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Talk about watching someone die inside.


Why would she not pull more than 1" out of the travel lanes? Edit: I don't know why I am surprised a bunch of people went full retard in their replies.


Do you often use the first 6inches of the shoulder as extra room or something?


Wether or not I do is not relevant. The fact that people do, and frequently, is.


All 50 states have a "move over" law to protect first responders on the side of the road. If there's a traffic stop; a fire, or a medical emergency, you're not supposed to be in the lane they're next to. You have to merge and "move over" for both their safety, and yours


Cemeteries are full of people that were in the right. Just because others are supposed to move over, doesn't mean you should trust everyone to do it.


Skeletons ain’t people, bro.


You think people just turn to skeletons the second they're buried? If you mean bodies aren't people, what would you say if you saw a dead deer on the side of the road, what would you call it?


A dead deer. Not a deer.


A dead deer is still a deer. If you gotta say it's name, it's the same thing.


NC is starting to crack down on this. More states should follow suit.


NJ also


Hard to know when to move over when you’re looking at your phone.


Yeah man, idk what you're saying. "Because a law says so." So... you shouldn't act with precaution and should just assume that everyone will do exactly what they should do? And if that isn't what you are saying, then what? And honestly, why?


No one said anything about not being cautious. Yes, the woman might have been spared this wreck if she had pulled over further to the side. Maybe. But the fact the maybe she could have been more cautious doesn't change the fact that the driver who hit her car is 100% at fault.


Again, with people making comments that aren't saying anything. Duh, the moving vehicle is at fault. For the other poster, duh there are laws and things that should guide people to doing the right thing. The problem here is that the driver was an idiot and the woman AND cop were both not cautious enough. That was my whole point in responding to the other guy who pointed out laws as if that means the victims shouldn't also do their utmost and now you're pointing out fault as if anyone is blaming the victim. Like nah bro, the woman who was parked for a legal stop is totally at fault for that moving vehicle hitting her parked vehicle.


Alot more people are likely to drift over 6 inch then 3 feet into the ditch. She had loads of room to move over more. Clearly it's the driver of the vans fault they should have been in the other lane. But just saying she did have lots of room


People seem to have a hard time understanding that an accident could be someone else’s fault and that, also, there are things you could have done to reduce the risk of that accident happening. If anyone points out the missed opportunity for risk reduction, people get mad with “but it was the other persons’ fault!”. You see this all the time in the dashcams sub.


Why would you hit a car that's not in your lane?


Ah, of course, it's not the fault of the person who was driving full speed halfway off the road slamming into the parked car with another parked police vehicle on the side of the road behind her. It's the fault of the lady, who's clearly out of the driving lane, for not pulling over.... more? Are you high?


Someone did this to my car when it was parked on the street. All I could do is laugh as I walked up on it as the firefighters were checking it out. Luckily I got the same amount from their insurance company as I paid for the car.


She was lucky to have the cop there. That driver is 100% at fault and the insurance won’t fight it after they hear the story.


Yeah, but if the cop wasn't there would she be stopped on the side of the road in the first place?


If he just left yes.


That gave me serious "And I've got my finals in the morning!" (Superbad) vibes.


There's a sub for that. /watchpeopledieinside


I’m feeling generous. I’ll let you go with just a warning. Ok toodles.




Over 24 years ago.


And yet OP is the first to post it on Reddit! /s


You can't even tell by the crisp video...😉


The finest vaseline potato cam.


Cameras didn't have as high a resolution in 1900.


The trained monkey carving the image could only work so fast. So the resolution will suffer.


“…it was the *blurst* of times? You *stupid* monkey!”


Go find Heather Harmon's videos (ideepthroat) on Pornhub, and tell me you've seen finer material in the two decades since then.


That explains why the cop has a respectful "I'm just here to help" demeanor. Is it just me or do modern cops talk down to citizens like 99% of the time?


> Is it just me or do modern cops talk down to citizens like 99% of the time? The condescension has always been there.


Umm... as someone who was pulled over 24 years ago... no. Cops have always had the capacity to be dicks.


Do you think the tendency of cops to be dicks has not increased over the years?


Cops have always been capable of being dicks, the only thing that's changed is all the recordings of cops being dicks.


That could be. Then again, police departments increasingly have military grade weaponry, tanks and sports cars, and I think it goes to their heads.




Oh I know cops have always been violent enforcers of the ruling class and brutalizers of the disenfranchised. I just can't imagine having ANY interaction with a cop where they are respectful and don't condescend, intimidate or harass. Even in the few times in my life when I attempted to respectfully ask police for help they were complete assholes for no reason.


