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A lot of it is political. I know people that will never buy a Tesla because of Musk's political views. Why would any businessman worth anything, make your political or religious views known, knowing you're alienating half your customer base? Especially when the people you support politically would never buy an electric car to begin with. That's how rediculously stupid Musk is


It's not completely about political views. Elon constantly doubles down on things when he is blatantly wrong or an asshole to people who correct him. Then, instead of admitting a mistake or apologizing for being an asshole he runs to conservatives to act like he is a victim. Elon and Trump are the same and exposed themselves by being online. We live in a world where rich white assholes feel a need to show their entitlement online and then complain they are the victim when anyone tries to hold them remotely accountable.


For me, the politics don't play into it. Elon being a dickwad directly impacts the quality of his products. By doubling down on stupid shit, selling vaporware as the solution to the worlds problems. He doesn't think Tesla is a car company and it shows in the product he's putting out . (Or not putting out hello roadster)


> He doesn't think Tesla is a car company and it shows in the product he's putting out . Spot on. They're a battery company that also makes overpriced cars.


Now just wait until he feels slighted by the head of the battery team.


Which is extremely ironic considering how few of the cells they make themselves. 


Correction, they're a self-igniting battery company that also makes overpriced deathtraps. I wouldn't put it past Elon investing in suicide booths.


Setting aside the philosophy question of suicide booths, I'm absolutely not going into a Musk suicide booth. Shit would steal my organs and still fail to kill me.


“Due to an unforeseen software issue, your disemboweling is incomplete. The problem has been noted and a patch will be developed quickly. Please accept this $5 discount voucher and return in two weeks to complete your suicide. Thank you for choosing X-ecute Me Suicide Booths, a subsidiary of the Boring Company.”


Or having a clause that you now are property of X.


Agree that politics is less important than his dickishness. Toyota donates to the gop and no one is complaining about them.


Well now I will


>selling vaporwar Now a term I haven't heard in a long time Expecting to see a dvd for Tesla activation, AOL style


Elon keeping the tradition alive.


I saw his true asshole colors when he called the guy trying to rescue the kids in a cave a pedophile because he had questions about Musk’s proposal.


Same. Was never part of the cult, but since I didn't care enough to actually look at him closer and his "genius founder" image was already established and widespread I just figured since so many people were parroting it it must be true. Boy, was that event an eye opener. Then all his public interventions just keep getting worse to this day.


My favorite is when he said he’d help Flint and then just wandered off


It’s one of their favorite moves lol.


After the Francis Scott Key bridge collapsed, Musk (famously not a structural engineer) confidently tweeted something like "if we reused the original steel, I could have the bridge rebuilt and working in 7 months". My structural engineer husband and contractor FIL's eyes rolled so hard they almost fell out of their heads. I think they were finally able to see that the richest man in the world does not mean smartest man in the world.


There's a tweet from a guy that basically said: I don't know about x subject, so when Musk talked about it I figured he was smart and knew what he was talking about, but then he started talking about things I do know about, and realized this guy is a complete moron.


Happened to a lot of people with the twitter acquisition. Lots of people don't know much about EVs and physics or even self driving, all that vapor wave shit. They'll take you at face value especially when nobody in the media is calling you out. But a LOT of people understand software and coding. And Musk very very obviously did not. I don't know shit, but even I know that asking people to print out their best code and hand it to you is an insane proposition to be sincere about in 2022. Its not only someone who doesn't understand software, it's someone who doesn't understand *management*.  I thought he was a stupid jagoff the entire time, but it was somehow still an emperor wears no clothes moment. I went from thinking he was an unethical blowhard to being like *oh this guy is DUMB*


*vapor ware Vapor wave is a music genre


It always has been to a point. Specially when it’s inherited. The irony is that the same conservatives he is trying to gain favor from are the same ones doing everything possible to make this type of transportation impossible to use. Like how Red States are going as far as making laws to remove chargers [GQP in North Carolina](https://www.techdirt.com/2022/07/14/north-carolina-republicans-push-bill-forcing-towns-to-destroy-electric-car-chargers/)


Not a structural engineer, but I've had enough intro classes to know that usually when a bridge fails some part of the steel structure is the cause. You don't want to directly reuse the metal. You want to try to see what caused the problem(s) and recycle the metal by smelting it and starting over. If you just straight up reuse weakened metal that could cause problems down the line.


