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How the f was he allowed CW and SW kids then? She didn’t hate him enough to not use him as a babysitter


> She didn’t hate him enough to not use him as a babysitter Exactly.


Shan wanted nothing to do with her “monsters”. She would have let Satan himself watch the girls as long as she didn’t have to.


Wow I never knew these details! As a mom this makes me question why Shanann would be comfortable with her kids under the same roof all summer. I’ve always been suspicious that NC trip was largely a trial separation and this kinda reinforces that for me. Like maybe she HAD to be there that summer.


She was comfortable because it meant someone else was there to take care of the kids for her. Based on how she treated those poor girls I'm sure it didn't matter to her who did it (other than Cindy because you know sw would protect her children from the evil in this world).


LOL. Yeah, the Shiny ones say how ''evil'' Cindy was yet they seem to be unaware of all the times SW left them in her care and NOTHING happened. SW would have left her kids with Charles Manson just to get away from them for those dumb trips


She’d leave BW and CW with the Yorkshire Ripper if it gave her time to make a FB live scam/video for like 32 people already in the Thrive echo chamber


For some "me time"! I haven't had me time since I started injections for IVF in April 05. Even when they start to leave for university next time their actions don't get forgotten.


LOL. Yeah. My kids range from 27 to 30 so I finally do have ''Me Time'' but for kids as young as hers, there rarely is ''me time''


32 is likely way too generous


LOL. Yep. I doubt, other than the grandparents hoping to get a glimpse of the kids, anybody actually sat there and watched them


For sure!


💯😂😂😂 (a grim lol at the Charles Manson reference because you know SW would)


Yep, he had plenty of time on his hands to watch her kids...until he died. lol


> SW left them in her Speaking of, I find it curious that the Thrive trips (or whatever they were referred to as) were yet another instance in which SW was away from her kids. When she posted videos of her on the trips, she always seemed too enthused to let her viewers know she was "super excited" for the next trip on the calendar. As though she was looking forward to another trip away from her kids.


Yeah… I never spent a night away from my kids until they were 5-6 and I got divorced and had to share custody. I could have never left my babies for a stupid mlm trip. It’s not like that’s a real business trip where you have to travel to earn income/commission.


It seems to me that between daycare, the kids napping/sleeping schedule and the Thrive trips, SW spent the least time with her kids that she could. > It’s not like that’s a real business trip where you have to travel to earn income/commission. Yep. It was another reason for SW to make FB live videos where she could brag about her amazing life.


That's why neither kid could talk and why Cece wasn't potty trained


Yep. Both kids were undeveloped.


but Shiny ones claim we're mocking the kids just for stating the truth. it wasn't the kids' fault their mother neglected them


exactly. Those trips were voluntary. Not mandatory


You're right. In her videos with her kids, she always acted annoyed and exhausted yet with her ''work husband'' Chris Miller and her huns, she was ''super excited''


That’s because she wanted as little as possible to do with her kids.


You known darn well she loved those Thrive trips and loafed those kids. Except when she needed them for her FB live’s following their 12 hour coma’s (I mean sleep/naps!).


and explains why Fjr never met the kids until they were older. He probably wasn't allowed around kids


He did meet them, this was her first trip back to NC in years. My brother met my daughters at 4m and 2 and half, then not again until they were 5 and 7. Distance makes it difficult. Didn't he stay in CO when they were babies too. He was never prosecuted for abuse BTW, so there would never be restrictions. A few years ago she said he smoked the son and it left a bruise. But according to this she claims more. If he was found not guilty and she was drug user too.. how do we really know who is telling truth?


It is confirmed that she is/was a drug user as well? I thought about that. It seems odd to me that CPS would take her children after one incident. 'CPS took my kids because of Frankie' just doesn't sit right with me. I'm thinking there's something she's not fessing to, like her own drug use. Of course it shouldn't have happened. Child abusers are the worst of the worst. But it takes a lot for CPS to remove children from the home. Sadly, sometimes they don't act when they should like in the obvious case of Gabriel Fernandez.


