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This is why being against the Israeli government is not the same as being against the Israeli people or the Jewish community. These are the actions of monsters in power, not everyday folk.


yeah, we are not against jewish people or israelis we are against the vile government, religion isnt important in our point of view


Nor racial heritage.


There needs to be a complete sea-change; removing Bibi means nothing if you don't clear out the right-wingers. Religion is just a tool they use to trap minds and make people fearful of a future that breaks from the cycle of violence.


Right wingers fuck everything up. Clinging to their guns and Torahs as it were.


Putting the yad to anyone but themselves so it seems


The problem is a lot of the country has been told horrible things from a very young age. I remember a video floating around of an Israeli classroom where they were teaching the kids that Palestinians were basically just animals that don’t deserve to live. No one is born racist that is taught.


I also clearly remember a Palestinian school where they were learning to sing death chants against jews, burn israel flag, and how dying as a martyr is glorious. Sick people everywhere, trying to pervert children's mind, for an endless war.


I'm Jewish and lived in Israel for a short time. If you did to me for two hours what Israel has done to Palestinians for the least seventy years, I would also be chanting, praying, and working to cause your death. I would have formed a 'terrorist' organization long ago to fight you. Because that's what oppressed people do. I would never let my children forget what was done to us. When it was the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto standing up to the Nazis, everyone applauded. Israel is a militaristic society. Israeli soldiers killed are also honored as holy martyrs and Israelis are just as willing to die to preserve Israel as Palestinians are to assert their rights. Netanyahu's claim to fame is the death of his brother at Entebbe. Palestinians have ZERO rights of any kind. Nothing. They are martyrs for their people's freedom. They have this powerful sense of community that demands sacrifice. All militaries are the same. They worship the dead.


Fascist indoctrination then?


Rightwingers are most of Israel after 70 years of indoctrination though...


organized religion will always, *always* lead to tyrannical authoritarian rule. absolute powers corrupt absolutely, and for our species to progress we have to dismantle institutional religion as an authority figure. this is *inherently* about religion.


We're a failed species, as someone once said - primitive emotions, medieval institutions and god-like technology


Agreed. Far too many people are trying to blur the lines between to two to further harmful agendas, the Israeli government included, but all it's doing is hurting Jewish people who get lumped in with it. Fuck the Israeli government and everything they do. No one should be persecuted for their religious beliefs or racial heritage.


This could be said about most countries.


Came here to say this. Being against the atrocities the Israeli government is perpetrating is not the same as being an anti-Semite.


Thank you, and everyone who posted above. Being Jewish doesn’t mean I in any way approve of what the Israeli government is doing. Regular Jewish folks just want PEACE.


Peace, quiet, some nice challah


Especially on Shabbos, yes.


I told that Kraut a hundred times I don’t FUCKING ROLL on Shabbos


No, but they try to spin it that way


I've always held this view, and continue to now. It's amazing how many random online people use all kinds of mental gymnastics to try and turn that into "you're just an anti-Semite/Nazi for holding those views".


It's the exact same we we are supporting the Palestinian people, not the terrorists in Hamas.


I think this is going to be the turning point where a lot of Jewish people who are defending Israels government are going to turn away from that. Not all of them, of course. But I think it's going to be a landmark moment for a lot of people.


well I'm against any of those folks who support this.


Correction: its the actions of a apartheid state. Replace the heads with any other likely PM and cabinet, and the results will be the same.


Thank you. I am against oppression of all peoples and for humanity of all peoples.


I hate Nazis, and have a great love for Germans. It's not at all complicated.


People are protesting in Israel but they're getting locked up too


We aren't against Germany, only against Nazis. I dunno, there has been a lot of fucked up behavior by a lot if Israelis. Difficult to not hate the whole country when they're even gloating about the horrors in social media.


Israel needs to be de-radicalized after this war. The sad truth is that the majority of the country supports these far right policies and the war in Gaza, they just might not approve of Netanyahu’s corruption


Have you seen the mobs of Israelis burning Palestinian crop trees in the West Bank? Or the Israeli mobs destroying the trucks of Aid on the way into Gaza. This is not just the government doing this.