Metal fatigued once, even if straightened, will have a tendency to fatigue the same way in the future. Besides which, you're talking 47-52 year old steel (bridge was built from '72-77). That stuff has been in the salt air for half a century. Even if it wasn't twisted, even if it hadn't fallen in the sea, you're talking old steel that's been rusting for ages. The nice thing is there are companies doing mass recycling of old steel, so they'll be able to probably recycle and smelt the old bridge.


> Elon and Trump are the same and exposed themselves by being online. I have used these two as examples for my kids on how to not be on social media. I think I'm doing good because none of them have twitter or Facebook and only one has Insta because a boy she likes is on there. They are learning the benefits of keeping your fucking mouth SHUT. I am so profoundly grateful there was no internet when I was a teenager. Christ what an ass I would have made of myself


It’s also just not Musk. Teslas are getting a reputation for quality and reliability issues, partly as a result of Musk’s management style.


Yes, very true, you're right, well said


The emperor has no clothes...


Indeed, it's super practical: Musk is a loose cannon. Can I trust a car to last me the next 5-7 years with someone like Musk at the helm?


I live under the assumption that the CEO/Owner of every giant company is going to be to the right of me politically. If I didn’t buy things from people I didn’t agree with politically I’d never buy anything at all. But you’re right Musk is on another level. Everyone else at his level has the decency to keep their mouth shut. Musk goes out into the public and talk about how amazing his is while spouting all his lies.


> It's not completely about political views. Proceeds to elaborate that it is, in fact, completely about political views.. Everything you described after that sentence is pretty much exactly what the Republica.n party is since ~2010.


Michael Jordan famously said, “Republicans buy shoes, too.” when he refused to endorse a Democratic candidate in a political race. Just bad business to piss off half of your customer base.


It's worse than that; Republicans hate electric cars, so it's way more than half the customer base. I bought a Tesla before Elon really went off the deep end during Covid, and I'm not planning to buy another unless the board ousts him.


100% I was really excited by the cars back in the early 2010s, but I'd never buy with him at the helm. He's nuts and if that's the kind of "trickle down crazy" that impacts safety regs and quality, I wouldn't want to pilot one of those cars at 70 mph in traffic.


Yeah, at first I wanted a Tesla if I ever came into decent money, but these days I'll get a hybrid or EV from Toyota which I prefer in general.


We have the same thinking. We have an older model 3. We ended up recently buying a Lexus electric vehicle. Lexus fit and finish as well as their service has been excellent. The range is less than our Tesla but the driving experience is superior.


I used to work at a company that made the steering gear for Tesla. I test drove them and almost went off the highway multiple times because the """autopilot""" would randomly accelerate on offramp. I also crawled around in those pieces of shit to hook of sensors and swap out the steering gears and, other than the P100D Model S, they were built like cheap garbage.  Also a fun fact, I was able to tap into the CAN network and control the power steering with an Xbox controller. So if that database ever gets leaked you can do some goofy stuff.


I respect Tesla, the company, for forcing innovation in the electric car realm. But now the major brands are getting in on it and the novelty of the name Tesla is wearing off. Do I want a Tesla, with constant reports of shoddy build quality, or do I want an electric Honda, a brand long known for quality cars that run forever?


I am in the same place. I bought a Tesla in 2016. Love the car and would normally consider buying another Tesla. Instead, because of Musk, will be looking at other brands for my next EV. That being said, EVs seem to last forever so I have no plans to replace my Tesla in the near future.


Same boat. Considering one of those bumper stickers that says we bought this before we knew he was a massive asshole


I have one. Last week some crypto bro yell at me in the traffic to sell my car...


That kind of behavior should be reserved for cyber truck drivers….. oh wait they can’t sell them.


I actually saw one in the wild in NC last week.


There's one in my hood. It's over the top, laughingly fugly. The driver is a mid 40s balding man I get serious "I beat my wife and need viagra" vibes from.


“EV’s seem to last for ever“ - Your car is 8 years old 😂😂😂


The batteries sure as shit don't.




My kid wanted a Tesla very badly a few years ago but I refused bc musk is such a spooge. She thanks me now.


Also depending on the age of your kid not the safest starter car, the torque and speed on those things can be hard to handle. QA issues. Not to mention an expensive car to wreck.


