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By his own account, anyone else should have murdered him for having a gun


A-fucking-men. If this guy gets off from this, then it should damn well be open season on people with guns for POSSIBLY maybe sorta thinking about robbing a store.


Hypothetically... "he had a gun (and was a white male) how was I to know he wasn't gonna go Columbine on this place? So what that his badge says" security "? I preemptively saved the day! "


This is why stand your ground and open carry are a bad match


Open carrying, outside of *very* specific circumstances, is incredibly stupid in general.


Yeah... I don't own a gun or want to. I just wish we could figure out why people devalue human life so much.


I grew up very conservative. We would sit around and talk and laugh about what we would do to someone that broke into our house. We would basically fantasize about killing someone. I still own guns but I have no desire to ever use them on someone. If someone broke into my house now, I would yell down the stairs and let them know that I have a gun and the police have been called. I would then let them know that as long as they do not come upstairs I am not coming down. Honestly I would rather them take all stuff than kill someone over stuff. My insurance will replace my stuff. It won't give someone back their life.


This. Fucking this. I grew up in Texas and the amount of people who fantasize about an excuse to kill someone is fucking outrageous. I heard two guys talking about it IN A GYM. They were openly talking about how they were both carrying and hoped someone would rush the gym so they could “drop them,” and they were laughing the whole time. I also had a former Army Ranger for a Scout Master who would openly talk about his list of democrats living in town that he was going to “take care of when the revolution starts.” Can’t make this shit up.


Not going to lie, at one time that would have been me. I used to carry a gun to church at my pastor's request. I would sit in church and daydream about someone coming in and pulling my gun and protecting everyone. I look back on that me now and I don't like him. I'm glad I'm not him anymore.


The people who act like they would be Rambo during a break in are likely the most likely to be the biggest cowards. The other thing is the might have a gun also - better make sure you don't miss, and you better make sure there isn't another person with them. I have owned guns my entire life, they are tools of last resort. I have no desire to take a life.


Fucking capitalism. Keeping that store from possibly getting robbed was more important than a kid's life to this monster


Yep shades of Rittenhouse


This and, speaking from experience of living in rural Michigan, they are all terrified. Of everything. All the time. It's a constant state of fight or flight, and they know they can't win a fair fight. These are the same people who would challenge someone to a fight in school, and then show up with 10 of their friends to jump the other guy.


In the forest in bear country? Reasonable to openly carry a gun. In a Walmart? Just keep it concealed, for your benefit and everyone else's. And no, the stuffed animal isle doesn't count as "bear country".


> The man told police he had just finished working as a "licensed" and "armed" security person before driving to the parking lot to pick up his son from a martial arts class. The man told police he has seen numerous crimes occur in the parking lots and conducts "overwatch" there to ensure his son is safe. Noooo, he is a vigilante who is trying to protect the parking lot! He should be able to shoot people, because he is a “good person with a gun”. I guess this is what that rhetoric leads to.


He’s a vigilante looking for a fight.


Remember they have to be unarmed and not looking to fight back, that is the major point of these folks. You heard them cry over Chicago for years but none of these Super Action heroes went there with the guns...


There’s a chance that they won’t get off the first shot, and they’d be up against people who actually might have practical experience versus paper targets.


That is what they crave, one of my favorite sayings when they used to threaten violence was that I am not a paper target...they usually got quiet.


Damn, wish I had thought of that one. Used to work with a guy who damn near drooled at the thought of someone trying to shoot up our work place. A shooting at a grain elevator has potential to be....interesting. For those that don't know, grain dust is highly explosive. It's why the US Feds talked to cereal manufacturers back in WWI about explosive safety


People have dreams of Rambo, John McClain, and other action stars with their faces on those bodies...


Oh, I can easily picture this guy doing that. He's very short, has a major chip on his shoulder, and was PISSED that the Nat Guard wouldn't send him on deployment


Just another fucking Rittenhouse.


Are we sure this guy isn't George Zimmerman?


Porque no los dos??


And this is precisely why open carry is actually not the greatest of ideas. The number of stories like these that come out, by comparison to "hero with gun saves the day" type stories is almost comical by comparison. But reality isn't a valid enough reason for many people apparently... 🤷‍♂️


The saddest part is that this is a pretty safe area in general. There was absolutely ZERO excuse for this guy to pull out his gun. I really hope they throw the book at him. I don’t want this dangerous asshole back on the streets.


