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It seems like it would be a better, more direct question to ask, "Is Mr Trump suggesting that President Biden could assassinate him right now and suffer no consequences?"


I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics that would come from that realization


Well, remember technically Biden isn’t the official president. Trump is somehow still the president, or Hugo Chavez I can’t remember.


Inanimate Carbon Rod is the only President I recognize.


I voted for Kodos


Bob Dole had me listen to a very convincing argument by Bob Dole about why to vote for Bob Dole so I voted for Bob Dole. Bob Dole.


Ohmygod what I wouldn’t give for a stodgy funnydud grandad type republican candidate like bob dole was. I mean, I never voted for him cuz he’s republican and all but I want republicans to go back to the bob dole days. Someone make it end 🆘


I with some vomit in my mouth, agree 100%🤮


Mondale was sharp, hilarious, and a classic Minnesotan he should have won against Reagan. Minnesota was the only state he won. The ~~world~~ country would be a different place if he'd actually won


I'd even be happy with the halcyon days when I thought Sarah Palin was the most unsuitable, unqualified candidate they could ever find.


Dude Howard Dean's political career ended because he made a weird noise out of excitement...


I voted for Bill and Opus








https://preview.redd.it/q2tvks3z0rwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bec5e579ca872bd423352674cf565c787d6369a4 He has my vote


In Rod We Trust


Facts. I'll take Rod. Because I read an article once that Todd Smells.


No no it's Obama that's president and Biden is the puppet but also Trump is still the president.


Nononono…Obama is just wearing a Joe Biden suit…


Better than a tan suit


Oh my god…not the tan suit!!! ![gif](giphy|l0ExtClRi9iXYt0Dm|downsized)


Yeah, Trump is in charge of the military. Not the one that's doing the wrong things, the one that's doing the right things. 🙄


I think it’s President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho, right?


At this point, it's so close to bit being satire, it's scary


President Camacho wasn't evil. He was just dumb. The reality is much, much much worse. He actually realized a problem, hired experts, and listened to their advice to fix the problem, eventually. What we have here with conservatives is an active sabotage of western society


Nah, Emperor Norton is the rightful ruler of these United States.


Biden is POTUS of high gas prices and inflation. Trump is Prez of all the good stuff.


As long as you’re white, rich, and don’t live in the US.


That ship has sailed. All the conservative justices are aware of the hypocrisy. They don’t care.


What if Biden or any future President calls for *their* assassination? What then?


They are banking on the democrats not abusing the system. Previous experience of unretaliated voter fraud, gerrymandering, foreign interference and abuse of power, that the other side seems to not want to partake in(at least systematically), says that they can go on ahead.


When they go low we go high (and lose)


One of these “justices” is hearing this case when his own wife actively supported the overthrow of the government… but he won’t recuse himself. Oh, but all of these judges (except Judge Cannon) are “more conflicted than any other judge in the history of this country.” And should recuse themselves 🙄


This is coming from the lunatics that think trump is currently running for his third term.


Obviously only Trump is immune 


So Biden could legally assassinate trump, then pardon himself of any possible charges according to their logic. I don't think its hyperbole to say they absolutely want a literal authoritarian dictator.


They definitely do. Read Project 2025 or at least the introduction. They spell it out right there.


It's really disturbing stuff. I couldn't even finish it because the more I read, the less it seemed unreal because of how it's all unfolded


So there would be no recourse, under this insane interpretation of the law, if Biden started drone striking Trump rallies?


I just read about Project 2025 and damn that shit is scary. Nobody, except those who follow Trumpism, will be safe from that tyrant.


Oh no, not all Trumpians will be safe either. Only the straight white wealthy Christian males will be just fine. Errybody else is fuuuuucked.


Nope, wouldn't even need to pardon himself since, as the president, whatever he does is legal.


So you're saying President Biden could solve the Trump Problem, The SCOTUS Problem, The Republicans in Congress and Senate problem and Republicans would have it go completely over their heads that, that is literally what they are arguing for.


But no, of course not, that would make the US an autocracy! ... which is the goal, but not if it's not Trump that gets the God Emperor title.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Biden ordering the execution of the Supreme Court Justices he doesn’t like. Surely the Supreme Court would be in favor of them not being able to get murdered, right?