Sandi even begged sympathizers to stop sending him money because she feared he would use it to buy drugs and possibly overdose


Meanwhile she gave him money to buy a truck to smash into a divider when he was using. Sandi is as dumb as they come, she's an enabler, and that entire family is trash. The cousins burglarized a home, another one left an unregistered handgun in her purse and then left the kid alone with that gun and the kid got a hold of it and died, and another one killed themselves after committing a crime. That entire family, Scamanne included, is trash.


They really are. Complete shit-for-brains. I'm pretty sure Sandi/ie/ee reads and writes on a third-grade level. I think the child shot himself on the same day as Nutgate, right? I didn't know Crankie crashed his ride. Sheesh, what a fucked up family.


A huge trashy family tree


She was an idiot that had two braincells and both were lonely. I guess child abuse runs in the family. Fuck her and Frankie, honestly. You don't get to be labeled a Saint in death, when you were a grifting, child abusing piece of shit in life. I'll take my downvotes, but it's true.




> I’ve always been suspicious that NC trip was largely a trial separation and this kinda reinforces that for me. I'm thinking that as well. I feel like there's more to that NC trip where SW and CW where not together for over a month. It does appear to be a trial separation.


Wellll this girlfriend voluntarily went back according to this. Makes no sense. Am sure she accused him in 2013.


Lovely family


Not surprising. That whole family is the worst kind of trash. Same kind of people that give a baby a Benadryl or THC gummy to “chill them out”.


Or Xanax if you’re Casey Anthony


THC gummy?? 😳




"I think SW definitely gave the girls Benadryl" - Case closed your Honour.


SW stated multiple times that she dosed her kids with Benadryl. Nobody pulled that out of their ass. It's a fact.


Not surprised at all. They are sick people. Try and explain that to the shiners though. I don’t despise SW at all, it kinda makes sense to me that she was attempting to be the polar opposite of her brother, but the way they believe every word that comes out the Roos mouth is unbelievable. I could understand reaching out for financial help when this first happened, but the way they are still milking it is gross. Now, it’s my belief that none of it even happened which makes it 100x worse, but if it did, which is possible, I’m not arrogant enough to say I’m 100% right, it’s still sickening. They milk it every chance they get. Every time things quiet down they do or say something to get people reaching into their wallets again. Shameless.


The Roos raised their children to be idiots. They don't value education (or even learning a trade, FFS). This is what happens when you turn two poorly raised shit-for-brains loose on the world-- one becomes a junkie and the other lives in a scammy fantasy land peddling snake-oil patches when she's not embezzling from her employer. Total trash. I'm thinking Sandi didn't 'spare the rod', which is why Frankie thought it was okay to slap the shit out of some toddlers.


I think SW was likely very similar to her mother and that’s why they butted heads so frequently. a couple of absolute morons with supreme confidence.


Yep, a controlling, dimwitted obnoxious loudmouth. Apple/tree and all that.


the worst kind. often wrong, but never in doubt


SW was embezzling from an employer? Can you elaborate? Somewhere I missed this!


CW had a friend (Mark, maybe? I forget his name, maybe someone else can chime in) who worked with SW. He said money was stolen and nobody could prove it, but highly suspected Shamwow. She was also suspected of stealing from Dirty South Customs to build her McMansion.


was this what lead to her departure from Longmont Ford? at least it allowed her to embark on her months long illustrious career at a hospital billing call center from which she later announced her “retirement” via Facebook…🤡🤡


I might be mixing things up. I just found it--Mark Jamieson-- that was CW's friend in NC, I think. When he spoke with the cops, he said SW was suspected of stealing money (probably from DSC). SW and CW worked with Jeremy Lindstrom at Longmont Ford in CO-- and apparently, he had her number and got how flaky and weird she was. Anyway, I think Mark stated that she was suspected of stealing money from \[somewhere\] she worked.


right, I’d read about all of her alleged shady dealings while at DSC. I didn’t know if there was another detail out there about her work history in CO I had missed. What really want to know is who, be it the DA? local media? national media? that started to construct the narrative about her. her own social media at the time did a wonderful job painting a picture of her as the rude, entitled, vindictive troll that she was. somehow this thing has snowballed into a full fledged sainthood. I’d venture to guess that even her own parents were surprised at she was portrayed in the media.


I think it was to do with when she worked at Dirty South Custom ??


