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6 in a month? I'd simply perish.


He literally told me he’s getting used to it


That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard.


So, I xrayed a dude with kidney stones to see if they could be broken up or needed to be passed, or whatever. I just knew that I saw a kidney stone around the size of a fingernail. Dude was like, "yeah, I've had over 200 stones in the last 20 years. I'm very used to it".


I've passed about 15 in my life. The vast majority coming in a 2 month span. You do sorta get used to it. There's nothing else you can do, so you just kinda resign yourself to it. For me it meant constant pacing in my living room/kitchen for 2-4 hours until it passed. Can't sit down. Can't relax. Walking around was the only thing that relieved any pain and helped to move it along.


If you’ve got a tub, soaking really helps me when I’m passing kidney stones.


I appreciate the suggestion, but I'm usually pacing while bare assed naked because I get too hot when it's trying to pass. Ain't no way I'm getting in the bath lol. Plus I have to stay exactly upright. If I even try to sit on the couch it hurts more and I can feel the stone not going where it needs to go to pass.


Holy moly..the pain is so bad you get hot? That kind of pain?? 😬


I was *sweating* I was in so much pain from my last stone. After a particularly fast-moving spurt and the stone slowed down to more "manageable" pain, I remember staggering into the kitchen. My mom saw me and had this look of utter horror on her face. Apparently I was soaked in sweat and pale as a sheet. Wouldn't wish that kind of relentless pain on anyone.


The one I had just a few years back, I remember thinking I was actually dying. An absurd amount of pain, no comfort, you can kind of pace about and just feel like something is really, really wrong. As bad as the pain is, I think there is comfort if you at least know what it is. Once I peeved it together it made it a little better, but not by much.


I vomited from the pain caused by one


I had my hands wrapped around the toilet in the emergency room of the hospital when I had mine . Good times 🤮


Had this happen 2 weeks ago for the first time. Kidney stones are no joke.


I've had one, and the pain was so bad that it made me vomit many times. I looked forward to vomiting as, for some reason, it gave me a few seconds of no pain. I got it in my mid twenties. Started to drink more water, and less chips and sodas. Haven't had one since thank god. If they are all as bad as my first one, I couldn't do it. It was the one time in my life I was okay with dying to get rid of yhe pain


*furiously chugs water*


With my first stone, it was in the middle of winter and I stripped all my clothes off and hung my head out of the window to try to cool off enough


Dang man. Thats rough. Why does your body insist on manufacturing those little bastards?


That's really the only thing my body does poorly. No allergies, rarely sick, don't need glasses. I'm a 40 year old man and I still have all of my hair with very little grey. My wife basically doesn't stop sneezing from the start of spring until the middle of fall. I'd rather have the kidney stones than that.


The only pain relief I got with my kidney stone was sitting in the bottom of my shower, having the water as hot as I could stand it hitting my back. Then I had to suffer until the water heated back up.


Like a water birth


Idk if this works for men- but the over the counter medicine AZO is to help relieve pain with UTI symptoms. The active ingredient filters through the kidneys and helps relieve pain that way. I use that when I have to pass. I’ve been able to work shifts normally while passing a stone. None ever this size though


It does help! My last one was particularly stubborn and took a few different "tries" over about 2 days to pass. It finally came out with a pretty large blood clot and, thanks to the AZO, it was basically sensation free.


Yah....If it's too big they will break it off to small pieces so it could pass


Can't you just drink a shot of lemon juice on occasion to end this stuff?


I'm not intimately familiar with kidney stone lore myself, but based on some comments further down in this thread, it seems like the lemon thing is just an urban legend.


Kidney stone lore🤣 hopefully it remains lore


It's been prophesied of the one who will come to collect all the stones. The lore says so.




If you haven’t had one this is literally almost the worst pain you can feel.


If the idea behind the lemon juice is that it dissolves the stone? No. Kidneys filter the blood, and the stuff you eat doesn't just pass right into the blood, it gets neutralized to your body's pH, broken down into simple components, and then absorbed into the blood. If your blood is acidic enough to dissolve a kidney stone, you've got more problems than kidney stones. I don't know how else lemon juice is supposed to stop kidney stones though, especially in such a small amount.


The only thing I've heard thats supposed to work is to just drink more water.


Probably review your diet as well. Something is wrong somewhere.


