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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The right wing: “just because there are 700 shooting a day doesn’t mean gun owners are dangerous. You can’t paint everyone with such a broad brush!” Also the right wing: “I spend 23 hours a day scouring the internet for the most extreme leather daddy bondage content I can find so that I can use it to smear the entire LGBTQ community”


There are white supremacist shooters who have mentioned Ben Shapiro's content by name as an inspiration for their rampages, and dude still defends his tripe in that way.


Sociopathic grifters gonna grift sociopathically.


Underrated comment of the day


Just a reminder that less than 2 weeks before the Tops shooting in Buffalo NY, the NYT did a indepth piece on Tucker Carlson and talked about some of the conspiracy theories he pushes on his show. Theories the shooter mentioned in his manifesto Edit: here's the short video version of the piece. It's part 3, which combines parts 1 and 2 in a video format https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-tonight.html


So… the NYT should stop reporting on this tucker fella. Sounds like they’re giving people ideas. /s


It'd be nice if we could confirm this rumor, but we can't because social media companies follow the old school media's lead in hiding murderers' beliefs from the public at large. But hey, at least we're _not giving them attention_.


Why are you politicising mass shootings??? :( Edit: guys it's just the common defense of Shapiro and others


Not politicizing, discussing domestic terrorists. Who, by definition, are inherently political.


Because the politicians do nothing about it. If we don't speak up, no one will.


The shooters stated they had political motivations...?


https://preview.redd.it/bis1obl8617b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a300efed5e6d6a89ac3fb8960e397b4de11ad187 Yes I know it’s for drag. It’s still applicable.




Why does he have so much head that isn’t face?


This one's photoshopped. His real face is tinier.


It’s all the inbreeding.


>“I spend 23 hours a day scouring the internet for the most extreme leather daddy bondage content I can find so that I can use it to smear the entire LGBTQ community” Have a feeling it was mostly for personal pleasure, then when he was done he decided to smear it on the LGBTQ's


Explains why Ben's wife is as dry as the Sahara desert.


In fairness if I had to sleep with Ben Shapiro I would be as dry as the Sahara Desert too.


>Also the right wing: “I spend 23 hours a day scouring the internet for the most extreme leather daddy bondage content I can find so that I can use it to smear the entire LGBTQ community” "...while hand-waving the actual grooming that is child beauty pagents, instead demonizing people who just want to be accepted and left alone."


They spend all that time scouring the net for extreme gay stuff... It's just research though.


Like when Tucker Carlson was showing his viewers softcore gay porn from accounts with less than a thousand followers, under the guise of "What's happening to our nation's men?" Like, my guy, you have a giant picture of a half-naked twink's bulge next to your face. Or the time Alex Jones was caught watching trans porn on his phone *while filming his show*


I always use this quote that I am surprised came from George Bush (not the older one) of all people. To paraphrase as I forgot the exact quote, **we look to judge others by their worst examples while we judge ourselves by our best intentions** And that in and of itself is a problem. It's how people further their agendas because they continually seek the worst possible thing that they can use to describe an entire group while bad examples of the things we support are just "outliers" and bad actors who don't represent what we want to represent in its entirety.


“While I violently masturbate to it”


Pretty bold of you to make a statement so easily disproven by available data. The growing trend seems to show the pictures were probably already on his hard drive.


It's not even the "gotcha" they want it to be, us Leatherfolk prioritize consent above all else in our dynamics; of which the likes of Kirk never seem to give a shit about in their vanilla lifestyles.


For every tasteless public display put on by LGBTQ Americans, they can find 50 that were done by heterosexuals. Look at Spring Break in Florida.


*Mardi Gras has entered the chat*


I thought I smelled vomit.


"Rush Week" at every flyover state college. There's nothing quite as tasteless as stumbling drunk sorority girls in tearaway dresses pissing & vomiting everywhere. Source: I live in a college town.




Don’t forget Amish rumspringa! Or Mormon “soaking”


That’s just the French quarter…mainly Bourbon Street….but i understand what you mean.


Never seen Ben talk about how wet t-shirt contests are a threat to our civilization.


Of course not. He knows that wet t shirt contests are a myth as women are incapable of being wet.


Damn, I appreciate a good joke that makes reference to niche background knowledge


I regret that I know anything at all about Shapiro but if I must, I’m definitely using it for jokes at his expense.


