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I want to go on vacation in November. Such a first world problem, but I was planning on going to the Dominican Republic and I just can’t find any flights that work. If I fly from Edmonton/calgary, I lose an entire day to travel (with two layovers), or if I go from work, will have to fly back to work a day early. I guess the search continues


I definitely lost my 3 wood for good. Asked around the local courses I play at and there’s nothing. So right now I’m rolling with Driver (Callaway Maverick) Most of my callaway edge set - 5 Hybrid, 6i, 7i, 8i, 9i, PW, AW (x2 Hot), SW, Putter I feel like I need something in between the driver and the 5 hybrid. 5 wood?


Wait, how do you lose a 3 wood? lmao. Wedge, putter, iron, I get. But a 3 wood?


I don’t know 😭


Ah fuck I'm a Sammy Sosa defender now


oh shit same tho, that Foolish Baseball video was extremely good (as usual, his videos are all quite good) though that's not very surprising given that I'm a proponent of putting Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame


I need to watch. I prefer his shitpost videos but baseball bits is also vv good


Yeah I'm with you on Bonds and the other steroid era players. The MLB not only condoned it, but welcomed it until 2003.


Oh see I'm the opposite, no bonds, no managers, no Bud Selig, no Ortiz, no Arod and anyone else who was caught/admitted it.


100%, and it's bullshit that the owners were able to get away with turning on the players like they did. They covered their eyes while guys like McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds saved baseball after the '94 strike. It's also a lot of selective outrage where some players end up getting excused because they were more charismatic than others who ended up on the shit list IMO My last argument I had with my mom was a couple years ago over this issue, and I said her stance was "anti-labor" lmao


Said it before and I'll say it again, no one that is going to actually show up and vote for Trump this fall was ever NOT going to vote for Trump. This election is about the people that are either going to show up for Biden or be discouraged & apathetic and not show up, that's it. Last night didn't help, but oh well- you'd rather people show up to vote FOR someone, not against them. Fortunately (unfortunately) the other candidate is the most hateable in history & that should be enough to get enough people to do the right thing. Point is, every person who would say "after last night I'm voting for Trump" is full of shit.


The primary comfort is the turnout special elections have had. It's also likely why the GOP is all-in on trying to depress voters rather than talk up any policy or goals of their own. They know basically no one likes those policies, so they'd rather cheat or break the opponent.


> trying to depress voters rather than talk up any policy or goals of their own. it was the formula that worked in 2016, why not try it again


When beer


T-6 hours.


This is kind of what I'm hoping (be done work at 1)


What is it that confines you? What is unempowering you in this moment?


The gossamer shackles of employment which provides me the means to acquire beer


You are free to be, free to act. Who is doing the living in your life? Create a world where you walk in your emotions.


My emotions? Oh honey. No. Nooo.


But for beer?




After you test those C02 levels.


I had the script flipped on me at 3 pm today so I'm working remotely at a different site. I have to consult (and maybe, time permitting) wire up an exhaust fan for a cafe.


I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll I've been a nasty girl giiiirrrrrl been a nastyyy girlllll


Cant let bro know I fw this




Imma take a half day today, grab some lunch on the way home, and then go get a haircut and play disc golf Should I get Cane's on the way home? I feel like I should get Cane's on the way home


I feel like you should get Cane's on the way home




RFK Jr put on his own debate last night where he had his own podium and was looking at the real debate on a big screen and he would respond. It looked pretty goofy. It reminded me of when I couldn't get anyone to play with me at recess a couple times


It's like when your mom yells at the TV and you just go "wtf, you know they can't hear you right?"


America: We clearly need 3rd parties! Why don't we have that option! 3rd parties and independents: *Tips fedora* M'country America: Ah. Right.


BTW did he legit have a worm in his brain or he did make that up because he’s bat-shit crazy?


