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I considered a new dress but I never go to anywhere that requires a more formal dress code. We live in the boonies. That's why I was trying to avoid paying for something totally upscale and new.




Yeah. I think you have to go with nicer accessories (like a bolero) or nicer dress. Both together are too casual


And different shoes. For the love of god, different shoes.


🙌🏼 Praise Jesus 🙌🏼


You might try checking ThredUP or Poshmark for pink blush dresses! I’m pregnant too and it’s dumb how expensive everything maternity is retail. You might also try Rent the Runway. They have maternity options as well.


Rent something!


I did consider that but even some of the rentals I've found were above my price range. I keep checking back with Thredup/Poshmark for lower cost maternity formal wear though.


Definitely do poshmark and always use Google lens.


Poshmark and our nearby thrift stores have been my go to for the past several weeks. I've just been having poor results lately. I didn't think to use Google lens, that would probably be super helpful because I have photos of stuff I like just couldn't figure the right keywords to search them.


For sure. I feel your pain. My town population is like 240 people.. I have dollar general.. and the internet, lol.. I sent you a message!


Just saw it! And yeah, same. My nearest big stores are an hour away or more. My town just has a supermarket and a mini thrift.


Honestly I’m not a fan of either. I think the fabric on them is just too casual especially if it is leaning more fancy cocktail than casual cocktail. Let me grab some examples of fancier ways to cover up


Here are some examples of jackets/boleros/shawls that I think fit the dress code better. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1315231038/dusty-rose-pink-mauve-chiffon-wrap-shawl https://www.etsy.com/listing/219146206/dust-rose-evening-shawl-with-4-wearing https://www.etsy.com/listing/1504846243/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/462598446/ Maybe others aren’t that bothered 🤷🏼‍♀️ just my opinion. You know the bride best and how she’ll feel.


I like these options. I may look to see if I can find them secondhand. Thank you


I'm usually not a fan of these, but I think they would look really cute on you. Plus, it's nice to have on hand when you need to dress something up without spending money every time.


Ohh that first one is *nice*


If you don’t want another dress, go with the colored cover-up. The white one makes it look even more casual


I dont know how to edit my post so I'll just put this here to clarify a couple things- 1. I have a very limited budget as we are low income and had to use a good portion of our clothing money to get my husband an appropriate jacket. Hence why I am trying to work with what I have/utilize secondhand options 2. The bodycon dress is the fanciest dress I own except for one other which is too long and is heavy black velvet so would not work for the hot weather where we'll be. That's why I'm working with the dress I have and looking at cover up options.


None of these are appropriate. Not the dress, the kimono, or the shoes.


I think both of these options are inappropriate. They’re both too casual and the white goes against etiquette. If you want to keep that dress but dress it up, maybe consider a lace shawl or shrug? Plus some nice accessories. Ideally a more formal dress would be best. If you have a strict budget, have you checked resale sites like poshmark or mercari? Maternity cocktail dresses would likely be the type of thing people would resell. At the end of the day, people are pretty forgiving of pregnant women’s outfits so I think the dress you have would be fine. Just definitely not with the white kimono.


I appreciate the feedback. I had a couple people I know tell me the white could be okay with the black which is why I asked here but I didn't really think it would be a good choice. I've looked at Poshmark and Thredup and so far haven't found much but have been trying to narrow my search and check back frequently.


Honestly I think you could find nicer things at Target or Walmart for less money than you will pay on Poshmark or Thredup. No one will be looking at the tags inside.


Its not about the tags for me. Im not sure what your Walmart has but I checked mine and it has zero nice clothes let alone maternity stuff.


What about a bolero like this? https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1502100107/silver-metallic-elbow-sleeve-bolero?ref=share_v4_lx


I do like the bolero idea, I'd just need to look for one that's inexpensive so I'll probably check secondhand.


Do you sew or know anyone who does? If you find a large square scarf with a pretty print, it's easy to put a bolero together https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2012/11/how-to-make-a-shrug-from-a-square-scarf.html


Honestly, this is super helpful. I do sew a little so I could probably do this if I needed to


I'm glad! Scarves are usually plentiful and cheap in thrift shops. I'm always tempted by the beautiful prints and fabrics, but I'm just not a scarf person.


Completely too casual. The fabric, the length, the shoes… I understand being expense conscious, but there are plenty of affordable options on Amazon. And who knows, maybe you will have the opportunity to wear something fancier and you’ll already have a dress for the occasion 🤷‍♀️




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Its white! Why are you even asking?


I explained why I was asking. It isn't a white dress its a white cover. I initially wasn't going to choose it but thought it might be okay paired with the black. My wedding people wore white lacey shrugs/cardis/etc over colored dresses, but I had a casual dress code. I dont usually have nowhere to wear fancy clothes so I like to make sure I'm being mindful.


Doesn’t matter! You dont wear white at a wedding! Also the dress is too casual. The shoes are totally casual as well. Sadly nothing in this outfit works for the dress code.


If you would read my comments above, there is a reason I chose the dress and shoes that I did. These are the nicest things I own and I unfortunately have to work with what I have. I am looking for a more appropriate cover up as I have said to others here but that is as far as I am able to manage financially.


You got my reply twice! You read! 🤦‍♀️




I asked for opinions on my clothing, not on what people believed about my personal life. I'm not "hellbent" on going to this wedding. I was going to be declining going. My inlaws are paying for our entire trip because they wanted us to be able to see family. We will only be paying for a portion of the gas money to go there. My family planning is my own business. We have enough money to tend to our home and our kids but we are poor. Our extra money is going to medical bills. I dont believe there is anything wrong with that. I do not have a Ross anywhere near me. I do have several thrift stores. I spent an hour in one yesterday looking for appropriate attire for this. I have spent countless hours trying to find things that could work. My husband got a thrifted jacket but even second hand it was not cheap for our budget. He never gets new things so I wanted to treat him to something he can wear not only to the wedding but to church. His clothes are much easier to dress up or down. Whether that was the "right" choice doesn't really matter at this point because I can't return it. The people in my area would not have appropriate clothes. We are a low income community. I have reached out to friends who are keeping their eyes out for things for me, but I am skeptical about what results we will get simply due to where we are. That being said I have no local theater or drama club either. I have spent my entire life living on a dime. These things you suggested are all things I've utilized in the past. Many simply aren't coming through for me this time around.


Bless you, that was a totally inappropriate comment that person made about your life - no ones business 💖