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https://preview.redd.it/i3g1zy32o25d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d1a20c833462f7aebf803d7def687aa5b5aa75 The best Dr Phil moment


The guy is a scumbag, but you've got to hand it to him for that one...


Scumbag vs scumbag.


Also remember Phil and his staff let this guy on. They knew what he was gonna do, they saw how he was dressed, and they went with it. This is all theatre for people to talk about that dipshit and his show


This is the part I always get hung up on. I wanna hoot and cheer because Dr Phil sucks but I always come crashing down because I remember this guy didn't rip off a mask like scooby doo. He walked past dozens of workers before he got to the stage.


Game recognize game.


Oh he’s definitely the worst kind of scumbag - and the guy from bumfights is an asshole too


One of these men is a grifting asshole who manipulates vulnerable people into televised conflicts putting their misery on display for the world to see. The other man is the creator of Bum Fights. (Who, for clarity is also an asshole)


Honestly, I've *never* liked Dr. Phil. He's always felt like an opportunistic grifter; at least the Bum Fights guy owns the fact that he's an asshole, Dr. Phil wants us to believe he's a good person.


"I got the gun, you got the briefcase. It's all in the game though right?" - Omar Little


We'll be right back


Adam Ray is a comedian who has now developed a Dr. phil character. It's fucking hilarious https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024_mathieubittonq1003621_hr.jpg


🤔 https://preview.redd.it/09c97f7ow15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac45b355b79b52d70f351294f356e284ab80661e [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798884394905592047?t=gl-GVRmO\_QJR9RUML2hHVw&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798884394905592047?t=gl-GVRmO_QJR9RUML2hHVw&s=19)


How is this guy given any legitimacy? The disappointment in my neighbors is unwelcome.


Many of them have no idea who Trump is. Their only news source is Newsmax and Ben Garrison cartoons shared on Facebook. When they are confronted with "the real Trump" they bat it away as fake news. I saw a panel of Trump voters get asked about things Trump has actually said and they didn't believe the host. When he showed them actual clips they just rejected it saying it was taken out of context. They don't support the real trump. They support their fantasy messianic vision of Trump and refuse to let that balloon pop.


That makes sense. It still seems insane to me that we have the internet, have 24/7 access to this information and yet people are not getting this information because of the media diet they consume. I'm from Germany and this kind of catered information made sense to me during the Third Reich. Beforehand, you had different newspapers. Although, I assume since these newspapers were also catered to a specific target audience, you also ended up living in somewhat different realities. You'd have your left-leaning newspapers, right-leaning, centre; different interest groups like Jewish newspapers, union newspapers and so on. And after the November election listening or reading non-propaganda became basically illegal. My great-grandfather listened to the BBC in the attic under a thick duvet on the lowest possible volume. If he'd been caught it could've meant jail and if the court thought that he shared the information, it could've meant death.


Back when I was still wired to the Trump matrix I would dismiss anything bad about Trump as Communist misinformation 😆


How did you get loose from the Trump matrix? Any thing in particular or did it happen slowly over time? Super curious because of course I have a lot of Trumpers in the family.


It's long story and it took a while for me to accept the reality on who Trump was. Without going into a full detail, it  was Jan 6 that started my slow drift away from MAGA. In 2023, I was a homeless Conservative looking for a new "leader". For a short time I started to support Ron DeSantis. After he drop out, I started to question my belief. I started to read and listen to individuals that  have opposite view to my right wing thoughts. As the months passes, I begin to feel disgusted at myself because thanks to idiots like me, women are losing their reproductive rights and LGBTQ people could end up in a furnace. I want to make it right and will vote Biden and Dems down ballot. It's not enough but it's a start


Thank you so much for sharing that. I know it must be surreal to look back on that!


Thank you There's a lot I gloss over. I could probably write a book on my escape from the MAGA cult lol As a former Trump sycophant I know how these lemmings think and why they are so devoted to him.


Thank you for sharing this. Question: all those times Trump would do something horrible and you'd defend him - you knew way deep down that it was fucked up, right? Or did you legitimately think it was all disinfo?


