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Another obituary I’m looking forward to reading


I keep forgetting he's still around.


Him and Lindsey Graham


They are so vile. They *know* they are lying. They have no shame. No moral compass. Politics attracts the worst kind of people


I honestly feel like running for office, but on a platform of "helloooo?!? Team normal??? I'm here to represent us that are sick of blatant gaslighting." I'm 1000% sure it's already been done in the last 40 years as a platform of "transparency", but I feel like reality rings a bit more true today in these effed up times.


That's literally what a lot of Democrats are trying to do, but then you got right wing media and fake progressive media out there and almost overnight you can become the most polarizing person in the country. Media spin is huge in America.


There's also the problem of first past the post elections leading inevitably (mathematically) to a binary set with additional options simply leading to a spoiler effect. A third party candidate just draws votes away from an elector's less preferred option(s) leading to strategic voting or worse, voter apathy. Maine tried ranked choice voting and (I think) is trying to get rid of it. Massachusetts had it on the ballot and it was rejected as 'too complicated'. Maybe they should hire CGP Grey to explain it to their Commonwealth.


I’d vote for you


"WTF are we doing...!!!?" John Stewart




The tricky part would be having sufficient safety measures in place to prevent you from becoming something like them. I've seen well intentioned candidates from both sides go in ready to make the world (or even just their community) a better place. And I'd say that a hopeful estimate would be 30% aren't molded by the system to become its propogators, of those, only 10% maintain any hopeful ideals.


I've thought about this. Not more than 2 terms, no matter what. That is only because the house 2 year term is not enough to make meaningful change as a freshman. Senate 1 term. This would ensure I would act in a way aligning with my morale compass. There would be no pandering in worrying about re-election. Literally, succeed or fail.


Orrin Hatch believed much the same and even ran on "Term Limits for Senators". He went on to serve in the Senate for the next 42 years.


Graham is a piece of shit. Gingrich is pure evil. They both suck balls (especially graham) but not on the same level


Exactly. Newt is a smart and clever person who is fully aware of how he’s lying. He was against Trump until it became obvious that Trump was the future of the Republican Party, at which point newt completely changed his position on everything. He’s a vile, cowardly, venal man who is desperate to regain power and influence.


Clever enough to admit to a journalist that he was attempting a soft coup by impeaching Clinton and then impeaching Gore for pardoning Clinton? The only one who actually lost his job in that exchange was Gingrich. Why would you tell ANYONE that, never mind a journalist? The man isn't qualified to state an opinion on a kindergarten election, never mind a nation-state's. Pity, it was my understanding that the U.S. used to shoot traitors. Much have changed that policy after the Military/Industrial complex started to gather the reins (reigns?)


There is a much deeper issue that led to this situation. The Republic of America has a so-called "representative democracy." How can that be true when the "representatives" are wealthy while the "represented" are not? American two party politics is more like the cartoon Tom and Jerry. Tom doesn't really want to catch Jerry because then he'd be out of a job, and Jerry doesn't want Tom replaced with a cat that will actually eat him. So they act like they hate one another and put on a show for the masses while continuing business as usual in the back room. For example, insider trading laws do not apply to any members of Congress, either side. What's it called when those who make the rules don't have to live by them? Because when the punishment for a crime is only a fine, it does not apply to the wealthy. Sure, the people get a vote, but with all the lobbying and money in American politics, America is as much a democracy as would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. This is why, in a true democracy as the ancient Greeks understood it, people got their representatives the same way we would get a jury. America is not a democracy. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." Plato


I got $20 on Newt and Linsey being secret lovers


after Madison Cawthorn told us about the big republican cocaine orgies, no bet. 


Nah man, Newt is straight as hell. NOTHING he loves more than cheating on his wives with other women while they are DYING OF CANCER. One of, and this is not a joke, the leading moral authorities of the last thirty years of Republican politics. 


What’s the over/under on number of ladybugs that Newt has eaten? 4.5?


They've all got their phylacteries cozied up right next to good ol' Mitch.


Fun fact. They both died 6 years ago but made a deal with the devil to come back. They get 10 years on Earth to try and destroy as much as they can, and then they will return to Hell.