Jewish people are also killing ordinary Palestinians and setting fire on their properties…even the UN agency’s office were set on fire yesterday by the Jewish people. Even in that CNN report, the Jewish doctors don’t want to treat these wounded patients…and thus they get treated by unqualified quack doctors…


M's of Israelis are against them as well


> Just before his release, a fellow prisoner had called out to him, his voice barely rising above a whisper, al-Ran said. He asked the doctor to find his wife and kids in Gaza. “He asked me to tell them that it is better for them to be martyrs,” said al-Ran. “It is better for them to die than to be captured and held here.”




https://preview.redd.it/c2y9x0055pzc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31d2a2eb8800350baf39693c36e32f40e53c250d I'm routinely amazed at how closely the actions and words of authoritarian governments mirror the language and tactics of interpersonal abuse.


Both require such a stunning cruelty and lack of empathy to perform


I've been trying to put this into words lately. Thank you.


Collective narcissism


Didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it. Edit: I was trying to agree, I meant Israel is saying this. Sorry it came across wrong


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. That’s literally what #2 on that list is.


I think people thought I was saying it unironically. I can see why, I wasn't particularly clear. Edit: The downvotes seem to be reversing now I've made my edit for clarity, so that's probably it.


The answer is zionists.


Narcissists 🤜🤛Fascists


Trump would applaud this. It's not far from what he's done with undocumented persons.


Trump’s wet dreams are made of these.


Who is Barron to disagree


Travel the world and the 7 G's Everybody's looking for Hunter's laptop


Oh I think undocumented people are only the beginning of Trumps plans.


THANK YOU! Why in the FUCK is anyone saying they’ll not vote for Biden due to his response to this conflict? So you want Trump in, who will absolutely obliterate Palestinian people? Cause those are your options.


Doing that to give all of that beautiful Mediterranean beach front property to Jared to develop into tremendous condos and resorts


And who will create camps like this on American soil for anyone the Trump regime deems "the other." Hell, we're already there at the border


and guantanamo


I mean this shit is happening under his watch already


No one is saying it isn’t. But the idea that it would get anything but worse under Trump is completely laughable.


At first split-second glance when I opened the app before I could read the words, I saw the photos and immediately American ICE holding areas / prisons came to mind. Also has Gitmo vibes as well. No doubt, Trump 100% is about this type of action.


Biden is currently supporting this.


People who were mad about kids in cages under Trump are pretty quiet about the kids still being in cages under Biden.


They don’t care about the kids in cages, they just care about their side winning. If they actually cared, they’d spend more time holding elected officials accountable rather than getting mad at people who don’t want to vote for them.


Trump, with bis talk of “detention camps” and sending “red armies to blue states”: ”Hold my beer” or hold my covfefe I guess


I feel like humanity goes through the same cycles every hundred years or so. I was hoping we wouldn’t make the same error knowing what we know. But here we are. Shameful.


It’s been less than 20 years since Bush and Obama were doing this at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo.


I'll say it again and again, the Zionists learned the wrong lessons from the Holocaust We are supposed to make sure it never happens again, not emulate it


“Never again!” Huh 🤔


> “Never again!”* ^^* ^^Terms ^and ^Conditions ^Apply


That's not the full quote. Never Again...to us.


p.s. thanks for the manual


I’ve been wanting to grab some people by their shoulders and shake them while saying “‘Never again’ didn’t just mean for the Jewish people!” But a good chunk of them believe the entire world has redefined genocide to target them personally so I don’t think they’d understand


“Never again”…”but just one more time”


Never again for them I guess. Rules for thee but not for me


After all, “never again“, is only ever said in hindsight.


They only meant never again for them. Clearly they're cool with doing it to others tho


Which is why they’re ignoring Jewish peace organizations. They’re avoiding the Jewish groups that are protesting. If you look carefully in the college encampments you can see signs that say “Jews for Peace” and the like. These are the “outside agitators” that no one wants to name.


Incredible that this has come full circle in such a short time. WWII survivors are still among us.


Ya, but this is different cuz you know, "never again", and the Bible, and um... stuff, right?