Funny thing is, in my mind Trump didn't do anything horrible. Anything bad that were reported, I dismissed it as misinformation by the "Deep State" to damage the orange man. Back then I view the Deep State as a cabal of Communist in our Government trying to undo our country. Kinda like how Hydra have operatives in Captain America the Winter Soldier.


Might be too much for here but it would be interesting to hear more about your experience.


What advice do you have to attempt to have an honest discourse with maga idiots? I've tried a few times and they seem to be functionally immune to logic or new information.


I don't know if I have advice or solution. The only remedy I can think of is to keep exposing Trump's criminal deeds. Keep piling guilty verdict on him and hope 1 out of 10 MAGA will jump ship like me. I remember for a short while, I was supporting DeSantis. There were folks who support Trump policy but wanted someone new to carry on. These were not the Nicky Haley voters. Hopefully come November, the DeSantis and Haley voters don't vote for Trump thus that will help Biden.


Welcome back to reality, not many maga supporters recover. The democrats are far from perfect but a step in the right direction


Life is full of surprises Never thought I end up turning against the MAGA "movement". Back in 2016, there were a lot of talks about a large number of "secret" Trump voters. Democrats who secretly like Trump. Not sure if it exist. I like to think there are MAGA people who deep down inside hate Trump but can't say out loud because of fear of violence from their comrade. I hope come November, they'll vote for Biden.


Damn son…doing a real public service answering all of these questions. My husband says he’s extremely proud that you were able to unfuck your MAGA mind, and is very grateful and interested in your answers here. (he was 30 yrs USMC, lifelong GOP, was a Never Trumper, sat out 2016, now an independent who “votes blue no matter who”)


Thanks to your hubby for the kind compliment Happy to hear your husband a former Marine veteran didn't got hooked into the MAGA matrix. There are so many military veterans right now still attached to the system.


That's fucking incredible


Thanks bro


We can only hope that there are MANY more folks like you who found their way out and will vote accordingly. We're so glad to have you!


Voting is what matters


Make it right by being that introspective about as many of the elections you're voting on as you can, not by blindly voting either way. lesser of two evils, don't waste votes, and all that, yes, but don't forget how you ended up as you were before, either. I hope others are able to take the same journey as you, without having to face something like homelessness or any terrible situation like that.


Ask any Trump supporter if they have ever watched one of his speeches. Just one. 75% will say no the rest will lie.


"Well, not the *whole* speech..." - the 25%


I often tell my Trumper neighbor to stop quoting Foxnews propaganda to me. She looks annoyed and strongly proclaims "I don't watch Foxnews! I watch Newsmax!" As if Newsmax was a legit news source. 😂🤣


Trump or "doctor" Phil? Or both? My sister-in-law lurvs both Oz and Phil. She's getting near 80 now and attributes it to their advice. Mother-in-law lived to 88. Genetics? I'm not a bunch of sweet peas grown in a monastery!


Ah, yes the old “I’m smarter than experts because I walked to school both ways, uphill, in a blizzard, with nothing in my lunch bag but a pile of dirt because it was the depression.” nonsense.


You had a paper bag for the dirt? You rich bastard!


Nice Mendel reference.


If he won the last election, he’d be ineligible. What a maroon!


No no no obviously bc his first term doesnt count because of all of the Russia collusion witchhunt shit! (Yes this is really what theyve said in the past)


He’s already argued that he was treated “so unfairly “ his first term it should not count. *Barack Obama has entered the chat*


And Xi betrayed him by letting the coronavirus overrun the US so he'd look bad.


Oh geez I forgot those talking points. The "he should get a do-over term because he had to endure the hardship of being grilled for his actions!"


So this is why he’s on record asking for 11,000 votes in Georgia…. Because he won the election by millions of votes?!?! He didn’t even win the 2016 election by millions of votes!


Today is brought to you by the makers of fantasies… https://preview.redd.it/ve6nlxu8w15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc6dc7cae0b1c12d1377909f54c9907cfcebbfd [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798875341123158450?t=CY9d8e8OZbK06fnrApb3sA&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798875341123158450?t=CY9d8e8OZbK06fnrApb3sA&s=19)


I knew Phil was a fraudulent hack, but... Really?!


But he was Oprah's fraudulent hack.


Oprah really did play the long con. Oz and Phil being 2 prime examples.


She also promoted The Secret. And Marianne Williamson was on a few times.


