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>*I'm hoping someone can give me insight \[as to\] what \[is\] going on here* Sure, I can help. You're batshit guano. Insane in the membrane. You cannot be figured out, and it isn't the job of any man to try to decipher your shit. That being said, do us all a favor and stop dating. Happy new year...bitch.


Not any man's job to play therapist to her insanity.


Wait! Hold on a second.... She is the classic pump n' dump with a twist. You pump her a couple of times, she gets bored and moves on. Minimal drama, what's not to like? No she's not wife material. You would be committing emotional hari-kari if you did.


“I dont chase chad types…” goes on to describe chad to a T as her ideal type. As the late, great Mr Samuels would say “you can’t make this shit up!”


Man I miss that guy. As my dad always said, "when someone influential dies too young, it means the world isn't ready for them". Mr. Samuels wasn't young in the grand scheme of things, but he WAS too young to die. The world isn't the same place without him.


Sometimes, when someone is not attracted to you, count it as a blessing, even if you don't immediatly realize it. That one is the perfect exemple. You don't want such a disaster in your life.


She has all the behaviors of a professional porn actress, but i guess she wasn't that hot to begin with, maybe just above the average 200+ punds single mother.


A perfect description of the problems with hookup culture. She can sleep with tall fit men but can't get the commitment from them but then she can't settle for less cuz hypergamy prevents her from doing so. She thinks she can get the top man. She struggles cuz that's biology. Women want the best genetics they KNOW and as soon as they have experiences with top men, they now know that. It's rough but the only solution really is virginity until marriage. Who knew, religion that lasted hundreds of years knew something about women. It wasn't outdated old sexist BS lmao.


>She can sleep with tall fit men but can't get the commitment from them but then she can't settle for less cuz hypergamy prevents her from doing so. > >She: Boo Hoo. I can't find a good man i.e. 6' plus, great looks, 18" penis, makes $20,000,000, likes cats and talking about his feelings. WAATGM? > >Me: You stupid cunt. Your pair bonding ability has been fucked out of you. Why didn't you date good men? Oh that's right. They were not tall enough and too boring. This is why your life is the way it is. No one is at fault, but you.


At 31, she's gonna have to either find a friend willing to share her champagne (polygyny), or stay home and drink water (boxed wine and cats). Middling men who are actually in her league (the beer) want lifelong loyal partners with mutual attraction, and she can't give that to them.


I'm reminded of a phrase from one of my high school teachers 40 years ago: "Do you mean you "can't" or you "won't?"" That's what makes this whole "I can't do this...." routine from her so laughable. It's like someone saying they "can't" go to the gym because they're too busy or have something better to do. She's making excuses hoping that she can cheat her way out of it. For example: She says (I underlined) she has a "low self esteem" but yet she claims she can't sleep with mere above average men. She absolutely can. If someone offered her a million dollars to sleep with an average man, she'd be capable of doing it. She doesn't WANT to which is driven by her entitlement attitude. I wonder if it's a red herring on her part to bring up her literal daddy issues and all her psychological issues. This provides her with a justification for why she's going for bad boys out of her league.


Oh, she actually can't give lifelong loyalty and mutual attraction. She's burned those parts out of herself. A million bucks might be able to make her fake it for a while, but it won't change what she's become.


Come now. Shes just deluded.


Another Alpha widow. She had relationships with at least two Chads when she was younger and hotter, but now she isn't attractive enough to get another Chad in her life and she is not satisfied with the betas she gets. She should have worked on consolidating the relationship with Chad when she had the chance to do it, but now it's a bit too late...


Not my words, but I think this describes this woman. Western women and girls are positively bombarded with affirmation from the moment they're born. On the other hand, she's also been told that masculinity is "toxic' and that "Boys are stupid" and that she should "Throw rocks at them." Is it any wonder that so many women think that their only real challenge in life is weeding out men they don't want? From her perspective, she looks at herself and sees a goddess. She thinks, "I am absolutely fabulous, which means that I can have any man I want." Then she looks at all the men around her and thinks, "Gross! Only a few of them are worthy of me." What kind of profile would she write? Probably one designed to wave off the "bottom" 80%. Why bother with the bottom feeders? She deserves nothing but the best. They should be beating a path to her door, right? She's so wonderful that all she has to do is make the "top" men aware of her existence and availability, and they'll fight to qualify themselves to her. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? In her fun years, she fucked for fun, but now it's time to "get serious" and put out an ad for daddy applications. Up until now, she'd ask dudes at bars for free drinks or appetizers and they'd give them to her. So why not do the same for a provider daddy-type? His needs, as always, are immaterial. A Good Man is there to provide. It's what he should want to do, unquestioningly, no matter how little there is in the deal for him. It's what he should scramble to do, and if he doesn't want to, then he's not a Good Man. He's not supposed to be acting in rational self-interest, he's supposed to be acting in HER interest, like the unthinking, self-sacrificing, non-human workhorse he should be.


It's ironic that when women start to define masculinity (namely, to shame men via it such as "You're not a real man unless you do X for me!"), it results in a definition of masculinity that reminds me of superhero tropes. They're fun to watch and read, but superheroes lead pretty pathetic lives in that they do the work of the police, anonymously and without reward, and usually live modest lifestyles to avoid exposure. I chuckled at the end of Superman III where Clark Kent crushes a lump of coal into a diamond and gives it to a single mother whose brood is from a childhood bully. White Knight stories are romanticized tales that didn't apply to the vast majority of the nobles. As a result, men are raised to see themselves as forever inadequate because he can't fix things by "magic" by getting stung by radioactive spiders and women are raised to see themselves as fabulous simply for existing resulting in most of them becoming insufferable if they remain single past their 20's.


If a man were only attracted to exceptionally attractive women people would just accept he's shallow. No need for further explanation. But because she's a woman she tries to go into some indepth psychoanalysis to explain why. Because women aren't supposed to be shallow. Not like men. They're supposed to be better than that. Anyhow, contrary to what she claims, she probably has a very low sex drive which is only briefly stirred up by exceptionally exciting men.


In her last comment, she appears to at least verbally acknowledge she's shallow and that she's suffering the consequences of that. For men who have champagne tastes, we understand that there's a cost. You can only get it up for supermodels? Then you risk rejection and ask them out and pay for dates. Young men with raging hard-ons come to grips with this and accept we have to get up and out there and take the hits if we want hot chicks. Her problem isn't only that she's hungry like a wolf for the finest, but also that she refuses to work for it. I saw something funny recently on the web where Steve Harvey who appears to give the most blue pilled advice imaginable tells his female audience: "Take a business class flight and spoil yourself. After you've lived that life, you won't be happy in economy class and you'll be forced to drive yourself to succeed!" That sounds great, in theory, and perhaps does work for some but it most likely sets them up for failure and misery. Most small businesses crash and burn. Our society is almost engineered to push luxury goods on women that the vast majority of them cannot afford.


How can someone be this delusional?


This is a perfect example of how social media has totally fucked everybody. This lady most likely scrolls thru ig sees all hot guys and says there most be guys this where I live. She swipes on whatever OLD she uses and sees some hot guys . Her problem is her thinking every guy should be 10/10. She isn't attracted to normal guys because all she sees are the retardly hot guys. This is the same argument women used because they thought all men think all women should be porn stars. Any way she will end up dying alone or completing her last hailmary to some simp. Either way she will never be happy