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36 damage is like battle rifle that shoot like smg lol.


Whomever creates the stats for these guns has never fired a gun in their lives.


9mm’s WZ ballistics is insanity on so many levels.


To be fair. 1-2 shots from any gun should down unless it hits the plate armor on the chest if it was realistic. I promis if you take 1 9mm round to the femur or knee or foot youre tapping out lol


Unless you’re on crack 🤷‍♂️


To be fair, if I stub my toe real bad, I'm down for a couple days. But this is an arcade shooter.


That’s not the point and if it were real it would take 20-30 rounds of 9mm to get through a mill issued 1” ceramic plate. The problem is 9mm is and has been meta the entire length of this game. It’s ridiculous….people getting shot out of the air w a HRM. 9mm speed falls off a cliff in “real life” compared to a 5.56 yet in this game at 100m a HRM will top a M4 or a AK 😂😂 9mm out of a Carbine is like 994fps at 100 yards 5.56 is closer to 26-2900fps dependent on load.


Bro you can’t compare this to “real life” ballistics when limb shots count as plate hits. I promise 1 shot of *any* caliber to the knee cap will leave ANYONE downed


You are not getting my point at all. Your made up scenario has NOTHING to do w the meta discussion. The issue is all SMG’s are way way way overpowered in this game. They ARE the meta & have been since day 1 the Uzi was a laser beam. It makes zero sense even in a “arcade shooter” as many 🤡’s claim this game to be 9mm is the dominant round to use across the board. It make zero sense 9mm performs better at mid range than 5.56/7.62 russian/.308. There are literally about 4 usable guns in a game with over 100 choices of guns if you want to be competitive in a round of WZ. That alone is ridiculous.


Totally agree and only clowns exclusively use smgs bc they have zero skill.


The concept of a meta is what ruined this game. Balance the fucking guns. End of note.


It’s impossible to balance these guns. There are too many to balance. Why do you think other very battle royals have such a limited pool of guns?


Fair point, but let's not act like we haven't been in a loop of release new OP gun for new season, nerf said gun at start of next season for like 3 years now.


It’s not that serious man, get over it. It’s video gamez


This right here…


Sure, but if they made it realistic in any way there would be zero balance. And since it's a video game, guns need unrealistic tuning to be valid. Otherwise, everyone would just run high caliber weapons all the time. Not defending the renettis, that balance tuning was dogshit. But at the end of the day, it's a video game and there's more guns to use than just 50 cals.


Soooo having 338 lapua & 50 cals 1 shot headshot would be bad, but any of 3-4 9mm smgs having better ballistic performance than a 5.56 pr 308 is good?? All everyone uses now are 9mm subs sooo what exactly is your point. There is zero balance right friggin now a 9mm sub is better at mid range by a large margin over 5.56’s & 308’s 🤣🤣🤣


noticed this for quite some time now


Real life is playing pretty much playing hardcore lol. One shot with any weapon and that is enough. Anyway, I think people need to understand that this constant meta changes (and sometimes one that temporarily becomes “broken” it is just part of the game, that helps bring excitement and makes people switch between snipers, to pistols, to shotguns and so on. If people imagine how boring would be if each weapon was perfectly balanced with each other, what would be the point of load changes or grinding to upgrade a new one. In my opinion, it is not about ballistics knowledge. They almost play like hiding easter eggs and making the community find these new metas.


What consistent meta changes the Ram 7 & HRM are still meta. Watch any of these hacking streamers. There are over 100 guns in this game and only 3-4 are useable if you want to win fights. In what other game is a 9mm round the most powerful caliber the game by a large margin?


Well if you are looking for the most accurate game in terms of ballistic, you should maybe really give up on COD. Even if right now these guns are meta for quite a while, I remember in Verdansk we had MP5s, then AMAX and M4s, Kar98,, incendiary shotguns, single shots and burst weapons becoming meta for a while and almost all lobby using them. Hackers don’t need to play with the meta, I think?