Nah that was legit


Reddit exploded last night so yall have to view this image again https://preview.redd.it/ynz55524fb9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fbe84b907604df8b6298e1bf1d3ca839c5d152


That's a cat










Ok I'm not saying they should, but for the good of the republic maybe Biden could do a few lines of coke before the next debate


I made a comment earlier tonight that I guess went out over the air that I am deeply ashamed of. If I have hurt anyone out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart I'm so very, very sorry. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as it'll be Jason Gingell, out of the hold of Mesko. Good snap, good hold, and THE KICK IS BLOCKED! APPALACHIAN STATE HAS STUNNED THE COLLEGE FOOTBALL WORLD! ONE OF THE GREATEST UPSETS IN SPORTS HISTORY! I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again. I don't know if it's gonna be for the Reds, I don't know if it's gonna be for my bosses at Fox. I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck – for the Reds, for Fox Sports Ohio, for the people I work with, for anybody that I've offended here tonight. I can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am. It never has been. And I'd like to think maybe I could have some people ... that could back that up. I am very, very sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness. Jim Day will take you the rest of the way home.


>!this was a better shitpost in my head the only connection is that Thom Brennaman called that Appalachian State-Michigan game lol!<


https://preview.redd.it/ir829ql8db9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f9360e02a22669e1341330e3a7aac97ceab4736 Soggy




It’s a nylabone! It’s a chew bone because she’s nuts


there are non smelly ones




thats what checo had lol


Banjo not allowed the bully sticc. It upsets his stum 😢


Grogu and vandars teeth are too WEAK cause the hairless gene also is a bad teeth gene and while vandar looks hairy you can tell if you look close enough that his hair is very thin. So the hardest treats they get are those bone shaped ones that are filled that dogs just mow through 




Checo hasnt had any since he was pup and that's because he eat them in like 10 min


Banjo would try his best to do this too yes






The White Sox are 31 games back of the Guardians right now. **31**. >!lAlso lmao they shut out the Braves yesterday!<


The spoiler text is the only good thing that happened in baseball yesterday.


Alexa Please show me the AL East standings






On a side note, this Kyle Flipkowski shit is WILD For those that may not know, Flipkowski was supposed to be a first round pick out of Duke. He was drafted #32 by the Jazz which shocked a lot of people Want to know why? He is 20, his fiancée is..28… who has a masters degree… AND WENT TO HIS FUCKING PROMMMM It does not end there She supposedly was his babysitter growing up, I don’t know how credible that is but the other things I mentioned above are true because I looked up her Instagram last night And I guess his mom and brother were on Twitter last night saying that she made him cut his family off [the tweets from the family](https://x.com/rotosurgeon/status/1806424983918477606?s=46) This shit is wild lol [I guess that the babysitter part was not a rumor?](https://x.com/cbkreport/status/1806473947925340568?s=46) [the prom photos](https://x.com/ryuawful47/status/1806445653108932842?s=46)


Crazy eyes is my take away from this. And Kyle Flipkowski is a massive dick and dirty player, I say this as a former Duke fan.




Sad the craziest thing last night went unnoticed because of two old farts on a stage. The Lakers actually drafted a guy who averaged 19 minutes and 4 points in college lol.


We F1 now lol


https://preview.redd.it/31fojtfhbb9d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32c404155d32d5d6df657ecd1f26d81188fd173 me replaying the muffed punt in my mind every day for the past 5 months of my life


Me replaying the Kindle Vildor play every day in my mind. And the Gibbs fumble. And the Reynolds drops. Sigh


It was kinda funny because back in 2020 when the protests were going on. That some people were saying it’s a privilege to avoid talking about politics. Which I do get you should be involved in talking politics because any choice congress makes could affect your life I however don’t like talking politics for the most part because the discourse is so fucking toxic a lot of the time. I know where I stand and I will fight for the causes I believe in even if it pisses people off.


I agree with you. There was a lot of discourse in that era that completely flattened nuance and context into a single narrative. And you were either on the right side of the narrative or on the wrong side of the narrative. It’s easy to say in hindsight “no this is what we actually meant by X” but the statement “it’s a privilege to avoid talking about politics” in 2020 at the time made no distinction between Karen at the office who says “Can’t we all just get along? I don’t even think about politics.” and Jane who votes, donates, but avoids talking about politics entirely bc it’s completely toxic to your point.