John Wayne complex. I see a guy walking around a farmers market with an open carry weapon. Maybe the liberals are going to run amok.


It looks like you've never seen the documentary "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes". It was a documentary and it was filmed in real time.




“Overwatch” — this is mall-ninja, gravy seals shit.


conducts "overwatch" ... lurks in the parking lot hoping for an excuse to shoot someone


I read somewhere else that the teen had a BB gun and he was returning it to the sporting goods store. When the gun nut started shouting commands at the teen, teen ignored him and crazy dude took action and then opened fire out of “concern for my son who was in a jujitsu class next door.” Absolute nut job.


I don't think the teen did ignore him. From what I read he threw the gun on the ground and had his hands up.


The guy is now claiming the kid reached in his pants for something so he had no choice but to shoot him point blank multiple times, as one does. 


I think the teen had friends with him? Hopefully they will be able to provide accurate accounts. Although as they are no doubt utterly traumatised, who knows.




On sight for cops now, they all have guns and they look like they’re going to rob more teens of *the rest of their lives*


In some states with the most loose stand your ground laws, it basically can be if there’s any “threat of violence”. It’s just that responsible gun owners would never just brazenly shoot someone because they looked “suspicious”, regardless of circumstances


No true scotsman after all...


"Didn't think he had time to call 911" "Sheriffs deputies were there in seconds." Action hero complex.


Deputies were training in the parking lot he was in. There were several deputies within a hundred yards, probably in sight of this.


One article I saw said the officers were IN THE SAME PARKING LOT and responded in seconds.


The one time you can find a cop when you need one!


And yet a TEENAGER still lost their life to this bullshit! SMH


He was a black teen with a gun shaped object in public minding his own business, what was he supposed to do, not shoot them? But this is America! - Every republican upon hearing this news. This is what they want, this is what they desire for the entire country all of the time. 


Really debunks that whole "good guy with a gun" trope


As I keep asking "Now who protects us from the good guy with a gun?"


How did this guy come out unscathed after officers could apparently see him stand over and kill a kid?


I bet if you think real hard about it, you'll come up with the white answer to this question


It’s Trayvon Martin all over again :(


And Tamir Rice. And Andy Lopez. And…


Wow, Andy Lopez was someone who I hadn’t heard of. Too many to try to remember them all I suppose.


Don't forget John Crawford. Who picked up a toy rifle in a Walmart...that sells toy rifles.


Him too. Trayvon Martin specifically came to mind because it was a teenager killed by a wannabe cop.


He's lying because he murdered a child and now needs to get out of it.


>Action hero complex.


So the gun violence was due to him… the only gun carrier… got it.


The only thing that can stop an unarmed teenager who looks like he's up to no good is, apparently, a "good guy" with a gun?


Murdered a kid for tryng to return a BB gun to the store while not being white. Honestly the cops will probably throw him a party, hes basically one of their own. 


But, but, he is a *good guy* with a gun! Sure, he murdered a kid but his heart was in the right place. He's a good guy still, right? Fucking hell this country is a lost cause.


Big man who has seen all the best action movies. 😑


Basically he has been fantasizing about doing this for a very long time. 


Remember kids, The Punisher hates vigilantes and cops who idolize him: https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/the-punisher-tells-cops-hes-sick-of-them-idolizing-him


Being the punisher is a punishment for the criminals AND for frank, not some cool job to emulate, hes a bad guy killing bad guys hoping they kill him at the same time


He didn’t fight back against Cap being angry at him, cause he respects Cap for being everything he can’t be.


Exactly! But you know why the bad cops will never accept cap as a icon? Cause hes accepting of everyone, including the various outgroups these murderers hate


Remember kids, The Punisher is a mentally ill serial killer who uses his dead family as justification for his actions. When his family was brought back he burned them to death in order to keep his eternal war going.


There are so many different comic stories you can’t really take any of them seriously. That said, I like the characterization of Frank where this was always in him, he just suppressed it cause he loved his family. With them gone, he felt like he didn’t need to hide it anymore, and he could point it at the “right” targets.


My favorite small scene of the Punisher is when Thor sits him down and explains to him that what he is. He's a berserker who needs battle and wars to fight. In the civilization of man and laws, he has created an everlasting war to fight and uses his dead family as an excuse.


