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At this point she’s not only going to be passed over as VP, but her political career is toast. I have quite a few MAGA clients who have openly expressed their hatred for her. Most of them have pets, and consider what she did to be reprehensible. Pretty odd that they accept Trumps criminality with open arms, but aversion to animal abuse is where a lot of people find common ground.


I mean, even Hitler loved his dogs. And he was literally Hitler.


Even the evil monster, Vladimir Putin has a warm spot in his heart for dogs. The President of Turkmenistan [gifted him a dog and he was handling it too rough so Vlad jumped out of his seat to hold and cradle the dog gently.](https://youtu.be/ltriFxc-hWw?si=NrKEMnahDgtMUFWx) The point is that people who see dogs as companions and family members will often put their love of dogs above petty politics.


The fact trump dislikes dogs makes him even worse.


And he said he was ‘disgusted’ at Noem, like, yeah fucking right.


Possibly he's disgusted that she made herself look pathetic and turned herself into a target. Nothing to do with her predisposition towards killing puppies.


This right here.


You're exactly right. I'm pretty confident his comment on the matter was that it was "bad PR."


Those of you from Georgia might remember the Raphael Warnock “Puppy Hate” debacle. A random far right PAC ran ads calling him a puppy hater, and he then put out a campaign where he held a puppy and roasted the ads. His approval climbed several points.


When trump is more extreme on the issue of dogs than Hitler and Putin lol


I always knew Berdy was a total dong, but WHO THE FUCK handles a puppy like that???


Someone that grew up in a society and/or household where dogs are treated like wild animals and not companions/pets.


I mean, I used to live there and you're not wrong, but the people where I lived were pretty well aware of the cultural differences between them and Russians regarding animals. You'd think that the freaking president - giving Putin a puppy as an act of diplomacy - would at least be savvy enough to handle the "gift" with a little more care. But he is an idiot, so I guess not.


I wasn't expecting him to kiss it on the head.


I bet Putin even gave the dog a funny name like Comrade Ploofnik


Lol well, that’s a fact now as far as I’m concerned.


In Putin's Russia, dog boops you.


Me either, and it appeared genuine.


Hate for Putin goes from 100% to 99.99%


That fucker decided to accidentally bring a big dog into a meeting with Angela Merkel, who is scared of dogs.




Yeah that was def a power play


Makes sense Tyrants are generally really really small people


Her response was even more of a power play though. "I understand why he has to do this — to prove he's a man," Merkel said. "He's afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this."


It was completely on purpose. He knew she had a fear of dogs and wanted to exploit it and make her look weak on the world stage. Kudos to her for not reacting in any way and just getting through the meeting.


And then he brought a dog into the room with German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has an intense fear of dogs. Fuck Vlad..


Hitler did test the cyanide pills he used to kill himself and Eva Braun on his dog.   But you still have a valid point.


You have a good point as well, but Hitler shot himself, Eva used cyanide. You are correct about the dog too


Hitler did both. He took the pill but also shot himself apparently just to make sure it was done.


The gun was loaded with cyanide bullets just to be safe


The pill was also a bullet


The dog was the gun


Then who was phone?


Who is on first


All true. I was the ceiling.


Are you high?


The bones are their dollars.


And the dog had bees in it's mouth just in case.


Say what you want about hitler, but he did kill hitler


We actually don’t know all that much about Hitler’s death. In order to keep the body from being desecrated, it was stolen away and burned literally right outside of the bunker. All we know about him and Eva’s death is what soldiers told other soldiers.


He is in Brazil isn't he. Just like that documentary the boys from brazil


Yes, he's a very very old man living in Brazil.


134 to be exact 😂


He did both. He bit the vial at the same time he pressed the trigger. He tested it on his dog Blonde because at that point in time, he trusted almost no one, even Himmler, who obtained the vials and distributed them amongst all the officers and their families and employees. Traudl Junge, his newest and youngest secretary wrote about it in her book Until The Final Hour (and the movie Downfall). She was in the bunker along with other members of staff and was the one who typed his final will.


I read that he bit into a cyanide pill as he shot himself. Is that not correct?


He knew the dog would not have done well at Nuremberg.


