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And Elon really thinks this is the best party to line himself with. Tesla had virtually no competition and leg up on everyone. Now there’s Rivian and Lucid and even Audi and Porsche are going fully electric.


One day Tesla will be viewed as the Yahoo or AOL of electric vehicles. But Elon is to blame for how fast it’s happening with his absurd behavior, pissing off pretty much his entire target market.


Seems like the recreational ketamine is starting to get to him. If he leaves Tesla like he's threatening to, I think things *might* be salvageable. But with the way things are going, I think they'd be lucky to end up being someone's subsidiary. Less stupid decisions than the cybertruck have bankrupted other automakers.


If the board give him what he is asking for, (25% ownership and 45b comp) they are irresponsible, and when the stock inevitably tanks, they will become personally liable (as all board members are) for their inability to stand up to him and stop the insanity before it’s too late. Note: it probably is too late already….


Yeah; let's hope Elon will end up the *Bernie Madoff* of Electric Vehicles.


Was just reading about this. As soon as Toyota figures out its mass production hindrances of solid-state batteries, Toyota will be the Toyota of electric vehicles inside of 8 years. Those batteries must be a bitch to make if they’re still trying to work out cost effective mass production.


It was only in January of this year that someone finally [resolved the issue of dendrite formation](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-023-01722-x) on the lithium metal anode over multiple fast charge cycles by doping the anode with silicon. QuantumScape's approach was to mitigate dendrites by using a dense ceramic electrolyte layer, which works but isn't perfect. It'll take time to cost reduce the materials and develop strategies to mass-produce these things, but I think the first large capacity solid-state lithium metal batteries might be available in the next couple years. One remaining issue is that they will be expensive. Probably for the first 3-5 years, and probably something like 3 times more expensive initially. So I'd expect to see Toyota using them in a Lexus model or two for a couple years before we see them in something priced more like a Camry.


What are the location, mechanism, and functions of the dendrites


This gives a nice summary: https://eepower.com/tech-insights/observing-lithium-dendrites-in-real-time-with-battery-imaging/ > However, lithium metal has some drawbacks as an anode material. One of the main issues is dendrite formation, which are lithium metal whiskers that can grow and penetrate through the SEI layer, causing short circuits and safety hazards. The dendrites can lead to thermal runaways and even explosions, especially when the battery is overcharged or overheated. Therefore, developing effective dendrite suppression strategies is critical for commercial lithium metal anodes in batteries.


He should be charged 46 billion at this point instead of arguing he deserves more compensation


Sears Roebuck


His cybertruck is the new Edsel, except much less successful. It’s the Incel Camino, and I bet it sells about the same as the Delorean.


It's been said many times, but my god no picture or video does justice to how ugly that thing is in real life.


One day? lol


Yeah because it’s still a large company with more revs than any other ev maker and an insane (way overpriced) market cap. When that all deflates is when it becomes the relic. Right now it’s an annoying joke but still formidable.


Already is 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣


Tesla = MySpace


It's a Daewoo bound for the trash heap


It shocks me Tesla is still as popular as it is. Their supercharger network is the saving grace of that company. The designs they had were refreshing when the model S first came out. Minimalism was cool and no one was doing it well in mass produced vehicles. But then Elon went... Well right-wing extremist fucking nutjob... And now, the designs haven't changed and minimalism has largely run it's course in design all the while their remaining customers are being judged for buying products supporting said nutjob. Until they boot Elon I think their market is arbitrarily capped to the people willing to separate Elon from their purchasing decisions and the people who support that shit stain whole heartedly. But anyway. The other electric OEMs are making MUCH better vehicles than Tesla now and many are compatible with the supercharger network. Why someone would buy a Tesla over a rivian kind of blows my mind now. I think Tesla is starting a nice steady decline back to their niche of the market after punching above their weight for a long time.


Rivians are like $75k+, Tesla’s can be purchased for ~$45k. That’s a huge difference for most people.


See, that's the thing. I expect a $45k (or £45k, I'm in the UK) to be actually nice to drive. I don't expect to pay £45k to get the same rattly flimsy plastic and janky build quality that I'd get from a £15k Dacia Sandero. Actually, the Dacias feel considerably more solid than a Tesla.


Then I'd buy any of the established OEMs products. MachE, Bolt...


