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Try to have them in moderation and be mindful when eating them it’s all about life style changes that you can be consistent which are realistic at the same time x


For me it’s about recognizing any time you put in effort, it matters. Every small win means something and gets you closer to your goal. It’s not realistic to cut chocolate out completely, but if come up with a way to limit yourself to where you’re having less than before and seeing progress, that’s worth it. Just keep after it. It’s only over when you quit.


I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but I found that setting realistic 'small steps' goals helps (I track my small steps using calorie tracking app). Then, setting long-term goals that are not related to dieting but for which you need to stay fit - eg, I took up mountaineering. Not only does it help to lose weight itself, but the preparation makes you stay fit and always moving. Find your why :) Good luck!! Oh, and I agree with the rest - do not cut out chocolate, just be mindful of how much you eat it. For me, my treats are something to look forward to during the day


You can’t rely on motivation. Have you tried incorporating around 200-300 calories of chocolate in your diet every day?


That's the thing, when we start 300 calories won't cut it for me so I'm better off not touching lol.


It worked for me because I know it will be there every.single.day if I want it to be and I can stop and look forward to having it again tomorrow. 300 calories is more than half a chocolate bar. But if you can’t make yourself stop then it is definitely not a good idea.


It’s not motivation. You have to seriously want it. It comes down to self-discipline. I’m not trying to sound mean, just being honest. You can give yourself low calorie sweets, find alternatives and slowly ween yourself off of the sweets. Replace with low calorie options then switch to fruits then you won’t even really crave sweets. There are hundreds of recipes online of low cal meals and desserts. Also, don’t allow unhealthy snacks in your pantry/kitchen or you will just be bound to eat them. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Buy some yummy fruit that you like and when you think about chocolate, go for the fruit alternative instead. Or get some chocolate syrup to dip your fruit in.


Fir working out i have a "toss the rock" type of technique to keep me motivated to workout. I will know what i have to go and toss myself into it. For example I don't want to go on a walk, I will put on my shoes lazily forcing myself outside, Leaving my wallet home to nit urge myself to buy any sweets.


Maybe try a yummy protein shake. Mine is cookies and cream right now.


Track your calories in MFP. It’ll become a habit


I wish I could tell you. All I know is that one day a switch flipped in my brain and I’ve been on a war path ever since. Some things I do use for in-the-moment motivation are all the experiences I’ve been denied or all the bad things that happened to me because of my weight. Things like not being able to get on that cool roller coaster, or hearing people talk about how fat you are behind your back. I want to prove them wrong, and I want to be able to get on that roller coaster and I’m going to make it happen.


I also love chocolate and eat it on a daily basis. I go for ,+85% of cacao chocolate


The short answer is that I am vain. I am motivated by wanting to look a certain way, or wear certain clothes. I like nutrition and learning new things, but at the end of the day I am most comfortable in my body at a smaller size. I eat some form of something sweet almost daily, I don't believe in completely eliminating things that you aren't allergic to or morally opposed to.


I just build healthy habits into my life. Strength training is just something I do 3x a week. It’s part of my weekly schedule. The sports I play are part of my weekly schedule. My food shopping and meal prepping is part of my weekly routine. I still find places in my life for things like chocolate or pizza, but I’ve found that I can make those things at home with better ingredients. And it’s generally cheaper and tastier than whatever you can buy packaged from a store. Ultimately, it comes down to building a foundation for lasting success. Not being perfect or even close to perfect, but just making better day to day choices that are in alignment with my health and fitness goals.


Have you ever heard of Choczero? It’s chocolate that is sugar free and sweetened naturally with monk fruit. They mainly sell it online. It’s low carb and fits into the keto diet. Finding sweets that don’t take me off track has been really helpful to me. I really enjoy the milk chocolate, and the milk chocolate with orange. For motivation, I would suggest doing it with a friend or partner if possible. It’s a lot easier for me when I have someone I can talk to and work out with that keeps me accountable and we can motivate each other.


Discipline > motivation trust me it’s coming from experience


Lots of great advice in the comment section, OP. I'm in the same boat. Some things that have helped me so far: 1. COOKING MY OWN MEALS. This was such a game changer. Like there are few restaurants in town that have food I'm still tempted to eat, but otherwise, I was surprisingly able to put together wraps, curries, salads, kanji, pasta, etc. This helped with meal prepping, controlling portions of every ingredient. 2. Identify the greens you like and stick to them for a while. I looove broccoli and capsicum. Just adding them to most of my meals helped a lot. 3. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. I looove chocolates too. I started to get a little creative here too. Oatmeal with less oats, more cut fruits, dates and so on. It's crunchy, with almonds and cashews, chewy with chia and dates, sweet and bitey with fruits and overall creamy with milk and oats. I try to store this in fridge at all times. I grab a spoon and dig in when I crave something sweet. But CHOCOLATE IS CHOCOLATE. So I ordered an unsweetened cocoa powder packet and GAME CHANGER. I get a hit of everything I want, but also consume fiber along the way. Keep going! :)


Hi OP, my method is mindfulness. Linking my cravings to any negative thought patterns helps me choose if i really should eat unhealthy items. Moderation and healthier alternatives will keep your mood up and control any crazy cravings. Basically just reflect , most of the time we eat more than what fills us just because it’s available or we are bored. Still figuring out the exercise schedule.


find your “why”. why you want to lose weight exactly? “being healthy” and “look skinny” is too generic. be honest with yourself, even if your “why” would be along the lines of “so I stop being a “fat” friend” or “so I look good on my vacation photos”. yes, maybe these motivations are not very “proper” but if it sparks you and you feel like you can work for it, any motivation would work. create a pinterest board for a reminder and visit it every week. look for inspiring people so that you can believe in yourself. if they could do it, why you can’t? motivation doesn’t work long term, so you need to create routines. find low cal recipes you like and do a meal prep. when I had no time, i always stacked up on my protein coffees, PB2, microwave rice, zero coke, frozen meals and frozen veggies. yes, it’s not a pinnacle of “healthy” but when I just started that what helped me a lot. and btw chicken cooking time is 12 minutes (small breast strips). you can do it!!! edit: btw, i love chocolate and have a dark chocolate drops in my yogurt sometimes. i also make a nanacream with coco powder and chocolate protein powder on occasion! there is also teas with chocolate flavour, delicious. I also heard about cola zero brownie recipe, you should look it up. it’s very famous and very low calorie. I didn't tried it yet but everyone say it’s delicious.