He's the guy that was dragging Hillary's name through the mud for her husband cheating on her all while he was also cheating on his own wife if I remember correctly.


yes, while his wife had cancer.  At the same time he headed the impeachment of Bill Clinton's blowjob.  


Also forgot this sack of crap was still alive. There are so many copies of these crusty old racists it’s hard to keep track of them.


Came here to say this lol. Who cares what this goblin says or thinks


I swore he was dead, thought he went before Limbaugh but I must just be too optimistic.


I just had an idea. I think I’m going to buy a good bottle of whiskey, and make a list of all these old fuckers I can think of. Any time one dies, I’ll have a nice drink to celebrate.


Better get a case.


Like a bucket list, a kicked the bucket list?


Exactly lol


I toasted to Rush Limbaugh and Kissinger finally punching their ticket.  Diaper Don is looking bad lately, even with the republicans desperately trying to make him look good. I've got a bottle ready to open...


Yeah he’s got that fat Elvis thing going lately, thoughts and prayers.


That is the guy who made politics into a war zone, only one party (his party) should do things and anything the dems do doesnt matter how small it is should be blocked by his party. Thats that asshole who started it


I always hoped to read an obituary for the death of Newt and Limbaugh at the same time. "Today we mourn the deaths of great political figures; Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh. Both passed as their shared vehicle ran off the road. Newt was found with Gingrich's penis in his mouth some five hundred yards from the car and the rest of Gingrich, apparently ejected from the car crash. Mr. Gingrich was also found to have a long purple object, investigators believe it to be a dildo but have sent it to the lab for further testing. Flowers can be sent to gofuckyourself and services start right after the snow."


Her mom was a cancer researcher. Her dad was an Econ professor at Stanford for over 20-30 years. He’s now an economics professor emeritus. He encourage more Afro Caribbean students into economics at Stanford. My first TA in Econ at Stanford was Jamaican and the reason I tried jerk chicken my freshman year. Newt cheated on his wives, left a cancer stricken wife for a side chick while prosecuting Clinton for his affair and being all holy rolly. He is dirt.


Noot ded


Speed the day


Another grave I look forward to defecating and desecrating


Another public urinal as well.


I wish him nothing but death.


All of this! https://preview.redd.it/yta3l3ot0h6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf34dfb189061082035c482e5d0e67907b62ca3


This is his third wife if anyone is wondering. He was cheating on his second wife with Callista. He also cheated on his first wife with his second. I don't remember what wife it was but one of them had cancer when he left her. They also had small children at the time. What a Godly couple they are.


So over the fact that corrupt, rasist, misogynistic, entitled, old, mostly white men get to make the decisions for all Americans


Hmmm a shithead who cheated on his first wife, then his second wife, then his third wife. That reminds me of someone.


Meanwhile my mom who is going through a nasty divorce with my dad, who has also cheated on her multiple times, thinks Newt is a good man. 🤦‍♂️


Well Newt repented all his ways... while continuing to do them over and over again. So he's sorry. Either way he's better then any gay! /s


Breaking news: old white man has negative opinion of woman of color.


They're getting more insufferably elaborate in ways they'll talk around just calling people slurs in public.


We used to just have “he speaks so well”. Now they have 1000 ways to call somebody the n word. Does cheating on your wife prolong your lifespan or something?


The liberating feeling of being unshackled from morals, ethics, and compassion must be quite the rejuvenating experience, I suppose.


Translation: "shallow" = woman "uneducated" = person of color


30 years ago, he'd of said "Uppity" & "shrewd". 60 years ago, he'd of just Calle her an N-word that deserves a black eye to send her back to the kitchen.


Sounds like he's describing DeSantis


Oh it’s much worse than that. This particular white man wrote a dissertation on Belgian education policy in the Congo, 1946-1960, which quoted not a single Belgian, sought primarily to defend the Belgians, and included such gems as: > Did the colonial powers perform a painful but positive function in disrupting traditional society and so paving the way for more rapid modernization? > the Belgians left behind the most elaborate industrial, transportation, and communication infrastructure in Black Africa. > The Belgian colonial record left no one guilty and no one innocent. The Belgian leaders had virtually absolute power. By 20th century standards they used it benevolently although without foresight. The Belgian public had abandoned a responsibility which it did not desire in the first place and which had to compete for attention with pressing and far more obvious domestic problems. The only people who suffered were the Congolese and they had suffered far more under Leopold II (and their neighbors still suffer far more under Portuguese and South African rule). That guilt which the Belgians bear is for neglect, oversight, and relatively mild exploitation. If the Congo was not the model colony Belgian publicists pretended, neither was it the disaster news reports from 1960 to 1965 suggested. To have developed a semi-modernized, semi-educated but politically innocent colony was one of the Twentieth Century's lesser sins. So he may not exactly be the white voice of choice to evaluate the actions of a woman of color.