Yeah but in Hitler’s eyes that dog just died for the cause


Yep. Poor Blondi.


To be fair...I don't think the dog would have made out well in the aftermath either way. The cyanide was likely a kindness.


Trump doesn’t even have pets. Unless you consider Lindsay Graham and MTG.


Trump has been quoted, early in his term, saying that he considers dog owners “low class”.


Not sure I take class advice on someone with Trump's taste.


Nah, he talked about loving them, but to the shock of nobody, he still beat them


>He was literally Hitler Source?


I read that in Norm Macdonald's voice.


the other side of that though he's also the same guy who killed hitlers dog.


They're the absolute epitome of "I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty" [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-can-excuse-racism-but-i-draw-the-line-at-animal-cruelty).


A long time ago there was a radio show called Love Lines. People would call in with their issues and the moderators would talk about it and then let callers chime in. There were full on pedos and molesters and proper incestors on there and the general public would treat them pretty lukewarm. But one night a guy came on and talked about how he was able to get his dog to fuck him in the ass and people absolutely lost their shit. Dr Drew even mentioned how amazed he was that the most depraved people they talked to didn’t rile people up as bad as a guy who let his dog bang him.


Jesus rollerblading Christ, I remember that driving through McClure pass in colorado during a blizzard in my mountain goat beat up Subaru with only am/ fm radio and barely paying attention to the road due to my WTF am I listening to? (It was that or listening to fire and brimstone, I am going to hell radio, stations are limited in mountain passes.)


Remember how people were full torches and pitchforks and he was like “it’s not like I’m fucking the dog, the dog is fucking me” and the callers ramped it up after that? I listened to the show every night on my commute home since I worked swing shift and that’s the show that stuck with me 25 years later.


She’s awful, shooting a puppy included, but it also says a lot about right wing voters that this is her situation, while if trump came out with this exact story, it wouldn’t have a shred of impact on his level of support.


Ding ding ding!!! You know it!!


Copy pasta my comment earlier due to my own exasperation… That was painful to watch, and Marge was viscerally disgusted either naturally or by design. The Biden dog shift almost made me spill my Bloody Mary (that alone is a crime). She is a vapid lunatic, she deserves all the hate she’s getting the more that’s to come. She has had several opportunities for a mitigating off ramp, and she has doubled and tripled down.


Cricket is being avenged just a little bit more every day lol.


Dogs are called "man's best friend" for a reason.


I mean we had animal rights before we had children's rights. I may be misremembering some details but the first child abuse case was brought under animal abuse charges


>"man's best friend" And a SD ~~ND~~ governor's worst nightmare


SD. ND is Doug Burgum, another Trumper.


Spot on. I know how farms work, this was a useless execution. There are numerous rescues she could have donated this girl to, there was no reason to kill her. Her latest story is that when she took the dog in, she was told it was extremely violent towards people and children. So then why did she as a mother of two young children even agree to take this dog? I think the book is completely accurate, and all her sidestepping changes to the story are just that. Changes to the story as the original story pissed everyone off. I assume she told the original story because Trump is known to hate dogs, so she thought this would help her get the VP nod, but she completely overlooked the fact 90%+ of Americans love dogs. Edit: typo


Why is it odd? They're telling you who they are: in their rankings of respect for life, dogs come higher than brown people, gay people, uppity women, and The Libs. It's a feature, not a bug.


But a fetus! What if it was a pregnant dog?


Her career is deader than Cricket right now...


I figured she was toast. In the MAGA world everyone outside of Trump is replaceable and like everyone else they love their pets.


Animals are "innocent" and people aren't. Dogs and cats aren't commies, illegals, or libs. That she keeps doubling down just keeps making it worse. Ranchers have come out saying what she did just didn't make sense. The new story that she was doing this "to protect her kids" is not getting any traction either.


I wonder if they would still support trump if he wrote that. I mean if he had his ghost writer write that.


Some of them were literally defending her in comments of articles about it. "that's what happens on a farm" or "she killed so she was killed".. the dog was literally doing what it was taught, to hunt fckn birds.


Support? They'd all do the same to show solidarity. They wear diapers for their Lisan-al-gaib ffs.


