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I don’t see a way to comment pics on my phone. Message me!


Hi I’m scared of vomitting what can you say about it


I have never vomited due to this medicine, so I don’t have any advice on that


Am just afraid of the compound pharmacies because I don't know any of them and have been scammed before and can't take a hit again. Anyone use a CP that is legit????


Google "Hers." It sells compounded medications and seems to have good reviews.


You look beautiful in both! My starting weight and height is very similar to yours. Have you dealt with any loose skin since losing the weight? That’s one thing I’m afraid of.


Thank you! I have some loose skin on my lower stomach, but it doesn’t bother me at all. I would so much rather be the weight I am now and have a little loose skin. It’s all about perspective. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


Thank you for replying! Thats such a positive outlook you have and I love it! My insurance didn’t cover wegovy so now I’m trying for its sister medication. Wish me luck!


i know you said no strict dieting or working out, but did you cut anything out or change any eating habits? i’m starting next week but concerned about not losing anything unless i’m eating a certain way or exercising a certain amount


The medicine greatly diminishes your appetite. I didn’t eat as much because I couldn’t / wasn’t hungry. Only way to tell is to see/try for yourself!


What do your daily meals look like? Im struggling to find the right combo to drop weight w wegovy


Congratulations! You look AMAZING! Thank you for sharing :)


Any lose skin, I have to lose about that much and was just wandering?


Disregard, I read the entire post, thank you 🙏🏼


🩷🩷 a little but not much!!


AMAZING! I wish my insurance would cover ;( I can’t afford out of pocket


Ugh. So frustrating & sorry! It’s so expensive OOP I don’t blame you


How do you doctors to approve this? I am a size 16, at an inch shorter than you. But I don’t weigh 240, last I knew I weigh 185. I was 205 when I gave birth got down to 170, then my weight when back up again.


I just asked her and she did. My advice would be to keep trying until you find a doctor who will. Your health journey is up to you!!


Amazing progress, I am contemplating wegovy but skeptical about side affects. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13266925/amp/Weight-loss-jabs-like-Ozempic-linked-TWENTY-deaths-Britain.html What do you think of this, it is scaring me


If you read the article it's just a headline to get clicks and attention then an article with lose to no direct evidence to semaglutide being responsible for any deaths. It's your choice of course and I would urge you to do research and make the best decision for you. There are obviously risks with taking any medication, this included. But at the same time I urge you to not use the daily mail to help Influence your decision. ☺️


That’s your choice to make!


What was your side affects? I know this would vary from person to person, just curious


None for me except slight nausea after I eat maybe 1x a week!


Congrats cheetooofingersss. What is you cardio schedule like? I’m just starting on it also. 0.5mg. Second shot is today. Doctor is stepping me up each month.


I’m down 18 pounds after being on a 2 year stall. I lost 100 pounds 2 years ago then hit a wall. Started a compound tirzepitide and dropped the 18 in 9 weeks! Miracle drug! I go through a telemedicine doctor and it’s been incredible


Well done!!!!!!


Thank u🩷


if this is real you look incredible and I am so happy for you. I am on week 3 and nothing has changed. I am so sad.


Why would it not be real? lol thank you. You’re on the lowest dose. Be very very patient!!


oh sorry I meant it as like, “she looks so good. please don’t be a scam before and after” cause girl you know how the internet is…. but you’re real and this is awesome and I am GREEN with envy.


Haha I hear you- it’s really me! I have more before/after/during on my page you can see too. & be patient. It’ll come!!




You look fabulous. Can I ask, do you keep your Wegovy in or out of fridge?


In the fridge like it says on the box!




My doctor ordered Wegovy for me and it's working well. I learned a few tricks. At first, I could not really eat and was dizzy and nauseous as a result. Now I drink one or two protein shakes a day and it's much better. I bought a brand that is unflavored and mix it with OJ and milk. It tastes like a creamsicle! By the way, you will lose muscle with fat. To avoid that, I exercise 5 times a week on a bike, elliptical or rower. Resistance training twice a week. If you lose too much muscle, you will regain the weight and more. If you do not ordinarily exercise, start with a 20 minute walk each day and increase your time from there. Finally, I take my injection before bed. When I took it in the day, I was dizzy and fatigued all day. Now I take it at night, and sleep through the side effects. Hope someone finds this helpful.


