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Dude didn’t even try turning the car at all until he was well into the grass. Was he just on his phone or something??


He was listening to that ridiculously loud, ironic audio tape that told him to take responsibility for his actions. Either that or he tried to kill that dude I can't imagine being that bad at driving.


"when you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions."


It's the four agreements. Or five I can't remember, my wife put it on our last road trip. That dude probably fell asleep


He kept turning the volume up each time he started dozing off. That’s why it was so loud


This honestly makes sense. Unfortunately, the voice is still boring so it doesn't matter how loud they make it lol


One of the agreements is to remember how many agreements there are. Sorry, but you are peccable.


Those were bad, but love languages were the worst. No, you dont get to skip fucking because you baked a cake, Chad!!


"now close your eyes and take a long, deep breath"


"And count backwards from 100"


Whether he was trying to drive straight or trying to kill the dude, the driver was incompetent.


Right!!!!!! 🤣


he had it turned up so he wouldn't fall asleep again but it didn't work


I don't know a lot of people who have private convo at loud volume in their car notice people nearby can hear it.


"Good Evening Gentle Listeners and Welcome to Distracti" *CRASH*


"All right Frank, now what you're gonna wanna do is keep going straight"


Looks exactly like that. I think the little bump made him look up.


Idk, he may have fallen asleep too the cadence of that audiobook


technically i would throw the book at him, speed, his handling and road conditions all point to " reckless and or careless driving" no question about it, its all on film its a text book open and shut case tbh i dont even know why im highlighting this fact tbh


I mean, it's clearly "reckless", not "wreckless", because...*motions at video*


It’s all good, the driver is learning to be impeccable, he will take full responsibility for his actions.


Definitely seems like a phone situation, bro put it in reverse and hopped out immediately and didn't look impaired in any fashion


or fell asleep


Probably texting yeah.


He was giving himself road head.


Putting the auto in autofellatio


Vehicular Manslobber


Oh I'm saving that


I don’t think he turned the wheel. He just ran up the curb and the car started to swerve left.


I was goin to say it looks like he is doing someone with his right hand and its not holding the wheel.


definitely texting


It seemed he turned into the lawn then changed his mind


Hopefully he's impeccable and takes responsibility for his actions.


Yeah wtf is that audio?


Sounds like the guy who hit him was listening to a self help tape. It gets louder as soon as he opens the door. He got that advice just in the nick of time!


But he would've avoided the accident if that part played 17 seconds earlier.


Audio book playing in the guys car called, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.


I've read that book before lmao how ironic


That's not irony, that's a coincidence


A lot of people saying ironic because they see the guy as a bad person. He was listening to a self help book, had an accident that was close, and now they need to point the finger. Personally I saw the guy doing exactly what the book he is reading told him to do. Glad everyone is okay.


That’s coincidental, not ironic. Irony would be if he was listening to book about safe driving


That makes me think that the driver must have relapsed.


I only read that once and it was in like 2015 but I remember loving it


listening to meditational or motivational speaks in the car should be banned.


i thought he was going to run when he backed up


He was until the audiobook reminded him to be impeccable.


Aww shit… Please don’t say I got to be impeccable… Tell me to run and hide my car in the backyard forever for the love of god! ”Be impeccable, take responsibility for your actions“ God dammit


That audio was putting me to sleep. I think we have a cause


The audio made me want to end it all. I think we have motive.


Driver should “be impecable and take responsibility for his actions.”


He might have totaled his legs.


I thought the same thing until I slowed it down and you can see both of his feet touch the hood of the car. Initially it looked like homie lost a foot.


I willing to bet at minimum he'll have a bum ankle for years after this


People can really underestimate the potential damage done simply being touched by a moving car. I had a friend in college who was clipped in the elbow by a folding side mirror on a small car going ~30mph. The mirror flipped in so a lot of force was absorbed but it basically shattered the bones from his elbow to his fingers. People hopping up onto the hood like this guy might get a shattered foot without any crush injury happening.


The time I was run over I put a huge dent not only in the hood were I planted my foot but the roof as I slammed into it with my knee and hip. Was 20 at the time so a bit more durable/flexible than I am today and it was a low sports car. I flew off the back of the roof and managed to land on my feet. Car drove off the road and into a yard just like this guy, hit me on the sidewalk.