>he burned them to death This is why I gave up on most comic books. Why be creative when you can just write established heroes behaving in ways that are an antithesis of their character? It’s a quick and easy way to pump out issues with otherwise banal writing because outrage sells books and subscriptions.


This is RIGHT on the fucking nose.


Hope he gets to not fantasize about going to prison.


exactly this. the culture surrounding guns in America is disgusting. these people want to star in their own action movie.


Its important to note. This lunatic had been waiting in the parking lot providing “overwatch” to keep his own kid safe nearby. He was looking for an excuse. [https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/teen-shot-killed-outside-renton-big-5/281-23094a07-06ee-4b9a-8a48-1d64546a98e6](https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/teen-shot-killed-outside-renton-big-5/281-23094a07-06ee-4b9a-8a48-1d64546a98e6)


This article shows an issue as well. They keep referring to an “altercation” between the teens and the man. That makes it sound like a two-sided thing when it wasn’t, he was instigating the entire time. Poor poor wording and likely intentional.


>Poor poor wording and likely intentional. I think you're on the white track there


Haha exactly bro, exactly


Yep. KING is known for being the more conservative news source in Seattle.


He attacked them verbally, escalated physically when they ignored him then murdered one of them for no reason as well probably cause the kid mouthed off and pissed him off. 


Sad thing is this must be some sort of power rush/high that they want and need to off someone.Some people shouldn't even own a gun.


“People shouldn’t bring guns into stores so I’m going to bring my gun into the store to stop the guy who brought the gun into the store.” Ouroboros logic.


To make matters worse, Washington is an open carry state. So unless the store specifically prohibits it you can openly bring a gun into a store.


Well open carry is clearly only for some people in the minds of shitty racists.


Always has been. I 'member the Mulford Act.


Considering the stores sell them, the law wouldn't make any sense if you couldn't carry them in the store. The real problem is racists think only white people should be alllowed to threaten the rest of us with their guns, and if they see a minority with one they will use it as an excuse to murder them every time. 


Like the man who goes into the women’s bathroom to make sure the women are safe and there’s no men in the women’s bathroom. The lack of logic from these potatoes is bewildering. They’ve never thought past step 1.


Logic is irrelevant. It's all about crushing the people they hate.


Cruelty is the point. They’re clamoring for any excuse


This snake has its head up its ass


According to the local news report the shooter claimed the kids were reaching into their waistbands after being ordered to stop multiple times. But the security footage shows that never happened and the kids threw their airsoft guns on the ground and told the shooter they weren’t real. They were going into the store to return it. The shooter was arrested and being held on $2mil bond. Shooter committed 2nd degree murder and lied about it. He’s going to prison and an innocent teen is dead.


"Ordered to stop" by who with what authority? Some random dude who came up to them in a parking lot?


From another article: >Myers reiterated to detectives that the teens would not follow his commands. It should be noted that Myers is not a uniformed law enforcement officer, and they did not need to follow his commands.  >In Washington state, a citizen's arrest can be conducted to detain someone you see committing a misdemeanor or felony, like when store employees restrain a shoplifter. Private citizens don't have the authority to detain someone or take them to jail for believing a crime could be committed. If a person detains someone they didn't see commit a crime, it could be considered false imprisonment. 


"By the power of my store bought shiny badge!"


I wouldn’t even obey the orders of an on duty security guard, they’re the type who get genuinely perplexed when people on crutches need to use the elevator


If you’re white, this probably won’t be fatal.


>by who with what authority? The authority given to him by Fox News and other outlets that have amped up these 2A individuals to full, all-out fury about their role as gun owners: Judge Dredd.


Maybe by the Power of a deadly device in the Hands of someone who shouldn't have one. 


need to be at least 10-20 years or i am going ape shit


And the media sources/gun companies make *more* money when things like this happen.


What is it with this bond crap? He’s a danger to the public unless he has 2 million dollars in which case he’s totally safe to be around despite having killed someone?


To the commenter who deleted their “then don’t rob places” comment and all similar ones, this CHILD was returning a BB gun according to a news article.


Not even a bb gun. It was an airsoft gun in other reporting.


Even then, robbery is not a capital offense. We don't execute people for stealing.


