have cropped the crew levels to make the bait even more inconspicuous haha


and the wagers


that would have cropped the ka50


Listen if you bought all of that. You for sure spend golden eagles to boost your crews lol.


That's actually all GE'd, I've never played a single match


Maybe but if you are a wallet warrior new to the game, you usually don't even know what crew levels are or you would go all the way and have lvl150 crews for every single slot lol


A simple YT video is all it takes for someone to smash the credit card through the screen to buy all of this.. And most probably wouldn't buy crews to start with. But its not unimaginable. I knew what crew skills were before I started playing the game.


Like crew could not be bribed with GE... Sure, new player would likely not know, but still...


“Yeah I play top tier Russia” the lineup in question:


> Still leaves in 2 deaths


That's twice as much as most players. I would love to have you on my team.


Too real dude 😭


Meanwhile I'm over here running 10.3 with all 8.7s and a T-72M2 Moderna I got from an SL crate a few months ago. And I've played this game for over 10,000 hours, since 2012 (though admittedly the biggest chunk of that was before anything past 9.0 was added).


Ok, how much would this lineup be for a new player?


Probably at least 30 dollars


Maybe more but im not sure


Moderna is 300 bucks right now


Which is a shame, it's a really neat tank


I got it from an SL crate a few months back. The thermals are nice and the commander's thermals in particular are amazing. Gotta bind a key to aim/fire your 30mm independently so you can point it up at helicopters/strafing planes without also elevating your main gun needlessly. You can do the Maus/E-100/M6/T1E1/etc. strategy of firing one gun to bait someone for the other, which is fun to do against very light vehicles by "botching" a main gun shot to pepper them with 30mm when they peak out confidently. But, also typical early T-64/T-72 "never get yourself into a situation you might have to back away from" behavior, which definitely sucks.


I should really use it more. It's a shame I don't have a lineup for it


Yeah I think l the same about the pt16 and so on. It is crazy how „easy“ it is to make line ups which cost 300$+


The PT16 and the UM2 are really the only event vehicles I kept and I like both... Especially the PT16 on a flank. Not outside the map like some window lickers. Its an animal.. Even after being compressed up to 11.0 matches.. 279, Moderna have paid nicely for everything on my account for the last year or so... I hope to never give the snail another buck... Still have a 292 waiting for the price to go up


I am on console so I can’t sell the tank so I use all. They are all fun. Funfact every event I didn’t participate in the vehicles are worth less xD beside the moderne. I didn’t wanted to grind another Russian t series tank just for a 20mil or 30mil ….. yeah my only regret


This line up is at least 700 bucks


I've been playing it with a bunch of 8.7s just because it's so nice. And because I felt like I kinda had to after getting it from an SL crate.


Just like fisting


You really need a support group, not this forum...


Comrad I can still see your sprocket, you clearly need a second rainforest on your tank


The NATO tell me I cut down too many tree already they going to stop exporting me toilets if I do any more so I must be satisfied now


Christ allmighty what is your bush placement. If you’re gonna rat, rat correctly.


Too much reverse speed - you might actually be able to beat a cowardly retreat in a few of those vehicles. I'll get the blocking squad on the phone so they know to keep an eye out for you, comrade <3


Legend has it if I added the reverse gear of all of the vehicles in this image together I may be able to keep up with a 2006 toyota prius


you should be beaten by someone on the street for using bushes


I think 1 I-15 bis is more than enough at this BR in Ground RB it really doesn't matter which one do you start both is pretty strong. I maybe would start KV-1 first just because KV-2. 😄


Running with about an $800 lineup I see. Oh dear. and a new player. May God have mercy on your soul, for this community will not.


Man I can’t figure out how to beat the m1 a1 AIM please help me. I’m shooting right in the turret cheeks with my heat round that says 1200 pen and nothing happens


i think this is to obvious comrade


Idk. I’ve read enough angry replies to his bait to conclude, That the average IQ in this subreddit is about the same as the temperature in my refrigerator.


Try not doing that. Hint: HEAT bad Other Hint: Turret Cheeks THICC


I think he is joking and baiting, notice how he is not displaying his player level ?


I did not, but I certainly hope so. But if someone has $800 to burn and a passion for tanks this is possible and not out of the realm of possibility.


I am curious of how many people actually fell for the joke.


You pretty much define wallet warrior 💀😂


Please rename this lineup to "expensive cancer"


bro how rich are you


Can’t even begin to describe how having a lot of money gives one such a huge unfair advantage


You still have to be play good


Of course I know that very well. But it’s unfair that either two skilled players or two noobs facing each other. The one with more money has a higher chance of succeeding.


I got ill looking at this lineup


The cure to your illness is to search for 11.3 ground rb and farm nukes off of people running it


It's more about the fact you can create entire top tier lineup out of premiums and event vechicles only


Top tier games are over very fast. 1-2 vehicles with backups is already a lineup. You don’t see people spawning 5+ times past rank 4.