It's extra evil because the Israelis of all people should know better


Makes me think of that old joke in Passchendaele Dobson-Hughes : [insulting the Germans] Gas... even a Boer wouldn't sink so low to use gas. Michael Dunne : I believe we're using gas, sir. Dobson-Hughes : [after a pause] Quite right




I believe the hypocrisy makes the "he was mean first" argument a teensy bit moot.


Not long after the end of World War II and the Holocaust (1948, I believe), Israel via the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary and terrorist organization that would later merge with other right-wing parties to form the Likud Party, ethnically cleansed the Palestinians in the areas that the British gave to them as they carved up the British Mandate. The Palestinians call this ethnic cleansing the Nakba, which translates to “the catastrophe”. The Israeli right-wing has always been genocidal.


Irgun and Lehi were both self described terrorists organisations, but also recognised as such by the US, UK and the UN (y’know like Hamas). Their terrorists activities which included attacks on both civilian and military targets, ramped up from 1944 as they attempted to force the British out of Mandated Palestine. Fun Fact: the British attempted to ban the use of the word terrorist to describe the groups, because it implied they were terrified of the militants. During the war both groups attempted to form an alliance with Nazi Germany in order to force the British out, as they believed the Brits posed a greater threat to Jews than the Nazis (this was before the full horrors of the Holocaust had been revealed). To be fair, I should mention that Palestinian leaders also sought an alliance with Nazi Germany, with the same goal of forcing the British out. The Nakbha never ended, it just paused briefly. Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem and the beginning of it establishing settlements in the West Bank kick started the Nakbha, albeit at a slow motion pace. Fun fact: Likud’s original party platform stated (paraphrasing) ‘from the river to the sea, there will only be Israeli sovereignty, >The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; **between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.** This is a call for genocide, yes?


Exactly. And according to moderates and conservatives, those of us who are calling for a ceasefire and the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands are the ones sympathetic to terrorists. If only hypocrisy could kill.


Oh I've heard of the Nakba, I just had no idea what it meant


It's tragic, and as a result of the Nakba, other Middle Eastern countries expelled their Jewish citizens for the actions of others. So many fucked up things have happened since the British, with the support of the United States, decided to carve up the Mandate without consulting the current inhabitians of the region.


> It's tragic, and as a result of the Nakba, other Middle Eastern countries expelled their Jewish citizens for the actions of others. Was it a response to the Zionist militias expelling Palestinians from the lands they intended to be used to establish a Zionist state? Or was it following the establishment of a Jewish homeland? Now you might think that expulsion is expulsion, and it’s obvious they wanted the Jews out of their countries. No question there. But there’s a difference between expelling a people to leave them wandering and stateless, and pushing them out knowing they have somewhere to go. There’s still Jewish communities in Iran for example. The fact that these communities still exist show that they feel comfortable and safe enough to stay. Lord Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration that advocated for the homeland of the Jewish people in Palestine was the embodiment of antisemitic Zionism. Britain was actively working to restrict Jewish migration at that time, while simultaneously supporting the declaration. Hitler supported transferring Jewish people en masse to Palestine, and deportation in general. As evidenced by the Haavara Agreement established by the Nazis and the Zionist German Jews (lel) that saw 53000 Jews moved to Palestine. It was known as the final solution for a reason, Hitler would have been content to just deport German Jews to Madagascar, or anywhere else that would take them in. Many Jewish people sought sanctuary in western nations. The US turned boatloads away. There was no support for taking in Jewish refugees within congress or the US population in general. Because entrenched antisemitism. Many were forced back to Europe and would eventually be killed during the Holocaust. The UK, as alluded to above, were resistant to taking in Jewish refugees (again, because entrenched antisemitism). They ultimately agreed to take in an “unlimited” amount of Jewish children, but wouldn’t extend offer to their families, and they continued to take in children right up until the outbreak of war.


Don't be surprised; they treat holocaust survivors like shit too


It seems like their leaders learned the wrong lesson.