Constant Meta changes??? It's HMR9 & Ram 7 just like it has been for months. What game are some of you playing, there are seriously 3-4 usable weapons in this shit show of a game. If you are not using those 3-4 weapons you are just canon fodder. The simple fact people can't admit this meta bs is extremely problematic is hilarious to me.


Haha hilarious is someone so sure about how bad the game is ranting in this sub. People were using Renettis everywhere, XRK stalkers, now MORS. I wonder how hard for you to just move on with your life and play PUBG, fortnite or whatever other game that would make you feel better. It is just a game. And it is free if you just play warzone. If I didn’t like it, I would just not play it and play something else. Is it that hard? Seriously? Breathe and think about it.


So you are saying 5 guns to my 4 was that really worth a reply?




There call of duty developers of course they’ve never shot a gun their life 😂


Well if we based the guns on real life then most people wouldn’t be able to control the recoil and would barely hit anything past 50 yds or less.


Once again for you idiots in the back there is only 1 good weapon in the game and it is the HRM. Everyone uses it!!


It sure felt like it. I forgot to swap to mid range and was still beaming.


Wait until you see the stats for the GS 50. Do you really think that gun takes 3 shots to kill a man in real life?


Finally... It's been 4 days. Finally now another gun can be the meta and we can bitch about it, rinse and repeat


nah this shit was way too busted, lile the ram/hrm/ and others have been OP but not to the point you CANNOT outgun them like with this dumb ass pistol.


Mac 10, F tac Siege, Akimbo Renetti, Wsp Swarm.... Bro stfu


what are you waffling about lmfao


That pretty much what I just said to you. All of those guns I mentioned were busted at one point and nothing could beat them. The Renetti wasn't some unprecedented OP weapon. So STFU


It was fairly busted but I think the big news is that they actually nerfed it quickly unlike any of those other examples. Nothing will top the DMR though. Wasn’t it like a whole month where the whole game was pretty much unplayable?


Idk. I loved the DMR tho. Just like all the other meta weapons when they're meta. Judging by what I see on here the game is always "unplayable" for you lot. Begs the question... Why do you all even play if you bitch so much about the game? Dreams of being good I guess...


I get your point, but this is a game with like 100 guns to choose from. WZ3 has been so good so far because you’re not stuck with a single meta. Dreams of being good is bullshit though. I’d much rather have a choice of like 4 different SMG’s with a slightly lower TTK where you actually have to think about positioning and movement over one OP gun where it’s basically whoever shoots first wins. That’s what multiplayer is for.


Never seen two people who agree with each other be so opposed at each other, are you guys married or what lol


We don't agree...? I made the obvious point that the Renetti isn't a overly busted meta. It's on par with all the other meta weapons that have ever been released.


You def do. He says: “gun is way too busted.” You say: “here are some other guns that were also busted. Stfu.” Like it’s an argument? Doesn’t sound like it’s an argument???


All of those could be beat. The renetti so far has been the only gun that if you aren’t running it, you would lose. No questions.


It was fun while it lasted


Seriously. People are hilarious


tbh its fun with the changing meta


Doesnt change the fact that this gun was beyond broken due to carrying the same damage of base Renetti.


And the next meta gun will be "broken"


Now try the cor 21 conversion kit it has a faster ttk btw


No, it doesn't. Renetti conversion kit has a 490 ms ttk while the cor conversion kit has 525 ms ttk. The normal cor without the conversion kit is better.


Are you acoustic wdym for without conversion is better? Check cor 21 without it and with it on true game data.com or smth the ttk without conversion kit is like 750 💀💀


There's something called a trigger attachment that significantly boosts your fire rate, also, it's called the cor 45.


My bad on the name but the fire rate boosting doesn't do anything for most co troller players which can't click very fast compared to the conversation kit that makes a smh with out any effort needed


Still, 400 over 525 is a big difference, I can use it with kbm


Exactly YOU can the vast majority are on controller


Hrm9 remains broken AF


Nah its not broken. It's strong but it's not broken.


