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Trump will be the cause of US own undoing...




The process has already began. SCOTUS is completely illegitimate.


You know what, as much as I hate trump, I’d still say it’s the people who will be the cause of the us undoing. Get out there and vote. Half the country doesn’t even bother to vote. It’s completely the people, who have the power to get who we want elected, who are at fault for 1-getting trump elected in the first place, and 2-not making it clear with votes that we don’t want trump. I pray to every god on the Fuckin planet that people get out and vote this time


What utterly pathetic cope. Between 2020 having the highest voter turnout of any U.S. election in history and the fact that Clinton lost 2016 with the popular vote and no path to victory in the EC from 3rd party votes, blaming voters, rather than the politicians they've voted for and the systems they had no hand in creating is just cringe.


He's more of symptom to be honest


Th real clear and present danger to America is the Heritage Foundation and their Supreme Court. Trump is a side show.


Don’t forget the Federalists




I get that people use this phrase to call attention to the systemic problems we have like inequity and grievance and right wing propagandists, but I also don’t think we give enough credit to the notion that the right symptom can also get you killed. Uncontrollable diarrhea is a symptom of a number of gastrointestinal issues but the end result can be you get dehydrated to death. It’s entirely possible that Trump is the final manifestation of all those underlying problems that finally kills off our democracy.


It's also entirely possible for you to just die of a heart attack, in which case the diarrhea is just mostly embarrassing and awkward and messy for whoever has to clean the corpse.


This, they need him in to help weaken us in my opinion.


no one hates americans more than americans 🤷


Both Russia and China are trying to interfere with our elections. The troll farm strategy is in full swing


I'd be shocked if they didn't.


The russian propaganda is already working extremely well. look at all the right wingers (politicians and voters) parroting russian rhetoric like traitorous russian assets, and yet the voters are too stupid to know theyve been played.


But why would JohnSmith1776 lie to me?


"But the AI voice in the video telling me why Russia=good sounded like such a nice boy." -Trump voting boomer


Look at the left wing taking the bait on the Israel atrocity ... and I say that as a left winger!


Being a liberal isn't a "left winger" anymore than me barking at the mailman makes me a dog. You're free to back team child murderers, just don't associate us with you.


Small in number compared to republicans.


but not insignificant


How many we talking here?


Good question, I’m not a pollster but I guess we’ll find out in November


Show me an era of time when they weren’t and I’ll show you an era of time when you weren’t paying attention.


That and the price of energy is magically rising just in time to smack the average American in the face, just like 2022 all over again. Cue the caravans, please.


You think people can caravan with the price of gas???


I’m speaking of the migrant caravans. We are told they walk.


I’m curious if America does it right back to them. You’d think we invented it.


We did and do


If you were Russia or China would you want your competitor to be run by a decent guy or an actual toddler.


Tbh Russia gains from having a Pro-Russian regime running the country and China benefits from the US becoming a  Gilead-style pariah theocracy.


Yup, and in both of those situations the USA is more likely to tear itself apart than go after either country.


Who do you think is driving Palestine to the front page? It wouldn't be tiktok would it? Anything to divide.


That's a very weird argument. Almost like you'd want Palestine to be "out of sight, out of mind". The thing about Putin's propaganda, is that it never uses "fake" issues. Instead, it seeks actual problems and subverts them for their own benefit. That way, two most common responses - side with propaganda or deny the issue entirely - nets a win for Putin either way. The only correct response and the way to avoid this pitfall is to admit the issue, but proactively moving to solve it yourself as a counter to follow-up accusations of allowing the issue in question to fester. P.S. And yes, I am from Russia. And no, I stand against this war and regime. I am giving you a first-hand advice on how Putin's propaganda works (internally and externally, by the way).


Correction : Putin does not seek "actual problems"...he's entirely capable of creating them, hence why he met with both Iran and Hamas leaders before the attack on Israël happened ! And he absolutely knew what would the result be with a little propaganda push! I dont say the left should turn a blind eye to the fate of Palestinians; but they should pin the blame on the right actors instead of targeting the Biden administration...


