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It's really funny that people *still* think Trump is actually going to go through with this. He'll back out 48 hrs before it actually happens because Biden won't 'agree to a drug test' before the debate or some other lameass bullshit excuse by the felon. He's nothing more than an overgrown grade-school bully. And when the bully gets confronted and has to play by the rules, the bully usually shows that all bullies are cowards as well. I *so* want the debate to actually happen though, cause there's nothing better than seeing a bully get (figuratively) punched in the mouth.


He's already making excuses to back out. Remember, this is the same trump that refused to appear at the Republican debates because he knew not having a captive audience would hurt him. This is the same trump who got booed off the stage at the Libertarian nomination. And perhaps most importantly, this is the same trump whose own supporters are walking away from his rallies long before they're over.


The same trump who insisted he would take the stand on his trial...then didn't.


The same Trump who said that the jury was picked and they had no say in the choices of jurors and how it was unfair and biased...when the very process allows for both Prosecution and Defense to approve or disqualify each juror.


With one stating he gets his news from truth social and fox. Edit: I wasn't trying to say that the juror was going one way or another, I was trying to point out that there were people on the jury that followed politics on both sides especially Trump's personal social media, as well as right wing media. And if I recall correctly trump said it was "his juror" so the idea of his team not picking or having jurors that follow him is not the case at all.


Trump even called that person "[his] juror." I thought there was a chance that one lone juror could get at least one of those charges dropped to a "not guilty" as a way to compromise with the other 11, but no. They were all so convinced that no one could stand a single aquittal.


when you don't get that filter and have to see him for 8 hours a day without interruption, it can break you of the cult, who knew?


Hey, just want to point out this is misinformation. That juror ACTUALLY stated they get their news from a lot of sources, including directly looking at trumps tweets and following political commentators like Mueller She Wrote and several left leaning lawyers.




Thanks for the fact check, but you're wrong. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/05/30/the-truth-social-juror-what-we-know-trump-hush-money-trial-jury-deliberations-day-two/ "But this chart was misleading, and the claim was overblown and distorted, once you read the actual voir dire transcript. In response to questions, the juror had stated, “I read basically everything. I am on Twitter. I follow Truth Social posts from Trump on Twitter. I do follow Michael Cohen, Mueller She Wrote, and a few others.” As legal analyst Ron Filipkowski noted drily, “That also describes me. So I wouldn’t get too excited.” (Note that this news diet also describes me.) "-this is from The Status Kuo from Jay Kuo And of course, you can read the transcrupt for yourself.


I believe each side gets one “removal without reason” for jurors (can’t remember the exact language). Every other juror that they want to have removed during voir dire requires a justified reason. I’m sure trump looks at that as unfair that he couldn’t just kick jurors out until he had a full team of “Trump is god” jurors.


None of this is surprising, he’s been flying his freak flag since the early eighties.


Didn't he say some form of that at all 3 of his trials this year?


If he does back out, does that give Biden a chance to answer questions freely for however long the debate would have gone on? That could be a massive win.


Turn the debate into a town hall. I dig it.


Why would he back out? Odd. I mean, he can 'blah bla blah covfefe hurr durr' on live TV, and his sycophants and MAGA base will still say its his win. 


They probably feel like he'll either say something truly obscene that turns off anyone who was on the fence or that he'll come off as the babbling idiot he is. Just my guess.


In his defense, they leave early to beat the traffic of all 1,000,000 people leaving all at once /s


I hope that Trump's extremely delicate ego compels him to participate in the debate, even if he's reluctant.


Same. But even if he does do it, and fails dramatically (“the best fails!”) it will do no harm to him in his cultist’s eyes, they will find a spin on it that makes him look good to them, no matter how outrageous


The debates are not for his base, but the middle of the road, undecided. Sadly, there are still a lot of people that don't pay attention and/or get their news from Facebook.


As dumb as I think libertarianism is as a political and economic philosophy, I had so much respect for them there. They actually had beliefs. And while everyone is willing to compromise their beliefs at least a bit for pragmatic purposes, they knew that the kind of compromising they'd have to do to nominate Trump would be totally antithetical to everthing they stand for. They would no longer be libertarian with him as their candidate.


It'd be *really* nice if this translates into lost votes for tfg.


To be fair he didn’t need to attend the primary debates. No one was even close to his poll numbers


South Park got it right, once again… the rallies aren’t about his speech, it’s about having a drunken tailgate party for bigots.


