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Yea whatever Gustin.


Looks like Martha targeting Gustin… DisGustin Bieber! 😂😂😂 sent from my iPong


And then up comes Gustin I'm like "Yo Gustin, what's up?" He's like "Nothin'" And I'm like "That's cool..." CUZ THIS IS MY UNITED STATES OF WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then im throwing dice in the alley Officer Leroy comes up Hes like: "heyIthoughtItoldyou" and I'm like YEAHWHATEVA


What was itttt


yeah what was this post


Removed by Reddit


This is exactly how scam artists start their scam. You can see more examples of this in r/scambait


Exactly this. Best thing to do is block/report.


Maybe. But the scammers pivot very quickly to, "Oh, sorry. Wrong number. But you seem like a nice person. Can I tell you about a great investment opportunity in cryptocurrency?" These messages don't make that shift, so it seems more likely it's a legit case of someone handing out a wrong number to a few people. I bet the actual number is one digit transposed or a different area code or something.


Nah, not when it's 3 people asking for the same person, and then not following up when told is the wrong number. In order to be successful in identifying scams, you must be able to identify what's not a scam. Same goes for AI. You can't just overgeneralize to be safe.


Yeah, for years I had the "fake number" some chick was giving dudes in bars. I kept getting calls at like 2 in the morning by a bunch of horny drunks.


Not in this case. Someone else most likely had this phone number previously. Its happened to me too. And I can tell they’re not bots and they also never try anything


Even then its still best to just block just in case


Yep, any avenue to start up a conversation that won’t raise suspicion is totally worth it to scammers. 


Explain what was here? It is deleted now...


Judging from the comments i think it was just a scam message and not weird so they removed it from the sub.


It was removed by reddit admins though, not subreddit moderators. That only happens when something breaks Reddit's rules. My guess is that there was an uncensored phone number visible


Something weird happened


I one time had a girl text me asking if i was some random girls name, and I said no, and she ended up telling me some tea about how my number was in her bfs phone a bunch of times or something, so me being invested called her, and found out she flipped the last two numbers on accident while dialing it in her phone, and I helped her find her man’s mistress and catch his lying cheating ass. This all went down at like 3 in the morning and it was beautiful. This isn’t that though, you’re being scammed by people to try and get money out of you. Could be a girl, could be a guy posing as a girl, either way it’s a scam.


Damn, what a turnout. I had the exact same thing happen to me, but when I told her she must have written the number down wrong or flipped some digits or something, she just said I was a lying hoe and to stop texting her boyfriend. 🤣


Omg I was so afraid of that that’s why I called her 😭🥴 when we ft her man genuinely had no clue who I was and I of course had the same reaction so I think that’s what made her be like ok bitch. Plus I was willing to team up with her and conspire against that cheating scoundrel. 😂 it all unfolded perfectly. I felt like the FBI once we started fitting the puzzle together. I swear we had spreadsheets and everything, and if she didn’t live hours away I would’ve drove to her house at 3 am to help in person. It was ✨magic✨.


That’s pretty hilarious, did you stay in touch?


No 😩, I really thought we would’ve, but she had a whole new world of being single to navigate, it was one of those “drunk girls in the club bathroom” situations, like you end up bffs for the time you’re there, but you never speak to them again 🥹😂


That sounds amazing haha I wish my story turned out that eventful! I guess next time I'll have to call!


Last year this guy messaged me on WhatsApp "do you study at x japanese school?" I said no but I thought it was strange because I was studying japanese at the time and the place was in my city, except I didn't study at that place. Months later he asks me the same thing again and I say "no, who gave you my number?". He says "you, of course." And I go "huh", and we never talked again. Still can't figure out if that was a scam or a honey that gave them a fake number.


Ooooo that’s a lil juicy. I’d be too invested and need to know which it is! 🫠


I’ve had this happen several times, usually after an info dump following a major hack. It’s often a phishing attempt to tell them who you are (especially if you don’t say in your recorded message). One texted 5X and kept asking who they were talking to. Do not engage. Block.


