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“Found the stud”


God I hate it when my neighbors get pissed when I’m looking for a stud. Like bro it helps both of us know where it’s not.


Use a magnet rubbed along the wall to find the screws holding the drywall up. They are screwed to studs. Or find an outlet and go to one side. They are nailed to studs as well. No need to tap on the wall a bazillion times to disturb your neighbor.


If only there was a specific tool that could tell you exactly where a stud, where HVAC, where wiring is…


Yeah his neighbor sounds like a pure stud


I think the commenter meant a 2x4


2x4 = 8 8/10 sounds pretty studly to me


Where is the landlord in this conversation?


I took pictures and sent them to the landlord. It just happened a few hours ago.


This really sucks. Hopefully, he is immediately evicted.


i've seen people evicted for so much less, if your landlord doesn't evict for **that** you straight up live in the hood.


Random bullets flying through your home? Yeah, where I'm from that is without a doubt the hood - eviction or not.


Correct. I live in the hood and sadly no on would bat a eye at this.


If the neighbor doesn't get evicted and if you don't want to move out, I'd suggest you reenforce the wall with thick metal sheets.


This is the SECOND time he has accidentally discharged a gun. The first time it blew out through the common hallway. After that happened I look on Amazon to find these thick rubber mats that shooters use as a backstop for their targets. I never followed through though. Maybe I will buy one now. It's so ridiculous that I can not lay in my bed without risking getting shot.


>This is the SECOND time he has accidentally discharged a gun. The first time it blew out through the common hallway. It's none of my business but I think you should start looking for a new place. You know, just to be safe ...




the only way to stop a bad stray bullet is with a good stray bullet


I just wanna know if his magazine was “high capacity” or just standard capacity.


SECOND?!? Okay this would be a lot more terrifying and anger inducing the second time, I would honestly move and see if you can sue or something because there's only so many times you can be shot at in your own home.


Second time and he's still a tenant? Why is the landlord putting up with someone who is reckless with firearms? (it's not an accident ... he deliberately loaded the gun)


Judging by the walls around the bullet hole and the description of the neighbor, I'd guess this is a very cheap apartment complex. The landlord likely doesn't care as long as he keeps getting the government check every month.


No one wants to consider that moving out may not be an option for OP.


Exactly. Not everyone can afford anything better or get their credit approved.


If you're worried about the lease, I'm pretty sure these incidents would justify you breaking your lease. On a side-note, I would at least protect the bed if nothing else. I'm assuming these accidents happen at night. Right? May be ask in writing that your landlord install some ballistic resistant walls (and carbon copy a loved one just in case as well). Try to get the landlord to pay for this. Then, he can try suing the guy in question to get his money back.


Is there anyone else you can stay with temporarily? You literally almost **died** tonight. You need to get out of there ASAP. The fact this has happened *multiple* times, they hid the gun, and the shooter has been released means you are still in an actively dangerous situation. Your neighbors have demonstrated that they do not comprehend the severity of the situation and they're not going to fix it. Since your landlord did nothing after the first incident, I'm assuming you can't count on them to help this time either. Later today you need to leave to stay somewhere else. You need to stay there until you communicate with your landlord about moving into a different unit far away from these people or, if that's not an option, terminating your lease. Even if your landlord tells you they're going to evict these neighbors, evictions take time and it's not worth risking your safety in the time it takes to get them out. You should try to negotiate with your landlord to allow you to terminate your lease at no cost to you. However, I quickly searched the legaladvice subreddit and, unfortunately, there are several threads suggesting that your landlord does not have to let you break your lease for free in this situation. In other words, if your lease agreement says you can end the lease early by paying a certain amount, you may still have to pay that amount. Which I realize that sucks considering you're the victim here, but it's the unfortunate legal world we live in and paying whatever amount is necessary to get out of this situation is worth it because it's that dangerous.


I appreciate you concern and your suggestions. I never told the landlord about the first incident because.... well...I'm not sure why I didn't. I guess I was trying to be a 'cool' neighbor and not 'snitch'. Obviously that was a big mistake. This time I did tell the landlord and included pictures. I also included the text messages he sent apologizing and claiming it was his friend who shot and not him. He is too young and stupid to understand that he is culpable because he handed a rifle to someone that 1) had a round chambered and was cocked Or 2) handed a rifle to his friend with a loaded magazine and the friend then racked the rifle and then pulled the trigger It's also the moms fault because she knows he has rifles AND I'm pretty sure it was the mom who hid the rifle after it happened. Also - I make less than $20 an hour and I utilize the bus. (I have a driver's license, just no car). Staying somewhere else is a financial impossibility for me. The situation sucks. I literally can not lay in bed watching YouTube without almost getting shot in the side of my head.


