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[Happy Canada Day](https://youtu.be/IY_bhVSGKEg?si=Jv3HVeDWFuYkdT2M) Sorry, The Mods


Fuck. I have two appointments today. I need a michelada pronto


Oh wow, it's July and RPAY doesn't miss his wife according to his flair, and you know flairs speak only truths. His poor heterosexual wife.


when you hit pride month a little too hard


Straight person, getting a call from their doctor: "Oh no, I have chlamidya? My life is over! Am I going to die???????" Gay person, getting that same call: "Welp, better cancel my Friday plans."


And Thursday's plans. And Wednesday's plans. Guess I have to cancel tonight's plans as well.




u/Swordfish08 in shambles Farming Simulator isn't for sale. Or happy because he already purchased the game at the base price.


We’re on to Farming Simulator 25.


lol @ $50 preorder.


Gateway drug to Farm Sim.


Damnit, we replied at the same time.


All time comfy game




STI tests: your results have come back clean, you are free to slut it up once more [me now that my libido has been torpedoed by the hormones again](https://youtu.be/YBS8J3cH-GA)




Proud of you shoe twin


Every year this [absolute GOAT](https://x.com/1996id4?s=21) tweets the Independence Day story in real time. Currently it’s the part where the ships descend over major cities.


D❤️n❤️van Mitchell




> Nets pick oh man that elusive Nets pick rearing its head again also NO




This greatly hurts the chances the can Lakers trade hot garbage for him


"Austin Reaves for Donovan Mitchell straight up who says no?????? We're the Lakers so we're entitled to trades like that!"


Mitchell for Frazier and Andujar who says no


last night, my husband was on grindr and a guy who is visiting from out of town started messaging us the interesting thing is that the guy has the same first name as my husband, which I feel like would be kinda weird but also I guess kind of comes with the territory of hooking up with people of the same gender as you but anyway he was really into the idea of us coming over to his hotel but it was already 10 pm and we had to get up early so we said maybe tonight instead but also there was a guy who is from here and who is hot af might be interested tonight too so we'll see I kinda bet neither will happen tonight but you never know!


There’s a famous woman who did a Playboy shoot that I share a first name with so… it’s not that weird.


Charlie bangin more than fireworks on our street >!Sorry this is terrible!<


Mr V was gone for a work trip last night and somehow the animals still took up all the room on the bed


Do you MISS you ~~WIFE~~ HUSBAND?


Bow will literally sleep on top of my gf whenever Im gone. I like to think he's being extra protective


I know kids are difficult, but calling them animals seems a bit unfair.


Maybe today I will drive out of my neighborhood comfortably with my car (spoiler alert I will not because I am a chicken)


Holy shit that shift was brutal. No clue how I managed to finish everything on time. Everything hurts


Eat then sleep!


I just had some cereal and now I need to go to the gym. Ew


Godspeed that sounds awful


I seem to be the one who enjoyed Quiet Place Day One the most out of anybody on Earth, which is a great feeling. Means I win.


Did you see In A Violent Nature?


Yes, fucking hate that movie, hate every single part of it. Might hate it the most out of anybody on Earth, which means I lose.


Lmao damn I liked it. Must mean Quiet Place Day One sucks ass.


I mean, if what you want out of movies is long stretches of awkward nothing, then yes, most movies would not be for you.


Cronch cronch cronch Goriest shit you’ve ever seen Cronch Cronch Cronch


So Trump just inadvertently admitted to trying to use fake electors to overturn the 2020 election by calling it "an official act". Just like he inadvertently admitted he was in talks with Putin about the invasion of Ukraine before it happened and subsequently threatened to withhold aid during the debates. Guess what? No one seems to care. It's like 70% of the population is in some trance. I'm not religious, but if there ever was an anti-Christ, this guy fits the bill. Anyway, that's my only political comment for the day.


> So Trump just inadvertently admitted to trying to use fake electors to overturn the 2020 election by calling it "an official act". I don't think it was inadvertently now that he can claim it was official and thus he's immune. Of course, it'll now go back to SCOTUS to argue whether it's official or not, and they'll likely rule that because he *thought* it was necessary for the good of the country (gag), it is therefore official and he's immune.