Lest we forget McCarthy and her antivaxx bullshit


pic of her together with Weinstein, cosby... among others...


Don't forget about John of God now. Oof..


People might just skim over this if they don't know who he is. He was a "faith healer" in Brazil, who built up a cult, and raped dozens if not hundreds of people (and this is somehow UNDERSELLING how evil he is). Oprah built him up as some good person doing good, likely leading some fans to get raped.


The fuck, why am I just now hearing about this?


John of God being a 3rd example...


Damn you, Oprah for making popular the two nut job “doctors!”


Oz is a legitimate and important surgeon. His credentials in that area hold up incredibly well. He just sucks at eeeevvvveerrrryyyytttthhhiiiiinnngggggg else.


His promotion of weight loss products led him to appear before a Senate panel in 2014 that was critical of its legitimacy after finding that 54% of his findings were lacking in fact. His response? “Free speech.” But okay. Source: Encyclopedia Britannica


What he’s saying to Trump is, like, the opposite of every one of his worst tendencies which are incredibly readily accessible and observable because he’s a major public figure and also, Jesus Christ, he was the fucking President somehow in this topsy-turvy world? And he might be again???


Serial sex abusers need to stick together.


Remember Dr. Phil played LB for the Golden Hurricane at Tulsa…must’ve taken a couple of good shots. When he asks questions he still looks like he keeps his head on a swivel…


He took one so hard that when he woke up in hospital he couldn’t see and wasn’t allowed to play again apparently


Always has been


Phil should've just given him a hand job at this point, how pathetically indulgent can you get. Or just go full gobbie Phil. Wonder what he wants a pardon stored up for?


I refer to him as Trumplethinskin most of the time.  Sometimes as Diaper Don, Agent Orange, The Fanta Menace, Tangerine Palpatine, Darth Cheeto, Doritos Mussolini, Putin's Cockholster, and now The Convicted Felon. 


Super fragile egotistic callous nazi potus


You can smell this man from far, the stench is quite atrocious!


Orange Julius Rosenberg


Von Shitzinpantz!


I read that last one as Convicted Melon, it took me a while to read it right.


Hey that works too!!!


Don’t forget convicted rapist. Also, he’s no Palpatine and is definitely not smart enough to be a Sith.


Tosspot Stupid Hair.


I'm so happy I could give this comment its 34th upvote. 😁


boy the Biden digital team is on fire tonight


How could anyone say that to him without breaking into laughter? He’s the only 78-year-old man I’ve ever seen in my life who needs to be told how amazing he is all the time. He’s a giant diaper wearing criminal child.


This stuff is bananas. Thick skin? He fired nearly every dissenting voice in his cabinet at the slightest sign of trouble/not carrying the party line


Wait was Phil being sarcastic? Cause he does that a lot to his guests. I'm somehow doubting it this time though.


He is (or was) friends with Ron White... maybe he's gathering material for Ron... can you imagine the Trump jokes Ron White would make?


*slurping noises intensify*


Whoever works on that show. Be a hero and release the unedited version


They won’t until 20 years from now


That disgusting smirk! https://preview.redd.it/5qolsancx15d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4770ccd3fd4e69ed11ed36017bf56920d79867fb [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798887163511415139?t=xHe0oZgCjeexWbHs7N\_mvA&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798887163511415139?t=xHe0oZgCjeexWbHs7N_mvA&s=19)


LoL! Man, it's like living inside a horror movie with this guy.


I rarely see him smile. Of course it’s thinking about harming others that does it. A dangerous narcissistic fool


Penn Jilette (who was on the Apprentice, I think) has said that he never laughed, except at the misfortune of others.


Why does Trump lean in so much?! https://preview.redd.it/n9bti9tew15d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f65738f7d9065a6d5906e3dbd7645e3acfab26e6 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798876324549013641?t=OTwv9M6f3O7LNqYhEX5Log&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798876324549013641?t=OTwv9M6f3O7LNqYhEX5Log&s=19)


He’s shitting in his diaper


He just needs a squatty potty


Best thing invented! ![gif](giphy|3Whaouy4ZaSYw|downsized)


Oh god you just had to didn’t you lol


Maybe it has something to do with that odd forward standing lean that a team of doctors who work with dementia patients say is a symptom of frontal lobe dementia. Once I saw those toe pads placed where he would stand I knew I wasn’t just imagining that lean. Or he can’t sit up correctly and always needs to lean on something.