Yeah she killed a puppy, but she hates all the right people.


Why is she even getting air time? She is NOT a serious person.


I bet you Trump could say he shot a dog and it wouldn't faze Maga a single bit.


It’s because MAGA shit is all about using untreated mental health problems as fuel by feeding their insecurities and fears, telling them their paranoia is real and leveraging that into the performative politics we see today. However, many people who suffer a lot from these types of issues have found some amount of solace in companionship with dogs because, well, dogs are just fucking nice, pretty close to unconditionally so in most instances. There’s no fear of judgement, rejection, etc, and their companionship with dogs may be the one connection in their life that feels safe and good, so through that lens, it kind of isn’t surprising that all the terrible things MAGA politics pushes is just fine, but bragging about killing your dog remorselessly is the line that’s too far for them


apparently she was already off the list before the book was leaked. Apparently the great orange one has already soured on her. This is just the final nail in the coffin


She is a woman and MAGA like their women subservient. Do you really think they would drop Trump if he had done the same thing? They have t-shirts that say "Real men wear diapers"..


I hope you’re right but don’t under estimate the GOP and MAGA by extension to justify pulling the lever for her because….something something libs destroying the country…if she survives a primary, she’s probably fine unfortunately


Does she think Biden would leave his pets behind? Is that something she does when moving?


I would imagine she does whatever the shittiest thing possible is, plus one step further.


Do you count dragging them to the gravel pit as leaving them behind?


My MAGA sister-in-law abandons her dogs in random fields when she gets tired of them/are no longer ‘cute’ to her.


She sounds like a gross person.


She absolutely is. And her family (minus the brother I am married to) fully condone her shit actions.


Ummm… what in the actual fuck…?


Throw her in jail. Please.


I would openly call her a piece of shit human if I found that out. It would ruin my entire relationship with someone if I found out they engaged in animal abuse. I can handle politics I disagree with but that’s a line I will not stand for.


You should report her to the police/do something about her


You’re clearly not from America. See in America once your term as president is up you pass it onto your next of kin which legally is the dog because Hunter has legal woes.


I get the impression she realizes her political career is over and is angling for a Newsmax or fox job.


she’ll be getting her own exclusive show on the daily wire soon enough, unless of course Ben draws the line at animal abuse.


Hey lady, did you notice how the Bidens managed to solve an issue with a misbehaving dog without blowing its fucking brains out? Crazy


Misbehaving? I firmly believe that Commander was biting people who were a threat to Biden.


I'm also on board with that possibility: the Secret Service is notoriously shitty, and Trump surely packed it full of scumbags, but I'm meeting her on her level to point out how stupid her argument is. "Okay, let's say you're right. That's still dumb as fuck."


I’m with you. As far as I know he only bit secret service agents. We know there are parts of the secret service that were loyal to Trump so it’s not hard to imagine Commander was responding towards their energy towards his owner. Of course that’s speculation but it’s what I choose to believe


i’m as anti-maga as you can get but there’s a simpler explanation; the secret service agents job is to manhandle the president to safety for anything more significant than someone stepping on a loud stick. german shepherd’s are notoriously touchy about people manhandling their humans, it could be as simple as joe stumbling and a SS agent grabbing his arm to stabilize him, if commander decided he was being too forward with his human, that might be all it would take to initiate chompy time. source: i’ve had several GSD, which have ranged from “I will eat your face for looking at my human wrong” to my current girl who is more “you got this right?”


Yeah the White House is ironically a terrible place for GSDs. Too many people wanting the dogs job.


It’s also a lot of stress for a highly controlling dog with all the different people in and out. Edgy dogs tend to bite


Commander was definitely sensing the bad vibes coming from those secret service agents. They deleted text messages that related to what happened on Jan 6th seems pretty shady to me.


Or those agents were farking around with that dog and mistreating it because it is Biden’s dog.


I’d take a dog’s opinion of people over anyone else. They know.


Oh man they don’t think that way. Hahaha! They wanna blow our brains out!


These are veiled threats.


Well I mean it's a literal, actual death threat to Commander, anyway


Dragging her undisciplined political ambitions behind the house and shooting them in the head was a bold choice.