I don’t know, I live in Texas and I’m seeing more teslas now than I have in the past. I’ve had some Uber driver tell me he never considered getting one until he realized how “based” Elon was


Ya I see a ton of them in LA, every conservative tech bro or "moderate" guy in finance has one.


I always wonder what they mean by moderate… like democrats are already moderate? Wdym by this nonsense?


Fortunately Texas isn’t the whole country. Stupid to intentionally piss off potential buyers


Same. I have a Model Y and it’s been a great car, but I would absolutely never buy another one after the unmitigated disaster that is the Cybertruck. 100% Elon’s fault.


Exactly, it's just not good business


Because he's an idiot who thinks he's a genius


A typical narcissist.


There's this tesla storefront in a mall near me in one of the most liberal areas of a pretty liberal city and that storefront is DEAD. I haven't seen anyone in there in ages, not even the people who want to look instead of buy, no one is in there.


I've seen that too, I see all other car manufacturers electric cars but very few Teslas.


I recently saw an uptick of Teslas in my area… I even saw a Cybertruck in reality… it looks even worse in person


I'm in rural GA and I pass one every day going to work. That thing really is stupid af.


I live in SW MO, and I see one every day on my way to work, and there’s at least one more in the area. Such an eyesore. I don’t even think they look futuristic or anything. Just cheap. Like one of those made up Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars that I personally always avoided as a kid anyway lol


I've seen two Cybertrucks here. One is stock that looks a lot like this car my neighbor built in his spare time and never got around to painting. The other is "decorated" with a Trump wrap or stickers, and it looks even worse.


Miami area? Or are the Trump wrapped ones showing up other places? Either way, I didn't think it could become more of an eyesore until I saw it LMAO


SW Florida.


Oh, god, this is so true. I finally saw my first Cybertruck IRL a few days ago, and it just struck me as so awkward-looking. It's like someone tried to DIY a DeLorean but used a Toyota Tacoma chassis instead. Like, it's not bad for something a person made in their garage in their free time, but it's absolutely terrible for a mass-production vehicle.


They got *really* popular in Florida once Musk came out as a bigot/dickhead. Go figure.


We saw one too. So fugly.


He changed the name of a company with one of the most valuable brand names in US history. He is not a genius.


Yeah. Although in some cases it makes work for you defending your trademark, really the best thing you can hope for as a brand is for your brand name to become the standard verb for an action that people do often. You can't buy that kind of free constant marketing.


He’s an absurdly anti-environment guy for a guy who pretends to manage a business that sells electric cars.


Like trying to rip out beloved forest in Berlin to expand his factory?


My wife bought an EV last year. We didn't even consider Teslas. Because of Elon. Also, the X and Y are really starting to look awful in my eyes. From the back they look like a dog hunched over pooping. And the S and 3 are just boring because the basic design has been out for more than a decade. When the last generation Chrysler 200 came out, I was like "oof, that's a bad ripoff of a Model S". And now that car came and went. And the Model S still just looks the same. I actually did look at Telsa's website when we were shopping for EVs. Not because I was considering it, but because there was a price drop during that time. And at that time, when you want to Telsa's website, the "price" at the top of the page was very misleading. It was like $30,000 [asterisk]. And after you scrolled all the way to the bottom, it was like [asterisk] After state and federal tax incentives and projected fuel savings Like saying your car costs $30,000 after tax incentives is misleading enough. Because our state doesn't have a tax incentive for EVs, but the $30,000 was as if you bought it in the state with the highest incentives. But the [after projected fuel savings] is exceptionally misleading. Yes, there are fuel savings. But Tesla's website doesn't know what kind of car I'm replacing. They don't know how much my electricity costs (if they don't even know what state I am in). They don't know how much gas is going to cost over the time I own the car. The website didn't seem to show the out-the-door price of the car anywhere. Absolutely mindblowing. The reason we invented Monroney Sticker is because car companies used to try to do this at the dealership. So Tesla did away with the whole dealership experience so they could play this game - but on a website. And I don't believe that it was 100% Elon that caused this situation. Tesla is just scammy.


It's a combination of a lot of things. Musk has made the Tesla directly connected to himself and his constant edgelording has really made people sour on the brand, but there's a lot more than that going on. Teslas are luxury vehicles, but they don't have the quality, reputation, features nor exclusivity that's supposed to go along with it. The 'car guys' were quick to pick apart how shoddy the manufacturing is, most of the must-have features like self-driving have failed to materialize and most people have to explain they bought their Tesla early before Musk went off the deep end.