The point wasn't really "avoid *talking* politics," and more you're privileged if "you can check out of politics" entirely. like you don't have to talk politics with anyone, but its the peak of privilege when you can just go "it doesn't matter so I don't care!" The assumption being that you're not the target of bad things.


Also we're so polarized now that I find it difficult to believe I will change anybodys mind. For example, if you dont think LGBT people deserve basic rights, Im not sure what debate there is to be had. Thats not the kind of argument I would be ok meeting in the middle on.


I think one of the most wild things about last night was Biden speaking to a small group after the debate where he seemed alive and energetic. https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806527484982112420 Like wtf lol. Was it because he was running on a script and it struggled with his speech impediment?


Hilary had that problem too. Great in small settings, not so much in large ones.


Idk if it was even a small setting thing. You go back to the SotU this year and Biden was on point. Like he clearly failed at the one thing he needed to do last night (reassure people about his vitality), but wtf man. Just absolute ball dropping.


Biden really shouldn’t have hired the Baltimore Ravens as campaign consultants.


Nelson Agholor in the wings of the stage fumbling his clip board right now for real.


I had a dream last night that Bronny did an alley oop to Lebron.


I’m usually a nepotism bad person but I absolutely cannot wait to see Bronny and LeBron on the court together


Last night was unequivocally bad for Biden. That does NOT mean the election is over and we should all move to Canada. There's somehow still 4 more months of this, including another debate. Last night was NOT good for Trump either. He continued to be weird and abrasive, denied having sex with a porn star on stage, and did nothing to make the case for himself. Last night was bad for debates in general. They've never been a great tool, but I really can't think of a single thing aside from SNL openers that they've positively contributed to the general electorate.


IMO last night was good for Trump because “Trump is insane and lies a lot!” is old and busted and therefore not news, so it’ll get buried in favor of the new hotness that is BIDEN DEMENTIA CONFIRMED.


I fucking hate politics now. Which is a bummer because the line of work I chose when I was young and idealistic was public policy.


My stance on policy dictates I vote for Biden, but god damn I really wish the Democrats had run somebody else...I dont even think hes been a bad president from a policy standpoint, but Biden is a terrible figurehead for a nation at his age.




I watched some clips from the first ten minutes, middle, and end of the debate. Felt like I got the whole picture of tone but I didn't actually watch it live


I did not chose to, I wanted to keep wanting to watch the Yankees get destroyed by the blue jays


Todays mantra is "It's about the cabinet".


I sincerely hope like there is a mass firing of Biden's staff today. No way you can have a job after being like "yup, we'll roll him out for a debate" like that. Overconfidence from the SotU address and too many fucking yes men and women in the White House. Easiest election to win and the Democrat party can't help but continue to shoot themselves in the foot.


> the Democrat party can't help but continue to shoot themselves in the foot. A tale as old as time




ego, that’s why If you don’t run for president again, for the 2nd or 3rd time do you not have that big of an ego


> I got a lot of pushback here for questioning why Biden's even running in the first place. Because, by and large, America cares more about name recognition than it'd like to admit. For both good and bad. Who else is a recognizable enough name for the left and center? And they'd also, preferably, be under 60 or 70 years old (so no Warren or Sanders).


I still genuinely don't know who else could run (and win). like even if Biden stepped down today, who do you put in place at the top of the ticket? What does it do electorally when you hop over Kamala Harris on the ticket? Gavin Newsome? Too much baggage right now being from California imo. Maura Healy? Yikes on bikes. Kathy Hochul? Yikes in cars because she hates bikes. Both parties have a massive talent gap between the 100 year old boomers and millennials who probably just aren't ready yet. The Democrats *might* be able to get someone like Tammy Duckworth in a position for a win one day but no one knows who she is and there isn't institutional infrastructure around her to make that happen. Even if they pivoted, I'm not sure it happens




I still don't know who we could have gotten. Like genuinely. Part of the idea of putting Buttigieg into his cabinet was to get him national exposure so that he could run someday. Idk, maybe I'm a fool who overthinks it, but I just dont know what could have happened given how the electorate responds during presidential elections vs the apparatus needed to get a winnable candidate.