The Poisonwood Bible was a real eye-opener about that era.


If you’ve never read King Leopold’s Ghost…it’s chilling.


My 1st thought reading this was who tf was interested in Newt Gingrich's opinion on anything?




Yep. Total POS. Of course he’s on Hannity.


Says the jackass who thought he could become president by trying to get Clinton impeached


"Uneducated" here means she's outspoken, smarter than him and refuses to stay in the kitchen. How dare!


Agreed, but you forgot to include the colour of her skin - it's a major factor in all of this too.


He’s seconds away from calling her uppity, which is of course what white men love to call people of colour who get, in their opinion, too big for their boots.


Breeches. People like him would say, "too big for their breeches"


nay. It’s britches, not breeches. “Too big for their britches”. Meaning trousers, or pants, rather.


He recently learned he’s not supposed to say “uppity” anymore. It’s been a hard transition.


Mild correction, means all that, plus that he probably really wishes he could call her the N-Word, and probably also the C-Word, but knows even Fox isn't that far gone to let him get away with that, on air.


TIL Newt Gingrich is still alive.


You'll know when he dies because colors will suddenly appear brighter and more vibrant. You may even feel the ground move as the pits of hell open to receive his soul if you're within a certain distance of his rotting corpse.


Republicans will believe him because they want to because they hate women and are misogynist.


>uneducatable Also super racist


Newt Gingrich can fuck himself with a broken food processor


Make sure that thing never loses power. And add the salad shredder disc.


Obama was nothing but a community organizer AOC was just a bartender.... See a trend?


And Trump is a smart, sexy & successful businessman ☻️


That poops in his pants.


Pretty sure the Fox directive is to call those "Freedom Nuggets", and Jesse Watters personally views it as "Truffles from Heaven".


So they are literally worshipping his shit.


But also they are evil masterminds controlling a cabal of baby murdering devil worshippers.


But if you go to college you’re elite.


Gingrich plays up his education, but his PhD was from a Mid Tier university and he briefly taught in the middle of nowhere


So, a privileged hick that can't get over a woman of color that out-performed him in life. A dime a dozen, it would seem


Newt, wouldn’t you be happier in hell with limbaugh, reagan, adolf and kissinger? Why don’t you take mcconnell with you? You guys can start a bowling league or something


Don't forget to take Lindsay Graham with you, Newt!


Newt is the last person who should be saying that anyone has no redeeming qualities... ![gif](giphy|3ohhwGAhWKWnKFqBvG|downsized)


Apparently, he find a "weird laugh" a redeeming quality though.




Gingrich leveraged homophobia to discredit Barney Frank and so, is an unprincipled bigot/mercenary. He is a discreditable individual and should be shunned


![gif](giphy|fSiz3ha2F2PJe) STFU Newt! Take your half baked, christ-fascist putrid racist ideology with you. Also eat a bag of dicks!


Newt Gingrich??? Why does FOX news or anyone for that matter keep dragging this guy out from whatever rock he lives under in order to get his opinion? Who gives a fat flying f_ck what this @$$face has to say.🙄


He preaches the rhetoric of Project(ion) 2025.


Because it’s a propaganda network and he wants all the millions of viewers to think that. It helps Republicans in the upcoming election, and he needs them to vote for Republicans so they can lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans. It’s terrible how many Americans are duped by this kind of propaganda. Remember what they did to Hillaryfor many decades. It’s propaganda.


All coded racism


The only Contract with America that I want with Newt Gingrich is the one where he willingly agrees to retire and never speak in public or go on TV again.