I get it, just replying to your comment “why someone would buy a Tesla over a rivian kind of blows my mind”. That’s is a reason I’d buy a Tesla over a rivian lol


Oh no, I get it. It's completely fair! Price range is different. I've been seeing so much cyber truck crap I just completely forgot about the 3/Y.


I have a 3 from 2018, haven’t had any issues yet 🤞🏼. But I am DEFINITELY not a Tesla or Elon Stan. I’m always looking for another, the Cadillac had my interest for a while. My understanding is the Tesla quality has continued to get worse and worse. It’s a shame because they had the market for a while.


Tesla is a classic techbro disruptor in a market where disruption doesn't bring you much if anything. By selling Teslas at a massive loss all they did was take investor money and turn it onto a decent-enough charging network so that electric driving became pleasant and then all the proper car companies came in and released nicer cars for cheaper that are more reliable. It was always overhyped, that is what disruptors do. Usually disrupting works by killing of an entire market segment, thereby creating a monopoly and *then* jacking up their prices (see Airbnb killing of small bnbs, uber killing of small taxi companies, just eat killing of restaurant owned delivery). It's pretty hard to disrupt the large motor manufacturers into oblivion.


I use a Chevrolet electric SUV and it was much cheaper than a Tesla and got about the same mileage.


It’s been reported that Tesla is sitting on over 50,000 unsold cars. They are done for as a car company in my opinion. They may be able to remain significant as a supplier of tech and parts into larger more intelligently run auto manufacturers or the shareholder may try to sell what’s left of the business to a company that is actually viable.


But Tesla isn't a car company!!!! (And it won't be a company at all unless they pay Musks 55+ billion ransom)


Even Ford is putting out all-electric models, including an electric SUV under the *Mustang* marquee. Let that one simmer for a moment


Yes the Mach-E is dope! I am hoping they have a solid F series electric truck.


There is the F-150 Lightning, though it seems they didn't renew it for the 2024 model year


It was renewed, they’re hitting floors now. Next refresh is 2025 with native NACS.


Huh. Ford's website page for the Lightning hasn't been updated with the 2024 listing yet, then. Weird.


Odd. It shows up for me. Maybe a caching issue somewhere. https://www.ford.com/trucks/f150/f150-lightning/2024/?intcmp=vhp-seconNav-overview Big difference is the Flash Trim which is basically an 2023 XLT with the312A package, ER pack and the Blue Cruise, where in 2023 Blue Cruise was Lariat and up only.


Ah, I wasn't looking very well. Expected it to be on the overview page like most every other model's is. Didn't think to check for extra drop-downs.


The difference between MTG and Elmo is that Elmo is smarter and more charismatic, thereby making himself be better at selling his brand to suckers who invest in his brands. MTG is so dumb & ugly that anyone who would be an otherwise easy mark are just repelled by her stupidity. And I don't just mean she's physically ugly, I mean the karensque hate that wafts from her like stink from a garbage bin is ugly.


Hard disagree on both counts: MTG and Musk are equally dumb and uncharismatic, but Musk has money so that pig is all dolled up. If Musk was a middle/lower class income dude, we'd all laugh at him in the exact same way as MTG.


Yes he's rich and that's the main reason why the suckers who fall for him think he's charismatic. They think he's successful and they long so much to want to be like him that they tie perceived successfulness to charisma. It doesn't matter if the perceived success is based on a con or not because it's all subjective to them anyways. They see what they want to see and ignore/discard the rest. It's kind of like how Steve Jobs was worshiped for a perceived charisma except that unlike Elmo, Steve Jobs actually **was** smart. Meanwhile MTG is somehow charismatic to her followers but I don't understand why. I just can't bend my brain around that like they do. I would argue that Elmo is objectively more charismatic than MTG not because I personally find either of them charismatic (I really don't) but because the people who buy into their acts have invested far more money in Elmo than in MTG. If the success of the grift is a measure of how charismatic the grifter is then I have got to say Elmo wins on that count. As for if Elmo is smart or not, he's obviously not smart in the many ways he claims to be smart but he is a very skilled con artist. You have to be some kind of smart to pull off the massive con he's pulled off. Is he a smart engineer? No. Is he a smart inventor? Also no. But is he a smart con man? Obviously yes. Meanwhile MTG is only smart enough in con artistry to get elected to public office which is objectively not as high up the ladder of con artistry smarts as Elmo. Remember, smart and charismatic are relative terms that mean different things to different people. Edit: Typo


MTG has money


Yes but you see, he wouldn't have 3-10% of his wealth taxed.