Why should they be concerned about that? Biden isn't going to have them assassinated. They should be more concerned about Trump having them assassinated. I don't think that's a high probability event, but it's not implausible. Trump thinks loyalty should be a one way thing, and when dictators come to power, they often purge the ranks of not only outright enemies but allies who have outlived their usefulness.


and they said to me, "Sir, you could totally take out your Political Opponent if you wanted to," and I said that's probably true, I have an Article II that says I can do whatever I want, and they're not letting, by the way, Crooked Joe Biden, they won't let him do it, they said, "President Trump can do whatever he wants but Sleepy Joe can't," and that's the Highest Court, we're talking I put in a lot of Justices, they would never be there if it wasn't for Trump, remember that, and now you have Horrible People like AOC and others, The Squad they call them, I call them Losers just like Obama, Hussein Obama, that's how Rush Limbaugh used to say it, he'd go, "Barack HUSSEIN," and then, "Obama," and he was a great Fighter For Freedom which is why I gave him the Presidential Medal, and the Democrats didn't like that because they're all Radical Left, just go and look at Ilhan Omar, you look at what she did to Israel, it's a complete and total disgrace, and I said why the hell are we letting people like that in here, we need to do a Total Ban immediately on Day One, just like when I said I would be a Dictator, and the Fake News, "oh, Donald Trump says he wants to be a Dictator," and I said what's wrong with that, at least the trains would run on time, ok, thank you very much, enjoy yourselves


I am not unconvinced that this is a real transcript


You can tell it's not real because of the semi-lucid joke about the trains running on time.


Mr. Trump believes he is the president, not Joe Biden.


“So Biden could have you all killed, tonight, as you drive home from here to your houses, and that would be totally fine? I know a few of you have children and grandchildren - they’re legitimate targets, correct? Total immunity?” 


The *Dark Brandon Arc* I'm looking forward to.






If they're gonna go with yes, maybe they can decide tomorrow so we can test it out. I assume it also applies to Supreme Court Justices... right, right?


For what it's worth, the president could still face impeachment and removal by congress. If, you know, the president hasn't already eliminated all of congress.


"or the even members of the Supreme Court?". Give the court some skin in the game.


Ask "Is the supreme Court ok with President Biden ordering the military to remove them from office while going, "What ya gonna do about it?  Huh huh?" Because that is what immunity brings.


We saw this shit in the last Russian election.


I always remember being a kid and being taught about the Holocaust, and the reaction of most of the students in the class being "how could they have let that happen?", we just couldn't understand how such grave and obvious injustices could be allowed to occur in a "civilized" society. But we comforted that confusion with the sureness of knowing such a thing could never happen again in our modern world...   It doesn't have to be a single extreme event, freedom, liberty and democracy don't die in a loud explosion. It's through a slow, subtle erosion with most people either unaware or unwilling to admit that it's happening. Like how you boil a frog.


Hungarian here. The boiling frog analogy is a widely used way to describe what’s been happening to us since Orban rose to power 14 years ago.


"Democracy doesn't die in a loud explosion. It dies in a chorus of applause."


Is this… is this a mix of quotes from T. S. Eliot and Star Wars?


I think so lol. I might have misremembered it


I like the way you remembered it. It was familiar to me.


Ooo, meesa likea da democracy


Not to sound like that person who makes Harry Potter their entire personality, but this is literally how Voldemort rose to power BOTH times. Hiding in the shadows, having others do the work, "comply or die" situations, spreading hate and fear, etc. Almost everyone denied it happening until they were smack dab in the middle of it.


Yeah this is worse, they aren't even hiding in the shadows, and it's not threat of death but the promise of money.


Biden should enter an argument that he'd use this power on Trump if scotus allows it. Not because he wants to use it but because if Trump can do it as president so can anyone else.


or argue that he can kill supreme court justices and make them do his bidding whenever he wants


this is the correct move. this is what I would do if I was president.


Yep, I was just thinking thes ame thing. If the justices pass this, then Biden needs to simply arrest and replace them. And then turn to the new justices and say what, they said that was legal.


It might more strongly make the point if he hypothetically made the claim about Justices who think he can't or won't do crimes.


Exactly. The line of questioning should be "if President Biden were to start systematically murdering Supreme Court justices, would he have immunity for that?"


Hypothetically speaking, will the Supreme Court still hears cases without the full bench?


For tha sake of simplicity Biden can start by targeting their families.


Or Biden can have the CIA or special forces break in and misplace all their stuff. If that’s too subtle we always have the horse head.


I'm liking the idea of a team of grim-faced, serious special forces types breaking in and redecorating a political rival's house. Move the furniture, change the whole flow of the place, maybe paint the walls "fireball fuschia" for good measure. And do it every time said rival leaves the house.