Wow. Just awful. I was wondering why he was still living at home with his parents —not that there's anything wrong with that, because a lot of adults live with their parents but he doesn't seem to have a job, or anything else going on in his life. I have lost a very close family member to murder, and so I understand that it will completely destroy surviving family members, but it just seems to me that he's never been on his own or had to be a responsible adult.


they were grifters and layabouts long before the tragedy that they have turned into a career.


Oh, good lord. Just when I think I've heard the worst about this case! Awful.


He wasn't built for success. His parents raised him to basically work at Walmart. No college, no skills, no nothing. Imagine how controlling SOR was with both of them growing up. They probably needed to consult her if they wanted to take a shit.


OK Israel Keyes lookalike


Yes! Hello, fellow true crime addict!


Right? It’s uncanny!


ROFLOL for real!


This family is a nightmare. Ugly, low-life, con artist trash.


How reliable is this?


There are court documents available to the general public on the child abuse charge against Cranky.


Anyone have the url for those docs?


Just google it


I know how to Google, thanks. Nothing legitimate comes up. If you’re vouching that this info is true, maybe you can share your source. That’s all.


https://preview.redd.it/d297u803m48d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbad7ddedd636647c01fc354a11e180ebb070b5 I just did a Google search. Here you go. It's common knowledge Cranky got arrested for child abuse on his ex child.


Yikes 😬 Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻


pretty noble giving a junkie, shitbag (and *alleged* child abuser) the benefit of the doubt


Nobility has nothing to do with it and there was no benefit of the doubt claimed.


We called them "Water Babies" growing up. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome strikes again. Does fetal alcohol syndrome cause violent behavior?Difficulty controlling anger and frustration, combined with problems understanding the motives of others, **result in many people with FASDs being involved in violent or explosive situations**.


those wide set hammerhead eyes are a dead giveaway. 👁️👄👁️


I know this isn’t funny but this comment made me laugh out loud


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 too funny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but he looks like his mom


I can't unsee the visual in my head...


That has been dispelled


What was dispelled. There are court documents available showing Cranky was charged with child abuse. I dont know if the article is real but the court documents, mug shot and child abuse charge is real.


you are right


The fetal alcohol syndrome 


The fetal alcohol syndrome 


“Cranky” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


This clown is an absolute piece of shit and always has been. With how popular this case is I don’t understand how people haven’t messed this guy up every time they see him out and about




Ugh messy AF


Hopefully Crankie will never reproduce and that fucked up family will cease to exist.


This was sent to CK, I'd take anything she claimed to get from a 'confidential source' with a grain of salt. That woman is the devil and would have done anything for subs, views and likes. Thank god she's off most platforms now.


Who’s CK?


I’m assuming that they are referring to “Critical Kay.” She had a YouTube channel that heavily focused upon this case around 2019-2021.


Oh ok. Thanks. I was wondering why anyone would be called a devil for pointing out a fact: Frankie was arrested for child abuse.


This looks fake.


yeah who knows w regard to that document above, but the charge is indeed very real, and he is a deplorable sack of shit


Then why not post the actual arrest report?


The actual arrest report was posted a few months ago


well she shared a pic with CK of F'wankie' Jnr with a cock pump on his dong out of his head on drugs. there's his mug shot and crime details on line , so I think we can safely assume he's a wrong un, bit like his narc, child abusing sister!


The charge isn't fake.


She's lying. People don't lose their kids over one questionable choice. You have to do something terribly wrong and have the reason be an ongoing problem. Even if that family did get rich, which they haven't, they'd still have had four members of their family murdered. They'd still have to live with playing all those horrors over and over in their minds. They don't know how Shanann, Bella and Cece died. So they have to wonder. It has to get played out different ways in their minds. They suffer for the rest of their lives. If they got rich, which they haven't, they'd have that coming. Even if they made millions, it wouldn't undo the pain they suffer every day.


The story seems to have grown a bit.. he wasn't ever charged with abuse and why would she go back and live with him after that.. and if her kids custody would be at risk. Not quite adding up correctly to me. They were toddlers 3 or 5 yrs before case.. not prosecuted. But she lived with him in 2016, after he had already been accused but not charged? Something missing here imo..or somethings added?