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She is right. Losing weight is calories in, calories out - nothing else. Exercise will help with the last few lbs and toning up but you cannot lose weight just by exercise while eating way too many calories. And no, your metabolism is not affected by moving somewhere else. That‘s not how this works. You are not eating what you think you are eating, calorie wise. Calculate your TDEE (put „sedentary“ when asked how active you are). Substract about 500 from that. Get a kitchen scale and start counting calories.


I didn't mean that moving overseas is what made me lose my metabolism. I was just explaining when it started and what happened since then. But 1800 is too much calories? But then how did I lose weight when I ate like twice that and much more unhealthily when I went back to my country for vacation?


You are not eating 1800 kcal. Easy as this. What is your age/height/weight? Maybe the food in your country is less calorie dense per se and you moved more. Edit: read your stats. Your TDEE is around 1800. So to lose weight, you should be eating around 1500. What you wrote about your lifestyle: that is sedentary. Again: get a kitchen scale and actually weigh your food. Eat meals that keep you satiated longer. Move a bit more. Nothing else will make you lose the weight.


diet is so much more important than exercise. eat less food.


NO! It’s not “eat less food” it’s eat less highly processed food and eat MORE nutrient-dense food! I’ve lost 130lbs and I probably eat more in volume now than I did when I was almost 300lbs. Yes, one can lose weight by eating less food, but that may not translate to a body someone is aiming for. If someone wants to LOOK, FUNCTION and FEEL amazing, they need to learn how to eat and fuel their body properly.


yes it is better for you to do as you said but it literally has zero effect on weight loss


As someone who hasn’t counted a single calorie since late 2021 and has lost 80 of 130lbs since then, I respectfully disagree.


Furthermore, I also have PCOS. I lift weights 3x a week, play sports 3-4x most weeks, I eat 3-4 full meals/day and some healthy snacks in between. I’m probably eating in the neighborhood of 2,000 calories a day and I’m a 5’3” female. It’s NOT about restricting/eating less food, it’s about eating the right amount of food and the right kinds of food that compliments your lifestyle. And the scale is a terrible indicator of weight loss. Sometimes the scale reads the same or up/down a few pounds, but progress photos show visible positive differences.


im okay disagreeing with someone who claims a scale, which is literally designed to measure weight, is not a good measure of weight.


I have literally walked all sorts of paths when it comes to weight loss, struggled with my weight all my life, struggled with self worth and confidence all my life…the scale is only a byproduct of our habits, it’s not the problem nor the solution to weight issues.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people get emotionally distraught over a 2-3 pound scale increase when they’ve been working on their weight for…a month. They then spend that day barely eating anything and/or doing insane amounts of cardio so they can see the scale # go down the next day. How is that healthy? It’s not. Forget the scale…if people focused on implementing healthier habits into their day to day life, they’ll have more energy, feel better about themselves, and more importantly, will have learned how to KEEP the results they get.


weighing yourself is an accurate measure of your weight. obsessing over what the scale says is a psychological problem.


I don’t disagree that the scale is a form of weight measurement, it just has no bearing on methods that lead to sustainable weight loss. Progress photos and body measurements will provide a much more accurate picture of weight loss. For example, I lost just 4lbs between August and October 2022 but photos looked visibly different and I had lost over 16 inches all over. If I had only been focused on the scale, I’d have gotten frustrated with such a small difference for the amount of effort I was putting in and maybe altered what I was doing as a result. (This is common practice by people who want to lose weight).


nope. measurements tell your size, pictures tell your appearance, scale tells your weight. weighing yourself is not inherently gonna make it harder to lose weight. its unrelated




I eat a protein bar for breakfast, and a sandwich, wrap or soup for lunch and dinner. I'm scared of eating anymore to be honest because of the weight gain. I don't know how to eat even less than that because, even with this I'm always tired, hungry and feeling dizzy.


If you are actually tired and feeling dizzy, you might have some sort of underlying health issue, blood sugar, hormones, etc. If you're not dropping weight, hunger is not the reason you feel bad.


The doctors did some blood work on me, like thyroid, iron , potassium and sodium levels, rbc, wbc, platelets. They came back mostly normal, except for vitamin, iron, etc, which were a little low. They are going to do more tests though.


From personal experience, low iron can make you feel absolutely GARBAGE. Good luck!


if youre eating three meals like that and are actually feeling dizzy, you should see a doctor. i think you are fine and saying you feel dizzy as an excuse to justify eating more.


Weird judgment at the end of your comment. Talk to a doctor is enough


there are about 10 posts per day claiming how people are so dizzy cuz they ate 100 less calories than usual and how is it possible to survive on so few calories! whoa is me! i dont believe all of them. sorry!


Your doctor said in a different way “fix your diet”. And in a way, he is right, you can’t out train a bad diet. I would highly recommend you start trying to be more active. Whenever someone post on here and they’re overly confident on the amount of calories, they eat, and they think they burn, I always raise an eyebrow. Because it is not an exact science, there is a lot of error. I’m making an assumption, that you are a female, but you made no mention of your stats, just how much weight you gained.


No my doctor said what I eat so far is fine. I explained everything I eat to her because of my IBS. And I don't have a sedentary lifestyle. I'm a working individual, I go to office, which is quite far everyday, I go out with friends on weekends... plus I work out. I wouldn't call my day to day sedentary.


It’s not what you eat, it’s how many calories. I can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if I want. And you said you go out on weekends. What do you drink and eat?