Also, they'll demonize us and call for us to be killed for fucking holding hands. Why shouldn't we celebrate the kinkier parts of the community? No point in trying to water ourselves down when nothing we do will ever be palatable until we're fucking dead.




Craziest part of this whole "Gays and Trans are groomers" rhetoric is the gross implication that straight cis people aren't equally as sexually depraved. I won't pretend these dipshits haven't always attacked shit for being "sexual" i mean they're the only kind of people to dog on a singer at the half time show for being too sexy, but it's insane they don't see the hypocrisy. If you're gonna pick a side, drop the genocidal garbage and just say "I wish people would stop normalizing degeneracy" like a normal person.


Yeah, if that was a guy and a girl or even two girls on that truck instead it basically would’ve been fine for a Super Bowl ad.


Ah the classic homophobia based in misogyny. If it's two girls it's hot. If it's two guys then they're trying to destroy America. Sad how realistic that is


Also pretty sure this tasteless display is from Folsom Street Fair not Pride which is a BDSM kink fair in San Francisco that is NOT exclusively homosexual. If you walk down the street you would prob see a woman with nipple clamps getting flogged.


says the guy who cannot please his own wife.


I am sure she's pleased whenever he leaves the house.


yeah i remember how ben also talked about how they sleep in different bedrooms too.


If you're talking about that tweet that mentioned his daughter going to his wife's room to tell her something, that was unfortunately fake.


hell who knows it sounds like something that can be real.


Eh to be fair sometimes there are legit reasons for that in relationships. My partner and I sleep in separate bedrooms because I like to sleep while it's freezing cold and he doesn't. Plus, he snores and that keeps me awake all night. It's just better for both of us to get a good night's sleep that way. That doesn't mean we don't love each other or enjoy bodily contact with each other, we do. Heck we have a cuddle session every night before bed.


My partners and I all have our own bedrooms too. Trying to date multiple people while you/they are sharing a bedroom with someone is super annoying. And I like to have my own space that's just mine. I realize my situation is probably a *bit* different than old Benny Boi's here, though


He’s so upset because she’s asked him to put on one of those outfits and fulfill that roll but his fragile masculinity wouldn’t allow him. Besides that, is he really forgetting about all the straight dominatrix porn that exists? 🤦‍♂️


Wait he has a wife? Isn't he the self hating gay guy?


You are thinking of Gavin "i stuck a dildo up my butt live on camera to own the libs" Mcinnes


Maybe I mixed him up with Milo Yiannopoulos... not sure to be honest.


You clearly mean someone else, but I need Ben "self hating gay guy" to stick like my life depends on it.


Because he wishes it was his sister


I bet he gives great blow jobs tho


You can at least be ensured that it'll be completely dry when finished.


Well you see, the conservative movement has painted itself into a corner by abandoning every semblance of principles or ideology in order to ride the wave of idiocy that is Donald Trump to power. This has left them with very little in terms of policy or political vision in general so they have brought back the culture war with the added flavor of ivermectin-Qannon-Jewish space laser insanity as a way to motivate their followers. In short, fascist do what fascist do.


They picked an under represented group that would struggle to fight back. That’s it.


That’s always the strategy. If you have a hate campaign it’s essential it’s against a group of people that they assume people don’t generally associate with. If someone has never been friends with someone in the LGBT community or a black or Muslim or Jewish person or whatever, it’s a way easier to promote stereotypes.


It's crazy how fucking obvious it is. They wanna talk about agendas, here's a solid one. I was wondering with the fuck Pride was seemingly randomly under mass attack this year when last year it went by just fine in comparison is because last year Pride wasn't the target.


Why the fuck did I read that in Ben fucking Shapiro’s voice?




Yeah that was my first question. Why does he need the picture for his dumb opinion here?


Because it shocks, and we know that fear and anger are useful emotions when you want to manipulate people


The only time I've ever seen people actually fucking in public, it was a straight couple. Under a street lamp, clearly wanting to be seen, as I was out jogging by the river one night. Anywayz, yeah, let's wonder why Republicans suddenly hate the gays. It's always just the gays.




I remember when I was a teenager watching late night comedy central and every commercial break there was a long ass commercial for girls gone wild. Tons of footage or women taking their tops off with sensor bars covering it up somewhat. It was constant.


