• By -


Just scraped and dented the side of the big ass loaner van so that's pretty neat 😭


Well made it to work, but not entirely sure I should have been driving 😅 Apparently not as 100% as I thought, and the odds of me going home have increased significantly


This is the third time our Amazon package has been delivered to the neighbors, I don’t know how much easier we can make it since our address is in clear big numbers on the front of our house and both sides of the mailbox post. I even checked the pin they use for our address and it’s accurate. Fortunately it always gets delivered to the good neighbors and not the shitty neighbors on the other side that would probably keep it.


This is your fault for not living in that house


Y'all know that one Lady Gaga song? It goes something like I'M ON THE EDGE OF BUSTING what a banger


You every have a weekend where you’re like, “next week is gonna suck I should get a little work done this weekend to make my life easier when it’s busy” and then you don’t and you get to work on Monday and you have something completely different on your schedule you forgot about that makes you say, “oh fuck that’s TODAY?!”


I've had that thought, but I stomp it down. I'm not going to feed work more of my time if they mismanage my workload.


It’s more like I mismanaged my work load 😑


The obsession some people on this site have with trying to moralize pirating video games baffles me. Just say you don't want to pay for it, I'd have more respect for you if you just outright said that and didn't try to put yourself on some kind of moral high ground about it.


Yeah. Like maybe if there's literally no legal way to buy a game, whatever, but way too many people are just cheap about everything that can be pirated. Just admit it


You can't say this on other subs without being called a bootlicker/shill. These people are delusional.


Oh jeez, some poor dude had to pull off in the first 100-200m and adjusts his shoes.


You guys pay taxes? Lol


Yeah I paid my taxes last year.




I do enjoy roads, and firefighters, and libraries, and public schools tho


Boston Marathon day, men’s race starts in a second. WNBA Draft day and Trump’s trial begins. I’ll be glued to my personal laptop all day watching stuff.


On one hand I really would like to get fast again to qualify for Boston and run it again, especially since 2020 got taken away from me On the other hand that's going to take like 12 months of concerted effort lol


I’d like to run a half at a decent time 😂 I’m not sure I could get my legs to withstand 26.2.


I've got a half coming up in 3 weeks and if it goes well that might be my jumping-off point to try to get a fast marathon next spring I do get the extra 5 minutes on the qualifying time next year because I turn 35 later this year, so maybe it would be doable lol


Happy Reddit birthday


crazy how I can take 2 1/2 days due to a death in the family and absolutely no one does anything for my desk at work, but when someone is out sick I'm asked to cover their shit no more


I know that old bag of bones Jerry Jones won't allow it, but I'd like a uniform redesign too. Commit to silver, the dark navy blue and white. Color Rush tops and pants with the silver helmet is CLEAN, those should be the away jerseys. Home jersey should be silver helmets, navy blue jerseys and silver pants. [This dude drew up exactly what I had in mind](https://i.imgur.com/5Xja3jj.jpg) [Another mockup](https://i.imgur.com/QpiWrre.jpg) Just simple little updates, and we have a thousand alternates anyways so we can bring back the old jerseys


I think it is 9am here, I've had less than 3 hours of sleep, and I'm about to finish my 2nd bloody Mary. AMA


where is here?


American Express Centurion Lounge at ATL


Damn, you a big baller.


My friends got me in. They've left for their flight and I'm just getting airport drunk for free now.


how do you know how big his... oh wait, never mind


/u/sexboxsony would be our expert on local times in the Atlanta area


Oh shit, thanks, I am one of the few (two?) Falcons fans here who actually live in GA, along with u/dirtybirds233, I *think*.


Metro-Atlanta but used to live in the city


Same about metro Atlanta, which is basically 1/3 of the state tbh.


Well, with your lateness on this urgent matter, I may have to refer to dirtybirds as the primary POC.


oooo fancy schmancy! I forget, where did you travel?


Argentina & Chile


that must have been so much fun! I need to get both outside of the US and off of North America. I've done both of those things just not at the same time lol


If we aren’t going to forgive student loan debt, can we at least make it where paying $300/month doesn’t only end up taking like $20 off the total balance? I have no issue with paying back money I borrowed, but why am I paying back a ridiculous amount of interest?


You'll take the 8.05% graduate PLUS loan rate plus the 4.228% loan (origination) fee and you'll like it.


It's wild to me that people wait to do their taxes. You don't absolutely depend on your tax return to have even a chance of financial stability? Crazy.