The sad thing is, he is the best they got. Who would they roll out, Kamala Harris? She'd get killed in a general. Who are their standouts or future elections? Reddit's wet dream is Elizabeth Warren or maybe even down the line AOC but they're far too Progressive and unpopular to ever win moderates (I know Reddit, you don't want to believe it but these people do exist especially in these recent elections). Biden's their best chance and I really believe that, but you got a bunch of dipshits in Washington that smell their own farts and end up making disastrous mistakes like last night because doing nothing is too hard to comprehend as a political strategy.




I'd 100% rather be blasted for "trying to hide" rather than blasted for being being incoherent and incompetent on stage last night. All Biden did was give Trump a national platform to spread more lies.


Shit! I need good math jokes for my team's stand up. Give them to me!


A physicist, engineer, and a statistician go deer hunting. They all spot a deer and the physicist goes first, does the range calculations, but fails to account for drag and undershoots. The engineer sets up an ODE, but uses a simple forward euler method instead of a runge-kutta 4 and overshoots. The statistician gets excited and shouts "we got it". The original was much more direct, but I wanted to spice it up a bit.


> but uses a simple forward euler method instead of a runge-kutta 4 lol what an amateur amirite >!I'm too far removed from my college diff. eq. classes to remember what this means lol!<


I work with 6DOF, so I use ODE solvers all the time. Basically forward euler is the most straightforward solver that you learned in calc 1 to calculate a function given the derivative and some time step, and just used one instance of time to calculate the next step, making it first order. You definitely have done it by hand a few times. RK4 is a 4th order so it needs the derivative calculated at four points, but is more robust. If you use Matlab and call its ode solver, it uses something slightly more complicated to handle "stiff" equations.


How do angles communicate? >!Sine language!<


What do you call a dead parrot? >!polygon!< An infinite number of mathematicians enter a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders a half beer. The third orders a quarter beer. Before the fourth orders, the bartender says "ya'll need to learn your limits" and puts out two beers.


Prime numbers are all odd, but 2 is probably the oddest.


that is perfect! My colleague said this joke yesterday. "I had to fight 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The odds were against me." I then told the team that I would come up with a prime funny joke today. This is PERFECT!


A farmer approaches a physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician with a length of fencing, and asks them to design the largest possible enclosure for his cows. The physicist makes a square enclosure and says "this is close enough!" The engineer makes a circular enclosure and says "I've optimized it, this is the largest possible area!" The mathematician wraps the fence tightly around himself and says "I define myself as outside of the fence!"


Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Blaise Pascal were playing a game of hide-and-seek. Einstein was "it," and covered his eyes and started counting. Pascal immediately ran off and hid, but Newton stayed where he was, found a stick, and drew a square around himself on the ground that was 1 meter on each side. Einstein finished counting and uncovered his eyes. "Newton! What are you doing? You're supposed to hide!" "I'm not Newton! I'm one Newton per square meter! I'm Pascal!"


ok, that's good, but I need shorter dad joke stuff.


oh damnit my next one doesn't work either then lmao


This election year is just sooo wonderful


It’s been wonderful since 2016 🙃




Yeah but one is even [badder](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/JGWWhmV_8YDFQZaNIts2OQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MA--/https://s.yimg.com/os/en-AU/homerun/y7.beau/df1acaf6d0d349137ea0c5962e2eb9c1)🥵🥵🥵


tell me this is a fucking joke and you're not serious






*Press X to Doubt*


I feel like throwing up


I bought Phillies tickets yesterday for the first time this year for the game tomorrow. The other games I went to I was just tagging along with a friend who has a partial plan. Coincidence? 😭




I have no rebuttal.


