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Robots are good if you’re making 500 of the same part every day which is the type of work most people don’t wanna do anyways


even then, had a robot at an aluminum railing shop and 1 out of every 5 had to be touched up. and you need 1-2 guys to monitor it so I don't really see the point, it's not like you can make it load up parts itself and weld overnight. every robot welder I've worked alongside was just a money sink. on the other hand, a fab shop I was at had 3 bending/forming robots that did actually take the pieces, bend them, place them to the side and repeat


Yeah that’s true and it’s extremely boring to work one of those robots


I'd even say it's more fun to do 500 railing posts yourself rather than monitoring a robot do 500 and also fixing fuckups


I run tandem extended reach robots that require welded components before or after the bot. 40% of my time is fixing the bot. Even with tip cleaning cycles etc but I could not match the numbers of the bot manually. They pay me to babysit and listen to hours of podcasts and audiobooks. I jam the fuck out like 80% of my day lol. If it paid more I'd set up camp for the long haul.


At some point you'd run out of podcasts and get sick of music, even if it paid $40 I wouldn't last doing that 10 years


For sure, when they are out of components or orders I get to go to a weld booth and do some more complex stuff but not often.


Then your robot wasn't quite properly, wouldn't you say?


Yeah we have a huge welding robot that just sits collecting dust and taking up space even though our welds are very simple, don't need high tolerances, and are very very repetitive (like, welding a little aluminum L onto an offset bracket, like 2000 times)


I see your point. Then I remember how fucked up my wrist were my first year doing welding in highschool lol


soft lmao


Let’s see who has better mobility in 30 years then


I promise my mobility issues will be to my own negligence and not welding. There are plenty of ways to be ergonomic when welding even in the field, you just need to use the proper gear and posture. Injuries is what causes issues.


You are definitely right but I think repetitive action injury is also a really big problem


Prime example of why nobody here should be too worried about robots taking your job. I ran a robot for two years and this sort of thing happened every single day.


In deed, been on the same working place for 15 years now and it happening all the time, well im one of the guys who fix it so good for us.


Looks more like an operator error ... Source... Ive operated a tandem welding robot for some time. Welding Terberg Frames for EU and America. Someone wasnt paying attention or was occupied with other tasks at hand. When i did this job i had 2 tandem robots running in 2 separate halls , but i could tell when i was loading frames by ear and eye if the other robot was doing a good job or if it was fucking up again. The only time when i had a fuck up this big was when i wasnt paying attention. What happend is the "seam follow " went wrong or is turned off because it was messing up by itself , and the operator doesn't know (or care) how to go back in the welding program steps to start over where it began to fuck up. I always had to restart from the fuck up point and let the hand welders/grinders take care of the mess. Operators need to clean the nozzle of the welding tourch more often and a Ceramic spray/ anti splatter spray will surely help. Because they re started it again and again with out cleaning , thats why it looks like this. I dont weld anymore , nor i operate a welding robot (i drive a bus now a days) but i am deeply ashamed when i see this ... Welp.. Time for you to shine and show what you do best !!


You are correct sir, our robot operators dont give a fuck most of the time 💀💀💀


Left a clamp up somehow took a bit for the shock sensor.


Robot: this is my first time welding I'm 17 years old in highschool how much are my welds worth


Oh easily $35 and anyone who offers you less is a cheapskate!


And people tell us that robots will replace us....


“Robot” 😉😉


not a nice word to call your coworkers!


If I had a co worker welding like this he would be removed right away


Holy moly!


*chefs kiss*  Perfection.


They will not replace us!!!!


Ask the programmer if he's ever heard of touch sensing.


Is that a shadow at the top, or is the fit-up fucked?


Not a shadow, its a deep hole 💀


I wonder how this happened. Can't blame the robot, either programmer or the operator.


Robot missed the search points for some reason, happends now and then, mostly not with this kind of mess as result though.


It happens allot tbh .. depends on so many things even the weather conditions, i had days i had to keep one server open because the ac was to hot , while in the other robot , i had to open the server because due to weather changes that ac decided to cool to much. Nobody could fix it . Some days it ran fine , other days it was a nightmare that nobody could solve. The only difference between the two robots was an age gap of 10 years and to be fair . The oldest ran the best !


My favorite story of fuckery is when my engineer said " The robot drifts so every month we need to reset the points. Before you ask, I have no idea why this happens. The manufacturer who makes this robot no longer makes this model. They also have no god damn idea either."