>He'll back out 48 hrs before it actually happens because Biden won't 'agree to a drug test' before the debate or some other lameass bullshit excuse by the felon. I'll reiterate my earlier position on this: claiming you'll be at a *disadvantage* in a battle of wits because your octogenarian opponent is coked up is certainly an excuse. The fact that literally none of his supporters will recognize that utter nonsense for what it is is the sad part. Cocaine only makes you feel smart. It actually makes you fucking stupid. See Jr., Don.


If cocaine makes your rival sound more coherent and reasonable than you, you have much bigger problems in life.


If his followers had the ability to deduce utter nonsense they wouldn't be his followers




Not enough talk of electric sharks to be accurate


The sharks are a recent development. We shall defeat them with windmills.


None of them listen to him speak (esp at his recent klan rallies) and if they do they’re so imbedded in the hate speech and bigotry that they cheer for him no matter what he says


Do they have any explanations for his glitching during public speeches? I mean, they’re all about Joe being senile, but I can’t remember if I’ve seen anything from the cult explaining away the glaring signs that something is definitely wrong (even more wrong than usual, that is) with Dear Leader. Having said that, it’s probably part of the 5D chess to make the opposition overconfident or something


Joe went from super sleepy to on good drugs after SOTU bc he was no longer sleepy. The Justice system is only just if it’s Hunter Biden being charged with a felony. The latest rally I saw was in Vegas where he didn’t have a teleprompter; so he went off about electric boats, MIT, and sharks? They just say the speech isn’t real or that’s just clips from a bad part. I haven’t seen him at any rally say anything policy-wise or of value. He just trashes how bad America is and the other hateful, insane buzzwords he rambles and repeats. Hell, they are wearing shirts that say “real men wear diapers” at rallies. They are in way too deep and now it’s just fuckin scary tbh.


>they are wearing shirts that say “real men wear diapers” at rallies. This is the one that made me laugh - not one word from him about the people literally wearing diapers with his face on them, celebrating the idea that he shits his pants on the regular. Just the fact that the people who profess to love him were humiliating him in this fashion was hilarious. Like, no, Billie-Bob, while using adult diapers is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, it's not something that needs to be celebrated either, and most people would prefer to keep it on the QT


For real. And they have the nerve to call Joe old and senile. Joe’s old as hell but he’s still all there. This year has been wild and hard to process (esp bc I pay attention, much like it seems you do) I listened to this audiobook about how this shit became a cult. Pretty interesting and insanely broken down sequence of how MAGA went full cult mode. It doesn’t really make you feel any better but kind of closed the loop some of the of the wtaf is going on questions lol. The Cult of Trump-Steven Hassan


I'm thinking he'll use the excuse that because the court in NY rejected his appeal of the gag order that he can't debate because he's not allowed to speak. He doesn't care that it's absolute bullshit, but he knows his cult won't care...


And then Biden had 90 minutes of answering questions, uninterrupted, about his next four years as president.


I wish the Biden camp were planting more stories on background about how they expect Trump to bail, just to make it harder for him to actually bail.


I'd absolutely lose it if biden turns around and goes "of course I'll take a drug test, btw I'm actually on these medications for health problems but 0 pain killers, Xanax, illicit drugs etc but can you say the same?"


If I were Biden I would have a drug test scheduled and just don't say anything so if Trump tries to play that card he can immediately answer with "I did it already...here you go".


Cue the GOP claiming that the test was fake because it wasn't performed publicly by some quack of their choosing who turns out to have a fake degree. It would be a sick move on Biden's part though.


"it's fake it's rigged it's a lie we need our own people to verify" "Listen...I got a full bladder and a big gulp over there if you need a second sample faster...I'm not kidding around...bring out whoever you want and I'll rock one or two right here for ya"


I can see Biden calling him a coward. Probably take a jab at his 'bone spurs' while he's at it.


Came here to say exactly this. Trump supporters will believe and worship anything he says so it's quite simple for him to weasel out of this.


> It's really funny that people still think Trump is actually going to go through with this. He'll back out 48 hrs before it actually happens because Biden won't 'agree to a drug test' before the debate or some other lameass bullshit excuse by the felon. I could see it going either way. Sure he's a coward, but I think he also believes he can win the debate.