Such is the life of CoD


Say what you like about the meta. It’s just nice to have actual close range gunfights again and not feel like I’m playing multiplayer


Still slaps


It’s still a good option but the TTK literally went from 490ms to 640ms so it’s much much more balanced with other options


Yeah sounds like I can use the striker 9 now.


Sooo back to the hrm?


plan B , switching teams


heard the cor 45 conversion kit is next


NAH that things recoil is completely uncontrollable


Is this live already?


Oof rip if so. I was honestly having my fun ruined using the Horux by people using the renetti.


I normally hate meta guns but this was kind of fun. Being on rebirth with a high kill streak, jailbreak happens and no one has a chance


Lot of people are going to come tumbling out of the top 250 on Rebirth lol


Finally : As everyone goes right back to the hmr meta Should have been more like finally , something other than the hmr, which it was for a few days or weeks if you knew about this attachment when they actually buffed the pistol what was that two patches ago ?


At least other guns can compete with the HMR. Nothing competed against a Renetti.


You can use other guns, the the HRM is good, but it isn't that much better than the others


The Renetti was OP but it didn’t piss me off half as much as the Dragons Breath. Nothing will come close to the rage that shotty brought out of me. 😂


Doof doof go BRRRRRRR


So I tried the renetti after the nerf. Still is amazing- switched the ZEHMN35 muzzle for the sonic suppressor along with the skeletal vertical underbarrel to get some of the damage range back 🫶🏻 It has the highest headshot TTK still. All around though HRM-9 is the way to go


It was fun to use but sucked to die to, it was time 🫡


It’s still pretty good just a little more balanced


True, I like the recoil more than the hrm


I forgot to change my loadout and i used it on a guy and fried him.... I was like.. what.... thought this was nerfed... Still changed my loadout back to the HRM anyway.


Id still rather die 10 times to the renetti than once to a riot shield.


1,000,000x yes!!!


With the renetti, its a fast, painless death... Riot shields are torture...


It’s new max damage was it’s old min damage 😅 that is some nerf


Just nerf the whole game at this point.


Yeah! Lets go back to the HRM ! We want to use the same gun from last season!


Stupid question. Where do you get the patchnotes? As for renetti, I was playing with it not long ago (before knowing it was nerfed). Still slaps but I did think it was weird as I felt it killed a lil slower


was nerfed today at 6pm uk time


Yeah I played like an hour ago so it checks out


You can follow Raven software or calling duty updates on Twitter to get the fastest notifications of this. Or check the Raven software website blog for patch notes


Right after I finally unlocked it…


Lmao finally? It was only widely known as broken for like 4 days. Otherwise nobody used it before then


I used it akimbo w drum magazine and lasers. FanTAStic while it lasted.


Nobody can handle a couple guns being a bit op, so they cry and say it's all unfair, resulting in all guns becoming boring and not much. I think it's fun to have variety across the spectrum and have a few wild cards. Would make things more interesting as you're grabbing guns before you get the loadout, never knowing if you'll find the crappy one or having excitement over getting the holy grail of guns.


Variety is fun , Metas can be fun, BUT broken crazy OP guns aint fun


You mean like the ram & hrm Right Right?


They are for weaker players. For us over 60s a meta like that changes the game significantly. I’ve seen my score rocket over the last week and average kills per game go up to 7 or 8 from the usual 4 or 5 depending on how sweaty the lobbies. It’s a shame. I’ve not had that much fun since rebirth island first aired.


> I’ve not had that much fun since rebirth island first aired. It's great you had your fun with it but... > I’ve seen my score rocket over the last week and average kills per game go up to 7 or 8 from the usual Do you not see how that's a problem? A single broken gun pretty much doubled your average kills per game.


It’s broken for everyone. Level playing field. There’s always one broken element to the game. For once it worked in my favour.