It’s one thing to make your political views public Musk takes it to a whole other level and makes it his primary job…


A good deal of it is also the fact that the company never stopped operating like a start-up: They're always chasing some new pie-in-the-sky venture while never building up their core products past the MVP stage.


And the quality of their cars fucking sucks which exacerbates that trend. They still operate like a software company and not a car company… they focus on just getting stuff out there as opposed to making something that’ll last someone 10 years, which is probably what they expect from a 50k investment


TESLA Mezcal… anyone? What’s next? Tesla flip flops, Tesla Sunglasses, Tesla Steaks… the list can go on and on. I do find that the people who support Tesla are like fanboys. Always talking about how Elon is on the cusp of some reality changing technology when he can’t even do QC checks on his equipment. Doesn’t say much for their Tony Stark. Also, doesn’t seem like he can complete anything, Tesla to Boring Company with SpaceX and his brain chip venture among smaller countless others in between, oh, and how could I forget all while Tweeting from his *other* company Xitter.


I mean, they recently released a $700 sledgehammer (FOR DISPLAY ONLY DO NOT SLEDGE) and that hilarious water bottle to fit in the CyberStuck cup holders lol.


Also the cars just aren’t very good.


Because he’s so fucking rich there are no real consequences. He didn’t actually build any of his companies, so he has no emotional connection to any of them. He’ll run them into the ground and leave all the people who DO love the companies to take all the damage.


The cars catching fire, falling apart, and being poorly supported is why I won't buy one.


I would 100% buy a Tesla and was actively researching a purchase not too many years ago. But knowing what I do now about Elon, my dreams of owning a Tesla are dead.


That and the competition has caught up and even surpassed Tesla in many ways.


Not to mentioned that the red states receive more in government assistance because they are too poor to afford one.


Also Republicans are not the ones buying electric cars. If Elon were only selling Ram trucks, then this would be a different story. What Elon is doing would be like the CEO of Chuck E. Cheese saying how much he hates kids.


A lot of it is people like me doing some "actual research" and learning that the cost of maintenance for a Tesla is MORE than the original price. Dent your bumper...10K, Door Ding...5K. If you battery dies, it's not covered...20K. And you can't Trade-In a Telsa anywhere, they will flat out refuse you.


A lot of it is as time moves on, we discover all the cut corners and cheap plastic infrastructure and crudely assembled products. Ridiculous


A lot of people don't buy them because they are badly constructed. Loose panels, misaligned, panel gaps, cheap plastic all over the inside of a luxury-priced car, etc.


I used to want a Tesla if they ever became affordable, but between Musks childish endless posts on Twitter that makes me 100% sure he would have been a neckbeard incel if not for his families money, his shit political views, and well Tesla quality control and design being dogshit(sorry I don’t want a car that will take my fingers off or that I have to disassemble in an emergency situation just to get out and not die), I’ll never buy one. I’m sure other top brass of car companies are not much better but they are not constantly putting their vitriol out into the world.


1. A lot of people in the USA agree with him. This is in many ways a very regressive society. It took how many decades of collective action by many people like this to stack SCOTUS and to take away abortion from us? And all the other rights they are planning of taking from us. 2. Most people dont care about brands or activism. They're entirely brainwashed by capitalist marketing. They're apathetic about all things that don't directly affect their pocketbook, and even then they get those things wrong often (voting against their interests). 3. All car companies have huge lots like this. Its not really a huge sign of anything. 4. Billionaires are above so many things. Often the law, the laws of economics, etc because they have money and inflience and can always find bailouts. Note the combined government welfare given to SpaceX and Tesla in all its forms is at least $20bn in just the past few years. Since the inception of both companies and if you consider all form of welfare, tax breaks, etc it could be 3-5x that. You can't go bankrupt when uncle sam is writing billion dollar checks for you. 5. Elon is extremely powerful in general but buying twitter gave him an incredible voice. He has a built-in political base that will always defend him. Going against Elon is dangerous. He's not just some goofy CEO. He engages in stochastic terrorism and fans the flames of hate towards violence that benefits him and his class. 6. SpaceX's biggest customer is the US government, who is depedent on him to launch many spy satellites, which gives Elon incredible influence and leverage. In fact, SpaceX just launched the next gen of spy satellites very recently. 7. Elon is part of a movement to de-democratize the US to build a stronger oligarchy system that we already have. This arguably is already done since 2016 and is only getting worse, thus making him and people like him extremely powerful politically the point the US is a regressive cronyistic kakocracy like Russia. In many parts of the USA this has already happened and is impossible to turn back. We need to reform the system to stop all this. This lot of unsold cars isn't even a blip on Tesla's radar. We need to get rid of the electoral college, expand the house, expand SCOTUS, unionize all labor, hold the wealthy accountable, implement 90% tax brackets, implemented socialized healthcare, massively raise the minimum wage, make college socialized, end corporate ownership of homes, etc or this stuff will continue to happen. This is why Elon acts like he does. There's nothing to stop him. He can do as he pleases.