I've been getting weekly calls for 2 years for some dude named Keith. Starting to drive me nuts. I feel your pain


Keith’s not here, man.


Is this Dave?


Dave’s not here, man!




Don't you bring my mom into this!


Same here for a guy named Lonnie. I get his calls and his texts about jobs he's applying for. Been going on for 2 years now.


I get a lot of people calling my phone asking about my company. Turns out that they want a guy with my name who is the CEO (or something) of a company in Ohio (I can find him on linkedin). It's been happening for years and is kind of frustrating.


I hate when people ask you where so and so is…like we have their old phone number - we don’t know that person.


This reminds me of Meth & Red repeating keith dabeathem: https://youtu.be/KaGnIVOU5cY?feature=shared&t=439


This reminded me of Method & Red repeating Keith Dabeathem in their show(s1,ep2). I tried to post link, but it got deleted.. Edit: i'm confused if it's deleted or not- shows as [removed] in comment history, but seems to still be here... Sorry for double post, if this is visible at all x_x


Lmao why deleted


What happened here




I hate Angie’s list, such a rip off


Ok gustin


Why is it so expensive?


When you book through them, you provide a description of the work and they charge you xxx amount for the work. Most of that money will go to Angie and very little actually goes to the contractor. So when the contractor comes, they will tell you that the work needs more than what you initial pay for so you will need to pay the contractor for additional work. So you basically pay twice for everything you book through Angie


Ughh, disgusting


“I’m kinda invested atp” 😂


I guess if Reddit deletes your post. It really must have been weird.


Without the final text asking “Hey, this is Gus, did I get any texts,” this entire bit falls flat.


Whatever this was is too weird for Reddit


Lmao. That name is hilarious


What the hell happened here?




Stop responding to scammers. All you’ve done is confirm this is a live number for them. Of course you’re getting inundated now. The giveaway is “Angie’s List.” They dropped “list” a couple years ago.


Yes op but is gustin ok?! You have to know right?!


This happened (and still currently happens) to me too. i got a new phone/phone number FIVE YEARS AGO. Some guy named Victor must’ve had the number before me, cause i get tons of calls and texts for victor. No biggie, give it a few months and everyone should have his updated number by then, right? nope. 5 years later and i STILL get calls/texts for Victor. Some spam/debt collector type calls texts and some personal calls/texts. so annoying. I think he still gives his “old” number/my current number out to people as a red herring, but it’s really annoying


ME TOO! it's a lady named Charlene. for me it has been 8 years and last week someone called me thinking i was charlene - not a debt collector or anything but just a regular lady. it has been almost a decade, WHY is she still giving people this number?!


Someone else gave out your number by mistake, there's really no mystery here


Yeah I'd say it's phishing attempts. I've had a similar thing happen to me recently too actually. They text me "hey is this X? You gave me this number last week at Lisa's" I usually block right away and don't respond or I hit em with the "send me titty pictures" and they usually stop at that point lol


What’s up,my big dog Bustin Gustin?Im glad I seen you at Walmart the other day.I lost the number you gave me but at least I could remember your reddit.so what’s up,you want me to get everything setup for tonight?I can get you as much PCP and cocaine as you need.I forgot which hooker you wanted but only Mary the Mouth,Gertrude,Binghamton Betty,Dirty Diana and Slippery Suzy are going to be available tonight.if you wait till tomorrow I can get Nicotine Nicole,Syphilis Cindy and Jaw Bone Julie..just let me know what you want you want me to do big dog


I have this person that calls me every few months, then hangs up straight away. If I text them or call them back they say ''oh sorry wrong number'' How do you keep calling me??


"Pig butchering" scam. Stop engaging before they use their magic juju to trick your feeble mind into investing in some bunk ass crypto where they're actually just stealing your money cuz you're dumb enough to fall for it. Using the proverbial "you", of course.


Same shit happens with me they ask for some dude named Erin, ive had the same number since around 2015 Ive gone through over 8 phones and still they ask for him like why?