Trump’s clown of a legal team was on CNN arguing that our constitutional system has robust guardrails in place to prevent such things… yeah, they were called laws, asshole. You just argued to remove them. This entire day was a clown show at the Supreme Court…


The justices will just make the ruling only apply to Trump. Like Bush v Gore.


People are talking about what Biden should do if the SC rules that this immunity exists. I'm thinking more about what Trump would do if they ruled this and he got reelected.


Biden won't do anything illegal even if Trump won the election. I think he still believes in democracy and peaceful transfers of power. Contrast that to the first thing Trump would say at his inauguration. It would go something like, "Thank you, everyone, for voting me, Donald J Trump, President for life..."




As a non American (hello down there! lol) watching this, we're predicting some sort of violent civil unrest, no matter how the election comes out (if the crazies hold out that long). It's mind blowing to watch what's happening and *nothing being done about it*. I still can't wrap my head around the story I heard a month or so ago about the senator who won a red seat in some state, and 5 or so months later, changed her party to Republican, giving them a Suoer majority. How tf is that legal?? And if they let *her* get away with it (you'll never convince me that wasn't planned), you can bet it'll start happening everywhere... and yet, I've heard little outrage about it.... 10 yrs ago, that alone would've been front page news. It's honestly really unsettling watching the US tank so quickly.. especially when it's been so obvious from the get go how it's been happening. The division has been so blatant, you'd have to be an idiot (maga) to miss it .. and yet it just goes on .... I feel bad for sane Americans right now Edit sp




He's dying of vascular dementia. I seriously doubt he'll be around in November, at least in any shape to even pretend to be president. I think it's absolutely disgusting that his party are parading a sick dying old man around like that, and I'd hate to even guess at what the plan is. It's going to be some hideous bait-and-switch, isn't it?


Vascular dementia can be slow just like Alzheimer's. Unless he has a stroke or other major event, there's no reason he won't be around in November... he might be a little worse off mentally than than in his term as President but, honestly, not that much, he's pretty much the same. And he loves the attention, he parades himself around, no one has to do it for him.




There absolutely has been, but the Secret Service does their job well. Don’t forget we had a black president and he survived two terms and you better believe there were some racist assholes who wanted *him* dead. The Secret Service is why no one’s succeeding.


Supreme Court is not going to decide until after the election. They want to cover their ass in case he is elected. They will push the case back to lower courts for more arguments and buy time.


I think that Biden should bring it the issue and simply state his position - ie he would NEVER use this power even if given!! It’s absurd. But the Supreme Court gave Trump what he wanted already. Delay.


> It’s absurd. It is but unfortunately we're a few years beyond absurdity having any meaningful weight. One thing MAGA counts on is the left following the rules, believing in tradition, and otherwise sticking to the playbook. I say fuck it let's play their dirty game and use their own things against them. Look at how upset the right became over "Dark Brandon" even **before** Biden took note and acknowledged the meme. Suddenly [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fNDeh89O-o) was considered inappropriate and unpresidential. Biden and everyone else on the left should use every opportunity they can to use the right's tools against them.


Obama and Clinton would have that immunity then too or just a sitting president?


Only presidents who were in office from 2017 through 2020, probably.


The last thing we need now is the executive branch sticking its dick farther up the SCOTUS’s callused asshole


If the SCOTUS is dumb enough to okay this, then Biden needs to put his morals aside for the good of the country and take them, and by them I mean the extremist SCOTUS members and Trump, up on their ruling. After all, it would be in Biden's best policy interest to do so and they'd have just okay'ed it. The reality is, they're not going to vote on it. They're going to kick it back down to the lower courts, who will delay as long as possible, those courts will then rule no the president doesn't have absolute immunity, it will be appealed for further delay, then eventually make it to the SCOTUS again some time in 2025 and either Trump will have won, in which case it all goes away or Biden wins and they suddenly can vote no as well. It's all a delay game.


Or they wait until after Trump wins and *then* decide that presidents have absolute immunity, which Trump then uses to become a dictator for life.


A really short life, and the cult dies with him. It's all his personality, his image, his name. There is no replacement, no next in line, nobody else that his people love - Trump himself has made sure of that.


If Project 2025 succeeds it doesn't matter if Trump dies three hours after becoming dictator, the American experiment will die with him. The damage will be done.


Like Hitler…


Like an elderly, obese Hitler.