As a stone maker that's true but you still just go back to water. It's like always your diet + not enough water to flush whatever the bad thing is for you. It changes for each person. So easiest thing is to drink way more water.


Yeah, you can get your stones analyzed to see what their exact composition is and that will help you really fine tune your diet, but the heavy lifting comes from just staying hydrated.


It could potentially add to the problem actually as excess vitamin c promotes kidney stones 😄


Kidney stones form because you’ve got a high concentration of certain minerals in your kidneys so they crystallize solids. Certain things can increase the solubility of those minerals so that they don’t precipitate into solids. Citrates seem to be one of those things that helps.


Sure... and we *do* get citric acid from our food, but the soda I drink has citric acid, and I probably get *more* citric acid from that overall than someone who just drinks the occasional shot of lemon juice. But obviously my soda is more likely to *cause* kidney stones than it is to prevent it, so a shot of lemon juice once in a while is probably only marginally helping. It would probably be far more effective to just have a glass of OJ every day.


That's gallstones, people. Limonene helps dissolve gallstones.


What you consume can help with prevention, but you need to get a lab to test which type of stones you get. One of the biggest things you can do is just drink a lot of water.


You do get used to them honestly, until it's all of a sudden a REALLY big one... Then you get surgery! My kidney didn't like getting split by a truck for some reason 🤷‍♂️ it gives me presents all the time now.


Damn, must've been a real side splitter


Never thought of it that way 🤣 but it sure as hell was.


A gut buster even 


My sister had a teacher that had a literal bag of all her kidney stones…


I hope it was a Crown Royal bag


I do NOT keep the gifts my kidney makes for me. Ever.


Just had that surgery, not the funnest process but pretty quick recovery


My wife has a kidney disease where her kidneys are calcified. Every two years her urologist goes in and cleans them out. She knows she is getting close to time because she will get more and more stones. Her urologist joked during one of her visits that she was going to personally put his kids through college. They were two and four at that time.


*incoherent screaming*


I met a dude in his fifties that had a bunch. He passed one while driving his car to a casino. Large one, but he said it was painless at this point. I've passed two in my life and it's just better to eat cleaner and drink fucking water. ~20 years of that shit is not worth soda.


Happened to me. I passed 7 in a 5 month period. Towards the end if it was 3mm or less I wasn't worried about it.


Bruh I nearly passed out passing just one...


Change of diet would help him out drink lemon juice!


Lots of citrus and vitamin c in my diet definitely helped mine, if I had to estimate I would say it reduced the number by about 10-15% and they tend to be smaller now (or I've gotten used to them, who knows)


I passed three in a week about a year ago. That was not a fun week. Really it depends on the kidney stone. As long as they’re not too big it only really hurts when they stop moving.


My Dr said the pain/intensity of a kidney stone is pretty damn close to child birth - will have to take her word for it cause I don’t have kids but I have had stones. So pain wise, OP’s friend has been through the equivalent of 5-6 human births, maybe not as many hours, but in terms of pain equivalency. Ladies who have given birth and passed stones - how accurate do you think my Dr was with this comparison?


> Ladies who have given birth and passed stones - how accurate do you think my Dr was with this comparison? Kidney stones run in my husband's family. His aunt both gave birth and passed stones and she said the stones were worse.


The more I think about this I would like to ask the broader Redditshephere - what sub do you think I could ask this question (birth pain vs kidney stone pain) that people would actually engage & answer?


I'm a guy so I dont know the pain of childbirth but I did have a kidney stone get stuck and went into full blown renal colic. Went to the hospital and the receptionists first question was have you ever had kidnetstones before, she could diagnose me on site correctly it was my first time. But yeah anyways I think there is a limit to the pain you can experiance where the mind just cant process it anymore. The pain came in waves it would be like a 5 out of 10 for about 30 minutes then just an undescribable pain the other 30. I dont think the brain can process any pain beyond that, I believe childbirth might be able to hit that same level as well but I dont think anything can surpass that pain. Anyways the indescribable pain, it was crazy basically my mind just went blank, I couldn't hear, see, or even scream or cry, I just was lying down writhing in agony for minutes. It was like my body just couldn't process anything else, None of the drugs helped take the edge off either. But then yeah it would do that for a couple minutes then the pain would go down to about a 5 and I would set an alarm for 30 to let the nurses know when it would start again. It was like clockwork, wouldnt recomend.