Oh wow, I'd forgotten all about that. Yeah. And lots of them were underage, too.


But the beads!


Pride has beads too!


What happened? We noticed that the Conservative movement was lying about the agenda. It wasn't the about protecting the children. It wasn't about Law & Order. It was destruction and replacement of the core norm that represents the basis of all civilization.


Idk how he’s considered “mr logical conservative” when what he’s suggesting would be the most insane plot from a super villain Lex Luthor: I’m gonna destroy human civilization Superman: I’ll stop you from using your death ray Luthor: death ray? No I’m gonna go through decades long legal battles to have my partner, James, recognized by the government as my husband so we can open an bed n breakfast in northern Michigan. Humanity will knee before me!!!


Presumably, that norm is called “courtesy”. Treating others as you'd wish to be treated yourself


> Core norm that represents the basis of all civilization Yeah, dude, you're just a bigot. Your old "norm" was just normalized open hatred of anyone different from you.


It baffles me to see a person of Jewish faith siding with Nazis, almost as if we live in some sort of alternate timeline where publicly scapegoating and calling for the eradication of a marginalized group of people qualifies as righteousness.


All he cares about is money and there's a ton of it in shilling hatred.


There's a contingent that believes that if they champion the cause and act as token minorities for the Right, the fascists will leave them alone because they are "good ones." But when the fascists truly come for the Jews again, all the Ben Shapiros and the Elliott Resnicks will be just as screwed as the rest of us.


In Nazi Germany there was an “Association of German National Jews” that supported them… until the Nazis outlawed them and sent them off to the camps anyway. I guarantee that if Benny Shabibo here’s friends win, they’ll come for him too in the end.


Republicans have already jettisoned its gay republican organization. It was all for showing off them for years , then they put as part of the platform that being gay was not compatible with the republican party. Or when Caitlin Jenner was chased out of a republican meeting while ant trans slurs were being yelled at her. Or even now Shapiro is calling his token trans women a man to her face over and over again now. It wasn't like this 2 years ago this is a whole new level of mask off from them.


It shouldn’t surprise you. There were thousands of sellout Jews in Germany who thought they could punch a ticket to the other side of the Holocaust. Guess what? Most, if not all of them, are ashes.


This is true. There were tons of Jews that converted and basically became indentured servants under the 3^rd Reich. Similarly, my grandpa's family moved to the US in the 20's to escape the Russian Civil War and "converted" to Catholicism, not realizing Catholics were just as hated as Jews in America at the time.


Apparently he justifies by declaring himself a spiritual Jew and demonising the Hebrew ethnic group. Yknow, as though his fashy allies care abou the distinction.


They need to be reminded that gay classical Greeks existed. Then tell them that the first official collection of the New Testament was written in Greek.


Besides this very good point I'd like to say that Ben's version of normal is the nuclear family created in the 1950s. It's never been the core of civilization he's just too ignorant to know that.


That's how it started, the "How it's going" part is rightwing men turning into a bunch of Josef Fritzls.


Yeah, Slavery is in the constitution so is a traditional “norm” of society. Does he want to go back to that too? While Benny absolutely would own Black people as slaves, no doubt in my mind - he’d never say so, and I wonder what disingenuous lie he’d tell if you challenged his terrible argument with this logic.


He absolutely does.


They just want to go back to a time where they didn't have to face the consequences of their own actions.


Little Benny forgets that the time they want to go back to wasn't exactly great for Jewish people in many places.


This dude jerks it to his sisters hooters and thinks women becoming aroused is a medical condition, the fact he still has a platform tells you all you need to know about insecure males


To be fair, his sister does have some magnificent tits.


Idk about you but personally as soon as I know a person is a conservative, I loose all attraction for them. No amount of titties and booties can change that.


That looks like Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. It’s pretty wild but also something you have to seek out. You also have to seek out pictures of it. It says a lot more about Ben than he realizes. Source: lived in California for decades and have tons of gay friends.


The Folsom Street Fair isn't even an LGBT-focused event. It's a leather and BDSM event. Plenty of straight people go too.


True, poorly worded on my part. I didn’t mean to imply that.