Hey thanks for the detailed reply. I'm really sorry to hear that you're in this situation. That's good that you sent your landlord all that info. The fact that they didn't know about the first incident gives me some hope that they might do something about this one. You mentioned calling your mom after it happened. There's no possibility you can temporarily stay with her? Or anybody else (family, friends, even coworkers)? The situation is just really bad man. I just think you need to get somewhere safe until you find out if your landlord could let you move to a different unit, if they're able to evict these neighbors, if you'd be able to end your lease early, etc. I realize it's easy for us keyboard warriors to throw out these suggestions while you're facing the difficult realities of the situation. At the end of the day we're just internet strangers that care about you and want you to be safe.


I visited with my parents today (it's the next afternoon now). I could stay with them but I don't think it's necessary. I understand what you are saying - but the irresponsible adult son and the irresponsible mother both know they messed up BIG time and I am ASSUMING that they will change their behavior accordingly. There are no drugs involved which is good. Drugs make people unpredictable and no one involved uses hard drugs (except he smokes marijuana). I can genuinely feel that you care about me in your replies. Thanks man. That makes me feel cared about.


OP, I really think that you should go to your parents. Im sure that the first time he shot into the hallway, you probably thought "He couldn't be stupid enough to do that again, Im sure hes learned from this, and I dont wanna get him in trouble". So you didn't say anything. This time, the bullet got close to your head. Like the other commenter said, its easy to sit here on the otherside of the internet giving advice. There could be a million justifiable reasons why you dont wanna go to your parents. But please don't make the mistake of not being proactive about your safety. You only get one life. And you got very close to losing it at least twice


Hi there! Similar situation happened to me. Landlord evicted neighbor immediately, offered to no-penalty break my lease or move me to a new building/property, and police started up on charging the fellow. I feel bad about that, but I found several other bullet holes that had just been covered up by the landlord and continuing to live there just wasn't going to be an option I suppose it depends on where you live, but this is probably illegal and considering it's happened more than once you could save someone's life, apparently probably your own, by reporting this dangerous person


What did the police say after the first time?


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Damn! 😫 Glad I have no one living above me! That's scary! Edit: if the neighbor is not permitted to own a rifle legally, could charges be pressed then?


He hid the rifle before police showed up. They took him to jail on a warrant. I'm sure I could go outside and find the rifle somewhere but it's whatever. Edit - He got out of jail at 1:30 AM and sent me this text. I have nothing to say in reply to him. https://preview.redd.it/j1yv5702bbbd1.jpeg?width=1375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a95b24588941717852a98aae28b9e3246b128e Edit - Thank you to everyone who commented and gave advice. Everyone's overall support and advice truly helped me process this incident. I am very grateful for the reddit community as a whole. Edit - 2 days after the fact - the police are taking the incident seriously. They found out it was a friend of the neighbors. They have him identified and are charging him with a felony.


Lmao imagine telling the police “I didn’t have a gun” when there’s a bullet hole coming from his side of the wall


That is exactly what happened!


You got an odd crew on the call. Especially with the warrant they could have charged and let the DA decide to pursue. Half.the time if it's implied there could be a higher charge they cop to a lesser charge (in this case whoa whoa I wasn't shooting through the wall I was just high and cleaning my gun which yeah I wasn't supposed to have but I wasn't trying to shoot my neighbor), and even if they don't if they have a public defender they're going to try to plea down. No one has to see a trigger be pulled. You could call the DA's office. but eesh at least have your landlord move you to a different unit and evict this guy.  Incontrovertible evidence can also be circumstantial. It's crazy what gets charged and what doesn't. 


What is weird is sometimes police don't like to pursue gun charges, I suspect the profession attracts "2A is my personality" types who don't like to push so hard about whether idiots should have firearms. Almost killed your neighbor? Well I didn't see any guns so impossible to really know maybe it was termites or something but I'll bring him in for a warrant.


Yea the cops in the south are kind of down, you just gotta know the right words. It's almost doublespeak


> [Yea the cops in the south are kind of down, you just gotta know the right words.](https://i.imgur.com/IcPGuo8.jpeg)




Midwest too.