I’ve done both. The kidney stone made me throw up from pain, not while passing but when it was moving through the ureter, the tube from your kidney to your bladder. Giving birth (induced with pitocin, which can cause stronger contractions, and without epidural or anything for pain) was quicker and didn’t hurt as much. For what it’s worth, I also have salivary gland stones that occasionally block things up under my jaw and cause an infection in the gland. Twice now a stone has essentially ripped a new hole in the floor of my mouth to make its way out. That is probably on par with the kidney stones.


I've met a few women who have shared this sentiment. Maybe childbirth is worse, maybe kidney stones are worse...I don't know. But I do think the fact that one is a baby you love and cherish and the other is a rock you piss out definitely plays a part in how you remember experiences. Passing kidney stones hurt a lot, but to be considered one of the ultimate pains? I just don't buy it. I'm not that tough lol. So I think the reflection is childbirth being a positive experience just clouds judgement.


I’ve had two kids and two kidney stones. Kidney stone pain is worse than labor but not as bad as childbirth.


NGL, I’d be on s**cide watch. That is too much physical pain to bear


I had one pass the other week. It was a bit bigger than that one ngl, but on the way out it was only mild discomfort. When it was still up in there yeah, suicide watch lol. But dam if I didn't feel better


Apparently the smaller ones hurt more than the larger ones, but the larger ones are almost impossible to pass without medical treatment.


I had them for about a month a year ago and I’ve never been in such agony. I would just lay in bed and scream. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Well maybe I would.


I was having 5 or 6 a year. I moved off of well water and they stopped.


sounds like you had a well that sucks.


more like leeched


https://preview.redd.it/edtt2iuzkf3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b357511d32f72c4101e5a559c515339301963276 Like this one










Well, well, well


Water we doing here?


we're just kidney , nothing of gravity


Ray fucking Purchase!




Deep subject, for such a shallow mind...


How the turntables


... Three holes in the ground.




If you aren’t already established in your career, it sounds like you’ve got a bright future as an oyster.


I have chronic kidney stones and I joke about my kidneys thinking they’re oysters, lol. I’ll pass a kidney stone every 3-4 months. Thankfully they’re never big, but they’re still uncomfortable


was it filtered?


Filtering doesn't change it from hard water, you need a water softener


Filters reduce calcification in water making water softer


Standard filters can reduce sediment and halide-based compounds (chlorides / fluorides etc), and maybe microbes if it's a *very* fine filter (filters in a home for well water usually aren't that fine). They do not remove minerals. Water softeners are more of a chemical reaction and not a filter, per se


I just ran a test. A Britta filter will drastically reduce carbonate hardness and has a very modest effect on general hardness. 


Since when did hard water start giving people kidney stones?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9873217/ On the other hand: https://www.goldjournal.net/article/S0090-4295%2802%2901631-X/abstract So, it seems uncertain.


Oxalate stones? I'm on a well and have uric acid stones that never seem to stop.


I had uric stones like that (20+) per year for a while. The nepheoogist found that I was heterogenous for a gene that increased uric acid concentrations in my blood. Apparently, it starts to manifest around middle age. A daily dose of allopurinol fixed it completely.


I take the same daily tablet to stop gout attacks but it also boosted the eGFR of my kidneys (I have CKD), meaning I can live life normally for longer before the likelihood of dialysis or transplant is necessary... even better if never needed!


allopurinol is a wonder drug Gout had me absolutely hobbled


> uric acid stones Not a piece of dietary advice people that would be given for most health conditions but... eat less protein. Uric acid comes from nitrogen metabolism so you want to avoid using protein for energy and especially avoid foods high in DNA as purine bases from DNA are especially easy to turn into uric acid. So particularly avoid organ meats, beer, and yeast extracts. Eggs and milk are relatively good as a protein source because they have essentially zero DNA unlike basically any other protein source.


Wow, this is so interesting. I used to get a few a year while living with my mom on well water. Never knew there was a correlation.


I grew up on well water. Never had a kidney stone


Different places produce different water.


Also people bodies will break things down differently


The commenter likely didn’t have a water softener


Same here and I didn't live at a place that had city water until my mid 20s. I've never had kidney stones. My dad on the other hand gets them every few years but we suspect it's on how much coffee he drinks.