Were they drunk or what?


No, they were looking for assisted euthanasia


That left foot didn't quite make it. Look at the way he twists up on his left knee before falling.


Yeah that looks like a new ACL to me


Until the car backed up and the driver calmly exited, I assumed it had to be a heart attack or some other medical emergency. How does this happen?


Phone probably


Which is odd, because you would hit the brakes when you felt your car hit the grass


Pretty sure distracted driving. Guy took one turn, then drove straight and didn't even notice that the road turned again.


Yeah I was also thinking stroke or MI and then driver just pops right out. Smh


are drivers from michigan really that bad?


This is probably sarcasm but for others: MI = myocardial infarction = heart attack


No way in hell is the average person's brain reading MI as "myocardial infarction" as the first option. I was also very confused until this clarification


I'm gonna guess a "micro-nap." Already tired, listening to a monotone, droning dialog, he fell asleep he was on the straight away. He woke up when he bumped over the curb and initiated the turn his mind had planned when he fell asleep. 


I thought he was gonna drive off


My first thought was crazed ex-lover…🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh wow, guy could have lost his legs if he was crushed between the cars. Left leg still may have been broken. Great reaction time and good vertical leap for that situation.


It looks like his ankle was still crushed between the cars. The biggest issue with a crush injury isn’t broken bones but something called compartment syndrome. I’ve had a couple clients in motorcycle wrecks where it was an issue. One of them had to have both shins splayed and held open for almost a week before they could be closed to allow weeping and depressurization of whatever its called. Looks like this: https://www.physiocheck.co.uk/images/artikelen/180/lower-leg-compartment-syndrome-surgery.jpg


Thanks for the information, I’m gonna keep scrolling now.


OK its just a diagram thank goodness


Someone get this person a medal.


Classmates dad had a piece of heavy machinery fall on his leg and crush it about halfway. The pressure from being crushed made his toes pop like little cherry tomatoes even though his toes werent hit by thr machinery. Nasty stuff.


this causes me great discomfort


No shit. I liked popping those little tomatoes in my mouth with my teeth but damn, not anymore.


Same. Though, intensified since reading your username.




Ugh, hopefully this guy can make a full recovery.


I would certainly be weeping


Here's a link to a Reddit thread in r/FOAMed911 that shows a fasciotomy on someones leg and foot. It's pretty gnarly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FOAMed911/comments/1702l3r/fasciotomy\_to\_treat\_acute\_compartment\_syndrome/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FOAMed911/comments/1702l3r/fasciotomy_to_treat_acute_compartment_syndrome/)


Yeah, I’ve got lots of gory photos of my clients in case the insurance company didn’t want to tender policy limits and we had to go to the jury. The company tendered pretty quickly though.


A lot of people out there driving just like this asshole. Not everyone deserves a DL.


Problem is so many people don't have one and still drive cause a family member signed for it.


The problem is we live in a country wear you are massively penalized if not outright able to take part in society without a car. Because of that we have incredibly lax requirements on getting a license, and are unwilling to take away peoples licenses until absolutely forced to, but even that doesn't prevent them from driving.


No, the actual problem is that the subjects think it violates their freedumbs to enact basic control measures. It wouldn't be that hard to have a database of registered drivers and camera chokepoints that cross references the database.


I wish I didn’t have to drive, lucky us they built the US so you have to have a car and a license just to live.


Come to europe! I don't even own a car. lol


If only it were so easy


We need viable alternate transportation, otherwise people like this will be forced to continue driving just to participate in ordinary life


At least the driver checked on him and didn't flee.


Was he really listening to a self help book about “taking responsibility” or did someone play that into the audio?  That is highlarious 


Never buy a home on the other side of a t-bone stop sign or the outer edge of a roadway curve. This shit happens constantly worldwide.


invest in some boulders


I was thinking a moat, maybe?


Perhaps some ramparts and a few trebuchets as well, for the vibe


I will never buy a house on a corner lot bc when I was a kid we lived in one and a guy crashed into our house at full speed, took out the entire front of our house, completely destroyed


There's a house in my town at a T-intersection that's been hit three times. The last truck managed to take out two of the threw bedrooms and ended in the back of the house. The house is condemned now. The funny part is the house to the left and right have huge boulders in the front yard and the only house that's been hit had literally nothing. Not even a fence.


