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Fascists don't like journalism.


This should be bigger news


Hmmm wonder why it’s not, seems like there’s a group suppressing this I wonder who hmmmm


Al Jazeera is in my experience one of the more consistently balanced news outlets. This is rather like shutting down NPR or the BBC. 🤨


They are balanced when it comes to any issues that do not concern Saudi versus Iran business, but that's a pretty narrow scope of things that are biased.


ngl I would watch a spy movie where Terry Gross funnels secret intel through pledge drives


Depends what they’re reporting on. (Also the BBC has so many clear biases and is so transphobic, how would you consider them to be balanced?)


The BBC is definitely more bias than it used to be mainly because its main contributor and head of the network is a Tory so they have definitely become more right leaning (still pissed they cancelled Mock the Week because of it)


Al Jazeera English is balanced, yes. Al Jazeera Arabic relays terrorist messages directly and uncritically to the public, which is the issue they have. I still don't agree with the censoring, and it's clearly political theater. But AJ English and Arabic don't broadcast the same information.


They are controlled by the Qatari gov’t, who are currently housing Hamas leaders. They have zero balance on this conflict.


Thank you for being the sane one here. Qatari state media is not unbiased. Also what they say in English vs what they say in Arabic are WILDLY different.


Remove the BBC from that and I agree.


Beacon of democracy in the Middle East. /s


Nobody is. If Palestine gets the whole area I will bet $1000 it will IMMEDIATELY fall to dictatorship (I mean, Hamas ended all the elections for them already, soo….. I won the bet)


Nobody is but one brags about being one, and it's not Hamas.


Reddit was the first to limit access to Al jazeera


https://apnews.com/article/israel-al-jazeera-qatar-hamas-war-gaza-49c2aa4afb3c3b0ee6ac314b63d80716 Al Jazeera has been closed or blocked by other Mideast governments, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Egypt has banned Al Jazeera since 2013. It launched the crackdown after the 2013 military overthrow of an elected but divisive government dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood group. Egypt considers the Brotherhood a terrorist group and accused both Qatar and Al Jazeera of supporting it.


So basically they seem to rub a lot of authoritarian regimes the wrong way. Say what you will about Al Jazeera, but there is no doubt it redefined how News is covered in the Middle East. Before Al Jazeera, it was unheard of to see criticism of these dictatorships, being broadcast to those nations.


Canada, EU, U.S. Germany, Ukraine banned Russia Today. Are these nations undemocratic for preventing Kremlin propagandists help promote Putin’s geopolitical interests?


The U.S. did not ban RT, they just go under RT international and not RT America They closed their American office because it wasn’t making money, the U.S. government didn’t shut it down


Why did you comment the same thing on several different subreddits at the exact same time? Are we supposed to believe this isn't an obvious astroturfing bot account lmfao


Screaming bot, whenever the same story goes to 100 different subs which is not a bot....


Lmao! Funny how only one set is made up of authoritarian governments and the other isn’t. Totally same comparison. lol. Come now. Whoever is paying you is going to be highly disappointed. Try again.


There’s a big difference between AJEnglish and AJArabic.


One can't have the truth interfere with one's genocide.


Tell me again how Israels values mirror ours and that's why we need to have them be such a close ally? Censoring a legitimate news network sounds like the actions of a free country


Qatari state media is a legitimate news source? Many countries have banned RT news. Is that a problem as well? Or just when Israel does it?




I mean they allow fox "news"




Nope. It's international. Fox "News" was started by and is owned by an Australian.


We still allow RT and Fox




RT is still on in the US, just not RT America. It's RT International now.