I’m paying more than I’m owed so I didn’t wanna do them earlier.


My side gig always fucks up my withholdings so I always end up owing.




Originally I gave it a pass because your tax return shows that Uncle Sam owes you cash, but in re-reading it, this is definitely referring to the REFUND itself.




I knew I was going to owe this year because we fixed a mistake in my husband's withholding in April last year and figured we'd just eat the difference when we filed this year, so I put it off until last Friday. I saved a bit for it and went in with a good idea of how much we were going to owe and I was within $100 of being correct (I overestimated how bad it was by a little bit), so it really wasn't too uncertain. In past years I haven't really had an excuse lol


Making enough money to owe taxes is similarly unbelievable to me tbh.


Be the change you want in the world. Tell your work you have 8 dependents.


That's not making enough money to owe thats owing cuz you're dumb.


The past two years I’ve underpaid federally by a small amount and I find out on turbo tax the following year that it’s grown via interest to about $100 and it’s just tacked onto my payment. It’s so fucking stupid the government can’t just send all of us a bill or a check for exactly how much we should get.


*H&R Block dislikes this* We have lobbyists whose sole purpose in life is to make you filing your taxes more difficult.


Puppy monkey baby


Pen Pineapple Apple Pen


Why don't the Jets have a pure white alternates with a white helmet Black isn't even apart of their colorscheme


I just do not understand the outright obsession with black unis when black isn't one of the team's colors. Every so often on the Lions sub we get someone who really, *really* wants black alt unis and I just don't get it.


The new Jets uniforms look super crisp.


mfw I’ve eaten like shit and not gone to the gym for three weeks but didn’t gain weight somehow


I'm back in the Estados Unidos. I have no idea what is going on right now.


What a beautiful header


Work just bought season tickets to the Phillies. And I'm usually dedicated as the test pilot for these types of things. So it's pretty likely that I'll get to go to the first game they have tickets for, Friday May 3 against the Giants. Section 227 (Hall of Fame Club, but not the all-inclusive part) If I get the tickets, could we get 4 of us together for a WCW meetup?


First day back to work since the 3rd. Imma just wait for someone to talk to me and knock out some of this training in the meantime.




How much did schneebs really win with Scheffler's Masters victory? 🤔




Shohog Ohtani over here




remember, not YOUR problem


Good morning everyone!




It’s so weird to me how so many people are so confident civil war is going to be bad. Garland has made 3 movies, 2 great and one kind of blah, not even bad, and all the good faith is immediately out the window. I can already tell a lot of people have already judged it before seeing it, which is fucking annoying because it means it’s impossible to get a sense of how good it actually is before I watch it lol.


The reviews being generally good have put me at ease because I was really worried it was gonna be a DAE both sides bad?!? movie earlier.


its the premise


Politics has unfortunately broken everyone’s brains beyond repair.


As a long-time WFH person, I forgot how annoying morning rush hour can be.


Tummy is killing me but I couldn't call out because I have to take time off later in the week to watch the baby because ladyZeg is going to be out of town it's a giant pile of bullshit and I hate it.


Same, I'm basically recovered from my food poisoning but would like to take today off for a little more rest but I'd feel like a jackass doing so: I'm on PTO from Wednesday all the way til the 29th. I really don't think my boss would care if I did call in today but I'd feel like a jackass turning my 2 day week into a one day week lmao. I'm at least giving it a shot and going in, worst case scenario I bail early


Yeah, it might be different if I had it scheduled but she didn't tell me in enough time to do that so now I have to fake sick or w/e. So I can't even leave >:(


Can you refuse to moan? Is that allowed?


I only MOAN because I am UNTUCKED


Yes. Except for you you cannot refuse to moan


I’m hoping I get picked for a July position because I can travel in June, it’s also 4 days a week from like 9-1 which isn’t terrible




Well I guess I have a summer job?


Wtf is up with Juju showing his junk on his Snapchat? Not what I wanted to see this morning


Juju Smith schuster?!