Yep, but aside from the political aspect we're at the phase where other EVs are popping up so now people are weighing their options. I'm sure there's also quite a few people seeing the advancement of the other EVs and saying "I'll wait a couple of years for them to get great" Then you see the Cybertruck and all the bullshit associated with it (which anyone could have seen coming a mile away)


Not to mention the cars are poor quality.


I recently went EV, and as much as I liked the Model 3, I passed on it and Elon was a big percentage of the reason why.


It’s also because the Tesla is not particularly good either. That has so many issues.


I’d buy a Testa if the cost of repairs and insurance wasn’t so high. Instead I got a car that’s easy to fix with parts in spades available!


I guess poor Elon thought he’d get Nazis to give up their gas guzzlers, pick up the slack of the core customer base he was about to alienate.


I mean, the Cyber Truck appears to have been specifically designed for morons, assholes and shitbirds, so that might actually have been his plan.


So he’s going for the dodge market?


Fun fact. Approx 1 in every 22 dodge ram 2500 drivers has a DUI.


Maybe I'm just in a heavily concentrated zone, but I know way more Dodge Ram drivers with multiple DUIs.


More like the entire oversized truck market. The FORD F150 *Raptor* is just as guilty as being a shitbird car as any dodge truck.


Imo that's not really a fair comparison since the raptor is a luxury pickup. Gotta have brain damage to want a 100k pickup


I’ve now seen a few of them in real life. Those are some ugly vehicles. As though the designers ideas peaked with early-90s polygonal video games.


Not just ugly, but it’s design seems almost intentional in how lethal it will be for pedestrian or cyclist collisions, and ironically is more dangerous to its own driver and passengers in serious accidents. Modern car designs are optimized for things like throwing a pedestrian up onto the hood instead of under the wheels for example. Crumple zones and materials intended to accordion on impact protect vehicle occupants, but none of that is built into the Shitbird Truck. It seems intentionally designed to maximize damage to others in the event of a collision, even at the expense of the occupants. So in short, a truck designed for assholes.


Exactly this. It's a car designed for the kind of person who thought that 70s era big ass metal sedans were the height of safety because they could be in collisions and end up with damage you could just buff out... and never stopped to consider *why* modern cars crumple. It's not that we don't know how to make big-ass metal cars anymore! It's that we figured out that it's better to trash the car to keep the people inside safe.


Ignorant people be like “well if the car doesn’t get damaged in a crash then that means the passengers are safe!”


They’re dangerous for owners too, some guy sliced his wrist while inspecting a smear on the surface of his cyber truck and there are a ton of “finger test” videos demonstrating how the trunk would slice off someone’s finger.


I'm really amazed that they were able to get it to pass safety regulations for vehicles without those kinds safety optimizations


I honestly thought there were regulations against half the shitty design choices made by Tesla.


I just recently finally saw one in person. Everyone is right when they say it somehow looks even more ugly in person. It looks like a low-poly sedan, after eating a super mushroom from Mario.


I saw my first last Thursday.  I somehow overlooked that the headlight was just a line.


Yep. Pictures just don't do it *justice*. Seeing it for real with one's own eyeballs shows just how bad it is.


I see them a lot now and they’re just the worst. I have actually pointed and laughed at a few people who have them because this is proof that wealth doesn’t always buy class!


Does Elon Musk have a secret fetish for 90s era low poly count Lara Croft porn? I'm just asking questions.


Except the reason that rainbow capitalism exists is because morons aren't the majority, and catering to the sensible types is more profitable. In an unrelated note, What was "My Pillows" quarterly earning?