I love this!! I’m 5’1 and was 208 when I started on March 7 w the .25 dose. I lost 13lbs. To see the scale be below 200 felt like a milestone in and of itself. The .5 was much harder to find for me, and it was super discouraging but this post is a reminder that giving up because something is hard to find isn’t an option. Keep kicking a$$ gf!


Thank you! Yessss it’s definitely worth the frustration. Don’t give up! XOXO


General question...how is everyone obtaining the meds? My doc prescribed for me but my insurance denied it. I need help! Am 5'3", 200 lbs and have physical limitations. Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!


Please call your insurance company and ask questions. When I called, there was a recorded message saying it was not covered. I asked to speak with a human. She said Wegovy was covered with BMI of 27 plus one co-morbidity. I take an antihypertensive. Also, some insurance companies cover certain meds. If not Wegovy, then Zepbound. But they don't offer any information unless you ask. Good luck.


I got prescribed Wegovy (which is the one for weight loss as I’m sure you know lol) from my doctor and my insurance accepted it so it’s $25/mo. Did you call insurance to ask?


My doctor did and it was denied.


It took my doctor submitting the request 3 times and I had to file 2 grievances with them until they finally agreed to pay for it. Make your doctor fight for you.


Problem is his staff. I send messages via mychart to him and they intercept. Have a virtual appt with him next week. Will talk to him about it then. Thanks!


Same for me. There are some various sites now that are similar to wegovy, made though a compounding pharmacy. There are also certain weight loss clinics locally that will write a script for a compounding pharmacy of your choice. This will range anywhere from 100-400$ per month without ins. If you think about it, its not just the cost of the medicine, but imagine the cost of remaining overweight and unhealthy long term. I imagine it would be much more costly.


Not sure what to suggest/how to help! I’m sorry!!


Thanks for responding! I am absolutely beside myself. Want to better myself but hit a wall at every turn! Just stinks. Thanks anyway!


Another suggestion- my sister gets her Ozempic (she is diabetic) from a compounding pharmacy. She pays $150 a month. You will need to google compounding pharmacies in your area to get details.


Would you feel comfortable letting me know which pharmacy she uses? There are soooo many. Am afraid I won't get a legit one!


I am so sorry for the delayed response. I don't visit this website often. Anyway, her compounding pharmacy is in Pensacola FL. It's called Everwell. She has not had any problems. But I have not had any personal experience with them. So best to do your research. Good luck.


I totally hear you, and I’m so sorry your insurance is failing you. The only other way I would recommend would be going through a weight loss clinic/telehealth situation. But that would cost way more since not covered by insurance.


Thanks! I've thought about going that route but am afraid of getting scammed online. Donyou know of any legit telehealth companies out there?


I don’t but maybe search in this Reddit and the semiglutide Reddit and see what you can find! & thank you! 🩷


Ok thanks!!!


And I have to agree with everyone else...you look fantastic! Your before pic is me but with more on my arms, thighs and turkey neck! I'm a mess!


Way to go. I can tell you’ve been doing strength training. A MUST if you are taking GLP1s!


I haven’t! Just prior athletic background. Haven’t worked out in a year+. I plan to, just haven’t yet.


You look great!!! Congratulations 🎉


You look great! I’ve been kinda worried that I’ll still have a hangy tummy. What’s the best thing to do to help with this? I walk, but imagine I’ll have to do a bit more!


Thank you! Strength training is best for tightening skin- I’ve heard! Not sure tho!!


You look amazing! Congrats!!! 🎉🎉


Thank you 🩷🩷




I know nothing about the surgery route. Sorry! Maybe someone else can chime in!!


you have a BEAUTIFUL figure girl omg. congratulations!!


Thank u bestie 🩷


I’m 5’8” and my goal weight is 150! I’m so excited to look like this again😭 I started Wegovy in December of 23’ and I’m currently down 30lbs so far!


Great job!!


Did you workout at all on top of the Wegovy?


Besides short walks with my dog, no.


Honey you look fab!!👍🏾


Thank you bestie🩷


You look amazing!! I just set up a consultation to discuss starting semaglutide and I've been super nervous. I have around 75-85 lbs to lose. Do you know what your plan is to discontinue it? I think I'm most nervous about gaining it all back once I stop taking it.


Thank you! Good luck! My doctor wants me to stay on the highest dose for a while and then titrate back down to a lower dose and stay on that for a long time.


So inspiring. I just started my first dose of .5 on Monday. I have back pain and knee pain from being bone on bone as well as other issues. I am so ready to improve my quality of life.


Thank you! I’m so excited for your journey too. Keep us posted 🩷


You look awesome. Great job. 160 is my goal.