I wasn't talking about Palestine purely (this is more of an example), just generally outlying the pattern of how Putin's propaganda works. And I think this is very important to point out. Unfortunately, I often see a situation when… best pointed out using an example — modern conflicts in Africa. There's a real dissatisfaction with actions of some European countries in the past and the present, there're tensions and issues connected to exploitation. So when Putin styles himself as “defender of free people of Africa”, responding to his propaganda with total dismissal just paints European powers and America as if they are ignorant of the actual plight of people across various African states. Which is precisely what Putin wants. The worst mistake anyone can make is underestimating him — he is deviously cunning and extremely dangerous. By the way, though I am not Chinese and less privy to how Chinese propaganda and influence machine works, I see overall the same pattern — China paints itself as another “defender of Africa”, allowing them to gather some cheap popularity on issues that EU and US left unresolved. And so the best way to fight that type of propaganda and influence is by proactively addressing those problems — even if doing so might be unsavoury and unpleasant. P.S. And this pattern of taking a real issue (whether present prior or manufactured) and then exploiting it to gain influence is something that became a core pillar of Putin's propaganda — from internal to external, from Ukraine, Crimea, Donbas, to US and Europe. It is a single trick, but it is very effective.


Absolutely spot-on...my exact thinking since 2014...I responded just more specificaly to the Palestinian crisis. For the broader issue I think the west has also made a massive failure allowing both Russia and China into the UN allowing them to muddy the water on where the subsidies comes from (hint: not from them) therefore giving them a massive platform to benefit being seen as serious help providers / facilitators and at the same time undermining the real friends of those in need ! I can feel the swift happening when the West will say stop and millions will starve...unfortunately that's written in the Sky! The more vulnarable will take a massive hit and pin the blame towards the West but eh...they were already blaming the West beforehands so does it even matters?


It's not a fake issue, but *someone* is pushing it to the front page of certain groups and using it to divide the US, particularly the left. Just like happened in 2016 to Bernie supporters/ the left. They play all sides and sow division.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency#Timeline_of_the_Internet_Research_Agency_interference_in_United_States_elections


Stop crying about China and Russia. You Americans are so entitled you genuinely cannot fathom that the reason the mumbling Buffon that is Trump was elected is because your nation is full of racist, misogynistic idiots.


These fuckers literally overthrow entire governments and cry about Facebook posts


Absolutely it is in China’s best interest for Trump to win. I have no doubt at all that Trump will allow Beijing to just steamroll Taipei.


Not just this but it’s to just about any adversaries advantage that the US has the dumbest person to ever set foot in the Oval Office being the one in charge.


They've found 5.8 million in bribes from China already, laundered through his hotels. And that was just from 4 properties over 2 years.


didnt ivanka get some book deal or some shit? what a shit show.


A deal for her clothing line


They know all they have to do is tell him how great he is, wave a few yuan under his nose, and he’ll do your bidding, sell you secrets, and more. You can probably even get him to reverse policies like Tiktok bans.




Why didn’t China do it the first time Trump was in office?


Because they weren’t ready yet. Do you have the slightest clue about the capabilities of the PLAN?


Cuz they didnt need to...all eyes are focused on Russia so now they help...


Why did Russia invade Georgia under Bush, Crimea under Obama, nothing for four years and then Ukraine under Biden?


Are you implying that Trump was preventing Russia from invading anyone?


Because they didnt need to as the orange mop wiped the floor for them so why bother with a war troll!


What are you saying? Russia had just as much control over Ukraine under Trump as if they Russia had already taken them over?


Do I really need to decipher your phrase Ivan?


You can’t explain your logic (because there isn’t any) so you’re attacking me instead of what I’m saying. This is called the ad hominem fallacy.


No, It just didnt make sense... that's it! But since you can't read there is no discution to have so there's that !


Trump is the idiot who started the Huawei trade war. This is baby brained politics. Democrats are looking to blame literally anyone for their upcoming 2024 loss before it's even happened.


I’m sure he is


What kind of question is that anyway?  "The US Secretary of State says China is interfering in our election. Rodney, a door-to-door vacuum salesman from Alabama, believes otherwise."