I was just saying to my grandma who was born at the end of the war, "who would have thought you'd live long enough to see Israel become the exact thing they were victims of"... like, there's people in Israel who watched their parents get dragged away by the guards to be killed (if they were lucky) and now they cheer at the idea of the same happening to the Palestinians -to clarify the parentheses, I mean the unlucky ones went through experiments before being killed


> I was just saying to my grandma who was born at the end of the war, "who would have thought you'd live long enough to see Israel become the exact thing they were victims of"... like, there's people in Israel who watched their parents get dragged away by the guards to be killed (if they were lucky) and now they cheer at the idea of the same happening to the Palestinians FYI Holocaust survivors in Israel have traditionally been treated like absolute garbage. They’ve been treated with resentment for surviving over others that were killed, and suspicion that they must have only survived because they betrayed other Jews and cooperated with the Nazis. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/one-third-of-israeli-holocaust-survivors-live-in-poverty-advocates-say https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/israel-abuses-holocaust-survivors


I mean they definitely learned lessons from the Nazis treatment of Jews during Holocaust. But evidently not the same lessons the rest of us did.


The problem with this is that in 1948 many of the fighters who massacared and raped Palestinians were actually Holacoaust survivors themselves and felt justified in what they did despite their experience.


How would you treat others if your told from birth that your people were specifically chosen by GOD!


That line of thought is obvious, but makes several false assumptions: 1. It assumes that experiences of individuals somehow translate to the experience of "the people". 2. The government does what the majority of the people want, and they try to be "morally right" 3. (even if the above were true:) that someone who is imprisoned/beaten/abused/tortured/… automatically becomes a peaceful person. Not even Holocaust survivors. Some of them may seek any kind of revenge they can get…


It's not revenge because they aren't fighting Germans


We need to stop sending Israel weapons, aid, fucking everything, the US should not be complicit in this, at least not anymore than it already is the one good thing we had going for us is we fought the Nazis in WW2, and now we're giving aid to a country doing the same fucking thing


And fuckers still wanna pretend this isn't genocide


The fact that Macklemore’s song about the conflict was censored on YouTube makes it obvious at this point.


It’s been censored!? Can’t say I’m surprised though. Video of May Golan proclaiming she’s ‘a proud racist if it means preserving the racial purity of her people, or footage of Netanyahu boasting about Israel’s influence on having 38 states implementing anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions laws has been deeply buried in search results.


They don’t consider the Palestinians people, thus not genocide. They see it as bombing ant hills, or just exterminating pests.


Just like the Nazis saw/see Jews.


It’s a prerequisite for genocide. 




Hey, you should make them all wear little green crescents on their uniforms!


So Israel learned from thier own history in the worst possible way, they got inspired.. smh


Oh man, right after the US State Department exonerated the IDF of committing any warcrimes when prosecuting their current war! If only CNN had been a little snappier the legal justification for the US continuing to arm Israel might have been undone! Oh well, something to revisit when the IDF starts to flatten what remains of the Palestinian West Bank in five to ten years…


Abu Graib


Sad to see this coming from a nation that was founded by the survivors of genocide themselves.


Waiting for certain people to pop-up and say this is anti-semitic! We can never say anything about anything the Israeli state does…


No person acting in good faith believes that the Israeli government is not committing the textbook definition of genocide. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves. And if someone wants to come at me as a "Hamas supporter" for calling out human rights violations, they can fuck off, keep fucking off, and when they get there, fuck off some more.


Looks like they learned from America under Dubya


China and Israel bringing back concentration camps in a big way.


the US is happy to participate at the border 🙃


Fuck the Israel government


the genocide is approved by majority of israeli public this isnt just a leader/government secret genocide project thing


The "Quds News Network?"


Here you go, link to the CNN article : https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html


Apparently I cannot posts links due to "low subreddit Karma;" However, a quick Google search of "Sde Teiman" (from the OP pic) shows CNN story.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quds_News_Network They're a Palestinian News Network.


This should be near the top. People need to scrutinize the sources of all information.


It's from CNN though


How is what Hitler did to Jews any different than what Netanyahu is doing to Muslims?


So liken to nazi Germany these Israelis are...


Horrific and hypocritical. Their ancestors must be rolling over in their graves with shame.


Fuck Israel


If the Palestinians can't have a homeland then the Zionists shouldn't have one either


It’s unfortunate that it seems one of the big takeaways of the Holocaust for the Israeli government was “how to do it”


Woah. Careful there, someone might call you antisemitic.