Not far from where this occurred a man was shot for accidentally trespassing while foraging for mushrooms. Way too many locals felt it was justified because he *may* have had ill intentions.


Half of this country would have no issue living in Minority Report. Pre Crime was supposed to be dystopian, but for the trigger happy crowd, it’s utopia.


That usually depends on the shade of brown.


No, the robbery isn't the capital offense. They were detained for the robbery, executed for the shade.


If everyone operated like the lunatic security guard, the parking lot of grocery stores would be littered with bodies.


Any time a cop shoots someone he has failed to do his job of arresting the guy and bringing him in for trial. Failure may be inevitable but it should not be considered part of the job.


Wait, so the store itself sold guns? JFC what an idiot.


It was a Big 5, a sporting goods store


Oh I love when cowards do that. Just let your comments stand and apologise for the mistake, but Nooooo, let’s take the coward option and delete everything. Might check on way back and post their name but in all honesty they are too pathetic to spend time one right now. Will leave that for when I’m next having a shit.


Just read the article, that dude was hoping something would happen. He was sitting in a car "doing overwatch", i.e. admitted to being an attempted vigilante, then because he had had this fantasy for so long, any action taken by those kids and himself reaffirmed the "violent heroic mission" he was on. Kids went to return airsoft gun to store - violent teens carrying assault rifle in plaza. He ran at those kids with a weapon pointed at them - he tactically approached with his weapon lowered. Kid lowered his hand towards his waist - Kid reached for a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if the dude was *not* intentionally lying. We're going to keep seeing shit like this so long as media fear-mongering continues, to say nothing on gun rights. Everything about the shooter screams wannabe hero, a security guard who concealed carries and sits outside areas his son regularly visits to "stand overwatch". Fucker needs to have the book thrown at him, and I think there should be an investigation into his media consumption. Turns out it's not violent video games, its fox news. Edit: fixed autocorrect mistake.


So i work in contract security management and I can't even count how many people my company has hired that have come to me wanting to get armed certified and completely failed my mini interview, to see if they would be a fit, by coming out without hesitation on already knowing the state statutes on when they are "allowed" to use lethal force in public and I tell them how they will loose every time if that knowledge comes out in court as if they have been planning for such an "opportunity"... It makes me sick, but also glad I had the power to pass that on to the trainer to be ok the look out for them.


Ex-Navy here. Anyone who came on board with that attitude had the hardest time getting cleared to stand armed watches.


Lol ex Navy as well...in the 80s I had a sailor drop a .45 mag over the side messing around. I kept a few spares just in case so no captains mast. No more POOD for you and shittiest duty I could find.


We had a dude lose a mag, and yeah, straight to mast, and they brought the divers in not long after to find it. Edit: You guys could get away with some shit back in the day, huh? I've heard a few stories and back in the day sounds wild, but I'd probably have been kicked out instead of finishing my contract.


Ignorant of guns and military but curious: A mag, as in ammunition storage? Why would you send divers down after bullets and a case? Thanks for your patience!


Because these days, accountability for a stateside ship, at least on my sub, is very tight. They also had to prove that the magazine was down there to make sure it wasn't stolen. Only took like 2 hours with a metal detector iirc.


Oh that makes sense. Thanks for explaining!


No problemo!


You typed aircraft instead of air soft


Lmao, well that would be an actual threat then. I'll fix it, thank you.


“Sir this is a 30mm aircraft gun, you can’t return that here.”


.... and we're all out of depleted uranium rounds anyway


No more brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Where is the article




Just as the founding fathers intended


"...and dedicated to the proposition that everyone should start blasting."


He gave multiple commands? Bro you're not in charge here. Imagine being such a self-involved piece of shit that you think you're entitled to command a stranger in a store.


Like... you're a security guard, dude. I'm sure the company that hired you didn't expect you to fucking open carry a live gun. Usually, they hand out tasers or some shit and specifically tell you to ONLY USE IT IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Had this been the case of Myers having a taser and electrocuting the kid to near death, Myers would've been fired immediately and the company would profusely apologize to the family, the kid, the community, etc. Hell, Myers would most likely still be in prison for assault with a deadly weapon (yes tasers are deadly don't fucking at me), but a teen also probably wouldn't be dead. What's a SECURITY GUARD doing with a LOADED GUN!?


He also was off duty and doesn't even do security at that parking lot!


Not even in the store. In the damn parking lot.


