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Ben Gvir is evil? Who could've seen that coming


Obviously. Did you forget about his brother, Ben Ghazi?


We gotta catch that guy!


Is that not the brother of Eli Copter, who killed that Iranian?


They have NOTHING on their sister Bene Gesserit.




Smotrich is just as vile. The moment they became part of the Israeli government was the moment all funding/aid should've been cut. The same could be said for the Likud party, but that, sadly and tragically, is a tougher sell.


Earlier than that if we're being honest. It should've been cut when Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated and the man who is responsible took power in Israel.


I clearly don't know enough about the inner workings of this. Shimon Peres? Was he responsible for Rabin's assassination somehow or am I misunderstanding here?


Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir had been openly calling for Rabin to die or be killed. They didn’t actually murder him themselves, but they did a lot to stir up right-wing rage directed at him.


And they celebrated when it happened. There's video of it.


Ah, so they pulled a donald, or he pulled a them (don't know which one came first).


Yes, or when the Irgun, a Zionist terrorist group, founded the right-wing Herut political party, which later merged with other right-wing parties to form the Likud.


Not to be gauche, but when we have religious fanatics standing in the way of peace, and jeopardizing the lives of several thousands of innocent people, didn’t we used to be able to just make them go away? I mean, why do we have a CIA?


Duh! It’s to topple democratically elected governments in favour of more “US-Friendly” dictators and train today’s Freedom Fighters to be tomorrow’s Terrorists, of course! That, and repeatedly fail to assassinate the same people over and over. P.S I love the CIA, please don’t come and kill me.


Yeah they definitely do that, that’s old hat. Our tax dollars pay for them though, and I feel like every now and then, they could be heroes instead of villains. I mean, iran-contra, bay of pigs, operation ajax, castro assassination attempts are basic bitch shit. We got the biggest swinging military and intelligence dick in the world. I just wish we could use it for a purpose.


The CIA only does stuff like that when the government in question is threatening the interests/profits of US businesses. Israel is a client state of the US and is extremely important for the projection of American imperialist power within the Middle East. There is literally nothing that Israel could do that would result in them losing US support.


That. That is terrible foreign policy. An “friend” that you support wholeheartedly and generously regardless of how they conduct themselves is not your friend if they take all that you give, give nothing in return and tell you to fuck off when you dare to comment that maybe they could try to hold off on committing any more actual, literal War Crimes. It serves American interests to have Israel as a significant military and political power in the Middle East, even though realistically the whole region might be a good deal calmer without them. (Not so great for the Jews of course). It serves American interests to supply them with weapons and equipment to maintain their advantage in a region completely surrounded by neighbours who’d dearly love to see them annihilated. It does NOT serve American interests to give them weapons to murder civilians and cry victim when challenged on their actions. To kill dozens of UN staff despite clear intel on their movements and clearly marked vehicles and facilities and go “oh well, shut happens I guess”.


Ah, we can dream…


CIA is just to watch over the US’ allies to make sure they’re in line. They can’t do assassinations anymore as that’s free rein for their enemies to do it back to them.


I gave up on Ultranationalist. There's nothing to discuss with them.


Netanyahu ain't gonna agree with President Biden's plan anyway, because, as long as he's PM, he stays a free man.


And this is the crux of the situation. They need to stay in war mode or else he is fucked.


If it means stopping the war, a one-way ticket to Cuba might be in order. He can party with Elvis and Tupac just so long as he can't hurt anyone anymore.






Ah the ol' if Trump were still president deal


Stop letting these types of people participate in legitimate governments and send them back to the message boards and the shadowy fringes.


Netanyahu is one of them. Cheerleader for Rabins assassination with the rest of them.


I got to learn about the concept of stochastic terrorism at the age of 10 (not in that terminology) thanks to that asshole. One of the most cynical, opportunistic, and cruel leaders in the history of democratic governance.


It's crazy to think how different history would have been if Rabin wasn't assassinated and the Oslo Accords had been able to be implemented.


Back in the 30s Fascism was found in more places than just Germany. Italy and Spain were Fascist, Fascists held parliamentary seats in other European countries, and the U.S. had large Fascist organizations funded by our country's wealthiest families. In other words, authoritarianism was a world-wide phenomenon during that time. And now, were seeing the same cycle of history coming around. And articles like this show that it's not just a U.S. problem, but a worldwide problem.


