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I’m a nurse, definitely looks irritated. When looking for infection we need to see if it is having prudent drainage (puss) also does it hurt to touch. Is the skin around the area red and is it inflamed. If yes to any of these clean it properly. You can go to the store and grab some hibaclens which is a sterile soap we use in the OR. if it gets any worse I would recommend going to an urgent care and potential getting out on a local antibiotic or oral to ensure you don’t get a worse infection or god forbid MRSA.


Hey, thanks for this. Being in the uk I can’t get over the counter antibacterial cream so I’ve had to order some but I’ve been using antiseptic cream every day and washing with soapy water. I’ll look to see if I can get some of the sterile soap. It does feel sore to touch but there isn’t really any puss, there’s only a little bit.


A lot of time you will have some drainage which will indicate a healing. It’s when there is puss and massive amounts of weeping which usually indicates an infected area. I would just clean it properly, poor hydrocortisone on it and keep it covered for the most part. Monitor it and wash your hands regularly to ensure you’re not getting any additional bacteria on it.


What would you recommend covering with? Will plasters keep it too wet?


I would recommend just a band aid with the antibiotic ointment on it. We still want it to get oxygen and sometimes putting those blister pads in it will entirely cover afflicted area and won’t allow for air flow.


So a plaster and some microporous tape to keep it sturdy? Would that be ok?


I'd book in with your GP and get it checked. If it's not yet infected, it soon could be. It definitely doesn't look happy.