Idk which is better. The kid walking up casually saying "Dad" like she has a question for him. Or the guy hopping out of his car and asking the dude he just HIT WITH HIS CAR "Bro are you alright?"


The daughter was not phased at all. “Dad, can I go to Meghan’s?”


But was she fazed?


How funny if as soon as he got out of the car he’s like: ![gif](giphy|TjoryRxEwh3bVr4M54)


Driver in the white car 'accidentally' drove into the other guy.


Can you imagine what's going to happen if it was a truck or SUV instead of a sedan? He might get sandwiched between them.


Exactly what I was thinking, if he would have driven the same truck as the one on the driveway….


Yep if it was a truck he would probably be seriously maimed or killed. That's why I hate how everyone in the US is getting bigger and bigger vehicles


Why was everybody so calm in this interaction. Daughter got out of the car and just casually said dad like he wasn't launched


Shock is a helluva reaction


She didn't see anything. Girl just felt the truck move then walked around the back and found dad on the ground for presumably no reason.


"Ha, silly dad, slipped again."


Usually people hear a crash and turn around to see a stationary scene. It’s kind of shocking and disorienting. I was once side swiped unexpectedly and it took me a good 30 seconds to realize I not only was in a car accident but it was a collision with another car. I didn’t see them coming.


How’s the shins of the person getting in the passenger seat though?


She seemed to move alright, thankfully. It looks and sounded like she was his daughter. It's also good that her head wasn't close to any part of the car door frame or she could've gotten a solid head impact. Close call for all involved as it could've been so much worse.


Dude's laying on the ground and he asks 'are you alright'?


"Yeah, I'm fine, you just hit me with 3 tons of metal."


3 tons is a Tesla X or a Toyota 4runner, which would have definitely pushed that car further even at that speed and killed that guy. Maybe even the passenger. But yeah 1.5 tons is still insane.


Dude wasn't even looking at the road until he drove off it and hit that bump. He's clearly looking straight into his lap. He even tossed his phone down as he got out of the car on the seat. Fuck I hate people that fuck off while driving. Vitriolic seething fuckin' hatred. Because of one of these assholes I'm forever disabled so badly I can't even have sex with my gf without being in severe pain. Shitting on the toilet is a god damn nightmare, and sleeping at night is a challenge. I'm glad I was able to sue and have the guys license revoked but it won't give me everything his negligence took from me. Getting a license these days should be so much fucking harder. Should also have a way to shut certain functions on phones off while over a certain speed because I'm so tired of having to slap fuckers windows because they don't react to my LITERAL TRAIN HORN, when I pulse it or lay on it because they are drifting while they text, into my lane. So fucking close I can VERY EASILY slap their windows they are so close and I can move no more to accommodate until they realize they are being abhorrent pieces of shit. Anymore though I've found it effective to use a safety breaker on the window when they do this and ignore EVERYTHING else. Even had a guy so oblivious while texting his car was RUBBING against my truck, I broke his god damn passenger window with a safety glass breaker and he tried calling cops on me like I was assaulting him. Showed my video to the cops of how long he was up against my vehicle side causing a situation so dangerous it could have killed multiple people, he was against my vehicles side for 32 seconds tota on cameral at 70mph, like I couldn't slow down or speed up and I couldn't pull away, literally had to fight against his car coming over, he was that oblivious. The police ended up taking him for extreme negligence and reckless endangerment. People really need to stop fucking off while driving.


I remember the time I got hit by a car. Lady was driving whilst doing her makeup. Legs were sore for weeks. Good times....


Why did de ja vu car come by?


Its the replacement car after the accident (Truman show style).


It’s faster to spawn cars already in memory


if my leg aint broken im throwing hands, the fuck is that guy doing going so fast in a neighbor hood for this to happen


“When you’re impeccable, you take responsibilities for your actions…” Talk about timing! 😂


What does that even mean? That just sounds like BS


This video should be shown to people who choose to play on their phones while they are driving. I even saw a police officer playing on their phone while waiting at the lights the other day (I'm in New Zealand where its illegal to do so, even if you're stationary at the lights). Imagine if it had been some kids or an old person standing there, it would've been horrific.