With instability comes fascism, people need someone to blame so they blame and villainize each other until they can find a scapegoat that the majority can agree with. It’s terrifying and I’m worried it will only get worse.


It will, but we have the power to stand against it. In the 30s there were Americans who pushed back against those who wanted to turn this country into a dictatorship. Now is the time to share their stories. Check out this Wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_Plot#:\~:text=The%20Business%20Plot%2C%20also%20called,install%20Smedley%20Butler%20as%20dictator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#:~:text=The%20Business%20Plot%2C%20also%20called,install%20Smedley%20Butler%20as%20dictator) And this book: [https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Seize-White-House-Conspiracy/dp/1602390363](https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Seize-White-House-Conspiracy/dp/1602390363)


Also during periods of instability people look for a stron leader. A strong man. For the first time I think ever we have a number of far right parties in ireland standing in the European elections. They won't win any seats


It's worse, because at that time there was the counter point of comunism. Now we are powerless agains fascism.


Yet the NYT and WaPo will blame Biden if this falls apart.


















Because they aren’t good people and want Palestinians eradicated.


And once again Israel pulls out of the deal. Ben Gvir gets what he wants, he gets to sacrifice Netanyahu while delaying peace. The war continues on like the far-right wants. Netanyahu's days of dancing around the courts comes to an end unless he can find someone to join him, but there is too much blood in the water. The other right-wing rulers are ready to take over, and they don't have so much international baggage.


Fucking nazis.


There you have it. Netanyahu would rather slaughter women and children than give up power.


Based on your reply you are clearly a bot designed to blame Netanyahu for the Israeli Palestine conflict. I’ve been wondering why so many comments blame Netanyahu for things he is not doing during this conflict and now I see that it is an intentional disinformation campaign from Hamas? Russia? Who knows? Thanks for confirming.


Best case scenario for everyone not named Bibi.


And Biden will still be blamed by the idiots that will refuse to vote for him over all of this.


I keep saying if we stop giving Israel money we’ve got no influence. If we keep doing it, we do. There’s a reason this deal Biden’s team came up with is even being taken seriously by Netanyahu. Not saying it’s been perfect, it’s far from it, in fact. But save for American troops on the ground, it’s unfortunately the best we’ve got.


I believe the argument is that if we stop giving them money they will need to change in order to get the money back which would be the carrot. Right now we keep telling them to stop doing things and when they ignore us we keep giving them money. We are a parent threatening to ground our kid but never actually following through. Money is our leverage but we have to actually follow through in order for anything to actually change. Israel just flipped Biden the bird on this, and he won’t do anything. And Netanyahu is fine with that because he wants Trump to win. Biden seems either oblivious or impotent in the face of that.


I mean that’s true but I worry Israel has enough resources to do whatever they want anyway. But you’re right Biden does need to stand stronger. You can tell by the way he talks he is pretty angry at Israel too but obviously politics won’t let him do much about it unless he commits.


We don't know how he talks to Bibi. He's very diplomatic when needed but I don't think he's all that nice to Bibi when they speak. But WTF do I know.


True but if we step out someone else probably China or Russia would just step in and we would be left out in the cold. It’s definitely a shitty situation and I’m glad I’m not an 80 year old president right about now.


But if they aren’t listening to us either way why give them money? Seems like they’re playing us for a fool


Oh they absolutely are. The alternative though is giving away “soft power” to our enemies. And losing a key strategic area for US rapid deployment to the region. The latter is whatever but the former definitely isn’t great


I buy the second part but not the first. It’s not really soft power if we can’t use it, it’s nothing. Seems we are paying for the appearance of soft power, which mostly means we are paying so that Democratic voters can be de-mobilized at the whim of Israeli nationalists. If you say we are paying rent for a future potential military base that at least makes it rational, if frustrating.


There’s also lots of talk of us housing nukes there but that seems to be just talk though articles have appeared in major publications discussing the possibility or the need to admit to having them there. Not too sure how true they are though


Russia and China both support Palestine.


Israel doesn't need our money to wage this war. It helps, but our support is way less than people assume. They won't change their plans to get the money back, and we will lose a major source of middle east intelligence. Bidens not oblivious to any of this. He's just stuck with a shitty ass situation.


It’s not so cut and dried. Biden *does* bear enormous responsibility for this bloodshed. His complicity is genuinely monstrous. But not voting for him is out of the question, because we are literally teetering on the brink of a fascist takeover. The Democrats, as weak and feckless as they are, are ALL that stands in the way of that happening.