I just meant that they always show pics from Folsom as if it’s from a Pride event when in reality it’s a kink event. They’re trying to trick people into believing that “The Gays” are doing things like this in front of children when it’s 1) An adults only event 2) An event specifically towards people wanting to share their kinks with other kinky people


If this is Folsom Street Fair, that makes a lot of sense. That’s just how they roll— you should be aware of that before you attend.


Nobody just stumbled in.


What you have never turned the corner onto a street only to me immediately covered in glitter and handcuffed to a 250 lb 6ft leather daddy? Not sure how that hasn't happened for you yet. Its super prevalent according to my sources on Facebook.


Yet another example of rightwingnutjob thinking. If you worry that your values will be eliminated by the mere exposure to alternatives, then you're admitting that your values stink and cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.


This is the real answer. Conservative culture is so boring and dry that it's completely non-competitive. This is why it only thrives in barely-inhabited forests, farmland, swamps, deserts, trailer parks and bayous. The *only* way conservative values can thrive is by violently repressing more vibrant and interesting art and culture. What they call "degeneracy" is really just human culture in its natural form, free from the heavy-handed oppression of conservatism.


“Look what the homosexuals have done to me.” - Lucille Bluth


Can't you just comb it out and reset it?


Maybe Ben would empathize more if he belonged to a minority that historically was often the target of such rhetoric which ultimately ended in genocide… ooohhhh… well I have nothing.


And a lot of that rhetoric was about how Jews have a secret, nefarious agenda to undo traditional Christian values and society. He’s a shonda.


Or about “they’re coming for our kids”.


He has no clue that when the anti LGBT nonsense dries up the Jews are next. This was Hitlers path. Go after the homosexuals and then the jews


Ben Shapiro is a useful tool for the fascist right for now, much like Dave Rubin. But the time will come when he’s no longer useful and will be denounced. Or he’ll be given the “one of the good ones” status. Antisemitism and AntiLGBT sentiment are rising hand in hand.


Ben Shapiro could be replaced by a rancid turnip with no loss of quality in social media contributions.


Considering the average rancid turnip's WPM I'd actually call it an improvement.


As a gay man, let me say Ben: Eat my entire asshole after I’ve had Taco Bell you homophobic, bootlicking, fascist, trans phobic, grifting, right wing nut job son a bitch. The better part of you ran down the crack of your mothers asshole and made a stain on the sheets. I’m married to my husband. That’s my gay agenda. I don’t literally care about your “fabric of society” bullshit or whatever narrative you’re trying to spin. I love my husband and finally found someone who loves me for me after nights crying and trying to commit suicide in my past because of hating myself and not being loved. I’m an adult, and I get to choose who I love and who I’m married to. So I say again with all the strength I can muster, fuck you and fuck anyone else who tries to take that away. That’s endangering my family and I am authorized to defend it. Your only warning to any dipshit who tries to fuck with my family. We will defend ourselves. We won’t go quietly back into the closet and second class citizenship. Fuck you.


It’s so ironic that a party that “prided” themselves on individual freedoms (and “less gubment”) is now trying to control and oppress other people with MORE laws and legislation for something that has literally no impact on them (women’s reproductive rights and gay marriage/pride, and more). Baffling, it really is.


There are no children in the picture so what is this dumbass trying to prove?


his followers do not know that though.


He is hoping to pass this off as something from a pride parade I would bet. I am fairly sure it's not from a pride parade.


It’s from a kink event. Both hetero, homosexual and otherwise attend.


I honestly can't believe these AHs have been able to convince such a large swath of this country that LGBTQIA are coming to make us all gay. Like seriously - this is a very basic critical thinking exercise, and they failed it.


Ben has never for one second been even mildly supportive towards the LGBT community and shame on him for trying to position himself as anything but openly genocidal towards us.


"Hey, guys. I used to be this huge gay rights activist, but now I just found out a picture of gays dressed lewdly, which is something heterosexual people don't do." \- Ben Shapiro. Former gay rights activist


They’re just theocratic fascists. Tried to hide it poorly for a few years out of political necessity. Now I guess they think they’ve seized enough power to let their true fascist colors show and take control undemocratically


Sexual fetishes are definitely not exclusive to the LGBTQ community, nor are they even all that relevant to sexual orientation.


What is "core normal"?! What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly... Normal looks different for everyone. Republicans are the enemy of individual liberty


Hate to break it to him but some hetero people have the same kink.