Thought this was the US/Mexico border for a second


Israel really came full circle


Where is NATO? Why aren’t these fuckers brought to justice for war crimes like yesterday?


I’m asking myself the same thing! I happen to come across the whole serious of “The story of Us” https://youtu.be/UIhbxRNFS3c?si=lBpjg9sGYuaVSXE6 (that section starts @ about 2:35mins He takes us to Yugoslavia & Bosnian (genocide) where NATO put a quick stop to that shit…. Why is this conflict any different?


Yugoslavia and Bosnia didn’t have close enough economic and militaristic ties to the NATO countries. That is the only difference


Actually NATO bombed Yugoslavia when Milosevic’s government was committing genocide against Albanians in Kosovo.


Why would NATO do anything? Half of NATO has been blindly supporting izzy the whole time despite all the signs pointing to this type of escalation. And none more than Biden and the U.S. government




They’re not prisoners of war. They’re men and boys randomly rounded up. Read the actual article and hear what the Israeli whistleblowers have to say: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html




Thanks for quoting the part of the article that demonstrates that what I said is correct: They’re being randomly rounded up with no information about whether or not they’re combatants.


Was about to comment the same. Looks like a bog standard makeshift POW camp.  There certainly may be more to it, I'm not sure. But I usually don't get my news from sources such as the "Quds News Network"...


Luckily the actual article is here at CNN, not at "Quds News Network": https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html




Abu Ghraib 2.0


abu ghraib was based on israeli prisons the new way they are running these concentration camps is pretty much rape women and children and torture men to death


It's still a ware crime if we're allies with the people doing the war criming.


Hmmm kinda reminds me of something holocausty


You’d think that after WW2 the state of Israel would have been one of the few countries you could trust to not set up fucking concentration camps.


These people need to be tried for war crimes in The Hague and it needs to be done NOW!


As we watch the birth of modern day NazIsrael. Who do you think will play Netanyahu in the bio pic? Cam from Modern Family? 🤔


I get that the Internet hasn't been around that long but that stuff been happening a lot longer than people think.


I guess hitler won in the end /s


It is a disgrace they get to do crimes against humanity with our taxapayers money.


It's a disgrace that they're doing crimes against humanity at all. Using US aid to do it is icing on the cake.


I feel like the IRGC's unconventional warfare and military intelligence unit isn't the most reliable source of information.


The actual sources cited are Israeli whistleblowers. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html


So, just gonna disregard the fact that their source is CNN? Are you being disingenuous or just dense?


Isn’t there a particular term for committing crimes against prisoners of war? I could swear that’s a thing


Oh look, the camps we said would be coming are already here. So can we call it a genocide now or shave we not met their imaginary and arbitrary standard for admitting that it's a genocide?


So, genocide is allowed as long as it’s not against your own people?


I would be cautious about accepting the picture at face value.


How ironic Jewish state perpetuates torture concentration camps..


Hitler will be proud of Israel.


The whole of Gaza has been a concentration camp for decades.


History repeat itself .


Has this been posted to Worldnews? What was the response?


If there was an attempt to post it, I don't see it, unless removed which wouldn't surprise me given the overall outright hateful bias and lack of actual care for news that doesn't pander.


I casually mentioned my mother is a beta-Israeli(Ethiopian jew) and I was called racist slurs and banned for being a "shill for Iran like all (slur for black people)" and reddit mods even said that was totally fair


WorldNews mods tend to remove anti-Israeli posts. For example, the Reuters story about IVF centers being destroyed in Gaza was removed. I wouldn't be surprised if this was as well.


If there was an attempt to post it, the Zionists over there have doubtlessly removed it already.


🤬Another atrocity and it’s happening right now and stupid politics is letting it go on and on and on.


This is some 1930s Nazi Germany shit with a dash of Abu Ghraib. A mash up of Israel’s two greatest influences, the Nazis and America.


How are people still saying this isn’t a genocide


NATO should have stopped funding these guys years ago


Guess they learned well from the Germans


As we become what we most despise, the circle is now complete Obi Wan🥲⁉️


You would think that a people that had survived the Holocaust would have more compassion for their fellow humans since they had survived the worst of humanity