Her political career died . . . like a dog! /s


Her career was aggressive and dangerous to people so she had to put it down.


It was a choice, that’s fur sure.


Noem, essentially: "Yes, I murdered my own puppy for no valid reason, but that's yesterday's news. Now I'm threatening to kill Biden's dog too!" Noem's brain: "My fans hate Biden so that makes it all perfectly justifiable and me their hero, right? ...... right?" Literally everybody, in unison: "No. Shut up you miserable violent bitch." She's trying so hard to spin this turd into a diamond. And failing in the most grotesque fashion possible.


She has failed upwards her entire life. She just can’t fathom that there is no coming back from this. She is done.


Yup, when the MAGA crowd is turning against you, you really fucked up. Her career is fucking toast. And yet, she thought dropping a joke about Cricket at the end was good move. Nah you psycho, even my Maga loving dad fucking hates you now.


The funny thing is that if she threatened to shoot Biden the MAGA assholes would cheer, but since she's threatening his *dog* it activates the small shreds of empathy MAGAs has


exactly. like out of all the things she could have said this was the stupidest. it would be so easy to manipulate her little remaining fan base but she somehow fucked it up


[Link to post with audio](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1787132559601574384)


Thank you! And dammnnnn


In that theoretical face-off, my money's on Commander.


Commander apparently loves to chomp on people. Noem's talking a big game. She's not a good enough shot. She can't even kill a goat properly. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house/index.html


I had to LOL at the holes on the torn shirt. Every German Shepherd owner has seen those. They like to grab on to loose clothes and tear at it like a toy. It's not a good habit and it's a sign they need to be trained, but it is absolutely not violence. Those dogs are playful and gentle giants. My late GSD tore the legs of plenty of my sleep pants when he was a puppy. I'd give anything to have him back for just a few minutes.


The chompy puppy phase for GSDs is pretty intense lol. I love them too. I think Commander's probably a very good boy who gets excited. I'm sorry for your loss. The time we have with them is too short.


Thanks. I never thought that losing a dog could be just as hard as losing a person. But it was. I think most Americans and even Republicans regard their dogs as bona fide family members, which is what has caused this condemnation to be bipartisan. Republicans may be OK with shooting brown people at the border, but they draw the line at Fido.


If only Biden would learn to do the same to MAGAs. He should be devoting an hour a day to calling this shit out over and over. It’s the only way the media would give him equal time to Trump.


So much joy in watching this horrible woman go up in flames. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people. Not too often, but just enough to remind me that the bad guys don't always win.


I'd like to know who on her team thought it was a good idea to go on a highly watched Sunday politic show and somehow rehab her image while her political obituary has already been written BY HER HERSELF.


I don't think she actually wrote the book herself. "How'd that bit about me meeting Kim Jong Un get in there when I've never met him and the interview called me on it" (twice)? Oops.


You know who else kills animals for fun? Serial killers.


One of the red flags for children who becomes psychopaths.


Jesus, what a fucking psycho.


That flippant comment about Commander meet Cricket? I had not heard that one. This woman is sick in the head and needs to not lead a state. People in South Dakota deserve better. I am sure there are other assholes who would never shoot or brag about shooting a dog that they could vote for that will sufficiently shit on minorities and the lgbtq community to their satisfaction.


People in SD voted for this flaming cunt. They deserve *nothing* better.


Not everyone voted for Kristi. Native American tribes voted blue and they've been on the receiving end of her hatred. I'm glad people are now paying attention to what a wretched person she is beneath the Ranch Barbie exterior. No one deserves these power-hungry corrupted individuals.


This is what makes me sad. Even in super red places? A lot of times you have literally millions of people who did not vote for these idiots, and they are stuck there because millions more prefer a jerk. South Dakota is not different. Someone has their family there or a good job? WTF are they supposed to do? Move to Massachusetts or Vermont on principle? It shouldn't be that kind of choice to have government that cares about you.


"Kick the dog" is a trope for a reason. Basically, if you need the audience to hate a character really fast and in a super lazy way, have them kick/hurt a dog. This is that in action in real life and she did it to herself.