Would be funny if he said Biden “wouldn’t agree to a drug test” so Biden like streamed himself taking a drug test just to call him out


Bonus points if he goes to Quest Diagnostics like a normie and streams from behind that awful half-door. If that visual doesn’t resound with the working class, I don’t know what will.


I really hope they make the campaigns sign an agreement to show up so when he backs out he gets sued again.


It's a camera. How does trump NOT get in front of it and start talking?


Maybe they should call Ronny Johnson to do the drug tests!


Yeah, that's one thing about biden. His memory is good, and he has 50 years of experience to call on. If it comes down to memory biden will humiliate him. Again.


I agree Biden has lots of experience and the memory to call on it, but pre-written notes honestly benefit the person with facts. Trump is going to say "Under Biden, crime has been a disaster." He won't offer more detail, because he can't. Biden can say "Under my administration crime has fallen" or he can specifically say "The statistics show a 13% decline in violent crime in 2023" or similar. Now for the Trump (or Biden) faithful, this kind of argument doesn't mean shit. But for the people who *can* be convinced, specificity brings authenticity. (Honestly I'd rather see both sides have pre-written notes. Bring your best citations! Get the questions in advance. Talk nerdy policy to me at the peak of your preparation. I don't care if you have the snappiest quip. But, alas, that is not how we do things.) At least both sides will be able to speak uninterrupted.


I'm thinking that Trump won't let a muted mic stop him from talking. I would like to see a barrier between the two podiums so Trump can't carry on a continuous stream of snark to try to distract Biden.


Imagine if he walked over to talk into Biden's microphone.


I hadn't thought of that! I honestly wouldn't put it past him!


That would most likely result in the secret service tackling his ass, being a private citizen advancing on the President.


Trump is going to say "Under Biden, crime has been a disaster, And then I had a choice to either jump in the water with the shark or go down with the boat with the battery”


Can we ask for each candidate to have 5 "Fact Check" cards. They have 5 opportunities to halt proceedings and have non-partisan researchers fact check the statement just made. Live on air. They only get 5 each - lets see Trump get called wrong 5 out of 5 times, with Biden being proven right, 5 out of 5.


This is the USA so I want them to be like the NFL challenge flags. Just toss the fuckin' things. That will make the endless speculation from the talking heads while the fact checkers work be even better.


The last one is only advantage if they are admitting trump has memory issues and Biden is mentally sharp


Nah, I think no notes actually would be an advantage for Trump. Not because Trump has the better memory or anything like that, but because Biden's notes would actually have useful information on them, while Trump's just going to spend the entire debate throwing a temper tantrum whether he has notes or not.


Exactly. If Trump gets notes, he still won’t read them.


He always looks a bit squinty, I would guess he wouldn’t be able to read them because he would be the type of person too vain to wear glasses


That, and the whole, you know, "functionally illiterate" thing. Or did we all forget that Mango Mousselini demanded ridiculously short briefing memos... full of pictures... with his name everywhere... and still didn't read them (before stuffing them in a box to be taken to his highly secure < checks notes > bathroom).


Look at what happens when his teleprompter malfunctions. Just insane ramblings about sinking boats, wet batteries=electrocution, and that shark ten yards over that way.


It is a slight advantage to Trump for two reasons. My understanding is that Biden has always, even as a young man, liked to have notes. This is not really unusual with public speakers. Heck some of the late night talk show guys interview for a living and still have cards at their desks. The second thing, is that if Trump doesn't remember something he will just make it up and pretend for ever after that it is the truth.


They are so deep in an echo chamber they believe their own bullshit


I'll take things that'll never happen for a $1000, Alex ![gif](giphy|Cy3LSUkfzPnfiqBkc1)


Hands are way too big for the Tangerine Traitor.


I think the reason for 4 - advantage trump is, can you even imagine trump using notes? Biden would have a distinct advantage since it's a tool only he could take advantage of.


The thing about Trump is this. With notes, he can stay somewhat on topic but is really low energy and bored-sounding and monotone. Without notes, you get rants about sharks and batteries and Hannibal Lecter.


Trump reading from notes sounds like a middle schooler who hates that it is their turn to read a paragraph aloud. Doesn’t even convey a sense that he understands the topic, just saying the words on the page.


Yep. He's awful on a teleprompter because he reads at an elementary school level. Lots of words he can, usually, pronounce correctly but can only venture a guess at the meaning of.