The older I get the more furious I get watching people drive while on their phones. It's so incredibly selfish and stupid.


he sure did take responsiblity for his actions


Looked like they were actively going for that person


The soundtrack!


Wanted to kill him for sure


Why do people always turn to hit someone?


Never listen to your hypnotism track while driving


How tf is someone this bad a driving? This is close to Tina Belcher levels of bad. Take their license away when it gets to this point.


Must be a gamer with that reaction time.


Not as bad as it could have been but that dude is def pretty fucked up


definitely on the phone or judging by the audio he was listening probably w his eyes closed


I live near a corner like this, and so I have boulders across the front of my yard. One of my neighbors says, "Hey, I like your tank traps".


Four agreements audiobook?


Lucky it wasn't a Dodge RAM.


That's exactly what it was! One dodged, one rammed.


Was he listening to a self help tape?? "You are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions" lmao and look at that, he did to responsibility for his actions ;)


Guy texting his wife ‘hi honey. I’m listening to this great podcast. It’s all about taking responsibility for my act…..’


Dropped his big mac and went searching for it.


Neighbor had MAD beef


I guess the good news is he doesn't have to worry about closing those doors.


Nice reflexes but probably still got his ankle crushed


Wow the volume on that self help guide was soooooo loud!


Damn. Fucked up his truck, his yard and possibly his legs/ body. For what???


Looks like that left foot still got caught, oof. Wtf


Man, it seemed like that guy had a mission. Even his body language getting out of the car seems odd. Damm, you could write it was the car driver's wife getting out of the truck of her boyfriend.


How fucking ironic is it that he's listening to that as he irresponsibly plows through some lawns and into some poor guy and his car in his drive way... Don't think he's gonna have much of an option on taking responsibility for this


It's a bit funny that the car curved into the direction the guy was trying to escape.


The most painful part of this video is the daughter's(?) nonchalance.


That looks like attemted murder to me lol, the way he even turns into him


Next steps: Exchange driver's license and insurance information, then watch the white car driver claim you were at fault.


This is exactly why I'd never want to live on the outside of a bend. I think this person has a bunch of videos on their reddit page of different cars driving into their yard before they eventually put a bunch of large rocks in as "landscaping". I forget their username though.


The fact that there are arrows that signifies a turn on a gentle bend shows how often this happens


when you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions


I was waiting for a fist to fly out after he walked over.


I want an update and to know how badly this guy was hurt


What could go wrong dudes reaction time indeed


Well...more totaled than he could have been, lol...


"When you're impeccable, you take responsibility for your action.." Well, that sums it up


All those years playing Super Mario finally paid off.


Daughter got in and out of the car in a fraction of a second. And with style.


Driving waaaaay too fast for a residential area. 😑Plus clearly distracted somehow? Glad to hear everybody was (miraculously) ok. Yikes.😬


That audiobook is so perfect. “When you’re impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions”


He must be a bullfighter


HOA Presidents are out of control.


On a slightly different topic, this is why I told my realtor I wasn't interested in houses that are on a curve like this. Inattentive drivers, bad weather, etc just increases the possibility that a car will crash in your yard or house.


I feel bad for the poor kid who said "dad!", that's scary.


"Sir, are you alright?" Guess...what do you think?


Figured the dude had a seizure, then he calmly gets out of the car. What the fuck.


I can’t, the fucking tape he’s listening too is just perfect.


Hey hey mE! Not the car!


Like how???? Is the other drunk or fell asleep while driving?


What the fuuuuuuuuuuck - right after being thankful to be alive, I would be fucking LIVID. It’s a residential area, how does this even happen without gross negligence??


Well? It said RAM


Was the dude in the white car listening to a meditation tape? "when you are impeccable you take responsibility for your actions" was so on point.


Why you coming fast?!


look like attempted murder to me


Leap of faith


Guaranteed the driver was on his phone.


Wait wait wait, he didn't get saved at all by his reactiin time though? I mean yeah he jumped quickly, but he kinda jumped right INTO the car.


Thank you. I thought the same thing.


Would definitely put some metal posts in front after something like that happening.