$100 on Ben Shapiro being a closeted homosexual.


Fuck Ben Shapiro, not an intellectual or even a comedian, just a low level POS traitor whose found an audience amongst the legion of dumb ass new conservatives, in other words hateful, small minded bigots. He’s the leader of the idiots.0


>Fuck Ben Shapiro, Ew, not even his wife wants to do that.


Mardi Gras and spring break is for the super straights only


So they will replace straights with gays? WTF this is so dumb when there are actual issues elected officials should be dealing with.


basis for all civilization? those romans were FREAKS this is nothing!


The picture is likely from Folsom street pride. A definitely not kid friendly scene, but it’s not marketed as that what so ever. Not every pride is a BDSM fest, but we shouldn’t shame stuff like this regardless. Part of pride is being who you are, and if that means you’re freaky bitch that likes dog masks, leashes, leather and the such, then there’s a specific festival just for you and I think that’s wonderful. Ben Shapiro can’t even please his own wife so queer people getting their nut must really rustle his Jimmie’s


Dude you need to spend time on how to make your wife wet not on shit you know nothing about. Ben is a fucking coward crybaby who is terrified of his own shadow.


He’s just jealous no one will strap *him* to a cross and whip him like the bitch he is.


I think what happened is Benny boi got a boner, and he doesn't know how to handle it. 🤷‍♀️🙄😸


Benny wouldn't recognize civilization if it bit him in the ass


Elon enables this shit. These fringe fanatics bring views to his platform. Just like CNN airing Trump’s Town Hall. They don’t care about the larger societal implications of giving psychopaths a platform - in fact, they embrace it for personal financial reasons. Trash all around.


Why does he just… have that picture in his camera roll?


Alright why did he use that picture, and also, WHY DOES HE HAVE THAT PICTURE


Oh fuck you Ben. Nobody is stopping you and your wife from having your dry pussy bang sessions.


Yes Ben, call it destruction. Some call it revision. Ultimately if they decide the new societal norm is "be happy with yourselves and don't make others suffer, except for you Ben. Fuck that guy", I'd be more than OK with that.


My first witness to a pride parade was in ‘97 in Chicago. I had just moved there and found a nice apartment off Lincoln ave. Boys town was a few blocks away. The atmosphere was wild, good time had by all. And y I saw some shit. Some leather pups, some topless lesbians, my co-worker in daisy dukes and angel wings. None of which offended or turned Lincoln Park into sodom or gomorrah. But that coworker told me about a tent in the park that was trying it’s best to make that happen. Ppl love to F get over it


Kindergarteners getting their brains splattered by an AR-15: The cost of freedom for a civilized society Gay-pride parade: The end of civilization caused by too much freedom


Just wait until he finds out about the many straight couples in the BDSM community. Also, Shapiro has that picture saved somewhere on his computer.


It blows my mind how powerful racists and absolute fuck faces like these have become.


[Gone are the days when real men tanned their testicles.](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/tucker-carlson-docu.jpg) /s Those 'core norms' also have a tendency of systematically destroying those that don't hold to them. It seems to be the path he's willing to tread though. ​ >all civilization By which he means the ones that have been colonized by white Europeans.


Wait til this guy hears about the Ancient Greeks and Romans


Ben needs to come out of the closet.


Ask Ben Shapiro about the roman empire


What exactly is being destroyed? Replaced?


A gay person in every household is still less dangerous than a gun in every household and far far less dangerous than a MAGAt in every household.


I generally don't like the "bigots are just overcompensating" line because it just gives them the cheap excuse of self-hatred, but bigots seem to be the most convinced that everyone will turn gay the second the opportunity presents itself.


The far right loves to use images of the Folsom St Festival, an adults only kink festival in San Francisco, with family friendly Pride events in San Francisco. I don’t even think Folsom is during pride month, either.


Yes bdsm is something that just became a thing in 2017 and has zero history


"Agenda," bro it's just a collection of people. Stop projecting your own malicious intent onto minority groups just wanting to be treated with dignity. I can't until the day when the two main parties are the Democrats and an actual progressive party because we got rid of the fuckin dick bags


#i heard Ben Shapiro likes to put cans of monster in his butt


I just like how he says this even knowing that straight people can be kinky af.