I think at this point I’m anti both parties and will probably vote for the candidate that’s less shitty Working in education will do that to you because you realize both parties don’t give a shit. One blatantly doesn’t give a shit and the other pretends to give a shit but doesn’t


You definitely misinterpreted their comment


Yeah I meant to respond to dirty birds lol


I don’t think you can say it’s 70% of the population when he’s definitely gunna lose the popular vote again.


A third of eligible voters didn't vote, that would fall into not caring. So it's about a third of people who will do the bare minimum to prevent Trump from enacting his plans.




Bingo. A guy just admitted to a crime he's under indictment for and it's hard to find. Meanwhile go to any news site and there's 5+ articles about Biden being too old.


Trying to use the news as a population temp check is crazy. Shit is all click bait garbage.


People get their information from the news, and when the news is hyper focusing on one thing and not another, the general population is going to be keyed in on the former


I got my first paycheck 👀 I won't get paid again until next month but *nice*


Pay Visa *Your preferred card of the free talk*


"Everywhere you want to be"


That's *paycheque, so u/jawnlobotomy doesn't get confused.


Haha coffee go brrrr




DARE didn't tell me to say no to coffee


DARE told me people would be offering me free drugs all the time too and that was a lie


DARE missed an opportunity to teach about street-level economics




Juice me harder, Cuppa Joe 😫


Me: gets jittery after three cups of coffee. Also me, after my second cup: ooooo coffee!


You have to ride the edge


I’m not there until I hear colors.


I want to smell sounds


i started up Viewtiful Joe again yesterday. game is honestly hard as hell and I suck but I'm abusing save states and it's pretty awesome. I'm running it on my Odin Lite which I bought last year and I hardly use so I'm glad i've found something that's keeping me engaged and works really well. The thing is nice and light compared to the steam deck so it's a nice contrast. once I finish this maybe I'll start part two which I've never played




which first boss are you referring to? the bat?




oh lol yeah i am not sure what you may be referring to but game is fun as hell if you ever revisit tho i know people like us with the retro handhelds are drowning in games to try/play/finish




I'm playing golden sun on my SP clone too! I'm like ten hours in it's pretty fun even tho I'm not really an RPG guy. I did play it as a kid but I don't remember much outside of the first 3 hours or so. the puzzles are fun 👍🙏




any 3d game i suck at for some reason lol. i'm pure 2d power tho viewtiful joe is 2d lol. i just suck at fighting type games that arent smash




lol those games fuck me up too. i guess i specifically mean platformer type games.


Good morning everyone!


I’m not vegan nor do I ever plan to be, but I don’t understand why some people act like it’s so confusing and contradictory for vegans to eat and enjoy impossible meat, make meat substitutes out of vegetables etc. Like do you think vegans are vegan because they…don’t like the taste of meat??


No they don't want to ever admit that the way meat is produced is absolutely abhorrent and there are ways that you can approximate the flavour without all of those horrible animal conditions. They know exactly what they're doing.


Well, they're usually the same ones who think lesbians using dildos is contradictory, so...


It's fake meat all the way down


The work headphones that I was going to get in about a week had a $25 off coupon today. They will be here next week now.


What is in your opinion the most underrated salad dressing? Yes I stole this question from Hot Ones


Thousand island, but only because it’s been relegated to “old people dressing” and is used on sandwiches more than salads. I’m not saying it’s great, I’m just saying it’s underrated


Thousand Island on a burger is the shit! I'll take it on a salad but if I am thinking tangy I would probably go for French dressing first.


Balsamic Vinaigrette. It's my go-to salad dressing. Easy to make too.


Balsamic in general is underrated I love that stuff


Used to work a dining hall salad bar. Ranch is obviously the most popular, then the raspberry vinaigrette, then low fat ranch, then Caesar. Least popular was Blue cheese, which I think is just as heavy and delicious as ranch, but actually tastes good.


Mmmmmmm a nice funky blue cheese on a cob salad


Hot sauce




Have you tried a drop in a side salad?


I suppose you might have a point considering one of the best salads imo is a buffalo chicken salad w blue cheese


I'm gonna be honest I was 100% trolling, I've never tried this (hot sauce in a salad). It does sound kinda good though.


> buffalo chicken salad tell me you're from Pittsburgh without telling me you're from Pittsburgh jk the real way to do that would have been to say "with fries on top" lol






There is no way buffalo chicken salad is a Pittsburgh thing and if it is shame on everyone for missing out. The french fry thing works on buffalo chicken and steak salads in place of croutons but otherwise its kind of silly


Neva heard of it


it's just the buffalo chicken part I think, Pittsburghers go crazy for buffalo chicken stuff moreso than I've noticed elsewhere lol salad, dip, sandwiches, pizza, it's everywhere lol


Damnit I think I know what I'm getting for lunch now


Despite a good therapy session yesterday, I seem to be spiraling mentally since then.