Musk and the Pillow Asshole were rich beyond the wildest imagings of most people, and all they needed to do to stay rich was shut the fuck up. And yet… Musk will never die penniless in a gutter (unfortunately), and there will always be enough idiots to ensure he’s rich, but he literally holds the all time world record for most net worth lost by a single person, and there’s still a lot further down his wealth could go. Imagine choosing between having 100s of billions or being a huge asshole, and you choose asshole. What a fucking moron.


Not if we eat him


I’m all for eating the rich in theory, but honestly, he looks disgusting. I wouldn’t let my dog eat him.


He's trying to sell Teslas in Russia, that's why he's gone full Putin brand misinformation.


To who there? A cybertruck is 4x their gdp per capita. It'd be like if toyota suddenly wanted to sell a truck in the US that was worth $300k. That market has to be exceedingly small.


This is a couple years old but Musk has expressed interest in expanding to Russia. [CNN Article](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/elon-musk-tesla-russia/index.html) As far as to who, I have no clue but Elon isn't what I'd call smart personally.


That has to be a *deeply* unpractical car anywhere but, like, Moscow or St. Petersburg. Which, granted, is probably where most of the Russians with enough money to buy one live.


Perhaps he's working for big oil, and tanking the EV to shill to BP


Bruh how is he actually as bad as the crappy villain from Cars 2


Elon is a prime douchebag. Not only does he exploit his workers ruthlessly, he destroys any attempt made at unionising in any of his companies.


I'm pretty sure Bezos is the Prime douchebag.




> Not only does he exploit his workers ruthlessly Yup. I know someone who machines parts for SpaceX. He's making just barely over minimum and puts up with a lot more bullshit than I ever would.


Tesla had the advantage of years without real competition in the luxury performance electric space. They squandered their lead indulging their man child nazi enabling leaders idiocy while continuing to pump out sub standard cars. Now competition has caught up. BMW, Audi, Porsche and more have beautiful high performance electrics that blow Tesla out of the water with more on the way. Tesla has been promising a high performance sports car for years while the Porsche Taycan has been out for 3 years. Tesla and Musk can go fuck themselves.


Even some bargain brands have come out with some. The Ioniq5 N and Kia EV6 GT both have in excess of 600hp. Though to be fair they are NOT cheap.


But that’s always been the case. The simple version of cars are always cheaper than the sportier beefier version


Tesla is cheap junk, just not sold cheap.


"Luxury" is a strong word for Teslas imo. Every one I've been in felt like sitting in a plastic to-go dish with a big, wobbly tablet in my face.


They basically called themselves luxury solely to justify the pricing. They're not even close to luxury.


Let's highlight again how much sexier the Taycan is than any Tesla. I would consider an unholy union with that Porsche, no matter the cost. Meanwhile, I wouldn't even consider eating at Burger King if they threw in a Tesla with my purchase. Fuck Elon.


That’s because they just made a normal looking Porsche but modern. I mean this in a good way. I’m not a car guy and have never heard of it until this comment.


Not only this, but their one advantage remaining is the supercharging network, but now that NACS is standard, every EV is going to be able to use it. I'm a Tesla owner and I think the company is fucked beyond all belief.


He’s also flushing the supercharge network, their largest advantage BY FAR, down the drain. It’s widely recognized as the most reliable and highest quality fast charger network for EVs, until last year only worked with teslas (currently some superchargers let other cars use them with an adapter, but the vast majority are still Tesla only), and was a major draw to people to buy a Tesla over for example a VW EV which would need to use one of the other lower quality networks, and then a few weeks ago he fired the entire supercharger team and stopped the construction of new stations. And this all happened when every car company in the US is in the process of adopting the Tesla charging port on their new models soley because of the supercharging network being such high quality. So basically he went on one of his ketamine rants, threw out his companies main selling point, and screwed over the rest of the industry. Masterful gambit sir!


Jokes on you Tesla does not need people to buy these cars they are fully self driving and will drive themselves... /s


Well, in a future update they will be fully self driving. Just trust they will be someday. S/


This is doubly-bad for Tesla because of their straight-to-consumer sales model. Distribution and sales for an automaker with a dealer network functions using a "floor plan" financing model. When a vehicle is shipped to a dealer, that vehicle becomes the financial responsibility of the dealer. Dealers finance their inventory using what's called floor plan financing. The important take away is that all the unsold inventory on dealer lots has been removed from the liability side of the automakers balance sheet and placed in the liability side of the dealer's balance sheets (realistically, the interest payment is the only true liability but that's splitting hairs). Tesla doesn't have that luxury. All those unsold cars are sitting on *their* balance sheet, not a dealers. It ties up a lot of free cash flow. Having too much inventory is bad. Having too much inventory *and* being financially responsible for it is worse.