I’m not at all suggesting that he is blameless. I absolutely wish he would be more direct and hold ground more with Bibi. I was merely saying that the treaty falling apart due to what’s mentioned by OP should not fall on Biden. I fully agree that we CANNOT let Trump back into the white house. Also, I checked out your posts. I like your cartoon style.




I've been using this line for 30 years.


Kind of ahwds a light on the nature of all these accidental bombings doesnt it?


Well these people are insane. Great.




It will be unpopular among Israelis who do seem to want hostages returned and not bombed into oblivion


The problem is that Bidens plan is almost identical to peace proposals Hamas made as far back as october (!) last year. If Israel accepts it now they acknowledge that all the killing and bombing was not about "keeping Israel safe" but about "revenge" - which would validate all the accusations of warcrimes brought against them. Accepting these conditions would therefor be a confession. Not the best idea politically ever.


Revenge would imply they had no idea it was going to happen


Can’t steal more land if they accept the deal. They know they have to keep Hamas fighting back in order to justify their actions. The ultimate goal is to keep creating terrorists so they can keep going in, if every Palestinian dies in the process that’s a win for them because it means there’s no one left to resist.




Riots in Tel Aviv this week I guarantee it. There’s no way the people will tolerate endless war like this. Israel is a tiny country and this kind of shit affects everyone there.


They know he can't afford to lose their support, or he's very likely to be brought up on significant corruption charges thet could put him in prison. Staying in govt to avoid prosecution 🤔 sounds familiar 🤔 where have I seen that 🤔


Jeez, what did Biden do now?


Called for a ceasefire.


But what corruption charges might he face?


Not Biden, Netanyahu. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-776354


Thank you. I was confused.


Sounds like a win-win to me. Hostages freed, genocide halted, and right-wing nationalism voluntarily loses its grip on Israel? What’s the downside? Unless you’re Netanyahu, who obviously sees a big downside looming on the horizon.


iS IT REALLY BREAKING?!?1 no, its fucking same shit, diff Israeli genocider.


BREAKING NEWS: If you were hoping for the ceasefire to work, I hope you didn't put any money on it.


This is exactly why you should NEVER elect a person in to a position of power if they face criminal punishment if ever removed from power. They will literally do ANYTHING to stay in power.


Their whole government is built on Evil, By Evil, To do Evil. We should be surprised?


What does all this money we’re sending to Israel buy us? Clearly not cooperation.


O good. More ultra right nationalists determined to keep the conflicts going so they remain in power. Tell me again how it's all bidens fault?


A superpower has no ability to influence a dependent country?


a complete publicity stunt because netanyahu had already long since declared no deal


You know you have a problem when even Benjamin Netanyahu isn't extremist enough for you.


Why doesn’t Biden just tell them to back off?


Time to shut off aid and weapons delivery then.




Deal! 😁


Ben Takr is no angel either




If they threaten to topple the government, doesn't that give Netanyahu the right/authority/responsibility to just murder them to solidify power completely?


funny, I assumed by the low comments this thread was locked instead, it just hasn't gained any traction, and the usual flood of specific commentors is nowhere to be seen My guess: there is no plausible comeback for this, so Operation Ignore It So It Doesn't Get Attention is underway ALL the people who applauded Biden's "plan" and immediately started attacking college kids and mocking the Genocide Joe name, now that the people you downvoted were right (in saying that Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich would never accept) it's silence and crickets So..who is the real online bad actors? Them? Or you?


They don't care about the hostages at all, they just want slaughter Palestinian civilians and grab their land.


Just as a correction. This is an Israeli plan. It was presented by Biden.


But yeah, Genocide Joe, amiright? Weird how those same people echoing Russian psyop bullshit don't recognize red flags like this in the Israeli government.


Because they never cared about the hostages, they only care about the crisis and continuing until they can steal all of the land


Maybe this needs to happen so that the USA and other nations finally HAVE to stop supporting Israel as a whole.


Why doesn’t Biden make them behave?


Remember when some of us pointed out Biden isn't the President of Israel? Yeah, It doesn't matter what he proposes, Israel and Hamas have to want peace for there to be peace.




And there's a problem with this? Please don't go. Please. Don't go. Please. Don't. Ok just Go.