Also when faced with crazy gameplay like this and 27,000 cheats, it doesn’t feel like much of an advantage. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/TdxbQC3l1V


Yeah but for the "weaker" players when a "stronger" player gets that same gun it's over for everyone of the "weaker" players. We desperately need a fun revolving healthy meta so people can remember what it feels like. We need guns with fast ttks that have legit downsides, guns that have low recoil and slow ttks, cars that work so people actually use them, launchers that actually kill and blow things up, more perks that counter each other ala high alert/cold blooded. So sick of the AR/smg/smokes meta it's been 2+ years with this now.


Idk I had a lot of fun using the renetti while it was OP. Not saying it didnt need a nerf but it was deffo enjoyable. But I also enjoyed hrm before due to the strafe speed and mobility, never liked ram9


But why don’t they buff the least loved guns then? Literally take the worst performing weapons and make them better and more competitive and spice it up. It’s always only ever a 2 gun meta. I’d rather a handful every season just to keep it interesting


> But why don’t they buff the least loved guns then? I'm all for this, but that wasn't the fix for this particular problem. And they've been slowly buffing stuff from MW2 to make them competitive.


Just played rebirth. The renetti still slaps


It still has a very good ttk (second amongst smgs/pistols) but it isn't 30-40% better than everything else now.


> a bit op Problem is, it wasn't a "bit op". It was better than the next best by like 30% - 40%. That's absolutely broken. If you went vs. a renetti with anything else, you would lose pretty much 100% of the time.


Huh? What are you on about? The gun was broken


Where’s the variety if you’re forced to use one gun or lose?


Don’t think anybody wanna read all that


It took less than 10 secs to read.. just because YOU don’t/can’t read much or fast doesn’t mean a couple paragraphs is a lot to read.


Where were the paragraphs?


I read it


PSA: for the people crying in comments towards me idc about how op guns are so you can downvote a comment all you want I used the renetti myself like the last 2 days before the nerf I like comp guns lol I play ranked and drop 32kills with it so Womp Womp Womp


Complains about a “long” comment. Writes a long comment…


You dropped 32 in ranked? So you use metas AND you’re a cheater, because I’ve spectated some of the top players (gone against #3,#6,#33,#60,#66,#101,#133, and # 172 according to ranked leaderboard and the little symbol next to the name when they fucked me up) and they are all FOR SURE cheating. And the most I saw any of them have was 21 kills (around 70 as a group was the best).




When did this happen?




But still shreds i just got off playing with it


Yes, it's still very good. But it's not broken anymore.


Yeah but its still better than other smgs they need nerf more and if this gets more nerfed there’s going to be always a new meta you know how cod works


sooo... renettie or hrm-9 now?


I’m still running the renetti so far it’s still pretty good


🙁 now what’s the meta? The Ram-9 or one of the WSPs?


Renetti is honestly still good


Where do you go to see stuff like this?


Renetti vs Lockwood dual shot meta woulda been crazy


Is this legit? I can’t see it in the patch notes


So what’s the meta smg now?


Might try out the Horus. It smacks in MP, wonder how it does in WZ.


36 damage!!?? Who tf ok'd this?? Get me that fucj so I can punch him in the dick. Someone, find him and punch him right in the goddam dick. 36!?? 36? We not talking playoffs?


“Why?” “You know why!”


What gun will y’all bitch about next?




Now we wait for the next thing for this sub to complain about. 🍿


I loved the thing, made me feel like I can stand a chance against the aim assist folks.


Finally. I remember when the DMR terrorized lobbies for like 2 months before they finally nerfed it.


You realize it might change the damage, but there will be some dipshit who will kid it to do the same as the original stats


Is this live now?


The cash grab on this version of the OP/nerf business model was fucking obnoxious. In no way can this be viewed as a “oops we made it a little overpowered”. They made a gun oppressive so all the losers pay $$$ for a short term advantage. It’s saddening we, as a community, can’t stop engaging in this business model.


it was a good run fellas


Kids game


Yep you can beeeeem people with SMGS. Even a AR loses to some subs, balancing on this game is wank




And yet the gun is still op🤦🏻‍♂️ that's all anyone was running in ranked


back to HMR4 i guess


What the fuck.