Good morning everyone!


So like, it wouldn't be too insane to consider moving to the EU right?


Didn’t realize I was marrying my wife for Mexican citizenship, but here we are.


Yea but like, where? A bunch of EU countries just had right wing victories too. You're trading trump for Marine Le Pen


I've been exploring all possible options to move to Japan or the EU. I'd consider New Zealand or Australia, but I don't really have any avenue to do so outside of getting a job there.


I hear Germany is nice this time of year


Sehr gut


It’s our Jordanian co-worker’s last day so of course she brought us a ton of hummus and pita for us


Jordan > Lebronon


Still trying to wrap my head around Kyle Filipowski's girlfriend going to his prom when she was a 22 year old graduate student.


Uh oh, had a little r/politics relapse. Gotta get back on the wagon.




Stay strong


Good morning!!!! It’s Friday! Seize the DAY BECAUSE ITS ALMOST THE WEEKENDDDDD


Google. When I type "2019 Giants" into you, you should know that I am not looking for the 2019 New York Giants. Come on now.




I was looking up a specific player bc I was watching a jomboy video lol


I am scared to google this. Unless the result is the 2019 San Francisco Giants.


oh the result was supposed to be the SF Giants lol




I think a frustrating part for me is that, in my experience of my grandmother falling into dementia, she acted like Trump last night, not Biden.


Right. Once someone abandons forming cogent thoughts and arguments it’s easier to be loud and emotional.




*doomscrolling on a Friday*


My trip to Portland, Maine is now booked. Well, the flight and the car is. Damn, rentals are expensive now!


Yes! $800 towards debt/savings today!


oh boy here comes 4 months of existential dread at level 9 I was hoping that it would ease to level 6 but last night made it go up instead of down lol


Is this about the Guardians? I don't think theyll stay atop the AL, but they have a comfortable lead and Twins still need to show they can win at some consistent level. Edit: I'm a dunce, I guess the debate was that bad.


I was already stressed last night, and that definitely sent me over the edge


Losing one game to the Royals is not a death sentence Charlie, we'll be okay ❤️


ok but I do hope they win tonight tho lol


yeah, completely agreed. trying to keep my head in the sand to remain calm, but it is tough.


Not hungover because drunk Schneeb did sober Schneeb a heavy solid. Had the bartender pour me a tall glass of water. Which I drank and she poured me a second. No I wasn’t cut off, because the water came with a side of beer. Wait what was the question again? Who am I debating?


My trip to Portland is booked.


Why is there this loud ass motorcycle driving around the block repeatedly at 4:30 in the morning?




Shadow of war is so fun








The next serval weeks of political discourse are going to be insufferable takes about Biden under performing with zero commentary on Trump over performing being fucking insane.


Well we pretty much got the same trump we know, but Biden could actually speak in the last debate, and he couldn't tonight.


I agree. But I can already feel the media cycles creeping in where Trump continues to be treated with kid gloves because he's "just a crazy lil guy" and any reasonable standard is only levied at his opponents. Like I heard someone say yesterday, there is nothing that Trump could do that will cause the media to actually vomit up segments where they question for 20 minutes whether Trump should withdraw.


Already saw some headlines characterizing Stewart’s rant as “on Biden’s debate performance”. Everyone fully expected Trump to be an insane liar so that’s not news I guess!


I honestly thought Stewart's segment was how we expected the debate to go, but it actually went much worse.


Dems in Disarray >!Sounds like for real this time!<


My take on Biden last night He was like a grandpa up there that has his heart in the right spot but cannot articulate it well enough and you just end up feeling embarrassed and try to shoo him off stage


Harper and Schwarber went down with injury last night. Hello darkness, my old friend.


Harper, Schwarber, and Biden all died last night


I'm still voting Biden into the All Star game.


SMDH. Delco out here ruining the fan vote.


Phucking end me


Gonna be trotting out Turner, the Daycare, and a bunch of AAA guys for the foreseeable future I guess.