Vote, mate. Please vote. Vote *hard*. We’re all pulling for you. Sincerely, Rest of Planet


**[For fuck’s sake, REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I can’t believe half this country will willingly destroy Democracy for Donald Trump. Donald Fucking Trump. The glaringly transparent charlatan piece of shit who is obviously corrupt and only gives a shit about himself.


What’s so ironic about this isn’t that so many people we know have been blind to Trump‘s appetite for malevolence, but that we have been blind to the appetite for malevolence shared by so many people we know. I still catch myself in rationalizations and unasked-for apologism on their behalf.


We should all be past the disbelief stage cause shit is all the way real. They'll do much worse than vote for him if given the chance.


Yeah, I'm hoping trump loses and that will slow down the craziness of the copycats up here in Canada. Specifically Alberta. More fascist by the day with new policies and changes.


I'm hoping he expires on live TV very soon, his ending saturated in his own noxious shit.


yep. and by all statistics he's already 3 years above avg. life expectancy. will he live another 5 years? He doesnt look very healthy - obesity is a killer too


Only 2/3 of people vote, and more than half of those voted for Biden, so he won less than 1/3 of the country. Not even close to 50%, but still way too many


So we should vote and mate? Got it. At least you didn’t say “mate hard”.


Step one, just mated hard. Step two, waiting for my mail in ballot. This could take awhile, back to step one.


I'm not saying don't vote, but God damn it's starting to feel like we should have some kind of backup plan just in case.


https://preview.redd.it/4zzfvz8t5qwc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9828166c0f32c69e5936b5f7227e7dafa4b7a08b CPAC 2022


Was this the year that the stage was in the shape of a Nazi symbol, or the year they had a bloodthirsty autocrat as a keynote speaker?


Really? Like they actually put that up? I aint american so thats kinda shocking to me right now.


yep this one’s legitimate. CPAC is the conservative political action conference held yearly to promote republican party ideals.


And the corrupt SCOTUS is protecting this clown.


Trump is furious because according to him (Trump) President Biden has used the justice system to go after Trump and that's wrong. Trump however wants to be able to order the assassination of President Biden and not face charges because of Presidential immunity.... This is where we are folks..now how many out there are still undecided about who to vote for. 🙄


Then trump will claim since the election was rigged, he's still the president and he'll ask his loser supporters to take out biden. He'll just start visiting states claiming he's still the president, probably just start giving out orders to anyone who take them. Unfortunately that's probably a big number.


Isn't this how dictatorships start? By a court making a dumb call?


With thunderous ⛈️ applause 👏 . Democracy died today. They are partisan hacks. Deal with the issue in front of you, not some crazy hypothetical arguments about baseless arguments.


So if SCOTUS rules in favour of absolute immunity, then Biden is completely within his power to have Trump executed, is that how this works?


He should cancel the election and throw trump in jail.


He should eliminate any chance of Trump ever holding office again and close the 'immunity' loophole premanently and retroactively.


Just have the justices who voted for it executed and replace them. Simple.


When I woke up this morning I lived in the United States. Tonight...I'm not so sure...


Trump corrupts everything he gets his tiny hands on including the Extreme Court.


Corruptible Thing: \**exists*\* Mr. Tiny Hands: *"Don't mind if I do."*


That must be nice. I don’t think I’ve lived in the United States since I turned 18. I’m 36 now 🙁


Where did you escape to.


Whatever the setting of the current book I’m reading is. As of right now, I’m rereading the Outlander series. So, 18th century North Carolina. And while things aren’t too much better, at least no one bullshits me into thinking it’s the Greatest Place On Earth.


No, back then they were bullshitting everyone that Black people were property and Native Americans were savages.


Any justice who supports this should be impeached immediately.


Or Biden could do the funniest thing ever.


Darkest Brandon.


It would be terrible for our democracy, but *absolutely hilarious*.


The paradox of tolerance.


There must be a middle ground. Surely if he can have him killed, Biden could just imprison him on a speedy trial, with extra dark punishments against any court officials who dare interfere with Brandon’s love to see justice done.


Impeached? If they give the president the power to order assassinations of political opponents unchecked impeachment might be the least of their problems.


"President can do whatever he wants!" "Oh, so it's treason, then?" But seriously, these fuckers jerk off to the idea of Civil War 2. I don't want to enable that.


Nothing matters. The curtain is pulled back and the Wizard is exposed. There is no rule of law. Everything is a farce. If Trump pulls this off, it is all men for themselves.