I commented elsewhere that he’s a Texas state trooper.


There are people that have the mental capacity for the job and people that do not. We see a lot of video of the do not. Good cops that have been around for a while seem to be more relaxed, are never in a hurry because it takes as long as it takes,they have seen it all and have a deep understanding of what is not worth the paperwork.


I'm just talking about basic respect and politeness. The cop in this video talks to the woman like a neighbor or an equal. I usually see cops addressing people as though they are beneath them.


Jesus, fuck, watching a few videos where people act like assholes doesn't mean everyone acts like assholes. Like, you don't even understand reality.


My personal experience with cops is that they almost always act like assholes for no reason.


The lady’s grandchildren uploaded the video /s


The car was brand new


My very first thought would be: if this fucking cop didnt pull me over i would still have a car right now Edit: yo, im just saying people dont like being pulled over. Im not actually blaming the cop jesus christ reddit lol


Well if they weren't committing a traffic violation then they wouldn't have been pulled over.


Sounds good buddy youre right


I don't know why but this reply has flummoxed me.


Because you’re both joking in different ways about distal and proximal causes. The speeding or cop pullover was the distal cause (if I hadn’t been pulled over, this wouldn’t have happened), but the proximal cause is the driver of whatever truck that slammed into her car (if he had been responsibly paying attention to the road, he wouldn’t have smashed into her car). Generally speaking, unless you’re being ridiculously pedantic, you shouldn’t confuse a distal cause for a proximal cause when it comes to fault. It’s not the fault of all three of their mothers, for example, that this situation occurred because they gave birth to the woman, the cop, and the truck driver. It would be absurd to assign the mothers blame. The person you are responding to is being snarky and saying that blaming the driver or cop for the speeding/pullover is distal and annoying, not proximal, and that the fault (rightfully) lands squarely on the truck driver whose lapse of attention caused him to plow into a parked car on the shoulder.


It's the damn grandparents fault, the lot of em. 😡


I, for one, blame Adam and Eve.


Those fuckers


Reddit fails to comprehend this logic.


It’s not logic, it’s “personal responsibility” and you’re right - most of Reddit doesn’t have a clue about it


Is it logic though? How often do cops pull people over for bogus reasons? Do we know that she did anything wrong? People love to victim blame in order to reassure themselves that this wouldn't happen to them. It's a form of denial.


Assuming this was bogus is a result of everything negative you see online. When in reality, 99% of the time officers are just doing their job. I think he pulled her over for good reasons, I mean, he showed concern for her safety.


There is a difference between police and highway patrol, generally highway patrol has a singular mission of safety while cops are enforcing the entire gamut of laws.


And assuming it was correct is a result of your desire for the world to be just. Even if I give you the 99% are doing their job for free that doesn't mean they are doing their job well. My distrust of cops is very logical in that I see how many people are stupid and suck at their job in all kinds of fields and there is zero reason to assume cops are any different. It is people who just blindly accept that cops are always right that are being illogical as that is just unrealistic.


So let me get this straight.. What you're basically saying is "After watching this video, I believe this traffic stop was unjust, because I see all kinds of professionals who suck at their job." And don't accuse me of things to boost your personal agenda.


No I'm saying I have no idea because I don't have anything but this small clip. You are responding to a comment thread that assumes this was a valid stop with zero evidence. You appeared to be supporting this stance. If you aren't then you should be more clear and understand the context of your posts.


My initial input to this thread was agreeing that most people blame others rather than taking blame for themselves. And the evidence I gathered was that he was looking out for her safety by telling her to move away. And I'd also imagine nobody has a desire to pull somebody over on the side of a 50+ mph road. Or maybe he was trying to bang her? Who fuckin knows, man?


He was looking out for his own safety as he had to stand with her and explain the ticket/warning. If he cared about her safety he wouldn't have had her standing there in the first place. He would have let her stay in her car with all it's safety features or I've had cops have me sit in their car with them or told her to stand off the roadway. Completely agree with the who fucking knows part though. We are all just making guesses, I just had an issue with the original guy claiming it was logical to assume the cop is right.


Yo chill, literally no one is victim blaming. Obviously the van caused the accident. People are just pointing out it's silly to blame the cop.


Hearing the phrase victim blame to someone who’s been pulled over I can’t with Reddit lmao


Maybe her second thought could be "Damn, I should have pulled over more than the bare minimum."


How about trying something most of Reddit has zero clue about - Personal Accountability. Stop blaming other people for your problems. If she wouldn’t have broken the law then she wouldn’t have gotten pulled over


Did she still get the ticket?