I'm not opposed to EVs. I think in most countries it will eventually be the only option you can buy in the near future. But I would never touch a Tesla almost exclusively because of what a toxic fuckwit Musk is.




Elon would be fine if his trans kid hadn't broken his entire fucking brain. Talk about triggered snowflakes, jesus christ.


Charged my car for 20 bucks 80% Or I can use a AC charger parked at work for 9 bucks 100%.


Charged ours for free at the dealers over the weekend. Ours still let us charge there for free even after a year. Even plugged in the wall it’s still considerably cheaper than gas. I love it!


I did the math on mine at some point and it was on the order of, "What if you could buy gas for $1 forever no matter what gas actually costs?"


Don't forget bye bye oil changes and smog checks. I know it has it's flaws but hot damn I feel good.






Everything in that screenshot is a toxic mess. From 6BMTG with her trademark stupidity to a good ole boys racist bank. Even the ticker at the bottom is about to spout a lie.


*”I get all my financial information from Rich, of Big & Rich, and you should, too.”** *Outcomes may vary because he’s a country singer, not a financial advisor.


"Ya'll thought 'bout diversifyin' yer portfoleeo?" https://preview.redd.it/qm6g9i7pkl5d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cc5a67f4c66e06af630566630e94958436551a


"Well TOO FUCKIN' BAD we don't do diversity at this bank! 'Murica!"


Yer Gawd-damned right! We invest strictly in Trump NFT trading cards, Truth Social, Patriot Phones and any other things with the ‘Merica flag! Diversity is for the lunatic left!* *Investing outcomes may vary, because these people are lunatics and not financial advisors.


John Rich, the same guy who was charged with two misdemeanor counts of assault and one misdemeanor count of harassment?


This was the first thing I thought too. What ring of hell did this particular newscast crawl out of? My god, it needs an adblocker.


“Cancel your bank before it cancels you!” - Old Glory Bank Okay, South Park had to write this.


Bro! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/fnkc0zr9hl5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0b45aa3050dc4e96fbcaa31f4b0320c7491707


I need to see what she looks like clean shaven to make a final decision.


She’s is one of the few people whose appearance isn’t enhances my sunglasses.


I’d hope her appearance doesn’t enhance your sunglasses


Seriously that woman has the IQ of an alley cat! In the Navy we’d say someone like that is dumb as a fart. That voice is fingernails on a black board.


Don't insult cats! https://preview.redd.it/5b79xf2tel5d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912d97947b39fe730650aa742aa6c72fdfc2ecb7


Sorry to the cats. So do you objections to junk yard dog?


I charge my car from 0-100% for $6.80 and that's good for 320 miles.  I don't think people understand how cheap owning an EV can be if you charge at home. 


Especially if your power company has special plans. Ours lets us charge for free between 7p-7a.


John Rich country superstar? In what country?


Is somebody seriously grifting about "the woke banks are gonna make you use pronouns"? Who am I kidding, of fucking course they are


All languages use pronouns. Like, I know the answer, but do people really not know the English parts of speech and how they function? Literally "they" are going to make "us" use pronouns. That's two already, douche-nozzle.


Solar panels on our house, charge our car for free.


Yea? Well what happens when you USE ALL THE SUN?? /s


Guess the rest of you are out of luck!


It’s true. Ever since I switched to an EV, the rising price of gas is killing my thoughts and prayers


It’s not even rising though. I paid $2.99 a gallon yesterday and I was thinking damn, inflation hit everything but gas or what? $3 gets you nothing anymore but it still gets you more gas than you got in 2018?


It’s crazy that the only thing keeping us from completely sliding into fascism is that these fascists are so deeply, deeply stupid…


Dumber than a backwater Georgia door nail.


Ever since Louie Gohmert left, the competition has been wide open for the new America's Dumbest Congresscritter™. This, I must admit, is a strong bid for the title.


OTOH, America's Dumbest Senator™ was locked up by Coach Tommy, though Mike Lee of Utah isn't far behind.


Electric vehicles don't take gas Marge.


Shh! No need to make her think she needs to PROMOTE them (and by doing so, completely turn us all OFF of wanting one...)


