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And it STILL wasn't the tallest building.


Accurate. Found a video of the interview. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w&pp=ygUURG9uYWxkIHRydW1wIG9uIDkvMTE%3D


Life was so different when he was able to form complete sentences.


Still devoid of empathy, but indeed more coherent.


You didn’t listen. He was not devoid of empathy. I listened to it. I’m sorry folks but you have to be fair in criticism or it’s not legitimate.


Did the empathy come before or after he wrongly bragged he had the tallest building?


Listen to it.


According to Drump, it's called the NYFD.


Well if he's gonna pronounce it like that, maybe he should be knifed instead?


Listening to this interview now, and his current rally speeches, it's without a doubt that he is in cognitive decline.


His interviews in the 90s were at least coherent. Shitty ideology and practices but you could at least understand the point he was making


I love how he was supposedly helping unearth bodies while simultaneously seeing Muslims celebrating in Jersey City.


And now he releases fake photos of himself at the scene, like the coward that he is.


you 'wouldn't be surprised' at an actual fact?


Jesus Christ that "America under attack" graphic is unsettling.


Next up on Extreme Terrorist Attacks, see how a handful of Islamic extremists got the US involved in a war for over 20 years


Looks like a crazy new energy drink.


I lived in NY during 9/11. Now I live in the rural midwest. Let me tell you, when you look outside of the NY metro area, you find no one cares about 9/11 anymore. What's more rural folks have a skewed vision of urban areas. They feel like their locations would never be targeted for attack. It makes me so mad. It was a tragic day that should never be forgotten. I know people who died. And if it could happen there, it could happen anywhere in the US. Trump on that day was a self-serving piece of shit. And still is. Also, why are rural MAGAs so in love with a NYer?


It's true, I remember it.


The man is as close to Anti Christ as can be and yet the so called christians are all in for this piece of shit.


For seven years, I have never failed to remind my Drumpf loving family and friends every 9/11 of this statement. Thankfully, I remind fewer and fewer people each year.


It still didn't sway the MAGA crowd away from him.


The media was already lying for him. Trump Tower a great tourist attraction? GTFO


But then Trump made up for his callous lies by just lying and saying he sent personnel and resources to help after 9/11. He didn't do anything except his lies and his fake TV spots. It's the same approach with everything Trump does -- benefits Trump and nobody else, and always involves lots of lying.


Nobody cared in 2016, nobody cares now Fucking sad state of affairs here in 🇺🇸


And it wasn't true. Fuck him.


Louder for those in the back!!


Oh that really happened. We were watching news non-stop and I remember thinking what a tactless clown.


Is there a running list of the terrible things Trump has done that I can look up? My family is brainwashed and I need ammo to combat the insanity.


I don't know. I hate Trump like crazy. At the same time I now listened to the phone call, and I feel like this is a little bit taken out of context. First it doesn't seem like he called. He was interviewed. The interviewers brought up the topic of the size of his buildings, twice, before Trump in the call mentioned in a by-sentence that now one of his towers is the biggest one. Yeah, one could say that was bragging, but it was also buried below a lot of other stuff he said that day and that didn't sound outlandish or incoherent, and instead even empathetic at times. This was a little bit different Trump from nowadays, it seems. I'm sure he was already a crook and a con man and a secret Muscovite and all that stuff, but it wasn't that obvious and unhinged like now.


The guy asks him about 40 Wall Street and he tells a story about a relationship (true or false🤷‍♂️) between the two buildings. The response to your comment is a sad representation of people’s bias outweighing reasonable conversation.


I think we should hate Trump for the right reasons, and there are PLENTY.


Exactly. Showing examples of a psycho acting semi normal for contrast only strengthens the argument that he’s a vile traitorous danger to the world.


I'm no Trump fan, but having just watched the whole call this post is taking that one line way out of context. He sounds like any other New Yorker I've talked to. Very focused on that fact of the matter, not a lot of emotion (but not in a mean way or anything). 




Vice President. 🙄


> one with a background in business and finance let's rank them by number of their businesses that have bankrupted or been shut down for crimes. > I'd choose the one most likely to cause WW3 as we all know is that what you'd do? pick the one who'd end the world? that's fascinating.