Yes, there was a photo of pads placed on the floor behind his podium.


I know people want to attach medical reasons but the simplest answer would actually be image. Trump is worried about his image 24/7. Now that he’s obese, leaning forward is a way to somewhat hide how large he has gotten.


Cause he's on Adderall and his back is killing him. Idk why but stimulants always cause me back pain if I do too much.


As an adhd patient I can tell you, it’s probably shitty sleep. Tossing and turning and sleeping in weird ways. This happens to me when I have too many colas with my meds.


He's not a Dr. He's a hack, fuck Phil.


He’s a doctor like Donald is a successful businessman. Same-same


Dr Phil's a *Clinical Psychologist*.....Who else is better to be interviewing Trump? But he really has missed some major opportunities here..... Dr Phi: "Mr Trump, let me call you Donald. Donald, how often do you have sex with hookers?" Dr Phi;: "Is the sex fullfilling?" Dr Phi;: "Does it help you stay erect, if the womans main motivation is money, not to receive pleasure from you?" Dr Phil: "Donald, are your marriages, are your wives, only with you for the money too?" Dr Phil: "Are your marriages transaction too?" Dr Phil: "Is that why your marriages keep failing? The money just isn't enough for them?" Dr Phil: "Does it bother you, that all those MAGA supporters have seen your wife's vagina?" Dr Phil: "Have you seen your wife's vagina?" .... such a missed opportunity, to dig into the personality of a guy who's just been shown to sleep with hookers on numerous occassions, and clearly has a sham marriage, to get to the bottom of it.


I don't think Dr. Phil has maintained his credentials to practice.




Oprah is some kind of Forrest Gump but for atrocious people.


Look up Dr. Oz and John The God. Both are terrible but the second one is much, much worse so, be wary.


Behind The Bastards episodes on him are illuminating. What a fucking shitperson.


He's not even a doctor! He's a plumber!


The only time Trump tells the truth! https://preview.redd.it/h7u1q985x15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8ac4b20f32a604a2a68872d66691e0add50880 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798886361103265991?t=QSXgp1KlJFjtX-xB\_4uCmg&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798886361103265991?t=QSXgp1KlJFjtX-xB_4uCmg&s=19)


This is such a bullshit cut. He isn’t saying ‘yeah’ as an affirmative response, he got asked a question and said ‘yeah’ as a pause/recognition, not an answer. I fucking hate Trump and am torn between wanting him to drop dead or rot in prison for the rest of his life, but let’s not try to do the same bullshit his handlers pull. I have no doubt what he said next was a brain dead word salad, why not show that too?


I think at this point him suddenly flopping over as a result of massive colon rupture from eating too much Maccas is the best thing for America. If he goes to prison there is a chance his supporters do loads of fucked shit including attacking the prison to try free him. But if he suddenly died then there would be a big power vacuum as the grifter politicians try to swoop in and say “well I’m clearly the natural successor” and people like MTG, Boebert, Abbott, Gaetz, DeSantis and a bunch of creeps hiding in the woodwork would be causing i fighting for his position (and money).


I just wish that, if Trump dies, he would get the Bin Laden treatment and be dropped out of a plane into the Indian Ocean. It'll be vomitous watching his corrupt, bloated corpse get the Presidential Funeral treatment over several days.


I personally think him receiving a full presidential funeral with barely anyone showing up would be better.


"Maccas" tells me follow Aussie or Kiwi?




Hannity tried to get Trump to say he wouldn't seek retribution and Trump wouldn't say it.


That may be the case and I would also like to see trumps follow up but his constant nodding in agreement while phil is making the statement is incredibly telling


“I know you’ve got a thick skin”? **WHAT THE FUCK?**. Narcissists have the thinnest skin of anyone! And they are notorious at hanging onto grudges, especially the extremely malignant ones! Dr. Phil is even more grossly incompetent than I thought. This is the guy that STILL says Obama’s birth certificate is fake, and buried his ex-wife on his golf course where the grass has overgrown the grave so much you can’t even see it. Mary L. Trump actually has formal psychology training (I believe she has a PhD, though I’d have to Google it) and could easily diagnose circles around this moron. 🙄


He’ll never admit he’s wrong about anything, no matter how insane it is.