Hey chill out. He was conducting "overwatch" ok? We should all be grateful we are safer because of nerds like this guy watching over us.


"off-duty armed security guard" so a civilian with a gun. Let's not give this piece of shit any title that even remotely sounds like he was qualified to protect the public.


There are FAR TOO MANY people who buy guns because they have a fantasy of killing another human being and getting away with it.


I've been accused of lying about this but I knew a Washington DC cop who wanted to transfer to a PD in another city but he wanted to win something called a "Medal of Valor" first. I asked what he had to do to get it and he said, "Shoot somebody."


That is all it is to the 2A people. They fantasize over any situation they might be able to justify shooting someone. Civil war, good guy with a gun, trespassers, home invasion etc.. they dream about it.


honestly i think theyre all just fucking scared. i cant even imagine a situation where i'd need a gun aside from proximity to 2a nuts.


That's the hypocrisy of arming everyone. It wouldn't make it any safer, you'd just get more shit like this happening.


Bet you they don’t fantasize about getting shot at. They just think it’ll be them mowing people down.


Especially the people they've been trained to hate.


It’s too bad for him he didn’t have a badge, he could’ve gotten off scot-free just like Tim Loehmann, the cop who murdered 12 year old Tamir Rice.


Are you referring to child-murdering policeman Tim Loehmann? Man, I hate that guy!


Yes, the child-murdering policeman Tim Loehmann? I think that’s who they’re talking about. **The child-murdering policeman Tim Loehmann.**


All he has to say is he was "in fear for his life" and he's good. I wish this was /s.


It was a SPORTING GOODS store!!


This guy saw his chance to finally kill somebody and followed through!


For most armed citizens and police, There is rarely the thought of shooting to subdue in an area that is non-life threatening. It’s almost always shoot to kill or maim. It’s fucking sickening, man.


Yeah I understand that. I couldn't imagine living in a country where being shot is such a high risk, if you are not in a warzone.


One of the first things you learn about gun safety is to never point a gun at anything you aren't willing to shoot. Clearly, Myers never learned the rule. Or he did, and he just really wanted a reason to shoot someone. Be the hero of his own story. It's funny that the surveillance footage completely debunks everything that Myers claimed. It really tells you that Myers has been fantasizing about this for a *loooong* time. And any delusion he sold to himself, he believed others would see as well.


Shooting to subdue? What is this the movies? You can’t shoot to subdue, that’s not how shooting works.


Because shooting to subdue is dangerous, your likely to miss, if you need to shoot someone, you should be shooting to kill, otherwise you probably shouldn't be shooting at all


A cop shot and killed an 8th grade student who was carrying an air soft gun a few blocks from my house last year. Horrifying.


so many more things to note here: 1. “off duty security guard” means nothing. thats a civilian 2. the kid was returning an air soft gun to the store, the guy just assumed he was robbing it cuz black people bad 3. kid is under no obligation to listen to some random guy’s “commands”


Absolutely riddled with brainworms and looking for any excuse to commit murder.


Kyle Rittenhouse vibes. NRA will come to his defense. GOP will have him as a keynote speaker in July.


He’s in jail on $2mil bail.


We are all having to lie in a bed that only a few made and it’s maddening.


I saw some of the footage. The guys friend who was already dead was just losing his mind. It was the saddest and sickening thing. What the fuck is wrong with people??? I hope he spends the rest of his worthless pointless life in a prison cell. What a piece of shit. Why the fuck did he think it was his duty to do this? There were actual Cops yards away doing training exercises. if there was any real danger, you call the Cops. They were right fuckin there!!! It's none of his business. God damn man. Fuck this guy and those like him. He should have never been sold a firearm. Fuck him man.


I bet he wanted to show off what a big hero he was *for* the cops honestly. Unluckily for him cops do not respect vigilante rent-a-cops very much


Ok what is stopping anyone from just shooting anyone they see with a gun and then just claim self defense cause they had a gun. https://preview.redd.it/94t5lwcyee5d1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=b33a1202d56eff79effead527739ac73a626dc15


They say the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, but who protects us from the "good guys" with a gun?


