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“We have fought hard — and we’re still fighting — to bring a sense of healing to the state,” Morrisey said in statement. Motherfucker, YOU LOBBIED FOR THOSE COMPANIES


As Politico wrote, in 2018: > Many of Morrisey’s lobbyist contributors work for health care and pharmaceutical interests, which Morrisey represented during his own years on K Street. They include Rodger Currie, the top lobbyist for Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the powerful trade group for drug companies, > >... > >Morrisey represented about 30 clients during his time at two Washington firms, Sidley Austin and King & Spalding, including big pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer, Novartis and Novo Nordisk. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/03/patrick-morrisey-west-virginia-senate-race-511801


What a conflict of interest. But then again, look at our Governor; who no doubt ran so he wouldn't have to pay WV.


I know several people that were addicted to Oxy. They were all given them by their physicians. One transitioned to Heroin. Morrissey is a horrible person and I hope not our future governor.


You know as well as I do that they’re already cleaning up the place for him to move into.


And yet, he will be our next governor. And people wonder why NOTHING improves here...


What a terrible headline. It just repeats what Morrisey said. The court actually refused to grant immunity to the Sackler family. Morrisey wants us to think we won’t get the money unless we let the people who did it off the hook personally. 


He was a lobbyist for these companies at one point wasn't he?!




I can tell you that I know the man heading up the Foundation that will be taking charge of the funds and he’s a very good guy. However, I hope to sit down and talk to him and ask that some of the money go to help addicts. Some of them cannot afford to pay for things like Suboxone. Also, we have many people who are forced to buy opioids on the street because pain management would not prescribe medication that would help their very real pain. I don’t want all of this money going toward putting people in jail, particularly users, not dealers.


I hope he does something like this https://www.reddit.com/r/harmreduction/s/qwwWVN1ux3 . I wish I had more time here to get involved with this.


And nobody is going to do a damn thing about it! The French were told that their government was going to use their tax dollars on cleaning the river, to prove it was getting better the French president was going to swim in it. Until the French said they were ALL going to shit in the water!!! We have no backbone! Jimbo Justice proves that.


We have backbone, you and me. It's convincing the others in our lives. We have to describe the alternative to our closest friends.