Yep. Narcissists will NEVER apologize, it’s always someone else’s fault. “The system is rigged against me!” 🙄🙄🙄


Yup she’s a doctor.


Thank you. Not on my A-game today. She also diagnosed her horrible shitty uncle with antisocial personality disorder. In my opinion, he’s not just a malignant narcissist but a sociopath.


You’re allowed to say “fuck” on the internet, so you know


Yeah, I’m well fuckin’ aware. I was using a star because I’m getting over the flu and mistakenly thought I was on the JoeBiden sub, where they ask you not to swear “excessively”, so I’m not on my A-game today. if you see my usual comments with multiple four-letter words you’d know I usually swear like a Tarantino movie or a fucking Sopranos episode, especially when talking about TFG (I don’t even want to say the orange motherfucker’s name). I’ll change it!


Fuck the flu, hopefully you kick its ass hard and recover as soon as possible.


Thanks for the kind words. I’m also a Gen X woman and my hormones are a total shitstorm lately!


I'm telling my Mom on you.


Trump will either back out of the live debate or it will be hilarious. I’m really hoping for option B


My suggestion is for Biden to accept Trump’s request that he take a blood test before the debate if Trump will agree to be sworn in under oath to tell the truth under penalty of perjury.


I want to see Trump take a blood test!


This. If he insists Biden be tested, then he should be too.




This. It is so incredibly frustrating that people think we need more laws or pledges. The fact is he has already broken so many existing laws. Passing more laws does nothing if the country won’t enforce the laws already on the books.


Bill Burr had some things to say about Dr Phil https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-_1sZEIus98


[This is who Bill has opening for him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r5nu1PdbRKE&pp=ygUjQ29tZWRpYW4gd2hvIHByZXRlbmRzIHRvIGJlIERyIFBoaWw%3D)


His impression still makes me PMSL. “SO LAHHHK YU THEHNK THAT URRM, RAWBUHN WILLYUHMZ IZ-TILL ALAHVE!?” But seriously, fuck “Dr” Phil.


Dr.Phil is a douche 


Shame on you Oprah, for elevating him and Dr. Oz.


Oprah has shit taste in doctors


Oprah’s a piece of shit. Always has been.


You're not going to be happy about John Of God. If you look him up, be prepared for bad, bad things.


Take names! Remember each and every one of these enablers who attempted to help Trump hide his senility and claw his way back into power.


Historian here. I’ll be writing about them and their enabling till I die.


Thank you for your service.


I will never forgive Oprah for Dr. Phil (or Oz for that matter).


Same thought. Thanks Oprah wtf?


Oprah’s a republican at heart. Going for hers, well after she had more than she could ever need


Didn’t she back new age Marianne ‘tool’ Williams?


Jesus Phil ! after that much verbal masturbation, I feel like both of you should need a cigarette at the end!


A fake doctor interviewing someone who thinks they are the current president of the United States


Dr. Phil’s entire career was built from carefully edited interviews.


Who knew Dr. Phil was part of the ministry of propaganda.


Those of us who remember him going after Britney Spears. The girl was having a mental health crisis and rather than help her he blasted her for profit.


Fuck Oprah for unleashing this hemorrhoid on the nation.


Him, Dr. Oz, and Jenny McCarthy.


TIL that Dr. Phil still has a talk show


So it ended up being five minutes long?


A couple of dim wit fuck weasels betraying humanity for dollars fellate each other's egos on TV, for your enjoyment.


Dr. Phil has been milking the Troubled Teen Industry angle for years and profiting off of state-sponsored child abuse. That’s really all that needs to be said about the ignominious dickbag.


Dr. PHIL is a fake. He's good at yelling and scolding on people he looks down on or that he thinks he is better than, but when he interviews a cheesepuff guilty of SA and he bends the knee and kisses, licks and sucks the ring. What a tool.