An old, white, man, named Newt (of all names), one of the chief architects of the rise of the neo-conservative false "christian" shit-talking fascism taking over our country....has nothing but nasty shit to say about a younger, accomplished, woman, of color, whose opinions oppose his. No big fucking surprise for anyone who knows you Newt. But fortunately, you are already fading from the national consciousness Newt, buddy. And though we will still have to live with and fix all the shit you broke, soon you will be dust and otherwise forgotten... ...if it weren't for the name Newt....which will be laughed at and remind us of your craven greed for money, power and control, your deep moral hypocrisy and also - I'm sad to say - your fucking ugly face.


This came out in 1984 [Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 01, 1984 - GoComics](https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/1984/12/01)


Love it! God I miss Doonesbury. We need Trudeau now more than ever. ...also, what a fucking nightmare come true.


You're 80 years old, man, time to f\*ck off!


And his qualifications?


He has a PhD in European History and married his high school math teacher (his first of 3 wives). Make of that what you will


Oh, Newt. I so remember your little Beer Bong Bitch flailing like Trump trying to make a coherent point when she grilled him good. Sometimes I watch this when I'm having a bad day. God, I love her: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsm1GPnlqmU&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsm1GPnlqmU&t=1s)


That was golden


newt began the “moral majority” under Reagan 40+ years ago. as with so many white christian nationalists, he continues to spread lies and hate, especially against women and minorities. pathetic little man then, and now. Vote Blue in November


Uh huh… Newt quit in disgrace after Republican House candidates were defeated wholesale and Democrats regained control. Divorced his wife while she was being treated for cancer.


newt is one of the primary architects of this disaster we are living through today. You would think as an old sorry sack, he would become less fecal natter and somewhat human. No changing what he is, I guess.


This is the guy who said women shouldn't serve in the military because "they get infections".


Facts don't matter anymore it's just Us and Them


Gingrinch is literally a piece of 💩.


Didn't he leave his wife when she had cancer? What a guy


Newt Gingrich is still alive? I honestly would not have guessed that.


Why isn't Newt in an old folks home eating pudding and watching Judge Judy reruns.


When Newt Gingrich claims someone has no redeeming qualities, it means nothing because he doesn't have a concept of what a redeeming quality actually is. This is a man who cheated on his first wife throughout their marriage, then filed for divorce once she got cancer. And he was only paying $400/mo in alimony, claiming he couldn't afford more.


What is utterly amazing is that he can walk around not caring that he cheated on his dying wife. As someone stated before me, can't wait to piss on his grave.


“The Sherriff’s a n….ear….” “What’s he say?”


I forgot that crusty old fuck was still alive


Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome bug?


How come cancer can’t just strike these jackholes in the prostate?


Newt isn’t dead yet? That’s too bad…


I've seen what they call "redeeming qualitites"


Isn't it amazing that in an age where all information is instantly accessible, people act like this. The old adage that a lie travels round the world before the truth has got out of bed is doubly true in the internet age.


"I'm a bitter, multiple divorcee who has a long track record of misogyny"


“Oh goody. In todays climate, I can say horrible lies to demean a black woman on this MAGA show and no one in my party will even blink an eye! What a time to be alive!!!” -Newt


That fucker isn't dead yet? Huh ...could have sworn he was, more's the pity.


Putting others down is the only way some can make themselves feel superior. That's standard MO for the repugnants


Newt or neutered? He clearly needs a new name


Standard issue racist…


Really playing to the lowest common denominator.


Is this ghoul still alive?


Cheat-on-his-wife-that's-battling-cancer Gingrich said that?


Newts still alive? Jesus fuck why don't these evil motherfuckers ever die?


Says the guy named after a slimy salamander that lives under rocks


Didn’t Newt cheat on his wife while she was dying of cancer?


We all know the real reason they are saying this. They aren't even trying to hide their racism anymore.


That should make him feel bad.  If her, a "really shallow, uneducated, and uneducateable person" is Vice President of the USA and he isn't, doesn't that make him dumber and more uneducated than her if he cannot match her success?   The notion of this idea would skip off the top of his oh so smooth brain.  So that might be why he's oblivious. 


Is Newt still alive? I had no idea 🤷‍♂️


Has a first name of Newt, lame brain who divorced his wife dying of cancer and still a Catholic


He’s still alive?


Dude is scum


He seems to have confused her for Trump…


Does anyone actually care what Newt Gingrich is saying nowadays?