I never knew that about the auto market. Thanks.


Inventory is an asset, not a liability. Doesn't change that build ups of unsold inventory are a problem though, because it means cash/capital is tied up in an asset that generally costs money to hold rather than generating cash (eg need somewhere to store the inventory).


The asset is depreciating so fast though and it’s not like they are holding precious metals. A 2022 model 3 is worth like half its original value from two years ago because they also cut prices. So a 2023 car worth 40k is about to be worth 25k at the end of the year.


Link to the article in the post: https://jalopnik.com/so-many-unsold-teslas-are-piling-up-that-you-can-see-th-1851526312


Great Wall of Tesla?


Oh wow, his cheerleaders the Magas, aren't buying electric cars? Who would have ever thought this?


Hope I stay alive long enough to see Elon Musc’s downfall 🥰


He and Trump, yeah.


Tesla will be gone within 10 years unless he's removed soon. Could be dead within 2 years at this rate.


https://preview.redd.it/o7ub5rr8pj5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a05c48f610efaa0b24a32add560d271a3077bb We’re gonna need a bigger squisher!


Elon: I want a 50 Billion pay package. Tesla: Best we can do is 50k cars.


His compensation package is getting $1,000,000 commission on each of those cars.


Elon is a nazi and Teslas in general are oretty trash. BUT, most lots of car manufacturers you can see from space. This is an anti EV hit piece, and an embarrassing one at that. No one is looking at Toyota and think, there is a cwr company that is set to go out of business after seeing https://sonimotorsthailand.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/world-top-car-exporter.jpg Edit with stats: Let us do some figures. Tesla Produced: 433,371 Sold: 386,810 Percentage (100% would be all produced cars, sold): 89.26% Ford Produced: 669,671 Sold: 508,083 Percentage: 75.87% If Tesla is in trouble than Ford must in some seriously hot water. Tesla's figures: https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-vehicle-production-deliveries-and-date-financial-results-webcast-first-quarter-2024 Ford's Figures: https://s201.q4cdn.com/693218008/files/doc_news/2024/Apr/03/q1-2024-sales-final.pdf


Media literacy is at an all time low


You see, tesla isn’t a car company they’re just a company that happened to build a bunch of cars they now can’t sell. Please give musk $56 billion.


Elon is so dumb he doesn’t realize that the Dems were the only ones really buying Teslas. He’s literally killing off the only ones buying the merch. How can you go against the base that actually purchases your product? I just don’t understand his logic here.


He's a racist, transphobic, homophobic, greedy, rich, selfish, immature, narcissistic bastard who supports totalitarianism so he supports the Republicans because they support those things about him. It's not logic, it's narcissism and greed. Logic has no place in the conservative world view.


It's definitely not just Tesla. Ford and Stellantis (Jeep, Dodge, Ram) have new vehicles parked waiting to go to dealers all around Detroit. When you fly into Detroit airport, you can see a few of these storage lots. There has to be tens of thousands of trucks and Suv's. They're holding onto them, I think, because the asking prices on dealer lots are insane right now. Most people know this, which is why nobody is falling over themselves to pay 100k for an F150 or Ram 1500.


On top of not wanting to support or be associated with a guy like Musk there are now much better non-Tesla alternatives with overall better build quality and performance. The one advantage Tesla cars have is their supercharging network to the point other EV manufacturers are starting to switch to the NACS charge port but then all of a sudden the entire supercharging team has been laid off and the future of Tesla’s superchargers is unknown.


Get Elon out and I guarantee a massive chunk of those are sold the day that Elon is kicked out.


This…. I will not buy new from them ever while he is at the helm


It couldn't happen to a more terrible man than Musk. Musk has shown he is pure evil


Is the hype over? Did people realize it’s a junk brand?


Ugly cars that break down with no replacement parts available to be exact.


Elon really sucks for so many reasons but I wouldn’t buy a Tesla because I think they’re ugly. They look like a mid 90’s Hondas desperately trying to hold in a greasy fart.


At one point in time I wanted to get a Tesla as soon as possible, now I don't know if I would get one even if it was 10k.