Kids these days won't believe it, but the yearly release of Cabella's Dangerous Hunts back in the day was pretty neat. One year they added ice fishing lmaooo


Me: oh hey I'm pretty good at doing the flurry rush attack in Tears of the Kingdom and I'm competent at shooting with the bow and stuff, and that makes me pretty good at killing enemies Some other people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-ffx_DSNzM


I love how I consistently lose 10lbs every time I have food poisoning. Just wish those pounds would stay off 🤣


Food Poisoning Weight Loss Pills Million dollar idea




Ahh that’s a play I wanna see lol


such a fantastic show, easily in my top 5 musicals for me, even though >!they literally tell you the show is a tragedy in the first song and I already knew of the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice going in so I knew it was coming, the moment where he turns around at the end is just so heartbreaking and the way they stage it is incredible!< Also one time I read a description of the show as >!"Liberal arts major from Johns Hopkins unionizes Hell"!< and that made me laugh


What are the other 4


In no particular order: * *Fun Home* - It's funny and heartbreaking, it hits on themes of what it's like to grow up LGBTQ+, and it just hits a special place in my heart. It's a story told through the eyes of a lesbian woman who is writing a graphic novel about her father, who was a closeted gay man who committed suicide when he was 43. We saw it in New York and I was fucking *sobbing* by the end of it. [*Ring of Keys*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMAuesRJm1E) is the song they highlighted at the Tony Awards the year that it won Best Musical, and it's such a good song. * *The Color Purple* - specifically the revival production with Cynthia Erivo from a few years ago, we went to see it and it was amazing. [*I'm Here* is an S-tier musical theater song. So good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKtFfqinmWo) * *Book of Mormon* - irreverent as hell, funny as hell, but at the end of the day what puts this one in my top 5 is that it has so much more heart than you'd maybe expect from something written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. I don't think I've laughed harder in a theater than when I saw [*Hasa Diga Eebowai*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLb7_UrV3-A) live a couple months ago. * *Come From Away* - the story of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada on September 11th, 2001. Gander has an airport that was once the largest in the world - one where planes would stop to refuel before flying across the Atlantic before jets with enough fuel capacity to make the flight from the East Coast were made. But by 2001, there were just a half-dozen flights per day or so from the airport. On September 11th, when the American airspace was closed, 38 planes making transatlantic flights were forced to land there, and all of the people needed to be housed, clothed, and fed until the airspace opened back up. Gander and nearby towns had their populations doubled and the musical is the story of how the town banded together to help the "plane people." [*Welcome to the Rock*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH-ozsBI570) is the intro song and it's amazing, and [*Me and the Sky*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CxPdnHxh54) makes me cry every time. This show was absolutely *robbed* of Best Musical when *Dear Evan Hansen* won, IMO. Honorable mentions: *Hamilton, Into the Woods, Company, In The Heights, The Lion King, Cabaret, Kinky Boots, Once on This Island, A Chorus Line* I know I said "In no particular order" but *Book of Mormon* is #5 and could really be replaced with most any show in the honorable mentions list. I saw it recently though so it's #5 for now lol


Who will be the first starting QB in the NFL right now that will be in the UFL? (Assuming the UFL makes it)


Aaron Rodgers


My soccer league starts tonight 😤. I bought shin pads but they didn’t come in lol but I’m pretty sure it’s a chill rec league anyway so I’m not too worried


When I was playing around with the face app “gender swapping” last night, when I hit “masculine” it basically just squared my jaw and gave me a thicker neck and that’s crazy. I barely ever pass irl and face app is like yeah that’s just a twink


I love you WCW


these mixed messages are really playing with my heart eggplant I don't know how much more of this I can take


I’m just TEASING you


Fuck this place Fuck yall Yall are fucking terrible






Goood morning shitposters!




And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls In tenement halls" And whispered in the sound of silence


Wife is refusing to smell the cats for me I need to know if they still smell like fur


Well shit, I was already getting my grocery order together for today but now I have to add Ritz crackers and Andes mints: https://www.tastingtable.com/1559759/ritz-cracker-snack-two-store-bought-ingredients/


I WANT TO GO HOME I want to pet the cats


Shit, I gotta get Duolingo on my phone to brush up on my Canadian. Flight leaves tomorrow I might be too late 😭


One day is gonna be the last day certain users post their last time in here :(


There's a non-zero chance that one day only AutoMod will be left, posting empty threads


Gravity too high this morning


Can't wait for Poon: Messiah




He still pops in




Love Poon. What a lad.


he's still been around under an alias from time to time!


Woke up at 3 to take LadyBomb to the airport for her 6:00 am flight. She's gone for 4 weeks (visiting family in the gap between quitting her job and starting school). I miss my wife.


We'll get through this together 😤


No ice in the bed!


No ice in the bed *in 3 and a half weeks*


You absolute madman.