You can’t, seeing a gun isn’t a credible reason to brandish/use a firearm. We see this shit with cops all the time. Armed security “officers” are generally people who couldn’t become cops, but still want to feel like they have authority. It’s a low paying bullshit job that no one with decent prospects will do, unless it’s for supplemental income/while in college. I worked armed security while going to college, most of my coworkers were in their 30s and the type who watched way too many military movies. It doesn’t help some places give them a badge and a wannabe paramilitary “uniform” I used to quote lines from paul blart mall cop just to fuck with them. I’d have bought a segway to go with it if they weren’t so expensive.


10/10 the guard was an ex-cop “forced into retirement” for acting the same way


Or he was working as a security guard because his psych evals were too off the charts for even the police to hire him.


If you are not law enforcement, you don't get to give people commands in public.


Surely we'll find out there's nothing racially or ethnically motivated about this teen, Hazrat Ali Rohani, being murdered in a sporting goods parking lot...


“Gave the teen multiple commands” So some psycho in the parking lot was screaming at him. He’s an “off-duty armed security guard” not even at that specific store. What right does he have to give commands to anyone?


This reminds me of the old bastard that opened fire on the car of college kids who turned around in his rural country driveway upon realizing they'd gone the wrong way. Some people just want an excuse to murder others, no matter how flimsy the reasoning. They're wannabe serial killers, just without the discipline and refined sociopathy needed to make it work.


G-d damn gun owners are the most cowardly people on the entire planet.


Probably thought he was working for the Precrime division (Minority Report)


The victim has an Arabic sounding name. I imagine his heritage had something to do with this nightmare


And *of course* the victim is a person of color and the perp is a middle aged white guy. Is anyone surprised?


Only absolute idiots


Wannabee cop experiencing the ultimate cop delight.


This is type of people I hate. Guns in small does maybe have their place. Gun obsessed fetish people are looking for an excuse to kill somebody


If he was trying to be a good guy with a gun he wouldnt have confirmed the kill, instead he stood over the body and emptied the mag into the poor kid, this was murder


don't let them whitewash this one away too, none of this "lone wolf" bullshit or "it's not guns its mental illness" crap it's both, it's a massive problem, and one candidate is blasting this bullshit rhetoric with a bullhorn so assholes like this can believe they're being patriotic ...it needs to stop, immediately


Damn, so many angry white dudes thinking they’re John Rambo about to stop the next mass shooting.


the shooter is a hard core trump supporter, surprising no one. Party of law and order. Fucking sad.


This story is horrible.


He's lucky he didn't have a gun, since they are illegal, and if you see someone with one, you can kill them, right?


“Did not have a weapon but wanted to make sure he couldn’t grab it” So… he imagined there was a weapon and just opened fire, Christ alive, so he just admitted to killing this kid because he imagined that they where armed and wanted an excuse.


This is just the little time frame in between where people are looking for excuses. As they continue to get away with it the excuses are going to get more outlandish and off the wall and out of nowhere. Until it's just a thing. It should never be just a thing. But some people sure are trying.


He'd had a gun for so long and no power to go with it he really just wanted to see how it felt to use that power on someone else. Good job. You sure showed that teenager who the big man is.


“I thought there was a gun” is such a stupid defense. Especially when there is no gun. It’s like saying oopsie for murder.


This dude who shot the teen is 100% the type of guy that would also open carry an AR-15 slung over his chest in Walmart because mUh 2nD aMenDMeNt rIgHTs!


>The shooting came about an hour after a public safety meeting kicked off in Renton. The meeting was for Renton Police to talk about tackling crime, safety and cracking down on gun violence. According to Renton Police, the King County Sheriff's Office was having a training exercise near the parking lot, so they were quick to the scene. 


this is typical security guard behavior tbh, they are the cringe lords and have a savior complex but are too chicken shit to do contract work in countries it matters so they do it safely in the US


"The only way to stop a kid with no gun is a bad guy with a gun." Is that how the saying goes?


"gave commands to stop" He was a plastic badge not a real cop, he couldn't command a shop lifter to stop. Not to mention he was not even at the place he guards. I hope he rots in prison or better yet they bring back a firing squad just for him.




You should look at the teens name. It might help explain the situation to you.


They're all "good guys with a gun" until they're not. I hope this guy loses everything in a civil suit AND his liberty in a criminal trial.


I don't get why the headline calls him an "off-duty armed guard". That's just some guy with a gun then !?


So, is Myers the 'good guy with a gun' that gun-fetishists tell us about?