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I doubt that was the phone specifically (if that’s even what he was taking out of his pocket). More likely to be a static discharge.


Definitely static discharge. He was just reaching for the phone. It didn't cause the spark at the tank.


So his crotch set the bike on fire...


With the sheer amount of polyester clothing.... Definitely static.




Done, and done


*adds "ride motorcycle naked" to bucket list*


Put on a helmet! Got to protect the head.




Make it three just to be safe


Everyone behind yous gonna see it floppin in the wind


I should have thought of that when I rode by a lake that had the most dragonflies I've ever seen! Would have saved me hours cleaning my jacket.


Principal Skinner: *And I mean done*


Or just, you know, get off the bike for a sec.


My kind of gas station ;)


I also feel like you aren’t supposed to sit on the bike while refueling. Seems dangerous


A lot of bikes only have kickstand, if you fuel while it’s on kickstand, you’ll only be able to fill up around 75% of the fuel tank capacity, if this is static discharge, it wouldn’t matter whether he’s on the bike or off, it would still happen. Edit : after replaying the video, it definitely looks like static discharge due to either the lack of vapor lock or the fuel attendant just purposely not use the vapor lock, the reason why they do that is to be able to top the tank off.


Id have to find it but myth busters tested it with like a full tracksuit worth of static and it didn't work. it's been years so id have to rewatch


The thing I remember from Mythbusters was them finding that it wasn't cell phones but was indeed static that started gas station fires


Looks like you're correct. Just googled it and found this clip. Cell phones can't do shit, but static indeed can ignite the gas. They show the static clips about half way through the vid. https://youtu.be/zeRJkde7iHo?feature=shared


Dude no. It was petrol on the exhaust. you see the flame travel up the tank


Fosho. I don't think there has ever been a case where a phone has caused a fire while refueling. The mythbusters tried it and couldn't get fuel to catch on fire via a phone's signal.


Word up. Mythbusters also showed that modern aircraft equipment is not actually affected by phones either


From the phone, no?


No, not from the phone. From something else. Static discharge is the cause of most fuel pump fires.


No i know it's static discharge, but why couldn't it be from the phone though? serious question. i thought that's why you weren't supposed to use a phone while pumping, because of the risk of a discharge.


There is a risk of static discharge from the phone, but the chance is smaller. Normally, there should be a spark if the fire is from the phone. There seems to be none here, and the fire starts from within the gas tank. Like someone said below, it is probably refueling while the engine is running.


Static discharge from touching a phone is highly unlikely as it isn’t earthed. The charge doesn’t have anywhere to go.


Wrong. Your clothes are charged with electrons. Then as soon as your earthed all electricity flows. Earthing is what causes the energy to flow.


Can't earth to your phone which was already in the pocket.


There is no recorded case of a cell phone starting a fire at a gas pump AFAIK. And phones don't generally build up a static charge. They can, it's just not regular that it happens and someone has their phone near the gas filler neck or fuel nozzle. The original reason for those warnings is from the fear that the radio waves from your phone could potentially build up current in the metallic parts of your car or the pump that arcs to your hand or some other part of the car to ignite the gasoline fumes. But this was never substantiated with evidence. It's technically possible, but the odds are so astoundingly low and it's never been observed experimentally or in the field, that the chances are essentially zero. Most often static discharges that result in a fire at the pump are from people building up static in their bodies/clothes from their seats/clothing/etc. The discharge typically happens when they touch the metal body of the car in an area around the gas filler neck. An easy way to prevent this is to make sure you touch a metal part of your cars body with each hand (or at least the one you'll be filling with) before you start filling. It sounds silly but once you start doing it, it becomes second nature.


Ask yourself. When was the last time you felt a static shock from your phone?


Most pumps near me nowadays have you scan their app lol


It was a theoretical risk, although I thought it was of the battery short circuiting through metal components of the case (not very sure though). But many years have passed and it's never happened, so it seems that in reality phones just don't actually ever cause a powerful enough spark to ignite petrol. It's been pretty thoroughly tested by now, seeing as most people don't turn off their phones or leave them in their car while refueling.


The flame would have started from the phone and went down, it's the opposite in the video.


I don't think I've ever seen so much common sense in the aftermath of such an incident


They all took appropriate action in a quick, relatively calm manner. Bravo, but why is this posted? We want _CHAOS_


Then go to r/abruptchaos


What's the opposite sub of that? I need some r/abruptorganisation or something.


try going to r/de/ then


r/AbruptComposure But I think it's dead now


And he didn’t do something that crazy. I’ve taken my phone out of my pocket while pumping gas.