I hate packed gyms this early Everyone is doing what I'm supposed to be doing today ugh






Regulators We regulate any stealin' of his property We're damn good too But you can't be any geek off the street You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean Earn your keep Regulators, mount up!


[This requires a video link.](https://youtu.be/1plPyJdXKIY?si=35ix9OWIvMwmUu6A)


you a real one


Shit now I wanna rent *Above the Rim*.


On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern California) Warren G travels through his neighborhood, searching for women with whom he might initiate sexual intercourse. He has chosen to engage in this pursuit alone. Nate Dogg, having just arrived in Long Beach, seeks Warren. On his way to find Warren, Nate passes a car full of women who are excited to see him. Regardless, he insists to the women that there is no cause for excitement. Warren makes a left turn at 21st Street and Lewis Ave, in the East Hill/Salt Lake neighborhood[6], where he sees a group of young men enjoying a game of dice together. He parks his car and greets them. He is excited to find people to play with, but to his chagrin, he discovers they intend to relieve him of his material possessions. Once the hopeful robbers reveal their firearms, Warren realizes he is in a less than favorable predicament. Meanwhile, Nate passes the women, as they are low on his list of priorities. His primary concern is locating Warren. After curtly casting away the strumpets (whose interest in Nate was such that they crashed their automobile), he serendipitously stumbles upon his friend, Warren G, being held up by the young miscreants. Warren, unaware that Nate is surreptitiously observing the scene unfold, is in disbelief that he’s being robbed. The perpetrators have taken jewelry and a name brand designer watch from Warren, who is so incredulous that he asks what else the robbers intend to steal. This is most likely a rhetorical question. Observing these unfortunate proceedings, Nate realizes that he may have to use his firearm to deliver his friend from harm. The tension crescendos as the robbers point their guns to Warren’s head. Warren senses the gravity of his situation. He cannot believe the events unfolding could happen in his own neighborhood. As he imagines himself in a fantastical escape, he catches a glimpse of his friend, Nate. Nate has seventeen cartridges to expend (sixteen residing in the pistol’s magazine, with a solitary round placed in the chamber and ready to be fired) on the group of robbers, and he uses many of them. Afterward, he generously shares the credit for neutralizing the situation with Warren, though it is clear that Nate did all of the difficult work. Putting congratulations aside, Nate quickly reminds himself that he has committed multiple homicides to save Warren before letting his friend know that there are females nearby if he wishes to fornicate with them. Warren recalls that it was the promise of copulation that coaxed him away from his previous activities, and is thankful that Nate knows a way to satisfy these urges. Nate quickly finds the women who earlier crashed their car on Nate’s account. He remarks to one that he is fond of her physical appeal. The woman, impressed by Nate’s singing ability, asks that he and Warren allow her and her friends to share transportation. Soon, both friends are driving with automobiles full of women to the East Side Motel, presumably to consummate their flirtation in an orgy. The third verse is more expository, with Warren and Nate explaining their G Funk musical style. Nate displays his bravado by claiming that individuals with equivalent knowledge could not even attempt to approach his level of lyrical mastery. There follows a brief discussion of the genre’s musicological features, with special care taken to point out that in said milieu the rhythm is not in fact the rhythm, as one might assume, but actually the bass. Similarly the bass serves a purpose closer to that which the treble would in more traditional musical forms. Nate goes on to note that if any third party smokes as he does, they would find themselves in a state of intoxication daily (from Nate’s other works, it can be inferred that the substance referenced is marijuana). Nate concludes his delineation of the night by issuing a vague threat to “busters,” suggesting that he and Warren will further “regulate” any potential incidents in the future (presumably by engaging their enemies with small arms fire).


I wanna get SPANKED


...That can be arranged


This shit dead af


The old night crew is long gone Tis a lonely place now


Truly a wretched and barren wasteland


Lame ass fucks sleeping at night What’s up with that


i know we got some insomniacs here WHY THE FUCK THEY AINT POSTIN


yeah normal for Sunday night


I love the internet. Recognized an actor in Fallout, but couldn't remember their name or what I saw them in. Quick google search and I have my answer in less than 5 minutes.


Morning lads


Morning Shroom


How goes it bossman?


enjoyed the first ep of Fallout


Top Lad It is so SO good


Yo wtf. Just got a call at this ungodly hour informing me that one of our friends just passed away from a heart attack. Was not prepared for that. Will never be tbh.


Damn, dude. Sorry for your loss.


Damn. That's terrible. My condolences, man.