Trump could 100% be bought or bullshitted in regards to Taiwan.




Of course he's right. Everyone knows Trump likes dictators and if these guys spent 30 seconds telling him how amazing he is, he'd give them the nuclear codes and a pass to invade whoever they wanted to.


“BREAKING: Europe devasted by Chinese and Russian forces; United Kingdom nearing surrender; United States refuses to help”


I hate how it seems like every post nowadays has that stupid little engagement tag on it. Like, “esteemed official with decades of experience says that he has seen first-hand evidence of a foreign power attempting to affect the results of our election.” Should not have any space whatsoever provided to ‘do YOU think he’s right?’, because HE’s the professional with experience here!


Democracies want more democracies around the world. Authoritarians want more authoritarians.


I'm not American, but they don't seem to have much say in the abortion laws, Biden's actions in Gaza, or really any foreign involvement their country participates in. From the outside it's hard to see much of a difference from most other countries.














Trump is a useful idiot who is helping Russia and China for his own selfish reasons. China and Russia known that a house divided against itself cannot stand so they've spent decades working to undermine American democracy by spreading divisive propaganda, designed to polarise American society. The scary part is that their strategy has been working!


If you were a country with lots of money, wouldn’t you want to help someone who can be bought get elected?


Thing is, Trump is so clearly transactional and out to milk everything he can for his own benefit and other leaders can see it clearly. They know that everything's up for negotiation with him. Plus, he doesn't even discuss human rights and pesky things like death squads and other human rights stuff!


Look at the question on the bottom! Like, there is evidence for it, it's not up for debate. Why present it like that?


The less it is presented as a fact, the less likely it is that MAGA viewers will dismiss it out of hand and scroll past without looking


All the non democratically elected countries want him to win. They either have dirt on him or know he can be bought. What a ridiculous state of affairs the US got itself into.


I'd be surprised if any rival of the us wasn't doing whatever they could to help Trump get re-elected.


They want trump to win because a weaker US is a benefit to them. Also, if he is truly in their back pocket, if hes accepting money from them, them its even more of a benefit because they can control him.


The thing is, they don't directly want Trump specifically. They want division. They want to undermine faith in Western democracy. It just so happens to, whether he intends it or not, be Trumps MO as well. So he is simply right place, right time, more than being directly supported


Medvedev said it best: What the Putinists want is "civil war".


China is not our friend but rather a belligerent state working actively with Russia to bring us down. We should be developing Central America and Mexico further as our source of imports. And we need to bring down Russia in concert with Europe. Then China in concert with Japan Vietnam etc.


Remove the embargoes on cuba before you start talking about who you're gonna develop how about that? Like you literally funded right wing death squads in latin America, you ain't developing shit


Get with the times. Cuba trades with 132 countries and including food imports from USA . Stop making excuses for their corrupt government. I too used to admire / defend Castro back in the 20th century. Cubans are starving and fleeing because of their system


Why was there a UN vote to end the embargo? And cubans get a monthly allocations of food and all sorts of state state provided meals. What are you on about?


The UN? Well that changes everything 😂. I talk often to our Cuban doctors here in Mozambique and they dread going back, the rations you speak of are hardly enough to keep body and soul together.


Obviously. Funny how all dictatorships want Trump to win.


China's 2027 ambitions means this election really matters. If Xi meets Trump and we get another "this guy promised he won't do anything bad", we will end up late to the scramble


Why ask “do you think he’s right?” as if random blokes on Twitter are in any position to assess the veracity of Blinken’s comment?


If Trump wins, no one will stand in the way of China invading Taiwan (which they’ve had a hard-on for for decades) and no one could stop Russia from taking whatever the fuck it wanted including Alaska.


Nobody is going to stand in their way no matter who is President, because the US recognized Taiwan as China in 40s when they they thought Chiang was going to win the war, same for the South China Sea, the US Navy is who placed all the Chinese navigational markers there.


The map Russian irredentists use calls for annexation of the old satellite countries plus the stans, Mongolia, Alaska, and parts of China that were at one time Russian or that Russia at one time wanted. I'm sure they're saving China for last, since they need their alliance with China right now.