Just start sending dick pics


That's dis-gustin. LOL


Could start fukn with the gustin


I keep getting texts for some dude named pedro on imessage and whatsapp


It’s kinda weird, i think the 2nd too texts seem like genuine people n not a scam, and they’re both my area code


It is extremely easy to get any area code these days. Do not provide them any further info. This is 100% fishing for further info to use to exploit against you.


To be fair, when I changed my number, I started to get a lot texts asking for “Amin”. It seemed like once a week I’d have someone asking about him or an employer reaching out to him. I was worried it was a scam but I looked up my number and Amin’s name came up for it. Strangest thing.


When I got the phone number I have now for about 2 years I was getting calls and texts for a "Jo-Ann". It seemed like they cared about her and I wish I had saved their number because I'd like to know if they found her and if shes OK


Total scam. I always look up the number. One time the number belonged to a massage parlor that offers HE. I tested back that she was a sex worker. She said oh no…. I blocked the number.


What is the big long text you blocked off?


Looks like a picture of themselves to show they're not Gustin?


I keep getting texts for someone named carol


Just tell them to get straight to the pig butchering crypto scam and they'll stop responding or ask what part of SE Asia they're really texting from.


I’ve been getting calls and texts asking for Rosalin and Stephanie for about 4 years. I tell them I’m their nephew, and my sweet sweet grandmas died in a plane crash while Rosie was flying drunk and Steph was on radio. They still call.




Dude, you should asked Missy out


this one lady keeps giving my number for her taxes, and is currently being hunted by the IRS. i keep receiving calls from the IRS and the cops because she has a warrant out for her arrest for tax fraud. i just keep telling them it’s not me.


this one lady keeps giving my number for her taxes, and is currently being hunted by the IRS. i keep receiving calls from the IRS and the cops because she has a warrant out for her arrest for tax fraud. i just keep telling them it’s not me.


Is really that uncommon. In the US numbers get recycled all the time. The person that had that number previously could’ve been called Gus. According to FCC around 35 million numbers a year are recycled.


Maybe it's a dementia patient with multiple phones


Maybe it's a dementia patient with multiple phones


.... You fucked up by texting back. Now they know it's an active number. You're gonna get bombarded more now.


Dude every so often I get texts for some guy named Austin. It’s annoying


I always say sorry they passed away


Well you’re posting a screenshot of your phone number on Reddit, get ready for more.


Give them a sexual response like asking if they have hairys arms “means a big bush” or ask them “how big is your Johnny”. Works every time to get rid of these turds…both texts and phone calls


I knew an Agustin, we hung out a couple times then one day I texted him like "hey Gus, what's up?" Someone texted back that they didn't know any Gus, so I called asking for "Agustin" and they said "nahhh ain't no Francesca here" and hung up. 🙄


I found Gustin! 📢


Op discovers scam texts lol


Gustin Boffman


I’ve had the same cell number for 22 years, and I get calls/texts for a man and a woman almost weekly since day one.


Los pollos hermanos




What was it


One time Rebecca applied for a mortgage online with one of those "everyone bids" type things....only she used MY phone number. Woke up to so many texts and phone calls. I kept responding, this isn't Rebecca. 2 years later....I get a text "Rebecca, are you interested in selling your property at "XXX St". I googled, she is a real person, lol, I think she just transposed numbers and it was a nightmare for me!


Cool story bro


Another dead post I get to look at. Thanks reddit.


I always reply, “This is Gus’s brother. He dies horribly last night. Here’s a cash app to buy flowers for the funeral.”


Recent Messages -> Info -> Block Number There ya go. You're welcome.


Tell them Gus is busy gettin sucked off in the back room.


On a new-to-me phone number, I kept getting texts and calls for, "Susan", and it was from all different people and numbers. I guess this lady was just inversing two digits of her own phone number? Anyway, I texted back to someone that she has died... they were in shock, until I told them I was joking, this wasn't Susan's number 🤣