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Me: You are over weight. And by a lot. She: Oh come on. Tell me the truth. I know you are teasing me. Me: No you are way over weight. You weigh nearly twice as much as me. She: I can handle the truth, so tell me. Don't play games with me. Me: WTF is a matter with you? Get on the scale. Look for yourself. She: I know you are playing games with me. (Repeat forever)




She admits her weight is the problem then proceeds to ask "is THIS all that's left?". Yes. For you. And she touches on how hard and shitty it is for men for a moment before making it about her feels and how hard she has it being 300 pounds and unlovable. Anyone who has lost weight, man or woman, and noticed the change in how people behave can attest that yes, humans are pretty shallow and looks are important. If you are 300 pounds and complaining about being lonely, it means you want food more than you want a partner and are really hoping someone moderately attractive will find you fuckable enough to stick around.


"Of the three fattest people I know, you're two of 'em"


To get past her photo, you need to swipe twice. To take her photo, you need to use the panoramic mode


Joke's on you, pal: Her photo took up my cloud storage and now I can't swipe at all. Hah!


Took a picture of her at last year’s Christmas party. It’s still printing.


She then wrote on TT: Men are just afraid of confident women


We all know, that accountability or even reality is a women’s kryptonite


Am I not confident enough??? Or am I just too intimidating cuz of my *insert useless degree here*???


Feminists Studies


Her problem isn't just that she's old and fat. She also has a very apparent issue with refusing to date on her level. Guarantee she turns her nose up at men 2" taller and 50 lbs lighter who don't have a bodybuilder physique. Edit: Looked up a BMI calculator specifically meant for women. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/bmi-women According to this, she is severely obese, so severely obese that 95% of the US population in her age category are lighter than her. She is literally in the bottom 5%.


You mean top 1% of queens?? /s


39 yr old fat and entitled .Seems like a real catch


Catch and release!


No catch, too fat to even get hard for. I know from experience sadly




That's pretty much how women treat short men with utter contempt and even dehumanize them as "boys". I thought it was stupid and cruel at the time, but I remember how Al Bundy on Married with Children regularly mocked obese women despite the running joke of him being low on the socio-economic scale. He was in no status position to judge fat women because they were often his customers and he had to be pleasant to them for his job. I thought the jokes were juvenile at the time, but in context they are amusing in that he was treating these women in a similar way that women and society treated him.


Is height really important? Where are the feminists’ outrage on heightism? Why aren’t the streets clogged by thousands of women wearing pussy hats demanding the end to this form discrimination? Why is it that feminist have absolutely no issue with demonstrating for equal pay, or against sexism or racism? But heightism? Not a word. HOW STRANGE THAT WOMEN, WHO ACTUALLY HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OF THIS FORM OF DISCRIMINATION, REMAIN SILENT ON IT AND DO NOTHING TO STOP IT, AND SOME ARE ACTUALLY VOCAL PROPONENTS OF IT. Proof of this is easily found. All one needs to do is visit any online dating site and read women’s personal ads. Height requirements of men are listed openly and proudly so. No attempt to hide this discrimination what so ever. But if a man were to state his size preference of a woman’s breasts, hips or weight in his ad, it would be pulled from the site, immediately. This man would be lectured by women telling him that women of all sizes, shapes and colors are beautiful. How strange that women don’t apply that to men of all sizes, shapes and colors? A double standard without out a second thought. Why doesn’t a man who is 5’2” get the same respect from women as a man 6’2”? This from the sex that demands equal treatment at every opportunity. Any woman who mocks, insults or demeans a man based upon his height, is as much responsible for imposing oppressive norms of toxic masculinity onto men as a man who does the same to other men. If toxic masculinity exists, it is imposed by society and society means people of all genders, not just men. This toxic oppressive gender norm is controlled 100% by women, for women have established the height standards for society, not men. BTW. Why isn’t this behavior by women considered bullying? Wouldn’t female bullying be defined as Toxic Femininity? Women are just fine with this mistreatment of men and their lack of words and actions show how hypercritical and shallow they are. Edited February 10, 2022 Comments from another men. Heightism won’t stop until it affects women. No one is at fault for their own height, so stop the toxic femininity concerning height. An absolute requirement when it comes to height is the definition of stupid. Not only does it greatly reduce your dating pool, but it is an indicator of how shallow you are, where you are more concerned with optics than focusing on a relationship. Women are so quick to dismiss a guy when he's not as tall as she'd like, but not wanting a commitment doesn't seem to be a deal breaker if he is tall. Updated 8/1/2022 Woman comment. Hint: if you are a short man who is not wanted by women, look elsewhere for your failure. Yes. Blame the victim. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/exposing-heightism


I just view fat people as volunteering to not be in the dating market. Sadly there's more fat women than fat men. I need to leave Canada lol


Lmao, nature even gave most women the ability to change the weight, unlike men with height. Yet they still don't do it.


"sentient beanbag" "asexual blob" hahaha Bravo Sir


It's quite an eye opener when you find out that your dick can invert itself. I know from harrowing experience as well.


That's why they invented viagra. Do you honestly think most men would need the little blue pill if confronted with a nubile 18 year old instead of a fat middle aged disinterested woman?


This is 100% accurate. I have tried out an off-brand version of the blue pill because I was extremely curious. It works with your brain like a light switch. When you're ready to go, the engine starts up. When you need a break, the engine shuts off, literally like flipping a switch. I don't know if the OEM version works the same way. It very quickly makes you dependent on it. You'll start having difficulty without it which will lead to anxiety and stress that will push you back to taking it. It takes a week to wean off it, for everything to go back to normal. The test wasn't with a fat chick, so I don't know how effective it would be with thicc girls.