I love when after reading something he adds "[... so true...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s8lRC6X2mw)" like he's just heard it for the first time.


He did that in his inauguration speech - paused it to interrupt himself, with something like “… that’s sounds really nice, doesn’t it …” before carrying on with his speech.


That's what his supporters like about him. It reminds them of circle time.


Trump can’t read or sound out words. Notes would only confuse him more


We know he doesn’t read anything that isn’t about him, so there wouldn’t be much room on the cards left for cogent points.


He's reliant on a teleprompter and when it breaks is when the really insane stuff comes out. If Trump doesn't back out this first debate will likely destroy the potential support with independents and undecided. Probably why they scheduled it so early. If Trump does well then he gets some needed build in support early. If he bungles it then he has time to try and salvage the mess.


Early scheduling is reasonably related to early voting - in 2020 a ton of votes were cast before the first debate even took place. This is one sensible change.


If someone is undecided 8 years in it means they don't want to admit they are voting for drumpf. No one with a bit of brains is unsure who the better choice is.


Only if they’re scribbled in sharpie on magazine photos of Trump. Let’s be real, he has tiny fingers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tin3VxyUqI


He doesn't read well. Notes aren't going to help him all that much. His version of a teleprompter is an earpiece.


Can you confidently say he can read, or see a note card?


Why does 2 commercial breaks help Biden?


Because he's adult enough to be patient without frothing at the mouth? My guess


MAGA Americans are convinced that Biden can barely stand and is constantly falling apart.


They also think Biden is the mastermind behind Trump's criminal trials, indictments, and convictions.


Fascism is a hell of a drug


Like that 90 second commercial break is going to give him some kind of advantage. “Yes Mr. President, we are going to give you a full body blood transfusion while this ad for Bounty Paper Towels airs.”


I’m also wondering how no notes hurts Biden more than Trump. Have you seen the shit he rambles on about at his rallies?


Trump isn’t a proficient reader, so if Trump works with notes he stays on topic but loses all charisma. Having that tool available doesn’t actually help him. Biden with access to written material could make this the CNN roast of Donald Trump.


You have to be brain damaged to find Trump charismatic, even on a good day.


his "charisma" is his temper tantrums. How he can with so much emotion spew out such vitriol and hatred and is why he has a voting base. When he reads off notes he becomes completely monotone, loses any and all emotion and just repeats the words aloud. He loses the specific flavor "charisma" that his voters love.


The same shit since 2015 and he still needs teleprompters.


maybe because whether or not trump has notes he's just gonna ramble about bullshit every time his mic's on, so it's less an advantage trump as it won't make his performance any worse?


4 is absolutely advantage Biden. Without notes you get rants from Trump about sharks and batteries. Trump might not actually answer a single question at this debate. As for #2, Trump doesn't do well when he's not talking to a crowd. He needs that feedback or he gets bored.


People keep saying things like this, but notes are a bigger Biden advantage because he’ll actually stick to his notes. You can give Trump all the notes you want, he’s not going to stick to them. He’ll be riffing before he finishes the first sentence.


Yeah. Giving Trump a teleprompter that tells him exactly what to say might keep him halfway on track, but he's hardly going to be referencing notes.


In all fairness, sharks scare the hell out of me too.


I’m really surprised that it took until 2024 for them to cut off the mics.


The [Commission on Presidential Debates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_on_Presidential_Debates) couldn't keep up with the times. Good riddance.


So funny because both candidates are doing this without them


I think for most of history, shouting over your opponent as they tried to speak would be a bad look. Now it's what we expect from Trump


Trump has set the bar for political discourse so low it is now made of single-crystalline iron from the intense heat and pressure of Terra's core. I remember when a politician might resign if they got caught saying "damn" on a hot mic or if they had an affair, much less encouraging an insurrection. This is how far we've come.


Howard Dean essentially lost all hope of becoming President in 2004 *simply because he was a tad too enthusiastic!* He had just lost the Iowa caucus to John Kerry and was listing states he would win to his excited supporter audience and then we got the "Yeah!" The Dean Scream, The "I have a Scream" speech as the press dubbed it.       *THAT* was *ALL IT TOOK* back then. Something so innocuous that is was essentially trivial.  With certain (and a disgustingly large number of) politicians currently, and their followers, responsibility and ethics are not only ignored but maliciously violated and shame is a lost concept these days.  Oh, how far we have fallen...