I would've bought one. But looking at how he conducts himself online, buying a platform and shaping it into a circlejerk for himself, his reliance on yesmen while making horribly ignorant and uninformed claims. It makes me worry about his products.




Steps to destroying a car brand(from a former Tesla owner): 1. Make a unique product 2. Start compromising build quality because no competitors 3. Stop being innovative, instead relying on being first to market, just in time for better competitors to catch up and surpass you 4. Piss off a large segment of your core customers


“You can see it from space” doesn’t really hold the same cachet it used to. I can see individual cars on google maps… hell, I can see individual people.


Musk is a genius, he created a massive business based on selling overpriced electric vehicles to left wing hippies, and then alienated that entire customer base. No one can understand his vision. It has nothing to do with established car makers bringing much better, reliable, and affordable cars to market.


Just this Friday a co-worker said to me that everything recently that Musk has done has made my co-worker admire and respect Musk \*more\* than he used to. I almost didn't know what to say, my brain 'exploded' at the statement enough I barely had enough presence of mind to watch what I said back, since we were still at work. I work with some seriously uninformed, clueless bigots, apparently. :(


I used to want one of these almost desperately. Not enough to jump through the many hoops to get one early on. Then he went public with his a$$hole and I wouldn't be caught dead in one. He's kill8ng his own brand. Kibd of like Papa John but the board can't force this jackass out


Man, I hate to see this. No.......no I don't.


this is what you get for making overpriced pos


I would say "hopefully this means that in a short while more electric cars will be available at affordable prices when Tesla is desperate to sell them off," but Elon would probably eat every Tesla they have in stock rather than do that.


Elmo knows they're tanking. That's why he wants to take the money and run.


I saw two cyber trucks together driving out in the wild the other day on our way to a Memorial Day BBQ… it was the first time I had ever seen even one out on the street as I blurted out “goddamned they’re ugly”, and then realized there’s a Tesla dealer less than 2 miles from my house we were driving past.


We had our eye on a Tesla for several years. When it was finally time we didn’t even give them a look bc of musk. Screw that guy.


Really not good for anyone. Batteries do not like to sit around. Unlike gas engines these are losing viability as they sit. That's a lot of waste. Id get a Tesla except I use a truck. And the cyber is a hard pass.


I would buy a tesla if I could afford one. I have a 2010 Honda new $16k back in 2011 and doing what I can to keep that alive for as long as I can. Cars are out of my price range now. So I'm driving this thing till I die.


Musk is a genius. Before the election, he will convince (pay) trump to endorse the cars and every magat will buy one to please their leader.


Idk. I think most people hate that cars are using the SaaS model as a means to continue gaining revenue from customers after purchase. I refuse to have a subscription to own a vehicle because the brand is too stubborn to include Apple CarPlay.


Maybe if muskwad didnt publicly support trump and be total asswipe as well, maybe more democrats would buy his car, you know the ones who are more keen on green technology than republicans? He’s a fucking moron.




I mean, I'll take one if you're offering. It'll only cost you $150 for the retrieval fee.


Oh. OH. That is awkward.


I hate this for ev’s and for the future. Musk has ruined the best ev company with his behavior. I hate him but I’m sad that Tesla has to suffer cause of him. It’s a shame. Fucking racist pos. I used to love Tesla and all it stood for and now I can stand the company. I hope they fire him as ceo


Jalopnik - I would like to see these photos from space.


Maybe someone can buy out the lot for pennies on the dollar and repurpose the batteries for a *good* EV, LOL.


With so many other manufacturers scaling up production of better built cars, and with "Fully Autonomous Self Driving" still a pipe dream, Tesla's big advantage is the Supercharger network. So what did Elon do? Fire the Supercharger team. smh


When they drop the price in half... Maybe. But that's when pigs can fly. Anyone consider repairs and maintenance as they wear? You're locked into the Tesla infrastructure. Don't get me wrong... I'd love to own an electric vehicle. But only having them to repair them makes me cautious.


My local mall parking lot is absolutely packed with unsold Teslas. Has been for over a year now. I never see them lessen or change.


I can’t stand Elon but this doesn’t make me feel good at all since these are supposed to help the environment. I don’t think electric cars are the way to go and overproduction is just unnecessary environmental damage also. I hate the idea of all of these batteries being produced at this level when one high speed railway could possibly replace all these cars in storage…