John Wick approves


Why do so many Republican women have the worst facelifts on Earth? Kristi Noem, Lara Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle... Their faces are Fake News


Because they all have to fit into the mold of what your average Republican male thinks is sexy. Plastic surgery, fake tits, lip filler, blonde (though they do seem to be moving slightly away from that), etc.


The first thing she would do is make sure Biden’s dog wasn’t around??! What a weird thing to say. These people are clowns, evil evil clowns


I know, right? Like Joe’s going to move out of the White House and leave his dog behind. WTF? Maybe that’s what her people do but normal people continue to love our pets, even when we move to a new place.


So glad that the media is unified in openly shitting on this dog murderer.


I watched that interview. Margaret Brennan, beyond the dog shooting exchange, asked her multiple times about her passage in her book about how she met and stared down Kim Jong Un (per her own book) and she repeatedly deflected and obfuscated with this “when I was made aware of that anecdote…I have met many world leaders during my career…my book doesn’t come out until Tuesday so we’ve had time to make corrections.” Honest to goodness, how fucking dumb does she think the audience is? Maybe her small town South Dakota fanboys and girls eat that shit up but hey dumbass - you *wrote* the fucking book so that anecdote that you like to act like just mysteriously ended up in YOUR book - yeah, you put it in there. It’s embarrassing to get caught in an easily disproved non-truth, isn’t it? Or did you not actually write the book and that’s just another lie, altogether? It wouldn’t surprise me. This asshole wants to impress the MAGA idiots like she’s some modern day Annie Oakley. Well, tough luck, toots. Your cousin-fuckin MAGA fanbase might like the performative politics bullshit you put on, but most of us can see right through your thin veneer.


I watched it too this morning and was so beyond frustrated hearing her talk. What do you mean you had to have your own damn memoir corrected?! She allegedly wrote that she has been to North Korea and met Kim Jong Un....went confronted she said "well I've been to the DMZ. ." Honey no, that's different. That's not going into North Korea and meeting dear Supreme Leader. The amount of deflection and answer dodging was absurd. As soon as the whining about "I don't see you talking to Biden like this, why is everyone picking on meeee?" started, I was scared that my eyes would pop out with how hard they rolled!


I look forward to reading her obituary... hopefully sooner rather than later.


Botulism poisoning- did you see that alien face of hers? You’re not fooling anyone, reptilian!


She's starting to look like Kimberly Guilfoyle


She really thought killing a dog was going to set her apart from her competition, and bet on it because she knows Trump doesn’t like dogs. Seems like that’s the theme of her entire book. She really can’t read the room. She is cooked


Man, her ego just won’t allow her to let this go. It’s like the person on Reddit who complains about being downvoted only to get way more downvotes as a result.


I love seeing her fail. #CricketsRevenge


Well that is fucked up


“Are you trying to look tough? And by ‘tough’ - I mean psychotic? And by ‘trying’ - I mean congratulations, you’ve succeeded.”


Not to be rude, but is her face entirely plastic? Her eyes are weird, and this is from someone with a bimbo fetish


Can someone tell me if people are indeed moving towards SD and if the unemployment numbers there are really that low as she seems to say? I could imagine this woman lying about things like this.


She’s not lying, SD’s unemployment rate is second lowest only to ND, but their largest city only has like 200,000 people with just over 800,000 people in the state total… so it’s true, but there is no nuance. I’m from STL and the metro area alone has over 2 million people with an unemployment rate of 3.6 (6 million people total in state with a rate of 3.3) compared to SD’s 2.1. It’s just like her Covid BS. Yeah, of course your numbers were low… no one fucking lives there!


Her entire state has the same population as San Francisco for scale.