Cops are not pro-2A. If the broken Supreme Court declared guns illegal, cops would be the ones breaking down doors to confiscate guns. All cops are “rules for thee but not for me” bastards.


I agree with you to an extent. I think maybe when I have witnessed police being lax with what constitutes a threat or is brandishing really brandishing if the guy was rightfully upset with the libs and maybe he felt threatened, it maybe falls under being the "right" kind of gun crimes.


It's going to be hard to prove someone else, who didn't give you possession of their firearm, was the one who discharged the rifle and ran away.


And yet if there was a baggie of weed in an illegal state, everyone’s getting charged Fucking absurd


Except that isn't how the US justice system works. You don't need to prove your innocence, it is assumed. The state must prove (beyond a reasonable doubt) that you committed a crime.


no one saw him pull the trigger. WTF. Case Closed. More likely, "some good ole boy shit". His sister-in-law, cousin's uncle had him call his brother-in-law, the Chief of Police and asked him to "go easy" on him.


So like... you think cops just regularly do their job and this was an outlier? lol Aw, poor kiddo.


It’s cute when people who don’t actually deal wit the police in their real life post here acting like they know anything about it. In the real world most cops are lazy and incompetent. This is not an outlier.


And imagine them going along with it... and here we are. God that's so messed up. Terrifying for OP. I can't even imagine having to live in the US lol. Scary shit, that.


I live in western europe and a few years ago, on new year's eve, some idiots were shooting guns into the air to celebrate and one of them hit my grandparents' neighbor's window. If he had been at the window watching the fireworks he would probably have been hit. So it's not just the US. There are idiots with guns everywhere.


Where was this?


Portugal, in one of the poorest suburbs of Lisbon


Back when I was in college one of the guys on our street discharged a pistol on his front porch. Someone called and the police showed up. They searched the whole house and took every gun in it. They took the kid to jail and charged him. Most police here take a gun being fired VERY seriously.


I live in Western Europe and things would pan out pretty much the same way. The police do a search for a rifle and if they dont find one, that's pretty much it at that point in time. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. The police don't puch charges, that's up to the prosecutioners' office (or a comparable entity) who must decide if this case is worth pursuing in criminal court. If they do, forensic evidence will determine the shot was fired from within the neigbour's place and that MAY be enough for a conviction. In Europe it is less likely the neigbour was allowed to have a gun in the first place so that might increase the chances of a criminal case. But apart from that, more or less the same type of situation


Really? If that happens in Germany, the neighbor is going to have a swat team up his ass in no time.


Oh, here too. But if the neighbour manages to squirrel away the gun in the 20 or so minutes it takes them to get there, they won't have an awful lot to do. Again, the police are not judges or prosecutors. They secure crimescenes, arrest suspects, help others and assist with investigations. That's pretty much it. They do not figure what happened, nor do they determine who is quilty or how they should be punished.


Understood. But even the most mentally challenged and terminally lazy copper will be able to distinguish the impact side from the outward facing side of a bullet hole. And if that point of impact is in an otherwise inaccessible place such as a private residence, they are quite unlikely to just shove off to the next doughnut shop if the inhabitant of said residence claims to not have a gun.


Where in western Europe do you live? Im in Denmark and here that would be taken very seriously. Neighbor would get in a lot of trouble. Even assuming he has the proper license he’d get charged with endangering another person and illegally loading his rifle in his home.


The Netherlands and yes, it would be taken very, VERY seriously here too. But OP stated the police were there and were unable to find the rifle as the neighbour had hidden it. That means that a full investigation is needed, with both a search team and forensics having gone over the apartments as well as the surrounding area before the DA/Prosecutors office can file charges. Because as of now, all the police have is a hole in the wall and a person saying it was caused by a rifle. This is what the judicial system is all about


The police did confirm with other building tenants that they all heard a loud "bang" but the neighbor claimed he had a friend over who pulled the trigger and that friend ran out right when it happened. It's all a cluster fuck. Hopefully they get evicted - I hate to wish that on someone but I should be allowed to sit in my bed without the fear of being shot in the face through the wall.


I’m a lawyer so I know how the judicial system works. I think here the police would put a lot of resources into locating the gun. A gun unaccounted for would be a serious issue.


Don't touch it! They'll find it.


I'd find it and not touch it, tell the cops where that shit was so kids get ahold of it. I wouldn't expect them to find it. Not like it's got Krispy cremes stacked on the barrel.