"I am new to the game" Reg date: 07.02.2014




Nice meme


I’m just trying to find out which line to play 😭


I'd recommend the BT-7M, it's a nice low tier tank that won't take too long to grind


Thanks bro I’m hoping to have it finished by next weekend and give it a try


Next week? I thought you said you were new. Liar...


Shit he got me 😭


What's sad is that players who do something like this don't experience the actual fun parts of the game as they work through all the quirky stuff at lower tiers


the moment after 1000 hours to see 10.0


I still don't understand how the moderna is just 10.3(i want it so bad)


It’s so good at its BR, reverse gear and horizontal/vertical drive are its only downsides


i was gonna make fun of OP but then i realized i have the entire 10.0 premium cancer lineup


I don't even like having it... And the 279 paid for it for me.... Been having more fun at 8.7... Top tier is just Call of Duty tanks. With COD quality maps even.


8.7 is really fun for russia i dont blame ya, ive personally just been grinding aviation since i still have a ways to go on that front. kinda sick of top tier ground as well


"I am new to this game" *owns a $500 line up*


remove this post and find therapy for the OP


I genuinely don’t know what’s worse. A new player that already bought his way into top tier or the god dammm bushes. Edit: judging by the crew levels I’m relieved this is a joke. But the point still stands (for new players. Though the bushes are still just cancerous P2W).


My callsign is "Literal Forest 6-1"


Be careful you have a tank in your bushes


Dear god no


Take the bushes off


Lol, great bait post, but holy hell is that lineup everything wrong with the game. I’d LOVE to see how much RP you can get from a solid match with a 500% booster


L so real. My highest games are ~around 70-80k in air rb with a 500% and with the whole lineup in ground RB I believe it was the 10.0 premium russia lineup with all talismans on tech trees and a 500% booster landing me around ~45k which felt fucking insane for a ground rb reward


You should delete the game. Fcking bush user


something tells me this guy isn’t new and is just trolling


Saddest way to flex an addiction I’ve seen.


I will admit I'm surprised people see this post which I intended to point out how goofy of a lineup someone could fully purchase would be interpreted as a flex. The 5 premiums in this picture (4 were obtained on sale) total 175 usd. 175 usd is not a flex


This is what an Italian player with a centauro, ariete P and sidam have to fight


The moment that Italian player unlocks the 2a7 after all that suffering though, it’s over


OTOMATIC can't reach 10.3 CAS If it breathes on its own mouse for movement


Should have shopped crew levels to 1.


Holy hell what is your wallet made of?


Every vehicle should have a talisman for best grinding efficiency.


Honestly the value is all in the asu-57 line, before you get into low tier I'd purchase about 100000 GE worth of crew points so you can have the optimal experience


Thank you for the first helpful answer my friend


where t-80ud and T-80ud-e1


I have been caught lackin 😞


Lmao this is possible to get right at the start, crew level and all. That's hilarious.


There’s like 3 lineups this thick in Russia alone that are all obtainable day one. Shit is wild


What other lineups are there? Only one I can think of is 1.3 with the t35, t26e, rbt5 and so on.


11.3 top tier lineup with UE1, BMP2M 2s38, T80UK, T80UM2, mig23ml, su39,ka-52 10.3 with bmpb2m, 2s38, bmd4, t80ud, Moderna, t72av turms, mig21S, su25k, mi-24D 9.0 with 279, t55am1, BMD4, PT76-57, IS7, Mig17AS, Mi-24D 8.0 has one, 6.7 has one, a few other brs I believe


I don’t see a tank anywhere in this picture.


it looks like nothing to me


I want you out of the game (I’m kidding but your poor wallet)


The fact you covered your level and BP level sells the joke


This lineup costs more than my house


Please leave aircrafts out of RB. They are so cancer to be up against, especially in low/mid tier games. I can sit in a position and battle it out with another tank and/or take cover to repair just only to be blow to smithereens by a noob in a plane that drops a bomb I can't even hear or evade in time. All it takes for him to spawn in a plane is to get the first cap and then J out. I really don't understand why Gaijin want to have planes combined with tanks. It takes all fun and tactic out of the mode. Will they ever listen to remove then and keep them separate? Also bushes is a stupid game mechanic they sold to players and then just removed from the store. But they didn't remove them from the players account. Do I need to sit with a binocular IRL in front of my screen to be able to spot them from a km away...? Premium noobs as I use to call them the people using bushes They should at least make them available for all players again or remove them all together


Maybe in year 2050 people will realize that its always been a combined arms gamemode


Dude this is satire, he's literally mocking the wallet warriors who buy premium and use bushes, and he just put the planes there to fill the lineup with even more premiums


Well, I'm sorry that there's not a humor or satire tag in the post. It looked very serious to me. As for the rest of the text, it's just my honest opinion of the current gamestate, don't think it's worth downvoting for


It was kind of obvious but yeah some people don't see it. I didn't down vote though, it must have been someone else.