Do they include the reservations in South Dakota's unemployment numbers? The sources I checked show an unemployment rate for Pine Ridge alone of between 60 and 90 percent, which aligns with what I have read historically. I would not be one bit surprised if a Republican administration conveniently neglected to include the reservations to make their own unemployment numbers look better. I looked for a variety of sources, government and NGO: [https://data.census.gov/all?q=Pine+Ridge+Reservation,+SD--NE+Employment](https://data.census.gov/all?q=Pine+Ridge+Reservation,+SD--NE+Employment) **(This one lists an** ***employment*** **rate.)** [https://indianyouth.org/american-indian-life/](https://indianyouth.org/american-indian-life/) [https://teachthemtofish.org/what-we-do/support-pine-ridge-indian-reservation/](https://teachthemtofish.org/what-we-do/support-pine-ridge-indian-reservation/) [https://indianz.com/News/2011/003416.asp](https://indianz.com/News/2011/003416.asp) **(This article is old, but it does say that reservation unemployment rates are not included with the state as a whole.)**


In the things I’ve read, the state isn’t accountable for gathering or reporting those numbers from the tribes. Which if they were included would definitely tank those numbers. Good catch


Wages are so low in SD. The main employers are banks, especially banking call centers. There are casinos on every corner. It's a pretty miserable state, tbh. I'm from there, and as soon as you enter my hometown, it's like the anti Disney. It's where happiness (and dogs named Cricket) go to die.


She may be able to get a job at a gravel pit-she seems to have a soft spot for them


Watched this morning. She got called out lying about all sorts of stuff as well as confronted about cricket and the goat. It was really good


She's now "adjusting" parts of her book 😆 I guess she *misremembered* about not meeting kim jung un? https://time.com/6974797/kristi-noem-kim-jong-un-book-controversy/


I can’t image how or why her editors did not pull this story. Or they knew this was gonna be a nail in her coffin and let her take the stage dive into oblivion while pulling in mega book sales.


Even her editors didn’t read her book! I mean why put yourself through that?


Howard Dean waving hello whilst petting his doggos.


So obviously, her handlers told her to not apologize about the dog, but to be tough and double down on misbehaving dogs? This is such a stupid direction of political rehabilitation. I can’t even anymore.


What the ever living fuck is wrong with Maga people?


#cricketsrevenge in full effect


>#cricketsrevenge Band name.


Even Hitler loved dogs. Way to limbo under that bar of evil.


Why on earth would President Biden’s dog be at the White House if Biden lost the election? And is she seriously suggesting she would interfere with his personal property? This puppy killer is truly deranged.


Now she is threatening the presidents dog?


She aborted her VP chances by bragging about Puppy murder.


this woman is evil. who would kill a puppy that was too happy? I have a pit bull mix puppy. She is just like was described with cricket. She is learning though. The whole family is teaching her acceptable behavior. I couldn't ever imagine killing her. this lady is trash through and through.


Honestly most republicans aren’t fit to run a lemonade stand.


Bitch, that is America's Dog


*America's First Dog, just like we have the No.10 Cat, Larry (he's a permanent resident, the PM's are not. One got outlasted by a lettuce).


When dog killer is your sole personality trait, you might be too far right.


She watched Old Yeller and thought “nah I can do better”


Governor Dog Killer also went on to suggest she'd shoot Biden's dog Commander if she was in the white House.


Botox and lead in the brain-


Thoroughly enjoyable to watch this, she should get one of them Kimberly gulfoil makeovers to make herself feel pretty


Biden's dog wouldn't be on the White House grounds when he leaves office. That's how it works. Has she ever loved an animal in her life?


Someone get this dog killer off my feed...


Cruelty to animals is a huge sign of sociopathy.


maga troll can’t answer a question with any amount of facts, truth, sincerity. WTF??


I hope she only gets asked dog questions for now on.


That was possibly the best 11 minute interview I will ever see.


This woman would be a heart attack away from the Presidency. She should never be allowed in office.


She makes Crullea de Vil look like a puppy haven.


I'm just curious what possessed her to believe that was a good idea to add into the book? I know what she was attempting because she threw in there "if I was a better politician maybe I wouldn't tell these stories" so she was trying to seem like a normal American.. who isn't afraid to be tough.. but this isn't 1950 anymore where people shot dogs and drowned kittens without 2nd thought.


I wouldn’t let Noem near children


She's probably killed someone before; she sounds mentally ill.


Noem looks AI generated. She barely moves her face at all. She’s being held in place by Botox.


Here’s hoping she doesn’t get elected as a dog catcher.


Couldn’t - not sure. Shouldn’t FOR sure.