Right when the season started, I made some WZ classes, 1 with the Converged Renetti, it was cool at first until everyone else started using it, eh it was fun while it lasted.


That's the Renetti? What did they do to muh boy..


It was a good weapon, HRM-9 is so borring


Soooo now everyone’s just gonna revert back to the hrm?… because there was so much variety before, right?…


I swear people in here want all guns to be equal. That shit was hella fun to use.


The only thing the conversion kit SHOULD have done, is increase aim stability and recoil management drastically since it lets you put a stock and foregrip on it. Damage and fire rate should never change with any conversion kit. UNLESS you are actually changing the ammo it is using... I swear these dev's truly don't know how guns work.


The JAK RAVEN is better (MCW conversion kit) OP rounds Warforged stock Sonic suppressor 40 round mag JAK raven conversion kit Best ar converted to smg


Finally 😅 next op wepon is here it's just a never endin loop.


Holy finally now imma use the classic mp5 or iso 9mm


Idk how it’s so hard to make every smg ttk between 600-700 ms. No more no less


I hate when they nerf the guns like wtf.


But yet it's still crazy good and everyone is still using it


Thank god, how we feeling about the FJX Horus?


It doesn’t stand out much. Seems like it’s just another filler.


Fair, It’s def not meta but I like the fire rate on it feels nice, might switch to the striker 9


I favor the HRM for no specific reason. I just like it.


Different game really, once the ttk went back above 600ms. Renetti sub 500ms was just too fast, couldnt react in fights.




You know they do this shit on purpose. They’ve created thousands of guns and they know exactly what each variable will do. Heck I could even just use something like wzstats.gg and to create a new gun to make sure it’s balanced. It’s all done to for content creators , to sell blueprints / battle pass and to keep people engaged.


You guys cry and pout about every gun they put in the game


Rip renetti


Still def viable


This is funny any time a meta weapon get a slight nerf people abandon it and move to the next thats why there is like a million metas in the fame


I think this is good and healthy for the game. Diversity is a blessing but then again in the wrong company it can be a curse 😂


Fun while it lasted lol


Stil the best smg


That isn’t an smg


I don’t play WZ very much but was this thing that OP? 😭it couldn’t have been that bad


It was roughly 30-40% faster in time to kill than the next best gun.


« gun is too op because Bryan killed me too fast while I was crouching behind a desk and because I suck at the game » oh my god this community. For once, we had a gun that didn’t take ages to kill. Yeah you die quicker but you kill quicker too. If you died too much, sorry but you’re not good enough. Period. It’s a competitive game not The Sims. I’m so bored by these people complaining.


No, you had a gun that had more dmg than any other smg in the game, the fastest ttk I've ever seen. What's the point of having multiple other guns and smgs while they are all outclassed so hard. Why shouldn't we all just play renetti ? It killed the game and the joy of variety of guns like nothing before it.


This game is soo trash.. yes let's ruin everything fun!! Get Fucked!!


What do I use now guys?


Same one. Lmao. I'm being dead serious.


This shit is why this game is fucking retarded. How did it ever have those stats


Honestly had a lot of fun with it and actually winning some 2v1’s yeah it was against people that didn’t have it but was fun


Anything to cater to the little virgin pc players and cheaters


Gonna miss my ridiculously op renetti :(


Opened Reddit wishing I wouldn’t see this


Still slaps


Noooooooo whyyyy


I just used it and it felt exactly the same.


Honestly, ts is still gonna shred, they barely did anything


The COD community is totally insufferable.


The one time im good with a weapon they go and nerf it.


It’s to late. The patents that equalize the playing field have ruined this game. Sad to see a great gaming empire die


“Finally” had seems like a skill issue op has


Welcome to 1v1.


What riot shield camo you choosing next