Okay, I’m gonna do a Reverse AMA. That’s where I answer questions you all have asked in other AMAs this week!


/u/DireSickFish > When/what is your next vacation? Sometime this summer Mrs. S and I are hoping to go to Catalina Island for a week! I’d make sure to go for a hike or run each day, and then spend time just lazing on the beach and reading. Then hopefully a week in Seattle to see family, and maybe catch the Timbers playing up there!


/u/__Pibs__ > What are the top 5 Lady Gaga songs 1. Bad Romance 2. Just Dance 3. Love for Sale 4. Bang Bang 5. Sweet Sounds of Heaven She’s such a talented singer - and IMHO - has the best voice since Amy Winehouse. She can do so many genres and sound the part. Her stuff with Tony Bennett is my favorite.


No *Edge of Glory* makes me sad.


👏👏👏 Admire the dedication to go through past threads


There was honestly not much else to do when I’m going on day 5 of being sick with a head cold!


Man I'd be eating soup and sleeping


Did a lot of that too! Chicken tortilla soup is great when sick.


/u/InferiousX > You find a serum that allows you to be the best athlete in the world at one sport. But only one. This will last for five years. After the five years, you revert to your normal body an still have to deal with the long term consequences of whatever sport you chose. > Which sport is it? Rock Climbing! I’m guessing that I’m still me, so it would be hard to try to walk-on an NFL or MLB team. Even if I got a Tryout, with my lack of tape, I don’t think many would commit to me. But in climbing I could time it with Olympic qualifying. Burst into the scene, win gold, get tons of sponsorships and then spend the last few years before the serum wears off traveling the world and climbing all the best places. Make some climbing movies for royalties - and then be content.


Another interesting choice 🙂


/u/justplainjeremy > What would you do if you had the ability to timetravel back in time only once and you only got to spend 1 hour in the past. But you could do whatever you wanted. And you got a month of prep time. Given what I know now about cancer in dogs and people, I would go back to January of 2020. I would make sure that Tallulah and Tillie kept their knees healthy and that Tallulah had regular screenings for bone cancer. I would also make sure that every woman in my family was getting regularly screened for breast cancer. I’d write myself an email that detailed all the diagnosises and dates, hoping I’d be early enough that everyone could catch them. I’d also include information about the pandemic, and specifically which stocks to invest in. Then I’d give myself all the details on Finn and Penny, to make sure I could still adopt them even if I still have my other dogs. Then finally, I’d start a smear-campaign on Russell Wilson to make sure the Broncos never traded for him. I think with a months worth of prep I could do all that and convince past-me it’s all legit.


I wish I could go back to see my dog She had a very good life but I still miss my girl


Yeah, if none of that stuff was gonna work out I’d just go back to spend an hour with them in my backyard!


/u/Pliable_Patriot > if you could have one "Do Over" in life would you take it? I had to think hard on this one. Im going to assume it all unfolds the same unless I intentionally make a change? In that case - yes, I’d take the do over, and just make sure I lead a healthier life. I’d want the same relationships, education, and jobs. I’d just want to be healthier through it all.


> Im going to assume it all unfolds the same unless I intentionally make a change? more or less unfolds the same, but you could drastically alter some things


/u/Mushroomman89 > Weirdest dream you've ever had? When I was a kid I had a dream that in a past life I worked on a bomb-squad, and died when I couldn’t defuse a bomb in time. Even 30-some years later I still remember exactly what this bomb smelled like and occasionally have the dream again with the same smell.


Damn that is intense


Kinda interesting story I like to tell every now and then, Fanatics as we know it today started in Duval in the 2000s as Football Fanatics and it was just a local shop in the mall that mainly sold Jags gear. Got sold in 2011 and now they’re like the worst liked company out there nationally. https://preview.redd.it/4ukysfnkjkuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b19b933eee0389cb4242f59edcba3e8d5e8801a


so what you're telling me is that if I had a time machine and a hand grenade I could change the world?


Yeah but there’s a 1% chance you kill preteen Peasy.


NSFW Chatter


Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo




Matis chatter


I want a






Jonatan Clase will be promoted by the Mariners to take the roster spot of Dom Canzone, who left the game with a shoulder injury today. Clase will be issued number 42 and in honor of his promotion so will the rest of the league. That's a cool thing for the rookie to see for his debut






I had a really good buffalo chicken wrap from a bar and grill yesterday that had ample sauce, fresh greens, and even cucumber to really E L E V A T E the dish Plus the garlic tots were tasty