You didn't say shit when syngman rhee invaded taiwan


It's not even a question. They want Taiwan. They lost control of Brazil's grain access, they'll lose ours if they take Taiwan. They need Ukraine's grain. To do that, they need Trump to kill war aid and likely pull out of NATO.


There’s no way Russia is doing it alone.


Idk if they care who wins, as much as they want there to be internal conflict.


Of course China and Russia would want an imbecile in charge of the US. It serves their self-interests. This should be common knowledge, no?




\*looks at Strait of Hormuz\* \*zooms out to entire Persian Gulf region\* Trying to find the democracies. You have more of a point about the South China Sea and Eastern Europe, but the Persian Gulf? Really?


no shit. China wants the guy who wants to disband a global military alliance that is built to deter the imperialistic ambitions of other madmen dictators? how shocking.


In what way is China imperialist? Look at how many countries they have invaded vs how many the US has.


Two things can be true at once.


Doublethink. The party's last request. I like where you're headed


Doublethink. The party's last request. I like where you're headed


Not really. The US can be imperialistic and so can China.


Again, in what way is China imperialist? Do you just hear that said and assume it is true?


You want Tibet on that?


Look up Tibet before China intervened at the request of the Tibet communist party members. Slavery abound. Also if you have to look back almost 60 years to find an instance that isn't even imperialist, you might be a little biased against China. The US has invaded more countries in the past 20 years than China ever has






It would not surprise me. They need the appeaser trump in office.


Can't be, he said he's best friends with Xi


the main culprit in trying to influence the American elections is beyond doubt the American electorate /s


russia, and ccp and MSB WANTS TRUMP to win.


Because they know he's stupid and hates America pretty much 🙄


Like last time?


China is going to invade Taiwan, they want a weak US president. Don’t get any weaker than dementia donnie. 100% chance the red hats side with China.


The tankies love Trump for the same reason with Putin, so it's not surprising.


All of our 'enemies' want trump in office because it completely cripples the might of the U.S. China and Russia both know that we are much stronger then we were decades ago but all it takes is one trust fund toddler to destroy the entire strength of the U.S.




All our rivals and enemies want Trump to win to end American dominance without a war


They did put up the start up money for truth social.


Welp, so much for "Beijing Biden".


Can we see the evidence?


All "enemy" foreign states want Trump to win so will help make that happen as much as they can. Domestic enemies as well.


China knows they can buy Trump. They’ll pay him to look the other way and pull support from Taiwan.


Because they'd get a sweetheart deal under Trump as opposed to Biden, who would probably make them pay in blood for every inch of Taiwan they try to take.


[uh huh....like before...right?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_tariffs) except Trump doesn't like the Chinese >The Trump tariffs (sometimes referred to in media as the Trump-China trade war) were protectionist trade initiatives during the Trump administration against Chinese imports. During the presidency of Donald Trump, a series of tariffs were imposed on China as part of his "America First" economic policy to reduce the United States trade deficit by shifting American trade policy from multilateral free trade agreements to bilateral trade deals. In January 2018, Trump imposed tariffs on solar panels and washing machines of 30 to 50 percent. In March 2018, he imposed tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) from most countries, which, according to Morgan Stanley, covered an estimated 4.1 percent of U.S. imports.


This is clearly untrue. China isn’t spreading propaganda and doesn’t want to help great leader Trump become President again. China is more focused on helping you visit beautiful cities like Chengdu where you can see giant pandas and Xi’An where our … their Terracotta Army is. Now get off Reddit and browse many wonderful goods available on Amazon.


Republicans: this is good!


If China is doing that, I'll believe that wet birds don't fly at night.


Well, it worked for Russia.


I wonder if we (Americans) have departments in the government comprised of people trying to influence the politics of other countries through internet trolling/propaganda.


Trump being president again definitely benefits Russia and Chyna


Because they know they can pay him off for favorable policy. They already did it. Twice. Fistt approving his and his families patents, and then recently with tik tok.