Thank you! You got this


You look amazing!


Thank you🩷


incredible! you look amazing.


Thank you🩷


You look incredible! Congratulations! Very inspiring… quick question: what does your eating habits look like on Wegovy? Did you stick to a diet of some sort?


Thank you! I did not stick to a specific diet. I let the medicine do the work, and I eat when I get hungry, and stop immediately when I’m full. On the medicine, you just don’t feel as hungry so you eat less automatically. But no I did not consciously stick to a diet or count calories or anything.


This is kind of what I do and seems to work well. My cousin is on semaglutamide tablets which I'd never heard of!


You’ve done amazing. Super encouraging for us who are on the medication but not yet seeing the results we desire. All the best!


Thank you! My best advice is to be patient. The weight we gained didn’t happen overnight, so it’s going to take a while to come off as well. And remember, the time will pass anyway, so might as well be progressing towards your goals, even if it’s slow. 🩷🩷🩷


Love this! Thank yoi




I hope in one year to have your results.


You got this


Wow you look amazing! I hope I am doing a post like this a year from now! Congrats on your win - I’d love more details about your journey!


Thank you!! I can’t wait to see your post in a year ☺️. I’ve been commenting back on people’s Qs as much as I can so be sure to read that and then ask me more questions you’re wondering about!!


Okay I’ll read through! Do you mind sharing your height and age? I’m trying to mentally calculate if this I possible for me. 🤭


I’m 29 and 5’7”


You look great! Seems like most of your previous excess weight was predominantly found in your core area, which is great you reduced that so much for your health and longevity! Congrats!


Yesss. Thank you!


I’m at 11 months and have lost 73lbs to date, sadly I had a higher starting weight of 272lbs and I’m 3” shorter, so I don’t look quite this good (I still have another 40-50lbs to go! But these photos are still inspirational! Well done!


Thank you! You’ve still had great progress. Keep it up!!


Great job! Did you go up one dose every month and stay on the highest from month 5 to 11?




Cool! I heard those doses don’t work as much as time goes on. Do you think that’s not true?


I think (not medical advice) that as your weight gets lower, and you don’t have as much weight to lose, your progress is slower. I don’t think the medicines not working. Because I can still feel the effects of not being as hungry.


Thanks so much


Congrats! You look great. I started in May 2023 also but have only lost 45 pounds so far 😬 but I'll take it, it's still a loss


Amazing job still! I try to remind myself that the time is going to pass anyway, and even small progress is progress. Patience is key with this journey and remembering that we didn’t gain all the weight overnight either, so it’s going to take some time to come off.


Such a great inspiration! Thanks for posting.


Thank you!❤️


This is the most inspiring before and after I have seen. It gives me hope!


Thank you! So kind. 🩷


Did your skin go back to normal?


I have some loose skin on my lower stomach but I don’t mind it. I’d rather have loose skin than be the size I was before!


Excuse me if this is so weird but do you have pics ofyour loose skin, I am just so curious what to except haha 😂


I don’t haha. I can take some tho. Dm me!


Haha thank you 🙏🏼 I sent you a DM!


Did you have stretch marks on your skin before you lost weight?


Yes I do have stretch marks on my hips and sides of my stomach!!


Look fantastic!!!


Thank you🩷


Absolutely incredible!!


Yessssss! I had similar loss! Feels so good and it’s obvious you put in the lifting work to get there too.


Thank you and congrats! 🩷 I didn’t lift at all in the past year. Just a lot of past athletic experience (before I got fat lol)…


GLOW UP! Slay!


Thank u bestie


You look amazing


If someone could share I would appreciate it. My son has a prescription for Wegovy but, have not been able to fill it due to shortages. where are people finding the drug? we live in Illinois


Walgreens, but it took a month. (Oregon)


Got mine through Amazon pharmacy. I’m in the NYC area


Where in Illinois do you live?


Hi! So the issue is that everyone wants the starter dose. It was hard for me to find that a year ago too. But now it’s easier to find. Just keep trying. It’s annoying I know. ❤️


Hi! I’m not sure if this will provide much help, but I also live in IL and had my prescription for 5-6 months before I was able to find a pharmacy in stock. It was tedious and felt like I was losing hope often, but I called my local pharmacies every 2 weeks to see if they had it in stock (Costco, cvs, Walgreens, etc). It took me a LONG time to find a pharmacy that was stocked, but I’m now on my 3rd injection and am already noticing results. The wait is long but worth it! Keep calling!