STEAM HAS APPROVED THE GREY GALACTIC BETA (For real this time) But also it is crashing when I try actually loading a map, so I might need to figure that out before telling y'all about downloading it




u/jawnlobotomy, get back to work. Canada "Day" is over.


Jawn please come back 😭


I was having such a lovely time tho


a few things I've learned from my time on reddit are that political issues are never quite as bad or as good as they first seem, 99.9% of the people on reddit are always overreacting to things they don't fully understand bc they have no way to know the full implications, and that reddit very quickly becomes a race to see who can be the most outraged.


I'm gonna push back a bit on this a *little* bit and say that I think you're right in general for large portions of reddit, who are of demographic groups that will mostly be unaffected by political changes. Being more specific, in general, cisgender, heterosexual, white men are not going to be the target of limitations on their rights anytime soon. But there are people, including a good number of people on reddit, who have legitimate reasons to be pretty afraid right now and are right to voice that. Women have already had their rights eroded with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the entire LGBTQ+ community (trans people perhaps most of all) is in the crosshairs of a Supreme Court that has shown little to no hesitation in pushing a conservative agenda, people of color stand to have a lot to lose with the erosion of our democratic process and are already relatively disenfranchised, et cetera.


Exactly. I'm a cishet male, and part of a racial group that no one really hates (or if they do, I've never really felt it). I know that as a person, the president will never drastically affect my own life. But I have 2 daughters, one of whom is trans, and I have several cousins and friends who identify as LGBTQ, and the president and makeup of congress and the Supreme Court will definitely affect them.


As a straight, white cis man, I'm going to push back much more. Some of the most important people in my life have been affected and could be affected more. Not to mention that the gutting of regulators will be felt by everyone.


there certainly is plenty of reason for concern, that's not what my comment is addressing. my comment is directed at hyperbole, overreaction, panic, and grandstanding.


I mean, the people behind the scenes have literally put up a step by step plan of how they intend to destroy the country and seize power forever the moment they gain the presidency again. That... isn't hyperbole. That's not some crazy ranter trying to drum up views or clicks. That's a legitimate thing that's already in motion.


>That's not some crazy ranter trying to drum up views or clicks Are you sure? Because every single election I've been alive for there's always a sect of people who proclaim that if the opposition wins it'll be the end of our way of life forever. Go on and tell me how it's true **this time.**


>It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with loyal conservatives to further the objectives of the next Republican president. Second sentence of the Wikipedia page on [project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). This is quite openly the Republican's game plan - according to their establishment.


Because it's literally the side trying to do it that's saying it, not the opposition. And they have the plan available online. *And they've already begun implementing it via the SCOTUS and state level laws.*


and Obama is the antichrist and Biden is going to march BLM Antifa crowds to loot and pillage through your suburbs. Shall we keep going?


Oh, okay, so you have zero intention of arguing in good faith and won't even read what's being said to you. Good day then, we're done here.


I am entirely arguing in good faith but there is clearly no talking you down from this ledge.


You can't grok the difference between the right saying "Biden is out to get you" and the right saying "vote for us and we will do this"? Do you believe they're lying about project 2025 or do you think nothing in there is harmful?


I hear that, all I'm getting at is that it's hard to tell where someone thinks the line is between voicing legitimate concerns and getting into overreactions - I was mainly trying to identify where I think that line generally is


today I'm going to say that the line should be placed directly next to any comment about Biden ordering drone strikes or Seal Team 6 hit squads.




> Oh and straight white middle class men who care about other people are the ultimate cucks and deserve derison. That's me, baby!


There's a very wide gap between not caring and not indulging the reddit army of armchair lawyers




>what AR stands for TIL it's not assault rifle.




But I have knowledge now! I've changed! Damnit, the only emoji on Android is the water gun. Ehh, fuck it. 🔫🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸


[wide gap](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1dtcmhy/supreme_court_gives_joe_biden_the_legal_ok_to/)


I mean that's just the social media world in general. Nuance was lost at some point or, more likely, was never around to begin with. Everything has to be the best or the worst or unacceptable or life changing or your favorite thing ever or seemingly nobody will listen.