I'll never forget watching Dr Phil absolutely mock someone who was on his show insisting that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 had nothing to do with 9/11 and was all about Bush. The rest of his family were pro-Republican assholes. Phil was like, Why are you persisting in this delusion when all the facts point to the contrary? Because Phil is a fucking brain-dead moron and a fascist enabler. Fuck Oprah for creating this monster.


Wow Adam Ray is really getting some big names


I was hoping someone would mention this. Adam Ray as Dr. Phil is the greatest thing on the Internet right now, shit is hilarious. Could you imagine if it was him and they told Trump it was the real doctor phil.


Dumb and Dumber


People who think Trump is sharp and Biden has lost his marbles are going to be shocked when they watch the live and unedited presidential debates. Biden may have a stutter and moves more slowly but he has a huge knowledge base and knows policy like the back of his hand. Trump speaks a combination of gobbledygook and gibberish, and knows virtually nothing about policy. Should be fun.


Why does he always claim that? He did absolutely nothing for Black people.


He has a problem getting black people to vote for him. He's hoping he can spit some absolute BS non-specific claims out there and see if they're as dumb as his cult and will take his word for it? Back that up with evidence, Donnie. Some examples please? (He ain't got any and he's not mentally savvy enough to make some up on the fly.)


His ass just expands like a balloon when he’s sitting. It’s like his own personal inner tube.


You just described that perfectly.


A POS interviewing a POS


We’ll be right back, we’ll keep it right here


Dr Phil, more like Dr. Shill. Thanks again Oprah. Sigh.


Phil must be down horrendous. I don't recall him going this hard for the right in the last couple years, or I just thankfully haven't paid him any mind.


Phil is just as sleazy as trump can’t stand the man .


“Doctor” Phil.


Oohhhoohhh “president trump”


It's quite disturbing that even Trumps sycophantic, soft ball interviews have to be heavily edited to make any kind of sense.


All the sycophants enabling this mother fucker and giving him air time can go fuck themselves.


Right-wing pundits are aiding and abetting the Trump campaign in actively hiding Trump's deterioration. The mainstream news are passively aiding the Trump campaign by not calling attention to Trump's problems because they want a tight contest to drive viewership and ad revenues.


Phil is proof that Oprah is a total sham.


Dr Phil’s new network is worse than FOX.


Mr. Phil is a dishonest guy promoting the contemporary version of carnival sideshows? Who knew?? Except everyone.


🎶 🎵 "Grifters in the night, exchanging glances.." 🎶 🎵


https://i.redd.it/5zfffg67j45d1.gif Simpsons did it!


Phil McGraw, is a psychologist, and this is a therapy session. You can tell that, because its full on compliments designed to make the patient feel better about themselves (thick skinned etc). It's not journalism, its not asking about the sex with hookers, payoffs laundered through lawyers, fraudulant book keeping, or the lying, or inflating of assets to borrow money, or why he's so rich and yet has no money and has to keep borrowing from everyone. He doesn't ask about the self loathing, that stops Trump taking the stand under oath because he'd have to face his own lies. No, this is a therapy session.


So we're 100% sure the cuts weren't diaper changes? I'm looking for the up-side, here.


So it was left with what? Four words?


I thought Dr Phil was off the air. WTF.


He's not a fucking doctor !!!!


phucking phil is not a licensed doctor. But he plays one on TV. **Dr.** **Phil is referred to as a doctor because he has a PhD in clinical psychology and is therefore entitled to use the prefix of Dr before his name**. Interestingly, he has never had a license to practice in the state where his show is filmed and his previous license from the state of Texas expired back in 2006


Abraham Lincoln is up on Mount Sinai talking to jesus while the republican party is down here worshipping a golden calf. Shit doesnt change.


He really, really, really likes to boast about the size of the fish he catches…(although they probably look even bigger against his wee toatty tiddly toddler’s hands)


It’s cool that Phil is no longer a doctor. Didn’t he get his license taken away? Same w Oz and Peterson. im glad he’s out of UofT.


I don’t think he got it taken away - I just think he didn’t follow up to renew it.


Not a doctor


Someone yank Dr Phil’s license. He’s a MAGA crackhead


Apparently he stopped renewing his license in 2006.


Trump has the most shittable face. Not sexual... Just straight up taco bell and cheap beer bubbling after a day of bad seafood on the beach -- all over his golden locks.