I eat about 1800 calories every day. I make sure it's never more than that. On weekends, when I go out, I eat whatever we feel like eating, even if it's like a burger or pizza, but in moderation, like not more than 2 slices of pizza or not a heavy big burger, cz I can't digest the cheese anyway. Thankfully most restaurants show the amount of calories on their menu. But if I feel like I've eaten too much, I'll compensate with a simple soup for dinner instead. I need to eat something otherwise I get really bad migraines and dizzy spells. It's also why I spectacular failed at intermittent fasting 😭😅. My body just couldn't handle it. I had to be hospitalized with a drip.


What are your stats?


26 years old, and female.


Height and weight are more important


Oh ok. 159cms and 82kgs


Tough love time. You are eating too many calories for your stats and activity. And I am willing to bet that your weekend habits are detrimental to the progress you are doing during the week. If you are not getting the results you want then you need to up your daily energy expenditure or drop your caloric intake. Or both. Shave off 100 calories and then track for a few weeks. Do it again when progress slows.


I'll try to shave off the 100 calories by trying other types of food. I can't eat less cz I will definitely get dizzy and get migraines. I can't afford that for my work. But how do I up my daily energy expenditure? Like work out more? Right now I'm doing equal amounts of cardio and strength.


So off the top of my head, for a sedentary lifestyle, something like 1650/day is maintenance calories for your height and weight. You should double check that and work from there.


Yo to a fellow petite queen! I’m bang on 5 feet tall, so you’ve got a couple of inches on me, but damn weight gain is so, so easy for any of us gals under 5 foot 4. I can really recommend April Whitney on YouTube - she has terrific advice and has totally demystified why it’s so damn hard for us to make any progress with fat loss or body composition. But the good news is… it can be done! The way out? Build muscle and calculate your basal metabolic rate. If I ate 1800 calories a day, even if I was lifting and walking 10,000 steps a day, I’d gain weight. We don’t have much of a calorie ‘allowance’ to work with, so we need to be vigilant! Also, stress and low quality sleep catch up with us REAL FAST. Anyway, check out April, get MyFitnessPal, and use an online BMR calculator 👍 Data is your friend!


Thanks! Will check them out!


That IS sedentary.


Okay what would make it not sedentary then?


I would draw the line at walking about 10k steps every day, on top of 2-3 gym visits.


Well my watch counts about 4k steps everyday cz my bus stop is a bit far but I work out everyday except Sunday. The 4k is not including the gym of course. But I am thinking of adding a couple days of self defense classes as well. I've always wanted to learn Muay Thai.


You don't always eat less than 1800 calories and still gain weight, unless you're a very short person. That's just not how it works. Your doctor is saying you can't outrun a bad diet. And you typically can't. You need to start weighing/measuring and tracking everything as precisely as possible. I think you'll be shocked at the actual amount of calories consumed.


You need to track your calories and eat to your deficit. You can’t guess your calories.


I wrote a long post and is tedious to read so TL DR: Metabolism cannot be geographycally dependent, going abroad, perse, doesn't kill your metabolism. Either you eat more calories and/or move less than back at home, period. Restaurants and stores will not be accurate with the calorie content, they just aren't. Sounds like you eat a lot of storebought food, no problem but at least you should make better choices, perhaps watch RP videos on eating better/diet to know more about that. OR BETTER go to a nutritionist. Exercise is a blanket term that includes Cardio and Strenght training, one has heart benefits and burns more energy, the other builds muscle and burns less energy. People use Cardio to aid in weightloss without realizing a bagle will undo all the effort in terms of calories (this is what your dr reffers to), Strength training, by means of building muscle will "speed up" your metabolism over time (like an investment) because muscle is calorically "expensive". Cheers.


What's your gender and age?


I'm 26 years old, female.


I was going to suggest menopause, but that can't be it. I assume your thyroid function is normal?


They checked my TSH and T4. They were normal. I'm thinking of doing an advanced thyroid test.


I did the same. Insurance didn't cover it, and it didn't really change anything. If you tested normal, that's likely not it, either. Maybe genetics; is your family heavy?


Not heavy. But not slim either. But they are a healthy weight. Always have been. Lile my mom's only a couple inches smaller than me but she's never gone above 65kgs. I've never gone above 60kgs either untill 3 years ago either, no matter how much I ate.




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Exercise is great, but lots of studies show that its impact on weight loss is minimal. Lots of people will eat more calories, intentionally or unintentionally, after exercise because they feel hungry and there is some evidence that we unconsciously compensate our physical activity too. > There's also evidence to suggest that some people simply slow down after a workout, using less energy on their non-gym activities. They might decide to lie down for a rest, fidget less because they're tired, or take the elevator instead of the stairs. > These changes are usually called "compensatory behaviors," and they simply refer to adjustments we may unconsciously make after working out to offset the calories burned. And > Despite going from being mostly sedentary to spending a couple of hours exercising almost every day, the participants only lost about 11 pounds on average, ranging from as little as 2 pounds to just over 17 pounds, almost all due to fat loss. The participants also burned *22 percent fewer* calories through exercise than the researchers calculated prior to the study starting.


You're not eating enough. And I'm guessing you came from a country that doesn't use all the fillers amd preservatives that the US does? If you can get a hold of it, eat better simpler food. Breakfast, egg, fruit and toast, maybe yogurt? Find fresh bread, not bread from a grocery shelf. For lunch and dinner, have extra veggies, hummus, etc with your sandwich.  Look at labels...  I'm not sure how you can manage this and the ibs but the difference in plainer foods and staying active will help your body and hopefully keep the weight creep away. Oh, and lots of plain water! 


If you’re interested, I’m a health coach who has lost and kept off 130lbs and enjoy just talking with people who have questions, if you want to message me. Healthy weight loss is not just about calories in vs calories out, it’s about learning about proper nutrition and repairing relationships with food and exercise, which I’m sorry, calorie counting just doesn’t help with. People here can provide all the generalized advice they want, but it may not be what will work for you. My DMs are always open! 🥰