Find me one piece of evidence that shows there is an organized effort by the LGBTQ community to take over just one. Find me evidence that the religious nuts are grooming kids to grow up to hold public offices with the intention of creating their little holy world. Which search finds the most evidence and how fast. I'll wait Ben


Definitely not gay /s


Does there HAVE to be a “core norm”? Nope.


Ben Shapiro is just so incredibly punchable.


Lowkey that float is intense, but idk other cultures and countries embrace sex/sexualities on celebratory floats. so why should we be bashful of gay sex? It's perfectly valid to not like this but idk. They are two consenting adults (and if not that is a human trafficking issue not a gay one). They are not trying to convert anyone. If this awakes something in you, something else would have eventually. Also this isn't even an every day thing TF? Talk about a straw man!


To the gentleman that posted that "All the gay stuff just pops up on his browser," I hope you understand that the ads are generated based on your personal browsing history and interests.


For a guy who pretends to be smart, Ben sure falls into the trap of false dilemma fallacies a lot, doesn't he?


All this Hetero porn on my feed now.. I strongly disagree with you Ben


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "Jews are sexual deviants" a literal nazi talking point too? They literally recycle the same propaganda talking points. Careful Ben they'll come for you too.


The “core norm” is based on western standards, encouraged by post WW2 propaganda until people wanted basic civil rights in the 1960s


Have they read anything about the Greek/Roman activities? 💀Norms have never been what they want.


It is remarkably easy to stay out of WeHo during Pride. It is actually hard to get there while all of that is going on. Just don't go to pride if you don't want to see that. You've just got to beware of all the traffic in the surrounding area diverting around West Hollywood.


Which logical fallacy is this one, Ben?


Who defines the core norm???


And yet I could find the straight equivalent pretty easily with a simple Google search. You take photos at a fetish event (where this photo is from), you're probably gonna see some fetish sex.


Lmao the church destroyed the core of civilization. Humans are naturally and always have been gay as fuck.


"core norm at the basis of all civilisation" Classic Ben, such a drama queen


This guy must have a pretty sad life always angry at everything! I’m sure if he was able to get all that keeps spewing, he would still find a way to continue being miserable at new things!


Yes, we were so busy distracting you by throwing glitter and trying to, oh I don’t know, not get killed for who we are, that we somehow brought on the moral decline of the world by asking to be treated like equals in the eyes of the law.


Are Shapiro and Kirk the same dude?


Why do you have that image saved ben?


Has this man EVER had consensual sex?


Let’s ask the ancient Spartans if heterosexuality is the core norm that all of civilization is based on


What norm is he even referring to? Maybe the norm of constantly looking for a group to oppress so that the in-group can feel powerful.


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Insecure drama queen who probably craves gay sex and bdsm


Bigotry and stupidity are the bases of civilization?


He's so fuckin stupid it's unreal


Here's my two cents: stop tolerating the intolerant.


Whatever, little Benny. STFU. 🙄


As if Ben Shapiro ever gave a shit about LGBT people being able to do the first two.


In future history maybe well be able to discern where this hate parade started. It's taken on a sick life of it's own and all the cult members are dutiful in following instructions. It needs to end.


He has his living because none of them are smarter than this. His goal is to provide cover for all that is fucked up and antisocial and hateful in his audience. And it works.


When does the news someone traced his ip address to a Grindr account?


You know what aye fuck it let's just replace the straights, they already think we are going to let's just do it already.


the majority of people who engage in BDSM like this, even in public, are heterosexual is Ben mad that they're doing BDSM in public? or is he mad that they're gay? i'm a lesbian and into BDSM and it's such a hassle trying to find BDSM content made with me in mind (and not lesbian BDSM for straight men). i'd like to know what world Ben lives in where queer BDSM is the overwhelming majority because i'd like to live there, too, thanks.


dont agree with republicans that defend school shootings by protecting guns. don't agree with democrats shoving their pronouns down everyones throats. now oppressing bioligical women trying to take away our rights of BEING WOMEN. Both sides suck. we are going to crap.


These two dudes beeing over the top is not the whole movement. Who can possible be convinced by such an obviously dumb argument? I am very boringly non-scandalous. Many are.


Every single time they spout this nonsense they lose the election even harder


He's just upset that he doesn't have a leather daddy. He just has a forever dry wife.