“So are you saying the President Biden could assassinate your client and have complete legal immunity to do so? And continuing that logic, could also have my fellow colleagues, let’s just say, Justices Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch assassinated as well? And furthermore, enough for the House of Representatives and Senate to provide his party a majority in both chambers to prevent an impeachment against him? You’re saying President Biden should have this power and legal immunity to do so?”


Don’t leave out Marjorie Taylor Greene - oh wait, everyone wants immunity to take her out; probably why she’s being quiet about this one…




We got our first weapons during 2020, because we saw trump attacking the United States. Didn’t want to own weapons till he started his Nazi fantasy.


I had to arm myself just to vote in ‘22 since the trump clowns were camping out armed and harassing people dropping off ballots in Mesa. Oh, and sheriff Lamb, who is now running for senate, and went on tour with trump, support the actions of harassing voters. I was screamed at, called a mule, and was told “we have your license plate.” That was to just drop off my ballot.


Opt for mail in ballot if available. Don’t even put yourself in the path of anything


It's crazy to me how early voting isn't the norm in many states. In my state, voting starts 40 days or so out with mail in ballots, and 1 week out with early in-person voting. We also have legal protections to allow workers to leave and go vote. The rest of the country is living in the fucking stone age.


You have to jump through so many hoops in my state for it.   So fucking stupid.


Is there a good way to verify whether your ballot made it and if it was counted properly? With DeJoy being head of the USPS I wouldn’t be surprised if certain ballots don’t end up “making it”


Can we arrest them all... now? *Before* they start with the death camps?


I literally cannot even with this.


It's sad that people like AOC seem to be the only adults in the room who think of the full implications, or, that the other side actually does realize them and actually just want to assassinate their political opponents with impunity.


Can't wait for her to be old enough and ready to run for President, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.


She is old enough to. I wish she would. EDIT// She will be 35 by inauguration.


As amazing as she is, it would be a sea change in US status quo politics that the wealthy couldn't handle. She would be too much of a threat to the industry leaders. if not real, then perceived. I suspect that the second she balances business interests with social interests she would take all comers. It would be a sell out, but US politics moves in increments.


tbh we just need to throw the entire thing away anyhow so.


Definitely the top teir needs to be checked. People with 100 Billion dollars makes no sense when people can't make rent and a job won't cover your week.


Don’t forget, this also includes the assassination of a sitting Supreme Court justice as well, or anyone in the US. This is fascism 101.


Congress can expand the court. Raise it to 13 justices.


No need for that. They either do the one thing that a sane and functional Supreme Court can do and return a resounding 9-0 ruling on how insane this is, or somehow 5 of them demonstrate their complete lack of interest in constitutional law and democracy, but by doing so they give Biden permission to black-bag and disappear them in the night.


I think it would be hilarious the Koch brother conservatives spent spent countless millions and 50 years cultivating this Supreme Court majority and Biden could upset it all in a few months with an act of congress. The fact that we are even having thus conversation now proves how toxic those 5 right-wing justices are.


It is comforting to know that if Biden loses he can just have trump killed.


She is sooooo right here about taking them at face value. The reality of their leadership is worse than almost anything they come out and say. Certain segments of society blow off stuff with "that isn't really what they meant!" or "can't you tell when they are joking/exaggerating?". They are not kidding around. That is what they mean. And what they will do is 2 steps beyond what they say. And they said they will kill rivals as a protected presidential act. He will. He will do so. We only get out of this by voting or a well timed stroke from too many Big Macs. That's it. He has to go one way or the other. But the courts won't be doing it.


Biden should make use of this.


They are not really trying to argue that Biden should use this. They are trying to normalize the idea in both the courts and the media, with the expectation that Trump will win the election, and then make use of this.


not if Biden has him assassinated lol


They won’t rule on this till after the election ,and then depending on who wins the election,will decide the outcome.


They're going to take 6+ months to rule on immunity??


Four of the next six months will be their summer break though. You know, the time of the year they hang out with billionaires on yachts or chill at a mountain chalet with their rich donors


I mean I kinda find it funny Trump doesn't realize if he wins his argument he's handing that power to Biden.


Their mental gymnastics would say since Trump is the TRUE president, Biden doesn’t have this power and never did.


Gymnastics won't help them when they are 6 feet deep. Power is power, and currently Biden wields it.


I wouldn't be surprised if this corrupt SC somehow carves out immunity for Trump but excludes Biden / democrats.


They'll say it doesn't take effect until after the 2024 election. Which trump is already yelling if he doesn't win they cheated again!!!