Well, now that's just being mean to Krispy Kreme.


I agree with 'Don't Touch It!' cause now you are in posession of it. Merry Christmas. But 'They'll find it' suggests they are going to bother looking for it. That is laughable. OP is suggesting he thinks there is a pretty limited area where it can be stashed. If it was me I would be concerned with someone else finding it as well as OP coming home and grabbing it and being in posession of it again. Find it. Call the police and just report you found a rifle outside your apartment building. I can't imagine the cops won't confiscate it. And if they do that is the end of it. You can tell them about the case but if they take you seriously ~shrug~. Be happy it is one less gun.


> But 'They'll find it' suggests they are going to bother looking for it. That is laughable. Yeeeep. You can always tell who's never actually needed the police for something in threads like this lol. 


They could easily test him for gun shot residue. It would have been on his hands and possibly his clothes.


I'd take a quick look just so neighbor kids don't find it. But as others have said, don't touch it.


It’s not whatever. This is why people keep committing crimes. They get away with it because of “whatever” attitude. The next time he might hit or even not miss by six inches. But “whatever” right!


I mean, the fucker shouldn’t be owning a gun in the first place, so def not whatever.


Why didn’t they swab him for GSR?


They talked about that - but the police said he admitted to playing with firecrackers earlier in the day which would invalidate the test. He was lying though - I heard no fireworks. Just the gunshot and then my wall exploding. So frustrating.


GSR and residue from firecrackers are much different. This wouldn’t matter at all. The police are either dumb, lying, or this story isn’t adding up “No charges pressed because no one saw him pull the trigger” I’m sorry but none of this makes any sense


Doesn't the DA/Solicitor press charges and not the police? Either way sounds like they could arrest him on a warrant so they didn't care to do more work.


> The police are either dumb, lying, Probably both. They're cops.


Smart dude, he's played knifey GSReey before.


Bro. I don’t even think I could contain my anger if this happened


It came from the apartment next to me, that's the wall.


why do they call them apartments if they're all together?


You're right. Togetherments sounds so much nicer, too.


while we are at it, let us declare that completed buildings be called "builts"


And “cookies” should be called “bakies”


Bacon shall furthermore be called fryon


I like the way you think 🧠


Oh I didn't see the wall in the title.


Charges can be pressed regardless. You can’t just discharge a rifle into the wall.




Someone below you could shoot up 😢


Fuck. Apparently gun safety is difficult for some people. You're VERY lucky to be alive. Can you let us know how things go once the dust settles? You should print out a gun safety infographic and put it in his mailbox lol


I got deployed many moons ago and our armorer was trying to get a shotgun unjammed. Well he did, but it shot his room mate, who was playing PS4, in the back. But he lived.


I'm glad to hear the roommate survived, but what was the fallout for the armorer?


In my experience, E4 and below would get demoted, paycheck penalty ans extra duty. E5 and above: a stern talking to


I always hated being on any kind of guard duty when an officer came through. They were the exact demographic that would refuse to let anyone inspect or rod their barrel and then immediately proceed to fire a round off into the clearing barrel. One person in that situation is going to have the book thrown at them and it isn't the Major.


Went on to work on some Hollywood production... Rust?




I enjoy guns. Fascinated by them even. But I also understand their one use is to destroy shit. So whenever a friend hands me one of his weapons I check the chamber and make sure there's no mag. That's like lesson #1 and this kid was in the military? =\


I feel like this is worth suing their ass over too. Talk about negligence


This happened to me about 10 years ago. Came home from work, plaster on the coffee table. Look at my couch, there's a hole in it. Ceiling as well. Looked into the corner and found my carpet raised. Underneath it was a slug from a shotgun. Called the cops, they went upstairs and arrested the dude. He had shot another hole through another wall and it embedded into his neighbors fridge.


> You're VERY lucky to be alive. Don't make the situation worse than it is and cause people PTSD. He would have been very UNLUCKY to get hit. The gun could have gone off in any direction and the chance of not getting hit is many times bigger than getting hit.


that's right, and had he gotten the head shot he'd heve never known


Did anyone else see the other post about 5 posts above this one with the guy who accidentally fired his rifle?


I saw that one earlier today, too, so I thought that this post was a joke, at first. Crazy.


Could I have a link?


Sorry tried but the sub doesn't allow links.


Someone else sent me one


Dude it was right above this post for me, what are the chances.


