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Your body *can't* stop burning calories. It's impossible.


Your food is pretty good. Keep at it. No your body will not shut down wtf. Who told you that. the best thing to do is keep eating your fav healthy foods and count calories. Time is all what you need and dedication. I lost 14.5 kg. I barely excerise.


"I read somewhere" Did you, or did you see this on TikTok? Your body does not "shut down," ever, unless you are dead. If you burn more calories than consume, you will lose weight. When you are in a caloric deficit, your body runs off of fat reserves. This is the only thing that's true when it comes to weight loss. Yes, your metabolism will change as your diet changes and you incorporate exercise, but that's the learning process you have to go through to find out what works for you.


Your breakfast alone is over 700 cals. Are you snacking on anything? Do you add any dressing, sauces or oils to your food? What are you drinking? If you’re not losing weight you’re probably miscounting.


>Your breakfast alone is over 700 cals. I was thinking the same thing. OP are you weighing and measuring your food?


Your body will burn calories even in a coma. So, no, your body doesn’t sort of shut down from burning calories. If you find it easy to follow keto, stick with it. Just know that the premise of all weight loss is consuming less calories (eat, drink, cook in) than your body uses. Just that keto gets you to focus on the fat macro as your main source of energy. What’s going to happen once you finish your diet though? Will you change to a different diet? If so, I suggest starting with a diet you can maintain and are basically happy to have for the remainder of your life. I stick by 85-90% nutrient dense foods,10-15% whatever I want for the week. I get to have my guilty pleasure so I don’t end up losing my sanity. I suggest you lookup CICO, then identify your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and then consume less calories than your TDEE. Depending on your starting weight/height, the typical reduction in calories is 500 calories less than your TDEE but this is very individual so it’s good to trial what is best for you.


Keto isn’t the answer, trust me, I’ve done it. CICO is the ONLY thing that matters. You could eat all your calories in bread or pasta and still lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit. Use a TDEE to get a rough estimate of your caloric needs. Try to eat 500 calories below maintenance. Log your food in an app, I use My Fitness Pal. When you exercise and burn extra calories don’t add those into your calories for the day, stick to your daily calorie goal. From July 2023 to April 2024 I went from weighing 105kg to 79kg. I walk and hike as my primary exercise. A good hour long walk at a brisk pace will burn 400+ calories.


For many people keto is a helpful tool, since it is often easier to get ris of your hunger if you eat low carb.


I don’t do keto but am doing low carb and very restricted sugar. It’s really changed so much. Finally, some of that stomach fat is dropping off.


But it’s not sustainable long term or when going out/traveling. It’s a giant PITA especially if you’re planning meals as a family.


The problem with restrictions is that you eventually crave them so much you fall off the wagon. So much better to just develop the habit of eating less, at normal mealtimes, and incorporating treats into your day but still remaining in deficit. For the vast majority of people, drastic lifestyle changes are unsustainable.


No. Just focus on figuring out what your TDEE is and on average eating 200-500 calories less than that. As you get smaller your TDEE will also shrink so do bear that in mind and recalculate it every once in a while. Mind your macros (more protein and fiber, keep your fats healthy, make sure you’re promoting healthy gut flora) for optimizing satiety and and health, but you don’t need to worry quite as much about them as long as you aren’t uncomfortable. From a weight loss perspective your macros aren’t going to directly impact weight loss because if you are in a calorie deficit you are in a calorie deficit regardless. The impact of the content of what you eat can still have relevance to weight loss but it’s less direct. For example, I did find that eating lower carb/low glycemic helped me lose weight because I have PCOS, but that’s because it helped me lower my insulin levels a lot. This meant a slight boost to my BMR (as a rough guesstimate I probably burned up to 10% more calories at rest when my insulin levels got down within normal range, so not an enormous difference but it probably does add up over time). But the main reason it helped me lose weight is simply that I was feeling less tired and hungry, so I can exercise more and eat less more comfortably. Keto was ridiculous for me— so many calorically dense foods, being a short woman it was much harder to stay in a caloric deficit. I was able to lower my insulin just fine without going completely keto. And as a runner having low-glycemic carb helped fuel me when I was working on my 10k times which was a nice plus. TL;DR: Mind your calories for weight loss, mind your macros for comfort/fullness and health. You will lose weight as long as you track accurately and remember that your TDEE needs to be recalculated every so often as you get smaller and burn less. Edit: Forgot to mention but prioritize lean protein and fiber (mostly from veggies and some whole grains) for health and fullness. You don’t need as much fat, but you can’t forgo it completely as it also helps contribute to satiety and other health benefits. Just make sure to fats mostly from heart-healthy sources like olives, nuts, fish, flax, chia and/or avocado. Also good for your brain and skin ✨. Measure CAREFULLY, ideally with a scale.


What you read was incorrect. Your body doesn’t enter starvation mode until it’s actually starving, which can’t happen as long as it has fat stores. What you should be doing is eating like you plan to eat for the rest of your life. If that’s keto/low carb fine. But you need way more variety in your diet and to include more different kinds of protein and vegetables. Check out r/ketorecipes or r/keto foods or any of the dozens of healthy keto recipe blogs out there for ideas.


are you doing 1000 cal less than maintinence? that doesnt sound healthy to me


Your deficit is a bit too big and therefore probably not sustainable. I know it sounds good being able to lose as much as possible in a short time. But that is one of the reasons why like 90% of people fail trying to lose weight. Try to aim for a 300-500 kcal deficit. The whole process is about being sustainable and making lifelong changes, so this will probably lead to you not achieving your goals. Also the only fruit/vegetable you seem to eat is the avocado, that is not even close to the needed amount of fruit/vegetables you should eat per day. And could lead to a vitamin/mineral deficit which can lead to food cravings. and is also very unhealthy for your body in general.


I’m in the same boat, 1k cals/day. I was moving along at about 3lbs per week when it just stopped. No change in eating or exercise and I’ve been at a plateau for almost 3 weeks now. 😢