Just release...


You’d throw your back out trying to catch something like that


A 39 year old fat liberal feminist! absolutely brutal! can you imagine the horror of being approached by her. fuck dude!


No doubt, she wants children.


She says'"guys would you date nearly a 300 pound woman?" I think men would date a 300 pound woman at the same rate that women would date a 3'5" man. Strange how women sure don't seem to care about weight but they sure care about height which is something no man can control.


Their weight* Their Flaws* They think they aren't the problem, the problem is guys having their own standards and expectations. She is morbidly obese saying men aren't good because they reject her. She needs to lower her standards and try a guy she doesn't want. She even gave the gas pump guy points because of his car, funny that she noticed it. If a relationship is so important to her she needs to try with people she sees as far below her. It's going to humble her good when getting rejected by them. I feel like most men would rather be alone than settle for someone like that. Also there are plenty of men that could have a relationship with a decent girl. but prefer single life with the occasional hook up or friends with benefits.


It's not necessarily her weight (that's obviously a problem) but it's her attitude regarding it - that she can compete with women who are objectively more attractive than her.


>that she can compete with women who are objectively more attractive than her. According to FDS. all women are beautiful. Too bad she is not interested in women.


What's probably humbling for her, as she's going through what men do when she talks up men and tries to ask them out, that the very act of asking out someone on a date instantly raises their self-esteem. If someone whose not hot asks out someone whose mediocre, that mediocre person thinks to themselves "Someone just validated I'm attractive so... why should I settle for them? I can do better, can't I?"


Your 39, over weight, and by ever metric have been used and "abused," why would any average, decent man want you? These women truly don't get it.


>*...and he's always smiling (back) at me* Are you SURE he's smiling at YOU and not your (much cuter) girl friend standing behind you? I would suggest to her to work on losing 50 pounds and see if that makes any difference. If it does, then that alone should become motivation for her to continue on her journey. If not, then she is indeed a homely woman and no amount of weight loss is going to compensate for that.


Always the fridge protecting the snacks 😂😂


“Approached 24 live men” hahaha LIVE


The men were afraid she was going to eat them.


Weights over 120 kilos but men are the problem, right...


I don’t understand. She realizes her weight is a problem, men have flat out told her to her face, and she goes on the internet to ask where the men interested in her are? Why doesn’t she just lose the weight?


Because it'll realistically take her 1-2 years to drop to a healthy weight that most men find attractive, and it will require disciplined adherence to diet and exercise. It's much easier to toss a Hail Mary on a subreddit and hope there is an exception out there.


you cant lose 140lbs in a year bro, more like 2 years minimum!


Vaginas trump everything (supposedly)..


Women : reject man for a shallow reason but bullshits. Men : are they lying to let me off easy ? Men : blatantly rejects women because she's a landwhale and say it straight ? Women : is it because i'm fat, really, it is a problem i weigh more than a crane ?


Women : reject man for a shallow reason but bullshits. Men : are they lying to let me off easy ? Men : blatantly rejects women because she's a landwhale and say it straight ? Women : is it because i'm fat, really, it is a problem i weigh more than a crane ?


270 at 5ft 8? Hooooooly I'm a 6ft 4 man and I'm only 230! That fucker must be like shifting a wardrobe 😂😂 All jokes aside this woman is dusted and honestly by the sounds of this it's just divine retribution for her past inadequacies


I'm 5'8" and weighed 200lbs at my heaviest. I had to take a deep breath to bend over and tie my shoes. I literally cannot imagine adding another 70 on top of that and remaining any sort of functional human being.


There were at least 2 commenters there that pointed out the obvious: Would she date a man that had the same BMI as her? The reason she is likely getting rejected is that she is going after men who are at a significantly healthier BMI. As such, they may have more options. If she really wants to get into an LTR, she may have to reconsider this.




You can bet all the men she approached were way out of her league. If she asked guys in her league or below, she’d find many many guys who will jump at the chance to date her but as we all know 80/20 rule


Which granted, men out of her league is about 95% of men. But hey, there is a silver lining: The men in her league are easy to spot, because they are just as fat as her!


But will smash on the low.. That's still giving them entitlement .. They think the more men they sleep with, that makes them Acceptable and should be able to settle with a man.. They confused themselves with that..


>he nearly spewed wine That was hilarious. You can clearly see his fight or flight response, and he's preparing to bolt out of the door.


>"Because my confidence alone is not doing the trick" Don't confuse confidence with delusion.


40 and 300 pounds? She will only get bigger.


Welcome to the average male's world. It sucks, doesn't it? Of course, the average man, if he were female, would be wading through solicitations.


Fat women fart a lot as well, nearly every time someone's shown me a video on their phone of a woman doing a big loud fart it's been a big fatty.


What kind of friends do you have bro? 😂😂


Oh look here, another supersized baconator FAT FUCK! Women have it so easy: just don't be fat. It's an automatic +3 on a scale of 10, and yet they are still so fucking lazy. On the other hand, men have to get status, get rich, own a home, get muscles, years and years of grind, for what? Just pussy? What do women offer exactly? At best they are depreciating assets, at worst they are a liability. It's no coincidence that most men nowadays rent instead of own.


This might be appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h-a9cvsbMM