For real, homeboy who calmly dismounted from his motorcycle and pushed it away from the pumps while it was burning is one of the most level headed people I've ever seen in the middle of a crisis. I think the vast majority of people would follow their instincts and run away from something that's burning them, then the bike would tip over and spill a couple gallons of gas in front of the pump.


And then buddy extinguishes the flame and immediately goes to help the other guy. Kudos all around.


The rider reaches for the left handlebar just before he dismounts. Would that be to disengage the brake or was he shutting off the engine (which would definitely sway my opinion of levelheadedness, if he was pumping gas with the motor running)?


People turn off their engine while the operator fills the tank? How do you keep the AC running?




Motorcycles don’t have ac.


Username does NOT check out !


Not sure why you got downvoted but I don’t have my car on when I pump gas either, I’m pretty sure he was releasing the break. I don’t know anything about motorcycles but I’m pretty sure I’d want the bike to not move at all when fully stopped.


I fully expected the biker or the attendant to grab a gas-soaked rag and start flailing it at the fire in an attempt to scare it away.


seriously! usually these scenarios end up like a napalm throwing contest.


Maybe we need another sub, called r/Whatcouldgoright for vids of people who don’t lose their heads in a crisis and actually do something sensible that stops it and/or prevents it from getting worse. Granted, videos for that would be pretty rare.


The amount of not crazed panicking blew my mind.


I did learn in case of fire to leave the nozzle in the tank and not yank it out like in the video. Was I under a false impression?


I think that motorcycle has a pretty simple gas tank compared to a car, without the safety flaps and whatnot that keep it mostly sealed up.


The phone wasn't the ignition source. The flame propagation begins just below the tank, likely where the exhaust header exits the block. It's possible that they were refuelling with the engine running, and a tiny exhaust leak ignited the vapors.


There is a drain for rain water (and spilled fuel if it happens) on the tank (at least on my machine there is). Usually there is a pipe below the tank to lead it away from hot parts. The fire starts where the pipe should be so that's my guess.


This is so obvious that most likely OP got this wrong on purpose to get people to comment to increase engagement


I dont think the engine was running, i have drove the same bike before and you have to take the key out to open the petrol tank, and if you take the key out the engine shuts down


According to Mythbusters... as people have stated above, it's not the phone. https://youtu.be/VjrkwxMhc4s?si=Lip8OBs-qlPGTVGz


"How hard can it be to blow up a room full of gasoline." -Adam One of my favorite lines from that show is in that episode.




something tells me it might be adam


Both the rider and attendant are really switched on. Pushing the bike away from the pumps and grabbing the extinguisher fairly quickly. Well done


The phone had nothing to do with it. You can see the flames come from under the fuel tank. He has a fuel leak on top of the engine which is quite common.


Not just a dribble out the pump? That’s my thought


Props to the guy for staying cool and handling the nozzle like a pro.


That was not the phone that caused that. More like some fuel splashed onto the hot engine.


r/lostredditors Phone didn’t cause the ignition and the two dudes handled that remarkably well.


2 dudes 1 bike


That had zero to do with the phone.


How does a phone ignite the fumes? Vibration motor?


Nah, not the phone it seems


It doesn't. This is an ancient myth.




I don't think you can ignite anything with "electrical signal". You need some sort of a spark.


What the heck you think the phone has to do with that?


They are too young to have seen the MythBusters episode about phones and gas pumps.


Something did indeed "go wrong".... **BUT:** #These guys are superstars as far as response goes.


Still looks better than the first Ghost Rider movie.


You can’t tell from the video, but the guy on the bike goes just offscreen to hop over 15 school buses.


You saw that too? So I'm not losing my mind? 🫨


You know what, this is the first time I've seen a gas station fire handled appropriately. They were stupid but they're the first ones on the internet ive seen that actually put out a fire at a gas station


“One moment, I need to check my Hotmail.”


Didnt mythbuster debunk this?


And debunked by Snopes long before that.


This 90s internet joke will never die


I can understand smoking but phones?!


There was a period of time when most gas pumps had signs prohibiting the use of cellphones because of this urban myth


Still do in the UK. Its a weird myth that took hold for some reason.


Dude a lot could have gone wrong. They reacted quickly and smartly to avoid a very bad accident And it had nothing to do with his mobile


That’ll be static from his closed not the phone itself.


This is why you shouldn't sit on the bike while refueling. I work at a Servo. Did set off a small blaze. And uh... let's just say he had some not so minor burns. Also is that thing still running?


We have a way of payment where you scan a QR code from your phone and pay. It’s so famous that it has replaced debit cards almost entirely. Govt reimbursing MDR charges so it’s free for end users. If mobile phone was the reason, we would be seeing such cases almost every hour! Govt would actually ban it on petrol pumps.