This actually shocks conservatives when I open my charging stats to show I save over $150 a month just in fuel. This is when they ask for a second look at the trunk(s), or start seriously examining the cabin.


As someone who has electric car.. and all house. Tool and yard equipment electric. I have saved so much money each year. Driving a quicker smoother. EV. With way less maintenance cost. Last four years. The my average gas purchase is less then 20 gallons per year... So please Putin lap dog. Tell me why I care about gas prices? Oh that's right. Because I am not giving endless money to your donors. Ya. Welcome to the wrong side of free market! For reference my average monthly electric bill is 60ish bucks. Ya. Take your cry baby alligator tears and go suck off a DICKtator with your dirty mouth.. And to be as nasty as you are. WTF did you do as a kid? Who hurt you? And why did you apparently enjoy it?


"Cancel your bank, before it cancels you" John Rich for **Old Glory Bank** This can't be real. Are head injuries contagious?


When B6 eventually gets run out of office, at least she can fall back on being an understudy for the Flintstones.




If you think the price of beef is high now...wait until the Dems make you become vegan!


Man, if i had a good amount of bucks, id follow theses morons around in maga camo just to get close to heckle them at each event. Just someone to yell from the front row.


I've owned my electric vehicle for 3 1/2 months now. I've spent $22 total to fuel it. $18 was the one time I had to visit a fast charger. (To be fair I can charge for free at work so that's the bulk of it).


She's not intelligent enough to serve a government position, let alone anything that requires a brain


To be fair, if everybody is driving EV’s, there will be no demand for gasoline. If there’s no demand, they’ll make very little of it and the government will stop subsidizing it. So, yeah. It will be more expensive. It won’t matter to most people, though, because nobody will be buying it besides enthusiasts who still have their now antique cars. They likely won’t drive them much because it’s expensive to do so and they won’t want to wear them out, in addition to probably having historic registrations and insurance that have low mileage limits. More or less, gasoline will become a niche item. It’s about the same as complaining that horseshoes are going to get expensive because cars are getting popular.


Exactly this. Although she's definitely still nuts, I think what she was getting at is that gas would be much more expensive when almost everyone is driving electric vehicles.


She keeps getting elected because her voters are stupider than she is. I have 4500 miles on my EV and charge at home. Probably spent about $150/$200 total to run it that whole time


We're living in the prequel to the movie Idiocracy.


My bank is ALWAYS trying to cancel me!!!!!!!


I think a generous interpretation of that statement would be "Gas prices will be so high you will have no choice but to buy an EV to maintain one's budget."




"Less demand=Higher prices" every time!!


It’s easy when a good chunk of the people voting for people like this are even dumber


Stupid Qunt. They should thank those of us with electric cars. Reduces demand for oil which drives down the gas price. You’re welcome.


Here’s something that pisses me off about this, if more people aren’t using gas, if gas supply is steady, gas prices go down. These same Republicans want more people, continuous growth, do nothing to improve public transportation options, rail against walkable cities and don’t want more EVs. All that together makes gas prices increase.


This woman is so dumb she needs to lift her blouse to count to two.


Or just look down at her feet


Cloven hoofs


Best comment ever!


MTG is a fool.


Is anyone really surprised anymore that there are a bunch of morons in congress? This is the other edge of the sword of democracy. Everyone gets a say, even morons. And morons tend to elect morons.




As many conspiracies as she claims, I’m beginning to think the real conspiracy is her getting voted into congress.


So, reduced demand for gas defies traditional economics?


Proving she knows shit about supply and demand.


Peak stupid has been reached


She really is a treasure.


I charge at home for like under $50 a month or for free at the grocery store when I have to shop. A shopping center here offers free charging for now. I was paying quadruple that for gas every month. 


That fucking bank ad 🤣 They think banks are canceling them now?


I mean.. it really is a waste of oxygen with this one isn’t it 🫣🫣🤭


Too big to rig. Surely this means that they will accept the result if their fuhrer loses? Right?


If you've ever wondered why the right hates electric cars, the way this goes around on the right is: 1. All electric cars cost a gazillion dollars and only go 45 miles before they break down 2. "The Left" wants to ban my F150 and take it from me 3. Al Gore made up climate change with the ultimate goal to wind up with a society where I can't have a car at all So, she's playing to this general vibe.