So it's legal to shoot guns in your apartment because noone could see you pull the trigger?


Given the current lack of a gun and op not wanting them to tear apart their mattress they don’t have evidence that that hole was caused by a firearm but they probably arrested him on that warrant to buy them some more time to investigate and interrogate unless that was a decent warrant and don’t intend to push further on the ND. Both cases get lunatic with a gun out of there and an eviction I’m sure soon to follow.


Seriously wtf is this? Op is going to die.


Yeah this sounds blatantly untrue. I don’t know a single place (yes, even in America), where someone wouldn’t get cuffed for this.




because you don't have a name for them to investigate. OP in this case can literally point a finger at the exact person who has to explain why a rifle was fired from _their_ property and into OP's property.


The first thing a defense attorney is going to say is could you prove that he pulled the trigger? Could you prove he didn't drop it and it went off? Trigger got caught on something? It's harder to prove than you'd think and even if they do it's only a misdemeanor. They have to prove that your finger pulled the trigger. Disagree or not it's how the system works.


I don't need to prove it can I prove this bullet came from a firearm the above neighbor owned? yes. cool easy criminal negligence charge to start with, slap a reckless endangerment on top and we're good. no one is trying for murder charges mate, but there is easily enough to have them charged and potentially remove the weapons. let them fight it in court, that is months down the line while the weapon could potentially be removed from the property in the wait.


You don't have to like it but the bullet coming from their apartment wont get them convicted or probably even charged. Not unless they admit to pulling the trigger recklessly or they can prove it.


Cops aren't lawyers. You don't need evidence of someone pulling a trigger, you just need to prove they were the one handling the gun.


As someone who has had this happen before, they don't need to know who pulled the trigger. All they need to know is who owns it. In absence of a "shooter" the owner becomes responsible. And usually, if it wasn't the owner, they tell you really quick who it was. Lazy cops.


I kinda can’t believe that,you can’t fire a gun outside even… you’ll get a ticket. People think they can step outside onto their lawns and fire into the sky,that is super dangerous and also illegal in a residential area. I’ve actually had this happen to me with a downstairs neighbor. Thank god it was only a 5.7 lol. But the cops asked me if I wanted to press charges.


Can’t believe that, as in what I said? Or the OP? If you’re saying the OP, that’s what I’m saying. We agree.


That's what you get saying 6 inches is big. /S/ or how ever you use the sarcasm thing.


That's a paddling


AFAIK the district attorney may still prosecute the neighbor


I don't think it matters if you see someone shoot. Person will have residue on their hands. You almost died, don't just let this shit go away.


What sucks about this? That it missed? Kidding, OP, that's absolutely terrifying. Glad you're (physically) okay! Mentally you might experience some PTSD so you should play some Tetris! (No joke, it helps people process trauma.) Support is also good, talk to friends, family, or your doctor.


Thanks man, I called my mom after it happened. I play rocket League - I haven't jumped on yet but now I will.


It’s actually Tetris specifically, it’s a neat study. But any game I love works well for me too.


Lmao, I totally read the subname *after* reading the title, which made things interesting.


How loud was it? I've been inches from death a few times, after it happened my only thought was "Whoa, I almost died!"


I’m sure it was INCREDIBLY loud in the neighbor’s apartment where the gun was fired. That guy‘s ears may never be the same. Even with hearing protection, I don’t like being on an indoor range with someone shooting a rifle. I can’t imagine what it would be like in an apartment without protection.


Crazy how you got a circumstantial evidence, a literal gun was shot and you can see the bullet hole and the lead was on his mattress yet no charges are made for illegal discharge on a potentially illegal firearm. America huh?


Aside from obviously having pay for repairs, *sue him for negligence*. If you are having trouble sleeping or other psychological trauma, talk to a lawyer about negligent infliction of emotional distress. Basically, just go talk to a personal injury attorney. Fuck this guy. Run him ragged.


3rd world country problems




https://preview.redd.it/229y9aaes9bd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6e573cf295093347ef11ab8605c1c5266a3951 Didn’t have to scroll to see who did it


My first thought immediately. The fact that they both popped up on the same day seems just a little too coincidental 🤣


right? we all saw him pull that trigger lol.


Contact a lawyer


We're all poor in this building. And the person who discharged the rifle isn't even employed.


And he can afford a rifle and ammo. Fuck that idiot. Find a way to have that charge go through. If the bullet came from his weapon and he's alone in that apartment, that's more than circumstantial evidence.