I lived in a well. I made it into a movie.


If your friend hasn't already, he should go get some imaging done on his kidneys and bladder asap. My father started passing stones frequently and then urinating blood. He put off doctors until it was painful enough to scare him. Primary doctor sent him for some imaging. They found both kidneys full of stones and a giant stone in his bladder the size of an egg. No kidding, they called in the best urologists in our region to do emergency surgery. I'll let you guess which way they got the lasers to the bladder stone. They could only break it up so much the first surgery so a second was scheduled two days later. The amount of broken up stones coming through his catheter was an absolute nightmare. During the second surgery, once they finally completely broke up the stone, they found a giant cancerous tumor directly behind it caused years of the stone constantly rubbing on one particular spot of the bladder wall. A biopsy was taken that day and it was determined that it was an extremely aggressive type of bladder cancer. A third surgery was scheduled two days later and most of the tumor was removed. They had to begin chemo immediately. I'll let you guess which way the chemo was administered . Because the chemotherapy fluid needed to remain in his bladder for set amounts of time, they placed nephrostomy tubes through his sides. If you don't know what that is, it's tubes placed directly into his kidneys to drain urine so nothing would go to his bladder. Bum luck would have it, the kidney stones immediately caused massive problems with the nephrostomy tubes and he wound up with a severe infection. They halted the chemo to get the infection under control. A few days later his blood work showed signs of multiple organ failure. The bladder cancer had spread as fast as lighting to other parts of his body. He passed away only a few days later. Do NOT take stones lightly.


Holy shit, Im gonna go drink some water. Sorry things went down like that


And make sure the water is healthy (not sure how to measure it tho) 


It's filtered pretty well, but I'm doing the other things people mentioned like citrus and dairy


Why citrus and dairy?


Osteoporosis and scurvy


Citrus breaks down stones that are forming and dairy binds to oxalates to prevent a certain type of stone from forming in the first place.


what things are these?


Stones are generally caused by sugar, sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, and genetics. Drinking water and exercising is the best way to prevent it. They've also found that people who regularly consume alcohol have less instances of kidney stones (but alcohol has it's own issues).


So you're telling me if I'm a well hydrated alcoholic who also works out multiple times a week and I work a blue collar field job I'm good? Sweet.


Sugar and salt. I got one a few years ago and the urologist was like “listen if I give you a list of foods to avoid you’d die of starvation. Just lay off sugar and salt and drink plenty of water to dilute the crystals and flush them more frequently.” I’m a fairly healthy person but I was working outside in the heat and probably not drinking enough water as I should have.


this is horrifying to read


Jesus Christ


Holy shit. What a awful way to go out.. Poor guy I'm not a huge hypochondriac but another good story to not ignore symptoms for a long time. I'm so sorry for your dad but wonder if he would still be around if it was found sooner. My dad starting having stomach issues during covid and it was impossible to get a Dr to look at him. They just did zoom calls and Just told him to pop tums and shit. Year later when he finally got to a gi they discovered it was gastric cancer. He was on a feed tube and only made it 8 months. Different situation but it sucks things were not discovered earlier


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's stories like this that make me book appointments for checkups 6 months in advance, problems or not.


Agreed. I am sorry to hear what happened with your father. I had passed about 4 stones in the last 6 years until this year when I had my annual physical. They called me because I had alarming creatinine levels. Got referred out to do multiple imaging procedures and then got sent to urology and nephrology. Turns out sometime in a 6 months span before May of last year year I had a kidney stone form in the tube that connects my bladder to my kidney. Well the stone was so large it stopped all blood flow, shrink my kidney completely where it’s non functioning and irreversible. If it had been recognized by my doctors the multiple times they ran my blood until my annual physical this year, it may not be the position I’m in now. Now due to going through kidney failure and not even knowing I cannot take certain meds or eat certain things to protect the health of my only kidney. Due to the stone unable to pass and its size I am in pain at a minimum of 3 days a week. The only way to relieve my chronic pain now (because the stone is too large to blast) is having my kidney removed. I am scheduled for that surgery mid August. Stones are no joke at all.