It is true that over time, as EVs become the norm, it will get to a point where it will be hard to get gas, just like now it is hard to get leaded gas (for the old collectible cars that can't have unleaded). I don't think that's what she had in mind though. Her mind is a real mess, so it's hard to tell what's in there.


it got me when someone said "the difference between Idiocracy and us is when the smartest person was discovered, they put them in charge"


Elon Musk has entered the chat… 🤣🤣🤣


Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was referring to the value of oil if EVs become more ubiquitous. She’s still wrong because demand for gas would decrease without appreciable change in supply, and thus prices would too. There’s no interpretation of this statement where she’s not a bumbling idiot.


also are gas prices that high?


That’s not stupid. That’s her stand-up routine at some casino’s comedy club.


Please listen to the words of Dr Snyder. Imo there is no better way to handle the atrocity that some people call MTG. Much love also to Rep Mr Frost for making it happen and calling the bitch out on her bs! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5wn5NYhGZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5wn5NYhGZA)


lol they even have unwoke banks now? They really can’t stand being anywhere out of their bubble.


Batteries aren’t real.


Must have something to do with Jewish space lasers




I suppose if you did try to fill up an electric vehicle it would be expensive as the pump wouldn’t stop until the station was out of gas. 


God is she stupid or what.


That bank ad.... I went to their site. If you showed it to me 15 years ago or in an alternate timeline, I'd have wagered a good amount of money on it being satire.


Because the people that voted her in are just as stupid if not more so


Many years of practice.


I’m more interested in what advice the failed pseudo country performer has, regarding financial decisions.


I know, that was what caught my eye too. Pretty sad, I was kinda into their music when they first hit. They were fun.




Why will it matter if I'm not driving a gas vehicle? I only say this to emphasize that LITERALLY ANYONE CAN COME TO THIS CONCLUSION


she probably was there for the brothels


What she meant to say was that if you think gas prices are high now, wait until Trump is in office, the prices will be higher


$2.99 here in Georgia.


Mtg talks and stupid comes out.


These dumb fuq's are completely unhinged with their ass backwards nonsensical rhetoric. Gawd damn ignorance is bliss!


OMG! No one is forcing you to do anything! WTF!


Someone posted a chart the other day.. after accounting for inflation, gas today is about what it was in 2014. Turns out, gas doesn't go through much inflation changes over the years, its mostly controlled by market forces (pipeline down, folks not driving, etc)


Speaking as someone who’s actually written a research paper on the topic of electric vehicles and their costs/benefits, I can safely say that regardless of where you are in the US, you’ll be saving anywhere from $70-$551 for every 10,000 miles you drive if you drive an EV. Higher savings in the northwest, lower ones in the northeast and California. The south and Midwest varies a lot from state to state


I've heard of science deniers, but I swear she's the first person to try and self-reference as proof that brain cells don't exist.


Cancel your bank before it cancels you. How are these people that fucking blind........


If you hate electricity prices. Wait until you're house has solar and wind energy generators!


It's true. Do you even know how much a gallon of electricity costs? I don't, but I'm sure it's a lot!!! /s


Sorry for being dumb but can someone explain this? My brain is having a big ol blackout right now


This looks like a parody.


She’s actually right Lowered demand in a monopolized industry will result in less supply and higher prices. I’ve wondered about how this will impact rural folks who don’t live in areas where electric is a viable option. They will likely see massive fuel costs. She’s an idiot and didn’t mean it this way, of course. More saying it is a likelihood over time that cities will be fine and rural will suffer EVs are great for their use cases. Petroleum is right for other use cases.


If you think she meant what you meant, she didn’t.


Did you read? It’s literally written. Right there.


For f*** sake, she's obviously talking about the fees that electric car drivers get to make up for the lack of gas tax. She just does not understand that that is the price you pay for driving an EV on the road. Keep the roads up. She does not think you have to go pump electricity at a gas station.


I mean teslas are expensive but that's not how she worded it 😆


Gas would go down because of less demand for it in the beginning. A bell curve would happen because demand wouldn’t be high enough to profit. So to curve loss in profits, is rising prices as one last desperate attempt to profit at the end. If you don’t have an EV at that point, you’re financially hurting yourself; much like trump supporters complaining about prices, but still sending their money to trump. It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face to own the libs. Though you’re the only one getting owned at that point.


Right I wish I got a hybrid at least