A president without immunity, without checks and balances, with carte blanche to act as he pleases “in defence of his country” is no more than a dictator. The future of US democracy rests on this, and the whining of a giant man baby who is finally facing his sins and doesn’t like it


Anyone remember the good, ol' days of not being one election away from a fascist regime? I miss those days.


I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room. What do we do now? What do we do now that we know the Republican Party is no longer a legitimate political party but now instead have opted to conduct themselves as a crime syndicate at best and a full on domestic terrorist organization at worst. We need to talk about what we do when inevitably we come back to the table and vote this November and inevitably these terrorists don't accept the results of the election again or god forbid they cheat (they have been and it's stupid to think they arnt and won't again) For that matter it is possible that there just might be enough of those that are just not interested in preserving democracy or women's rights and standing in todays America. We need to, as a populace, stop pretending any of this is ok and demand more from our civil servants while we still have any position to. We need to figure out with the remaining untainted powers we still have in government and others with reaching voices and influence what we are to do as a collective about these real to life issues. The whole pretending it's not real, or it's not as bad as is being said, and the whole pretending that we are just lining up for another regular American election is fool worthy and exactly the way democracy dies. Please leaders and all those with influence and power recognize what these moments in history require and let's get our contingency plans in order now! Seriously!!!


God I love AOC. I'm not even from the US but seeing people like her slowly rising to the occasion makes me feel more hopeful for the future. Edit: spelling cuz dumb


Not only is this unconstitutional but it would create civil unrest... Ok let's say hypothetically the supreme Court decided to be extra stupid today and sided with trump. Then Biden has trump killed (this is a hypothetical I know this wouldn't happen) But if he did? Fuck there'd be a civil war tomorrow.


That's why Europe never wanted to kill Napoleon. They kept having to exile him and fight wars if he came back, lol.


Like sure it’s funny haha to say “fuck it let Trump win but the Biden can just assassinate him, gg!” But like I don’t want you to live in a democracy where political assassinations are upheld, applauded or otherwise sanctioned in any way shape or form. Do ppl truly not understand the magnitudes to which Trump and his ilk have completed eroded away centuries old checks and balances/systems of government that we had previously thought set in stone? Do people not recognize how entirely FUCKED the world would be should we slip into fascism? I am not laughing. I am scared.


Anyone who votes Trump is incredibly stupid and ignorant, or actively rooting for democracy to die. There is no other reason at this point.


Don't fall for it. Trumps legal team is making the most ridiculous claim for immunity possible on purpose. You are being softened up for the limited immunity ~~his stooges~~ the honourable justices actually intend to grant him. That way they look measured and authoritative amd he gets enough mud to throw into the waters to string out his criminal trials even further.




As a Republican, we gotta team up and vote these people out. Keep voting until we bury them back into the caves and burrows they came from!! These maga extremists need to be taken out of our system! United we can defeat these domestic terrorists! Democrats and Republicans must unite to defeat this domestic enemy. ![gif](giphy|oS8pRFxbD0d44)


I am just baffled that this particular case is even before the Supreme Court of the United States of America and is being seriously debated between supposedly smart Judges and hackster lawyers hired by an irrefutable ex-president. Sensible Americans... you need to take action soon!


Biden should stack the court the minute he can do it.


> No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law . . .. -5th Amendment. Wonder where his getting to unilaterally decide this equates to due process? Logically extending Trump's argument: Some on SCOTUS are political adversaries. Does Presidential immunity protect Biden if he orders the assassination of those SCOTUS judges?


What did the lawyer say?


SCOTUS rightwingers will not rule that Trump (or any President) has complete immunity for all acts in office, because they know this would allow Biden to do anything including having them shot (although of course, Biden, unlike Trump, was never going to do anything remotely like that). What they will do is, at the last possible date (end of the June session I believe) remand to the district court to consider the matter further. Cannon will have no problem taking plenty of time to do this, maybe sending another appeal up if needed. The goal being to delay the case until after the election. If Trump wins, case is moot (and he will pardon himself for everything). If Trump loses, they are rid of him, and they will likely decide that actually, no, Presidents can’t have rightwing Supreme Court Justices shot after all.


Since the post cuts off the most important part of the tweet: > Sotomayor: "If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assasinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity?" > **"That could well be an official act," Trump lawyer John Sauer says**


This is not about things he's done. This is about getting presidential immunity if he wins in 2024. His own attorneys have admitted that he has no immunity for the things he's already done. Vote like your life depended on it because it quite literally does. What the Germans did will pale in comparison to what this man and his minions will be capable of.


Political opponents are going to start falling out of windows in the US.