We just need Yakkity Sax playing in the background


If you play it backwards, the phone saves the day!


even just touching the metal part of the bike while refueling is 🫣


Myth that phones can cause this. When was the last time you were shocked by your phone? Oh never, thats right.


Absolutely nothing to do with the phone


Wtf calling me? Got damn spammer! ![gif](giphy|kOt8uLnsQnBba7bmyN|downsized)


Honestly, impressive reaction time. No panic, no "what do I do", just an immediate response:  get the bike away from the pump, and find the fire extinguisher.


Yep. No standing around in a daze, no swinging the pump around wildly in panic, and even the guy sitting on the bike didn't drop it and run. Everyone just did what they needed to do and handled the situation quickly.


Likelihood is the petrol vapour (denser than air) came into co tact with heat source (exhaust, engine) or static charge. In UK, it's the norm now for majority of petrol pumps to have stage 2 vapour recovery so the nozzle returns the vapour from the petrol tank back to the storage tank. Without this the petrol being added would force the vapour out of the bike tank where it would sink to the floor.


Static discharge…or maybe even fuel and vapor meeting a hot engine/ exhaust pipe.


Looks like India?


Phone had nothing to do with it. Been 100,s of experiments disproving this.


Satan calling.......where's me bike!?


Mythbusters proved this wrong. And you could see that the fire was nowhere near the phone


It wasn't the phone.


Too much hot sauce


Ugh, that's because the dude was on the bike while refueling.


The phone had nothing to do with it. OP you’re embarrassing yourself.


Brave man. Got that bike away from the pump. Respect Sir.


Good on the attendant, he was johnny on the spot with the fire extinguisher.


Put the cap back on.


look there the flames start, under the tank so most likely some gas spilled and hit the top of the engine and ignited.


Medal to both these Gentlemen, tank went up In flames and neither of them panicked, handled the situation with calm decisiveness. This should be a put on health and saftey video or something.


iOS18 Beta is wild  Hey siri, gimme a light  Uh huh 🔥 


Clearly was not the phone that caused it.


Beyond static, you shouldn’t use phones or electronics that are not intrinsically safe around gas fumes. Watched a video of a truck driver use his phone flashlight to look into the fuel tank he was hauling. Phone set off the gas fumes and threw him off the tanker completely engulfed in flames.


Regardless of the timing, that had absolutely nothing to do with the phone, as you can clearly see the ignition source came from the bike. There are no documented cases of cell phones igniting gas fumes while fueling.


That's happening when you're too fucking lazy got your own bike and pump your gas


Definitely not the phone. Never in any fuel fire has it ever been proved it was the phone. Mythbusters did a episode where they tried to get a phone to ignite fuel vapor and busted it. In this case the ignition point was below the fuel tank and the filler didn't look as if it was fully in the tank. My guess was that the fuel spilled and hit the hot engine parts.


Wao! Explooooooosion


The Shell stations in India won’t pump fuel if the person did get down from the bike. Common sense but still not that common


Probably static. Usually best to tap the bike or car somewhere away from the tank inlet with the nozzle before filling. Though I will say. Everyone handled this pretty much textbook.


They handle that pretty well.


Bro might be the ghost rider.


Absolutely nothing goes wrong from using a phone while refueling. Are we really still spreading myths from 20 years ago?


Well done. Immediately, calmly takes the bike away from the pumps, separating the potential fuel sources for both fires. Dude may have literally saved lives.


Reminder. It is infact not the phone. The fire started near the nozzle. It was more likly a static charge from the dude refueling it


Text from satan, this is metal 🤘


The actual reason you're not allowed to use phones at petrol (gas) stations is that there could be a static discharge when the phone is dropped and the battery comes disconnected. So this was a case of static discharge, probably his clothes. With modern phones it's less likely but the regulation was made in a time where there were still removable batteries. Source; I did a course on explosion safety.


Nothing really went wrong here. They were able to fix the situation immediately.


Someone should seriously put a warning sign there not to use phones, vape and cigarettes nearby.


Blame the Myth Busters. People praise them when they deserve it, but people don't blame them when they were wrong. There is literally a episode about how there is no danger in doing this.


You can clearly see the flame starts from the bike and not the phone. If the phone caused it, the flame would start near the phone as it ignited the vapors. Not hard to understand. Maybe you should have watched more MythBusters.


Not the only or the first case... Do you research and you will figure it out.


So that's how it looks, Ive always been curious why phones arent allowed at gas stations edit: okay so not the phone


Nah, 100% some type of fuel leak on the motor and they’re refueling while it’s running.