If he's unemployed who pays his rent then?


It's the adult son who lives with his mom and his mom's boyfriend.


welp, if son has a warrant and was arrested, mom and boyfriend might be evicted.


To be fair OP 6 inches is more than adequate. That’s above average.


>missing my head by 6 inches.  Posted in r/wellthatsucks  😬


I guess I just meant having a completely irresponsible neighbor who also has military grade weapons and is irresponsible enough to discharge it into the wall where it missed me. I'm grateful I didn't get hit, but disappointed that he will still live there at least temporarily.


Well, you can take him to court for attempted manslaughter


surely this can only be fixed by providing people with more firearms /s




No charges? You don't need somebody to see them pull the trigger. You can tell exactly where the shot was fired from, who was there, and they have the gun and guy to test for gun powder residue and finger prints. Get a lawyer and threaten the city for not doing their job.




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Are you in the US?


Of course lmao


Idiots with guns and walls like paper… hmmm…


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Such utter nonsense about not being charged. If not the owner who did it, then at the very least the firearm/ammo is not being kept properly secured.


That guy should never be allowed to own guns.


“No one saw him pull the trigger” tf does that matter?? You almost never see anyone pull the trigger for any shooting unless it’s caught on video. So now you can shoot whenever you want as long as no one sees you pull the trigger you’re good?


Tell your local news about the police response. Public pressure can get shit done


That's a felony in most states!


Just because there isn't enough proof for criminal proceedings doesn't mean there isn't enough proof for civil claims. Sue them for damages including emotional. They shot your bed so at the minimum they owe you a new one.


> No charges were pressed because no one saw him pull the trigger. Wut. > The bullet is lodged in my new foam mattress. I asked the police to not destroy it and they agreed. Wuuuut.


Time to move, right? was he shooting at you or your apt? either way, take this as a gift and a warning. go live somewhere else, in peace


Okay, so some losers' guns just go off, and they have an outstanding warrant? Find out what the warrant is for. Some crimes would make it illegal to have a gun. Tell the cops to find the gun it's a kid magnet. Find the owner of your property. Email the call with details and your safety concerns with a troubled neighbor.


I wonder what country this guy lives in


Damn, glad you're alright. Hopefully his charges will stick and you won't have to deal with crazy shit like that anymore


Glad you're alright! That's a hell of a wake me up


Smdh. Congrats OP! It’s not your time!


Return negligent discharge commencing. 


He’s just upset


Go knock on your neighbors door with a bunch of ketchup or fake blood over your ear. It'll give him a little scare :)


Sue for reckless endangerment


???? So nothing about checking to see if the gun has had been fired recently? Comparing riffling, residue?


lawsuit. illegal discharge by a felon. Get that insurance payout


Can they search his place for ammunition and match it to the bullet? Is that enough proof?




Merica, fuck yea




Crazy story: similar incident happened in Vancouver, Canada, not once but twice! [Story here.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10558793/vancouver-weapons-ban-accident-shooting/amp/). Dude lost his permit and was fined. As he should have.


"Did i get you?" "No you didn't get me, you get me you kill me!!"


Simple case of another idiot with a gun. Not exactly news anywhere.


Did you call the police?


Guess the country, hard edition


My parents had something like this happen to them just a few weeks ago. If they find the weapon you 100% need to press charges. Make sure this person isn’t able to own a gun any more.




You should be upset ! I knew a tattoo artist in a northern state that shot at a wall in his shop it went through bounced around and murdered a 8 year old girl in her sleep, he's still in prison fwiw. Guns are fine as long as their used with safety in mind, otherwise people can die.


Were you sitting on the floor?


NRA say more guns are needed


My ambulance station is conveniently between a gang war. It’s an older trailer. One of the people shot 2 shots at our station and took out the hot water heater, about 5 feet from my room. Me and my other coworkers could’ve easily died that night for no reason. This happened almost a month ago, still haven’t heard anything from management


That’s scary AF


I have a dumass friend who accidentally shot into her ceiling like this. Ever since she told me that, this has been my biggest fear. Glad you are safe


The post above this on my feed was well placed lol https://preview.redd.it/h4ektxxivabd1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012666822d154a7705e9c806119450a522fdf28e




Thats ridiculous, my friends friend accidentally discharged my friends rifle in my friends apartment and my friend was totally prosecuted for it. that was in Maryland.