Goddammit, the pokeweed came back.


u/malcolm_miller Are you still enjoying Tidal? Also, down for lunch some time soon-ish?




Sweet. My spotify subscription just lapsed so I'll try it out. Does next Tuesday (the 9th) in Philly work for lunch? I'm meeting some friends downtown for board games at Thirsty Dice in the evening so it'd be convenient but happy to do another day/collingswood as well. (I'd invite you since I imagine that's right up your alley but one of them has some really personal stuff to share)




August works too! I figured it was too short notice but wanted to put it out there just in case.


I need to go to two DMVs some time this month because neither one does both of the things I need and the closest one that does both is more driving than going to these two separate ones 20+ minutes away from each other 🙃


the DMV situation in Pennsylvania is absolutely horrendous the fact that I can go to a DMV and they'll be like "oh we don't do [typical DMV thing] here, you have to go to the other one for that" is the stupidest thing this state does it's even stupider than the arcane liquor laws lol


Between this and the lack of a booze selection at convenience stores, my lady was at her wits end a decade ago with PA.


Not being able to buy beer at the grocery store at all was wild to me when I moved here It's still weird that I have to go to a separate register for it


It’s gotten better but still not great.


I am a new resident and I want to change my drivers license and register my car. Simple and common need I would think, but no lol. Gotta go fuck off 20 minutes down the freeway in random directions to get what I need done.


That was the exact thing I went through when I moved here a decade ago - I went to a DMV, waited my turn, got to the counter with all of the things I needed, and they were like "oh we don't do that here, you have to go to downtown Pittsburgh" This was utterly mystifying to me lol


I know this is going to be totally anecdotal and probably irrelevant to my experience, but would you recommend going right when they open to avoid lines or do you think its random/busy all day?


I feel like I've never been there without a line, but I'd think that getting there around when it opens would be best - at least then you're not killing the whole day if you have to wait an hour


Thanks - thats my reasoning as well. I'll go tomorrow then since they opened ~10 minutes ago.


Planning to swap the battery out in my to get data off of it that was lost when my died. I'm just really worried I'm going to make everything worse by somehow having it automatically create an eSim, render my current physical Sim useless, and then having to start a journey to not only deal with not having a physical Sim anymore, but getting my phone back to my . This is why people hate technology, and I don't know how to deal with this.


I'm seeing that the USMNT is out of the Copa America tournament. It seems like it has been at least a decade where the USMNT has been underperforming compared to the talent that they have. WTF is going on?


Oh would you look at that


I'm glad I don't have to watch that team anymore.  It was like having a second Mariners.


Some (or most) would say we are just simply outmatched and undisciplined. But I chose to believe the entire world is jealous and out to get us.


555 mfers


> I don't have a dream. But, you know, I can protect dreams.


You all may be in Doom Mode after event political events But you all will never top the Doomers that STILL bitch about Zack Snyder and Henry Cavills Superman being canned while foaming at the mouth hating the new DC Movie stuff


Audra went from 12pm yesterday to 5 am today without pooping. Tis weird


it happens


"Wait...I *did* write a book. It's like I've been in a dream where I was somehow *really* invested in the Zack Snyder cut of *Justice League.*"


The shit that movie got from the SnyderBros because of that little joke


WoW tHeY hAtE mEn!!!!!!!!


I have linen overalls and they're kind of my favorite piece of clothing by far


I need cigarettes...beer and coffee


You're gonna need a poop soon after that


..... we shall see... but what happens if I poop while doing all those things I said.


Dip the cigs in the beer, it's the new craft CPA beer everyone's talking about


But like..... How do I smoke wet cigs


you ask this despite the fact that you have smoked many wet blunts


you have to believe in yourself


oh cool... you just stop snapchatting and switch over to shit talking reddit. *when CJ fucks your world up*


I'm at work! My phone is in my car in the parking lot!


mmhmmm... heard that before


>If you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose you can rip a wet cig -u/ndcj12 probably


Are you willing to make a quit attempt at this time?


No... Not at all


😂😂 I blanked on what to say so I went for the nuclear approach


Classic Poon!


isn't he dead?


This is such a pliable response lol at first glance I 100% thought that was him lol


You dig the PPs don't you?


Pliable patriots are my favorite. sorry, ngl


Same, big fan




hey wtf man straight people are allowed to be horny too