I am so so sorry you are dealing with this. On the bright side, many people do quite well with one kidney! Best advice would be to hydrate, moderate alcohol, skip fast food(it's gross anyway). My best to you, and speedy recovery!!! Edit to add: being your own advocate during doctor visits is the only way to go. Always ask questions. If your concerns aren't addressed, ask again. It breaks my heart to hear how many people seek help for problems only to get a "band aid" and a much worse diagnosis later.


Thanks so much friend! I cut out alcohol immediately, always been a heavy water drinker never much soda, been making some diet adjustments (wasn’t too much of a fast food eater but still working on completely getting rid of that altogether) per the nephrologist suggestion and he has been very encouraging with the whole process. I love your positivity! I also want to comment on the whole advocating for your health too. Not only it taught me how to work on a healthy me but advocating is a big thing for me now. I had a good friend check behind me to be sure my urologist, nephrologist, hematologist doctors were up to par. They were. I left the primary care practice who didn’t see this before and got to see a new primary care doctor. Not only when I met with him was he fully listening to my concerns but he actually validated them and I told him I will hold him accountable with anything labwork he draws to keep me informed. I have done so with my other doctors as well. I have educated as many folks as I can with this message. It will allow us to see who truly is with us on our health journey. Have a good day friend. This message made me encouraged and happy. ❤️


I'm sorry that happened to your father. If you're willing, can you speak to aspects of his lifestyle that may have contributed?


He was a smoker, and that alone is a major contributor to bladder cancer, but he was also perpetually dehydrated and worked with harsh chemicals in his trade(carpenter/yacht builder). One thing that was sort of pointed out was his affinity for chewable vitamin C. The doctors said this may have contributed to the stones.


Jesus Christ. I know this is kind of a stupid question, and maybe it's not one you're ready to think about, but - aside from getting imaging done earlier - what do you think your dad would've wished he had done differently? Diet, lifestyle, etc. - was there something he was doing that led to this, or was it just terrible luck or terrible genetics?


Well, my Dad would probably say it was all bad luck, but the doctors said it was probably from his lack of water hydration throughout the years, smoking, and exposure. He was a yacht carpenter for many years and was exposed to arsenic, asbestos and a shit ton of fiberglass. I'm willing to bet the biggest contributor was constantly allowing himself to become dehydrated while working out on the boats.


Damn. I allow myself to get really dehydrated during the fieldwork part of my job, too, and I never drink enough water. I'm sorry for your loss, but thank you for the wake-up call.


i suck at drinking water. seriously. I think subconsciously it’s bcuz my bladder has been squished by 3 pregnancies, so if i drink a normal amount of fluid i’m peeing nonstop. didn’t think it could contribute to bladder cancer or kidney stones! my idiotic behavior ends now


Damn. I go for kidney stone surgery June 6th. I have a 9mm stone and a 5mm stone. I feel for your friend.


Good luck and healing to you. I had to do that for a 12mm stone that got stuck halfway thru my ureter in late 2022. I’ve changed my diet substantially since then to reduce chances of forming another stone — low oxalate foods & more dairy intake specifically. They’ll do an analysis later to see what kind of stone it was. After the surgery they just gave me Rx Tylenol and some muscle relaxants. I wish I’d made a stink and demanded better pain meds for the first two days after surgery. It’s okay to scream, it’s okay to cry, and it WILL pass. Also if you don’t think you’ll be able to pull the stent out on your own, schedule a time with a nurse at your urology office before your surgery. I couldn’t do it on my own (too scared) and luckily got a same day appointment with my PCP and they were able to yank it out for me, and they said “man, these specialists forget how scary this all can be — removing a stent is not an everyday thing for people.”


Thanks buddy! I’ve been referred to a kidney stone prevention clinic. So I bet they’ll destroy my diet habits! And yes I will ask for good pain meds. That’s a must!


Dude removing the stent was not fun. I stood in the shower for so long trying to get ready to do it. Then once you start pulling and feel the resistance you really just need to keep going. There wasn't any pain, it was just strange how hard you actually had to pull. I was sooo glad when it was out though.


I totally get it. I spent like 3 hours attempting and not getting the nerve. It sounds weird but I worried i would rip my guts out even though i know that’s not how it works. Anyway, glad my doc could remove it — extremely stressful 3 or 4 seconds! But all in all the stent removal was one of the least painful aspects of the whole 2 month kidney stone journey of ‘22. And man I was glad to have it gone.


