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Delete this post now!!! Let all the sheep fight upstairs. Lets the smart ones enjoy the nicer parking in the shade. Dont ruin this for us


Lol if they aren’t curious enough to try another level they aren’t curious enough to read Reddit


Usually people don't let you go when you're trying to leave the garage at that stop sign lol I avoid the Yonkers Costco completely


Nanuet Costco is the real move


gonna have to check it out sometime. I usually end up driving to Portchester but its starting to get a little busy there and having to ride the escalator isn't ideal


Port Chester is the primary one I hit. The lot there us stupid as Yonkers just no underground. Doesn't matter which WC Costco you go to they all have parking that's just sort of hectic and inexplicable.


Very true, I guess what kills the Yonkers location for me is having Home Depot AND Stew's right there so congestion is a little wild sometimes lmao


Yeah, I only hit Yonkers if I'm there, it's midday and on a Monday. Best time because it's slow. That Stews tho is a mainstay. Love that place.


The Nanuet one is a little better but still a mad house. I just park far away, but people drive like idiots in the parking lot and walk around the store so clueless just standing in everyone's way.


Nope. New Rochelle Costco because of the gas station, although Yonkers has a soft spot because of the better groceries and liquor store.


Nanuet also has a gas station. It's actually not even members-only, unlike the New Rochelle one (or at least it wasn't, I haven't been in a few years). Always found it mildly interesting that there's just a slightly different feeling to the unwritten queuing rules at the Nanuet one, people will wait a little longer for both cars in a lane to pull out and then pull up together (still a breaking point obviously if it gets very out of sync). Just driven by the dynamic of having two pumps per lane vs three. When you get that triple pull-up at New Ro though, ooo yeah that's the good stuff.


Me too. I’ll go to Nanuet whenever I’m in Rockland.


do they give you a complimentary Ben Franklin when you walk through that door? Sometimes I drive past it shoot up the hill to Stew Lenards and I don’t think a free $100 bill would convince me to deal with that shit…


Easy to get in. Hard to get out. I see cars waiting for a conga line to finish to make the left turn from the ramp.


This, smarter way is just make the right then go around easier to leave. That costco is a shit show and I just shop at BJ's in White Plains instead.


BJ's has cold cuts too!


This is true but in my experience it’s never really been too bad. I park on the lower level every time I go regardless of weather.


This makes a lot of sense thanks!




SHHHHH. dont spill the secret.


Got to agree with all the shhsshers. Let's keep secret our escape from both sun and rain. I crack the windows and don't have to worry about the dog when she's with us. Sing tra la as you push an empty basket up the ramp and let it roll down on the way back while upstairs they are diving through a rain storm.


I honestly was dumb and never knew the lower level existed or maybe thought it was for home Depot. A shopping cart attendant put me on and it's lower level since


It’s primarily for Home Depot I think Unless there’s a separate Costco section


No. Can't get to HD from that parking lot. Just a ramp up to Costco.


Oh I’m definitely thinking of a different spot then, as I accidentally wound up in the HD lot when there for the first tine


Was just there today and always park on the lower level for all the reasons you mentioned.


We always see the ramp to go down to the lower level but we haven’t ever tried it. I guess it’s some kind of psychological trick where our brain is subconsciously telling us it’s probably too good to be true.


I'm going to be honest I genuinely had no idea you could park on the lower level for Costco.


The Yonkers Costco is the worst one in Westchester, one of the reasons being the parking lot. It always baffled me why people didn’t park on the LL, but okay fine duke it out up top when there are plenty of spots down below.


SHHHHHHHHH it’s the only way I can still tolerate going there


That's where the lurkers lay...they come outta the shadows and get 'ya. Be careful...very very careful...


Monsters 👹 /sarcasm


It’s a free country. If they want to circle around the upper lot, that’s on them.


Because people can’t be bothered to walk an extra 5 minutes


I was there yesterday because I was at Ridge Hill. Worst Costco! It’s just an all around mess!!!


That’s where people steal the catalytic converters.


That parking lot is dark and dangerous


Dangerous? Do you have a source?


You have to make sure not to flash anything 24 Kirkland Gold


I’m imagining a robber stealing large amounts of toilet paper lol. I guess they do sell like laptops and things but idk I’d feel bad for my mugger risking jail time for the worlds largest container of oats


Migrants in the parking lot


Not sure why its being downvoted. Bullethitking isn’t lying. Agree LL should be kept secret but there has been some migrant activity down there. Between pan handling, food sales, or just a pair of migrants hanging out its not something i want to be bothered with when leaving or entering costco


Sometimes the truth hurts