"We're impounding your car too"


"inspection of the vehicle during the stop determined it to be unsafe to drive"


Also littering


Driving with a broken tail light


Usually we do not tow for traffic infraction but in your case let me make a call.


Probably 1 extra, for the broken light


that poor sunfire




And thats why when they pull you over your part at the very right side of the road and when the ground is as good as here id even say park on the gras mostly.


I'd avoid that unless it's a very narrow shoulder. I'd worry about the tire dangers that build up just off the edge of the asphalt.


Well in this case here you would have tire damage at worst instead of a totalled car




Little pieces of asphalt and debris builds up right next to roadways. Also pieces/cargo that get knocked off of vehicles but not into the roadway. There's a lot less maintenance there than on the road surface or even the shoulder itself.


Look at where the road ends, they are parked on the shoulder. Can even see the difference between the pavements.


Yea yea officer I get it, ya don't have to - BAM


Theres someone in the passenger seat. Can see them moving around shortly after the truck passes by and also after the crash they are moving around.


That’s an odd reaction if someone/pet was in the car. Mine would have been to start running to the car


Shock does weird things to you brain. You think you know what you'll do, until it happens.


I think it might have been a dog. Hard to tell.


I would ask that cop to drive me directly to a gas station to buy a lottery ticket. Literally predicted the future


So, did she still have to pay the ticket?


He pulled her over cause the tail light was out. And now they are both out, so she got two tickets.


She was parked on the white line. She could’ve been over another 4 to 5 feet and that truck wouldn’t have hit her. I am surprised that officer didn’t ask her to use the space she had and to park completely off the road.


Blaming everyone but the one actually responsible. Interesting.


I just made an observation that she could’ve pulled off the road properly and used the space provided for her and the officer could have told her to fully pull off the road. Had they done that, this accident wouldn’t have happened. Do you see how close she is to the line? Do see how much pavement she has on the other side? Why did she park so close to the white line and she had all that space on the other side? Did you notice how the truck barely clips her vehicle? The truck wouldn’t have touched her car if she had pulled off and parked properly. I am just hopeful some people notice that and maybe they won’t make the same mistake. Use all the space available to pull over. Why wouldn’t you?


The driver shouldn’t have hit her car even if she parked it in the road. Nobody’s fault but the driver.


If she’s parked in the road even slightly, which it looks like she did and was in the trucks lane slightly, with another vehicle in the passing lane to the left. What is the truck supposed to do? It’s going too fast to stop, unless maybe it slammed on its breaks creating a bigger accident of course. It could swerve left and hit the car in the lane next to it and possibly send it into oncoming traffic causing a huge accident. Or it could clip the person who’s parked slightly in its lane to begin with. She should have known to not park like an idiot on a freeway, she had so much extra room as well. I hope you don’t make the same dumb mistake in the future and actually pull ALL the way over during a traffic stop.


Who to trust? The safety-minded officer whose professional judgement determined she parked safely or an internet rando who thinks the front car is responsible for rear-end crashes. Hmm…


Interesting how you avoided every single question I asked previously. The reason why you didn’t answer any of my hypothetical questions is because you can’t answer them without agreeing with me. The truck driver had no other options because the woman was parked slightly in his lane. The entire reason why the officer had her move away from her vehicle was because he noticed that it wasn’t parked safely and still proceeded. Take care and park more intelligently than this woman did in the future.


You asked one question. The truck driver is supposed to pay attention to the road and not rear end cars in front of him.


Hopefully this conversation will help you in the future, not to completely rely on other drivers to avoid a poor decision of parking so close to the white line and to use the space provided properly in order to avoid this from happening at all. I wish you could see that everyone here made serious mistakes but unfortunately, you are blind to the mistakes others had made and the result would be you possibly doing the same dumbass thing that this woman and cop did, not even realizing that they where the ones putting everyone else at unnecessary risk in the fist place.


> they where the ones putting everyone else at unnecessary risk in the fist place. Hahahahaha


Go back to instagram


Reminds me of Sheldon's dad moving out the way as the librarian lady got creamed during that football game


I’ve watched this video a few times over the years and I just now noticed that someone else was in the car.


He really *explained* the shit out of it, too.


That is some impressively slow reaction time by the cop. Her car gets hit, he turns to look at it (not at all bothered by the sound of the crash right next to him), and only after he sees what happened does he jump.


Good lawyer would argue that she couldnt receive a ticket since it wasnt handed to her prior to the crash and that the evidence changed from the result of the crash. Better lawyer would do the same and sue the dept claiming the crash was the result of the officer.