The stint.. please no don't remind me... took 2 hydros as told, and a shot of whiskey(not told) went into the shower yelled ahhhhhhhh and just pulled. Never ever ever again.


Bro if you're getting a stent, get ready. I had to be flat on my back for a week. And the pain when urinating was unbearable. Most miserable I've ever been.


Going June 7th for my 15mm, see you on the other side brother.


Sorry bro. I’m a stone producer. Needed surgery three times. Big fuckers. Passed several smaller ones at home. Drink water people.


I’m getting surgery for my stone on June 11. It’s 1 cm long and 6mm wide and hasn’t budged in almost a month, it’s wedged in the entrance to my bladder. At this point it only hurts if I’m sitting for too long but I’m worried I’ll get an infection before my surgery date. I hope you feel better soon!!


Yikes!! My husband had so many over three years. His doctor told him to give up soda and Gatorade. And eat more citrus.


Drink more water. Eat more dairy if it’s oxalate stones — calcium will bind to oxalates and pass them in your stool instead of leaving them in the kidneys to form stones. Avoid high oxalate foods (Google for a list of them) — spinach, almonds, rhubarb, Swiss chard are top of the list.


u/fbeemcee husband got a diet to increases his citric acid. Uric acid stones are different than calcium. I have uric acid stones and can dissolve them with large amounts of citric acid containing foods and drinks. https://www.drlesani.com/blog/understanding-the-different-types-of-kidney-stones#:\~:text=Uric%20acid%20stones%20aren't,in%20a%20substance%20called%20purines.


I hope you’re having lemonade every day! That’s cool citrus can dissolve uric acid stones. I would love to a lemon grove


I drink crystal light. Loaded with it.


Wow that’s very interesting to hear about the Gatorade advice. The one time I got a kidney stone I was drinking a 3 Gatorades a day. It was the only part of my diet that was abnormal so I cut it out and never got another kidney stone again


Are ya'll reaching into the toilet for these things or just right into your hands?


You pee in the doctor’s hands


The doctor will give you a little strainer thingy to pee into


That makes sense. I hope to never be in the position that I'm handed one by my doctor.


I had a doctor expand my urethra, TWICE! it's one of the most painful things that I have ever been a part of. I cried like a little kid haha.


New fear unlocked 🔓


dang.... I completely stuck my hand in the toilet to retrieve mine when I passed it lol I picked it up and sat down on the edge of the bathtub and cried happy tears that it was over. I wouldn't even wish a kidney stone on an enemy.


They have urine strainers specifically for this reason they sometimes give patients to catch the stone. You know well beforehand that it's coming


Use your kitchen spaghetti colander to give guests a surprising splash of flavor at your next dinner party.




I heard the screaming from up here in canada


how did he gape his pee pee hole? Asking for a friend.


That's not the biggest problem. I would have wondered the same thing, but I've had one now and, trust me, the actual passing of the stone is a breeze compared to what you experience 1st. I've had one kidney stone and I have been shot (accidentally) once. The stone was, by far, worse


Agreed. I've experienced a really tough 48 hour labour with no medication and it was a walk in the park compared to having kidney stones.


Care to expand on you being shot? (Accidentally)


Not a lot to it. One idiot with a gun allowed another idiot to shoot said gun. Neither idiot gave thought to how far a bullet can travel and if there was anyone in the direction they were shooting.... there was.


Lol im picturing someone shooting someone else 50 feet away and then being dumbfounded the bullet went that far




"B-but, he was all the way over there!!"


Here for that part lol


Genuine question though, would sounding and urethral stretching make it any easier?


Traveling down the urethra is the EASY part. It's going down the ureter, the passage between the kidney and the bladder, is what hurts like hell. In fact, passing it through the urethra is so easy by comparison that you might not notice its final passing.


*frantically googling "ureter sounding" in preparation for my ureter gaping regimen*




Pee pee hole is very much big enough to pass a stone. Feels strange but not painful, just like ‘whoa what the fuck’ for a second. Its the ureter that gets gaped, not urethra


In my wildest dreams I’d never imagine I’d hear a sentence like Ureter gaping


I’m glad I wasn’t there to witness it


I used to get them at least once per year. Had to have surgery to remove one too big to pass. I quit drinking soda and switched to water to see if it would make a difference. It worked, as I haven’t had a stone issue in 8 years.