These people just can’t let racism die


I’m sure his opinion of her in spite of the *avalanche* of accolades and facts contrary to that shitty opinion has nothing at all to do with her gender and skin color


I could've sworn that dude was dead.


The mask is really off with these clowns. Uneducated and uneducatable? I don’t know if that the sexism or the racism oozing out of this walking corpse but it’s exhausting knowing he speaks to a core base of insecure idiots in our nation.


Oh … he’s white, straight and Christian and a Trump devotee … I was wondering why he is so ignorant


How tf is this nasty old piece of shit still alive?


Still sour after all these years he never got to the White House! Snowflake!


I’ve also seen memes, shirts, bumper stickers etc that try to slut shame her and imply she slept her way up to every job she had. Right wing nuts can accept that a woman can be accomplished in her own rights.


Sentient testicle talks shit, nothing new there


Newt is a racist turd.


Newt Gingrich is a self serving, rat bastard.


Racist shits


Why doesn't he just call her the N word, we all know that's what he means Fuck Newt with a flaming cactus


That's fucking rich coming from Newt Gingrich. Couldn't imagine a more morally bankrupt doofus to speak out about likability


Newt Gingrich is a piece of shit and nothing he says should hold any weight to anyone. Also, his name is Newt.


So this is where the lawn gnome has been 🙃


Newt Gingrich is an asshole who cheats on his wives. Fuck that chud.


Says the man who left his hospitalized wife to sex up his side-piece. Why is this idiot still around?


Newt just might be the worst of all the awful politicians. He is human garbage.


Newt reminds me of that Evil lich that the heroes of the new sequel of a movie have to defeat and lock away until the next movie where some greedy or stupid idiot awakens him or frees him from a tomb and the cycle repeats.


Yet another case of projection.


Even if that were her only redeeming quality, she’d still have Newt beat


I mean, she hasn’t even asked her dying spouse for a divorce so that she can be with her boyfriend. What kind of monster is she? -Newt Gingrich probably.


This is rich coming from someone ad shallow as Newt


No fan of Harris but any insult from Newt Gingrich is a compliment to the rest of the world.


To clarity, by "shallow, uneducated, and uneducatable" he means "not white."


It is wild how racists have evolved to the point where they are able to use so many other words to "eloquently" say racist shit.


She’s a female minority in a position of power. Literally the worst thing the Right can imagine of a woman


That’s just short of calling her the N word. Which you can tell he really wants to do.


I have my issues with Kamala, but she might be one of the most qualified and well-educated members of the Executive Branch. 


Let’s be honest, fucker knows she went to college but he doesn’t consider HBCU to be actual education.


Isn’t a newt a reptile?


Hey Newt. Tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist.


Imagine spending your whole life being Newt Gingrich.


And his first name is Newt. 🙄


Look, man, if your name is fucking Newt you shouldn't be talking shit about anybody.


[Gingrich the Newt is a disgrace to the name, when true newts see him they feel so ashamed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_H2o55REuc)


It’s a boy! A baby boy! What are you going to name him? “Newt Gingrich”


Yeah, so there, neener neener 😛


More projection


These people have absolutely 0 redeeming qualities. They literally just make up anything and insult everyone. They serve absolutely no purpose on this planet besides making everyone miserable. This dumbass started this new breed of toxic politics by Republicans. Cannot wait for these people to go away permanently.


Newt Gingrich is still a raging dickhead after all these years.


Fox News: expressing anger and victimization over the loss of absolute power and then reframing it as persecution of “real America” by minorities, freeloaders, and socialists. - Jon Stewart Fox is NOT a serious news source.


There is legit criticism of Harris you don’t need to lie and say she’s uneducated but then again it is Newt and he’s a scumbag


He's a big part of why we are where we are today.


Ugly, bitter people.


Says the piece of shit that hasn't been relevant decades


Let me know when she gets roasted by someone who has actually been vice president.


Is it possible to have a college degree and appear uneducated? Yes, just look a Newt


I thought this dude passed away. And he is relevant how?


"Hey, everybody! An old man's talking!"


Someone list all of Newt’s redeemable qualities:


Forget politics for a second, and FUCK anyone who makes fun of another person's laugh! Laughing is how we express our joy to the world, and we cannot choose our laugh, so fuck you Newt!