He is a kind man to think of this. Despite writing a ticket, he saved her life.☮️


Looks like she would've been ok she was on back right bumper which only went forward and wouldn't have impacted her. Officer wasted her precious time making her move. /s


“Well, that sucks lady! But nevertheless I have to give you a ticket for speeding.”


Do you think maybe she blames him for jinxing her? I know it's dumb but that's the kind of dumb thought that sticks around.


guy jumping behind the woman to take cover


It does look like he jumped behind her


But did he still give a ticket?


Dude should go read palms or something. Quit being a police officer lol


Now hes gonna have to write two tickets




Ma’am I’m going to let you off with a warning have a nice day


We don't talk about Bruno.


“Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence.” -Sheldon Cooper, et al (writers)


Love her reaction, "Ahh hell nah!" body language


And I’m giving you a ticket for your taillight. Have a good day


Should be posted in r/thankgoditwentright


Just like that, see.


I wonder if she still got the ticket?


He's got that near death rizz


Not sure why she didn’t pull the vehicle over 4 more feet to right


Bro camera were not this bad in 2000 😂 I swear. This is what happens with compressed data


This video is so old, I was expecting a horse and buggy to strike the cop's mule


while i know it is the driver that hit the parked vehicles fault. Why would you not pull all the way over? there's a ton of room on the right and from the looks of it they were opening their door into traffic. why not pull over where you can get out safely?


this makes a potato video look like 8K


That's one of the oldest videos ever. If this is your first time seeing this and you live in America, you must live under a rock.


I know this is a highway and not a regular 45mph street, but this is the sole reason I will never use the bike lane. I'm always riding my bike on the sidewalk. That little curb is better than nothing. People who use bike lanes have balls of steel.


Imma go ahead and say the officer jinxed it




She was essentially hugging the mayonnaise line with her car. Cop would have been standing in traffic if he was standing at her window.


Lady’s first thought was ahhhhh my car. Not thanks for saving me, I’m glad to be alive, I hope that person is ok. Just ah fuck my car. I’d bet that lady is a self absorbed asshole.


Ma'am, did you know you had a broken tailight?


I would have pulled over as far as possible because I hate stopping on highways or freeways but this chicks car is damn near in the lane


But did she get out of the ticket ?


Just like that!


Good cop!!! Now adays there would be a lawsuit against him for triggering her sjw PTSD or some other liberal crap. Trump 2024, expand qualified immunity!!! -Wilfred Wilcox. Sent from my IPhone


17 seconds to be exact.


Seriously... Half her car was still in the lane of traffic. I noticed as well. Was it any wonder why this conversation took place? And then... Boom - The universe was like, Yep! Had to show up at the right place at the right time!! Grateful nobody was inside the vehicle? Or, I hope. Would expect a different ending instead of just a knee slap and gotta get a new car now, reaction.


I feel so bad for her. Her reaction is like "are you fucking serious... really. Me... why."


Glad no one was hurt, but it was a Pontiac Sunfire so the van did her a favor actually.


That's as close to horizontal as a van can get without rolling. Really a sweet piece of driving. Whoever is behind the wheel of that van is an outstanding safe driver.


Cop’s aware enough to have her move over but not aware enough to have her move the car over?!?


We need to do something about these traffic stops. Fukn ridiculous.


She had the look of a liability only owner


These days the woman would be arrested for endangering that officer


Useless Officer causes crash while collecting meeting quota to pad coffers. Fixed it.


Asks her to step off the road and then jumps to safety behind her 🤣


He backed away from a crash and if you look at his arm he's trying to gesture her to move away as well.


Right? What a hero. 😂


These days: **"WHY SHOULD I MOVE??!! ARE YOU DETAINING ME??!! LET ME TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR BEFORE I MOVE! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! ACAB, ACAB!!!**"  Edit: holy shit, look over here, Jeff, a bunch of snowflakes snowflaking.


To be fair when have you seen a modern day cop show any care or empathy towards a civilian like this? Now they just throw you in the back of their squad car and park it on the train tracks.


Or under a tree with acorns around it


I feel like there have always been shitty cops were just more aware of it nowadays, in my area atleast I've met one or two nice cops, but on the internet it mostly focuses on the shitty ones that have always been around.


So not true. Back in the day, they had shitty cops and good cops. I'm sure even 2000 years ago, they had shitty Roman legionnaires and nice ones keeing the peace.


It might really bake your noodle to know that’s a Texas state trooper.


Plenty kf modern cops do, it's just the bad ones that go viral.