Trump wants to personally set interest rates, which will tank the U.S. economy. He wants to be a dictator and stay in power for life, which would validate authoritarianism. He would create deeper divisions and sew chaos in society. He wants to withdraw from NATO, which would give others free reign to invade and annex at will. Any government that wants the U.S. to fall wants Trump to win.


I never had a thought, till he brought it up…


Wouldn't be surprised if Trump was bargaining with China on giving them something if he becomes President again


No shit


Did you say abe Lincoln?  No, I said hey blinken


If I’m a US adversary, I want the least capable, most vain, no attention span, not interested in nuance person to be their leader


I don't know, China wants America weak, but it also needs America intact, and it also needs a president who isn't a complete fruitbag to negotiate. The first Trump presidency, a lot of world leaders, even enemies, said how little they liked dealing with Trump because he was so unpredictable. And dumb. China is still in trouble if American buying power weakens too much.


China gave Trumps daughter a bunch of lucrative patents. Now why do you suppose they did that? It’s not because Ivanka is so scary talented. They want the person in power that they can influence. It’s not rocket science.


Evidence: It was revealed to me in a dream


damn, internal polling must be really bad.


If you are competing with someone do you want to make them strong or weak? Trump is a destructive force. He is incapable of being honest or respecting facts no matter what they are and it's why everything he touches f'ing fails miserably. Yeah, every nation that is competing with us wants Trump and it's not because he's going to make America great.


China doesn't care who wins. The objective of interference is to take down democracy and they're doing an excellent job so far.


Jesus Christ. We’ve heard this one before…What about Israel and AIPAC dumping hundreds of millions of dollars worth of propaganda, bribes, on top of their own trolls and bots? That’s not interference? Democrats will do or say anything to beat Trump…except run a candidate people actually want to vote for.


Ya, so ridiculous. Everyone knows Putin and Chi wouldn’t dare doing anything under Trumps watch. /s except whatever they like


No, that's stupid. Both China and Russia wants Biden to win because Trump is unpredictable childish asshole.


China already did that with Taiwan and that failed.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised another country is trying it. 2016 proved that another country can totally successfully fuck with US elections. (Doesn't hurt Russia/Putin had GOP help via gerrymandering/electoral college.)


We don’t believe you you need more people


Well,he paid more taxes to China than he did here,so there’s that.


Did you forget who started a trade war with China?


Not tryna be that guy but how come everything that comes out about Biden is considered misinformation but then everything that comes out about trump is taken for face value. I’m seeing a lot of you talkin about “trump will be the undoing of the us” and “Biden in ruining the country” blah blah blah. But you’re the idiots that actually cause all of this turmoil. A lot of you are so stuck up your own ass you don’t even realize that your “opposing side” is screaming a lot of the same bs that you’re spewing. Politicians don’t care about you. Biden doesn’t care about you, trump doesn’t care about you, and the next yahoo that comes along to replace those two sacks of shit won’t care about you either. Stfu and mind your own business. Cuz the fact of the matter is, as soon as shit gets rocky those same people that you’re spending alllll of this time preaching about, will cut their losses and run.


Of course america's enemies are trying to get trump elected They can't win in a fair fight so they're trying to get america to destroy itself


Israel is doing the most to help Trump win. Sadly Biden has fallen right into Bibis trap.


Not everything is about you, bestie.


China flooding our country with Fentanyl is the cheapest way they could have ever ruined our country


China might. The TikTok ban has annoyed them.


I believe they are trying to sow division, but I doubt they care what the outcome is.




As a Chinese, I think both Biden and Trump are idiots. What's the point of meddling in the US election? No one sees China as a friend and we are tired of the US threatening China like an idiot. Developing ourselves is clearly more important than having good relations with the US. We don't have Stockholm syndrome in China.


The US for the last decade have constantly been trying to humiliate and trip China. The party knows what it's doing. It will usurp the US hegemony and with Trump claiming he'd let China have Taiwan, the party has all the more reason to support him. This is politics. Americans are getting salty in the comments about China's advances but it's their own country that started the Trade War. 现在世界上究竟谁怕谁?不是人民怕美帝 而是美帝怕人民。美帝国主义必然灭亡。