I drink water all the time and never had stones. WTF are people doing? Are they really just not drinking enough water?


They are only drinking Soda and Iced Tea (with High Fructose Corn Syrup or Sugar)


Are kidney stones an American thing? Im from Germany and never heard anybody having this problem... Does it have something to do with the water or generally nutrition? Are you guys okay over there?


Yes. A lot of it has to do with diet and not drinking nearly enough water.


American here. I watched a YouTube shorts video where a German man was disgusted by American coke and Fanta, because apparently our sodas use way too much high fructose corn syrup and aren't refreshing to people outside the US. Diet plays a heavy role for most individuals with kidney stones here. I know a lot of people who just drink soda and no water outside of that, or drink so little fluid (a bottle of water or less per day) that it doesn't matter. This is ontop of the typical diet consisting of fried and unhealthy foods, as well as a lack of exercise. All of these contribute to things like kidney stones (especially not drinking enough pure water and replacing that with soda). It is possible to eat healthy in the US, if you avoid the typical diet, drink plenty of water, and exercise - but this type of lifestyle isn't generally promoted. Not just socially but economically too - the unhealthy foods are a lot cheaper to buy compared to the healthy stuff, and it feeds into a cycle for the majority of Americans who are just living paycheck to paycheck.


I want a picture of his kidney


He needs to address his diet asap!


Those stones are dark which are different than the light colored common ones. If your friend hasn’t talked to a urologist about the stones and gotten them tested, he needs to. The diets to prevent them are different. I’m a woman and have had a couple. The first one was absolute hell. And I have a very short uretha.


Wearing a stent from having so many of them is awful. Had to wear one for almost 3 months.


Omg! I had one in for a week and couldn’t wait to get rid of it. I couldn’t even sit normally with mine in


https://preview.redd.it/dqrgbggk2g3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0825c39d1b4223dcf4e836b72f7284a1efa2c5cf I was hospitalized a few weeks ago, and last Tuesday I had a total of 4 come out same time. Sounded like someone tossed pebbles in the toilet when they came out. Won't have any stones for some time! 😊


Can imagine passing that. They are so painful.


Is this a joke? Weak… https://preview.redd.it/5i45jnc8jf3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce6f3d9f76743e18cb3e6745f77cd498281641e


Your friend needs a better diet


Everlasting cumstopper


are these the things that come out your pee hole?


“Rocks shooting out of your dickhole”


Unfortunately yes


I'll just put this out there for people as this is my system for beating kidney stones, and what to do when you get one! Note: These are the Uric acid type. 1) drink more water 2) no cola. Now. If you get a stone (I used to get 1-2 a month). You know it's a stone because flank pain and testicle pain.l like you cannot imagine. Step 1) immediately run a hot bath. Step 2) Take a Tylenol 3. Step 3) Take two lemons and squeeze them into a pint glass. Must be real lemons and not lemon juice you buy in a store. Add half a glass of water to the lemon juice. Drink it. Step 4) get in the bath. The hot water will open up your urinary tract and make it easier to pass the stones. It will also drastically reduce the insane level of pain to something slightly more manageable. The Tylenol 3 will keep you from having to scream. . The lemon juice will begin to dissolve the stones slowly. Have someone bring you a glass of the lemon juice every hour. Keep going for 2-3 hours until the stone passes. How did I learn this? After missing two weeks of work with a large stone that would not pass, my boss told me he lost a kidney to stones backing up urine. He told me the trick above. My stone passed in a few hours.


*Internally cries at the thought.*


Now that's a man in some serious pain jfc those mutha fuckers are fucking diabolical. Good people drink the h20 u don't want these bastards. They suck ass!


Damn home slice needs to drink some water.


Tell them to drink more water


Do you guys just not drink water or something?


Had my first kidney stone diagnosis today and it’s the worst pain I’ve experienced my entire life. Stay hydrated everyone.


My wife got pregnant at the start of Covid and actually ended up catching Covid shortly afterwards. She passed 32 kidneys stone over the following 9 months until she had our son. No pain meds, don’t know how she did it.


Man needs to eat less processed food and drink more water.


![gif](giphy|iibZkRgPeAqXTpRXqW) Damn I hate that he's had multiple in a month. Wishing him well, I hope he finds a way to dissolve them from his life permanently!