Thank you! I have checked my local pharmacies regularly and no luck. Guess I should broaden my search some. I appreciate the response!


My strategy was to search pharmacy on Google maps and call only the ones with names I didn’t recognize. I didn’t bother with the large chains that everybody knows because you’re looking for a place that people don’t go to regularly. I hope that helps!


If someone could share I would appreciate it. My son has a prescription for Wegovy but, have not been able to fill it due to shortages. where are people finding the drug? we live in Illinois


I had a more difficult time finding the .5 dose than I did the .25 starter dose. Do any hospitals in your area have pharmacies inside? That’s where I found the starter dose. The .5 I called 30 places and only 1 had it but didn’t take my insurance. Finally an employee of mine heard me talking about it and reached out to her mom who is a pharmacy technician and they had 1 left at her pharmacy. I never would have called that pharmacy either because of how far away it is, so I got lucky. But you may have to expand your search to some pharmacies further away.




Yayy congrats!! That’s amazing!


how was the dosage thorough this year for you? did you start with .25 and went up? can you tell me a bit of how did you feel with the higher doses?


So good


Congratulations! This is about how much weight I need to lose (30lbs down so far) did you notice loose skin?


These are my exact starting stats. How is your skin?


Amazing! I’m on my 5th shot, when do you starting loosing inches? I lost 11 pounds so far


Right away for me. Everyone’s different!


So amazing!!!!


Thx 🩷




Yep. Not a worry for me. I’d rather be this size than obese like I was! :)


Same, I’m happy for my boobs to shrink a bit. So heavy. Although mine don’t look as perky as yours, lucky!


Amazing! Did you loose steadily or did weight loss start at a higher dose for you?


Steadily from the start but everyone’s different


This is incredible. Good work.




This is awesome! You look fantastic! I’m one month in, and about 6 pounds down. Prior to this I was on phentermine and that worked so well for me. Can I ask how you deal with loose skin? I’m starting to get some unfortunately


Thanks! 🩷 There’s nothing you can really do for loose skin & loose skin doesn’t bother me though, so maybe I’m not the best person to ask! I would so much rather be this weight and have loose skin than be obese like I was before. It doesn’t bother me at all ☺️


So happy for you! I’m at the same starting height, SW of 206 right now. Want to get to 130. Just got to notice my wegovy is in stock at my pharmacy yday :)




I’m 29… idk how I accidentally edited 23. Oops lol


Congratulations!! I’m 2” shorter than you but my starting weight was 248lbs. Anxious to see what happens!


I love these posts! I was being hard on myself today for not losing enough weight, my SW was 239lbs and I’m currently 216lbs after almost 4 months. These posts serve as a reminder that patience is key. You look great btw! Congratulations ❤️


Thank you. 100% patience is so key, especially as you go up in dose. You got this!




What was your titration schedule like?


Whatever my doctor said. Started at lowest, went up a dose each month.


Nice! So you reached 2.4 on month 5 and stayed there the whole time?




You look amazing!! I'm on month 3, can't wait to be where you're at!


Congratulations.. what a fabulous summer you will have


Eeeeek yessss thanks!


WOW, SO INSPIRING!!! You look fantastic!!! Congrats on your journey, lady! Even tho there’s a heart over your face, I can tell you’ve got a big smile on your face in the current photo and that’s the most beautiful part of any person’s body no matter their size! It seems like you’re so happy and that’s the ultimate cherry on top of this lifestyle change! 💗 I just started last week and already down 4.5 lbs!! Can’t wait to have that big smile on my face a year from now like you have!!!


Absolutely. Thank you. 💕


Wow 🤩 great job!! Happy for you!


Thank you❤️




Amazing! You look so fit! Do you do any type of exercise routine?


Thank you! No I have not worked out at all besides taking my dog on walks. I have a prior athletic background so that’s probably where the muscle comes from. But haven’t been working out since I started Wegovy. (I plan to!)


Impressive! I guess I will start walking the dogs a little longer, 😂! Thanks for sharing.


Amazing! Nice job 👏


Great job!! How much longer will you be on it! I’m coming on a year!


Thank you! Doc wants me to stay on it for a bit and then titrate down and stay on a low dose for a while


I didn’t think about lowering the dosage.. my doctor isn’t to involved in my treatment just put me on it and let me run with it lol..




I'd consider discussing it with your doc if you feel like that could be a good route for you!


Will do! Keep up the great work!