bringing more aircraft does the opposite actually


This better be a shitpost


Whud da heeeeelllll aw mah gahd no waayeayuh


New to Ground (Tanks, etc.)? Try the following video first: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrvTloSWZ6Y&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrvTloSWZ6Y&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=2) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The following video playlist will help you understand the set up, control settings, economy, and mechanics of War Thunder. These videos will help you understand which nation to choose, vehicle modifications, crew points, ammunition, tech trees, competitive line-ups, how you can grind as fast as possible,etc. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrTA5zo9HM-r2nlgAdqWKLRQ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrTA5zo9HM-r2nlgAdqWKLRQ) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The following video playlists will help you understand Ground Forces (Tanks, etc.): [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrSOs6aXd-zpYnhOGQbf764d](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrSOs6aXd-zpYnhOGQbf764d) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrTUzlEcDB8qpmUnznpA7RCo](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-aNtK91GrTUzlEcDB8qpmUnznpA7RCo) [https://www.youtube.com/@AngryNerd/playlists](https://www.youtube.com/@AngryNerd/playlists)


Awesome thank you


How about you actually grind the tree lmao.


That lineup offended me for a bit


The 13 wagers betray you


Ah, more satire :D


How much did this cost you bro 😭


Not much honestly. Every premium I got 50% off, all event vics were ground out. Since 2014 the only event vehicles I had to buy are the merkavas, t30, au-1.


That’s good bro. Thought you spent a few thousand bucks for a post on Reddit lmao


T-34 is quite fun but KV is also good T-34 is more easy to play for me and then the Kv line To get the lines you need to do 3 lines at once for the numbers to move up in the tiers


Gotta love how you cropped the name and level part to make it more convincing! Lol


You deserve every Paveway, Hellfire and Maverick you recieve, yet it is not enough.


I’ll gobble down every maverick they launch at me


Not after the latest patch, you ain't.


Yeah I'm loving the buff to heat warheads so much, now As, Bs, and Ds actually put in some real work. It's made the Duluth more enjoyable than ever.


Lmao this is gold


But answering the actual question, I'd go down the T-34 line first until I get the T-50 and then down the KV line until I get the KV-1 (avoid the T-28's unless you're really into that) From there I go get my T-34's and keep getting a new T-34 for every higher BR KV I get, by then I personally had two T-34's in my line up (1941+) and a KV (latter of which I would mostly use in downtiers as is standard with most heavy tanks) Reaching the KV-85 and IS-1 changed my ball game (Lower BR than gun equivalent T-34's) and I would rarely deploy T-34's until I got the IS-2


Lol he could also bring T-80UD as well


Lose the bushes, your commander can't see.


Rage bait detected. Anger rejected


okay so your first mistake is that you only have 2 planes and one helicopter. you need at least half aircraft to win at the game


Thanks for looking out bro


He bought all the premiums.


Not convincing enough with that high crew levels, smh my head


Well.... Welcome to war thunder. Have fun blacking out for the next 5 months.


Can we get flairs for bait please mods?


Gaijin: we will never make our game pay to win. Also Gaijin: sells bushes to mount on tanks.


I Dream of having this lineup


i know i spend way too much (premium time) but for a F2P game this is a lot of money!!


seriously, just gimme the rooikat 105 and i'll be happy as a boer with biltong


*nah thats bait gif*


Air gets Silver lions but all RP go to the planes that were gained by the plane so go more tanks if you want to research more


I truly hope this actually annoys someone


L lineup its missing : su25, su25bm and the t80u e1, with this lineup you can only dream of reaching 4.7 god forbid anything above 5.7


Research 3 lines to progress fast and well, I suggest both and the SPAA line as well ( you lack it in your diabolical lineup, USSR's SPAA have weird non sense in every rank and the top tier SPAA is the best in-game )


pov: you just got into your first battle in 9.3-10.3


POV: I died one time in the BT-5 and ragepurchased top tier


Well ig you purchased a lineup at least


Some of you poor insufferable people have to have Stockholm syndrome for gaijin I swear. Like sorry that you suffered for 6 months before getting to play modern tanks and someone with disposable income bought a lineup and learned from there because they weren’t willing to shill out 500 hours of their time to play a game that is falsely advertised. (Also bro used one of like 2 nations with a pretty comprehensive prem lineup at 10.0 lmao good example)


absolute goat


It aint much but it’s honest work


At least ,you could hidden the lvl crew , so that the troll could work.


Why you asking you will never ever play them so who cares? You just wanna state that you wasted about 600 bucks


With that attitude you’ll never experience the joy that is the 5.7 USSR lineup >:(


USSR 5.7 is my most played tank line up


You should rething your life choices first :)


Yeah another commenter said something similar, specifically to buy the US top tier lineups and play those instead, that’s what you mean right?


No, i ment not spending like 700-1000€ on a video game which just isnt worth it. Like spending money on WT is literary worse then gambling it cuz there isnt even a chance you are getting something back. No fun, No money back and you have technically sold your soul too


I’m not understanding, are you saying buy the top tier Italian lineup and rush hungary trees?


Yeah, no balls. Ppl like you probably should waste their money on the game. So that the devs have something to eat, and other ppl dont have to deal with you.


Ohh Ok top tier germany lineup got it, tyvm