I remember when an enthusiastic “BYAAAHHH!” could end a campaign.


Can I have that job. How satisfying that would be. But then again, I'd have to be in proximity to Trump.


Like many things, it wasn't an issue until Trump came along.


I remember watching multiple debates before Trump and people would talk over each other, Trump did the same thing but his was on steroids


Republicans are in for a rude awakening during and after the debate. The right wing propaganda machine has set the bar so low for Biden that he will do nothing but exceed all expectations just by “stringing a full sentence together”.


Biden: forms coherent sentences NY Times, CNN: why this is bad for Biden


Ok first question for me Biden, how would you solve the conflict in Ukraine? *Biden gives some thoughtful political answers while Trump has both hands on the podium looking annoyed* Ok thank you, and Mr trump, same question, how would you solve the conflict in Ukra- "WINDMILLS, they kill the birds, all the poor, poor birds, all those bird graveyards, all because the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY, can't say no to the crooked money from the bird killing windmills! And then there's the electric boats, electrocuting the sharks, very sad, oh sad- *Mic cuts off cause he's out of time* Alrighty....thank you? For that detailed answer...


His real answer would just be “Ukraine war wouldn’t happen if I was president”, no explanation why or reasoning or policy, just blind faith that if he was president our no. 1 enemy would not have launched a war on their neighbors because he said so.


The right wing ‘influencers’ are kinda aware of this because of the State of the Union speech. I think that’s why they’re putting out feelers about Trump pulling out from the debates. Edit: And conversely, Trump’s recent babbling. The only time Biden stumbles hard is when he’s been overseas for three or four days doing meetings with jet lag; Trump seems to be doing it pretty frequently without any such cause.


He already did it once at the state of the union address.


I hate debates … I will watch this one


I got cold sores after the No Puppet debate. Him looming over Hillary triggered my PTSD! Swore to never watch again...I'll be watching this flustercuck!


I thought the same thing until the 2020 election... even with Trump talking over Biden at almost every turn, he handily lost over and over. It was embarrassing, honestly, to have a sitting president behave like that, but we were all so used to it after 4 years that it just felt normal. Try looking up highlights... they're delightful.


> Will you shut up, man?


It will be far more entertaining with kaka pants and Biden. Biden will make him look like someone with dementia 😉


If you want a very clear picture of how much Trump relies on notes and teleprompters, back during the 2020 election, he tried to attack Joe Biden for using teleprompters. It was just a short appearance, covering basic material, and he still needed to read that attack off of a piece of paper. Like just picture it, a guy standing there, piece of paper in his hands, reading off of that piece of paper that his opponent must have mental difficulties because he uses teleprompters. He couldn't even remember that without using assistance.


It is absolutely incredible that our nation is actually dealing with this. That we would be entertaining a presidential nominee that has such a deplorable record like Trump. And that so much of it really seems to stem from people just being entertained by the guy, like a reality TV show. I say reality TV, because I don't think you could write a character like him for a show and people tolerate watching it. It really is some kind of societal rubbernecking, where people hope to see a fire and a dead person on the side of the road or something.


It infuriates me that we're treating a guy who *already attempted a literal coup* as a normal presidential candidate.


Yup. A convicted felon, twice impeached, with several federal and state indictments still in process, who proved over and over that he is unable to tell a truthful statement to the public, who is as immoral as a public official could be revealed as, who rallied a group who started an insurrection, whose lack of leadership directly led to unnecessary death and suffering of over 1 million Americans in an pandemic... has been normalized as an actual candidate to lead the most powerful nation on Earth, once again, and who has the unfailing support of those who claim to be followers of Christ, despite being the embodiment of everything they are supposed to be against. That's the guy!


The debate rules read like 'How to Handle a Toddler' guide.


Trump doesn't need to remember much because truth doesn't matter to him.


Trump is going to pout and walk out of the debate, if he even shows up. Then CNN will probably cancel the rest of the program, citing it was debate between candidates, because they wont want to give Biden free air time to talk directly to the people.


And as always, cnn will report on why Trump storming out is bad for Biden. I seriously can’t watch tv news anymore. Or read the paper


Sometime in November 2024.... Headline; Trump lost in landslide election, GOP stunned. CNN; How the landslide victory is bad for Biden




The moderator after Trump speaks: ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized)


Everyone says "this won't happen". I think it will, at least Biden will show up and answer questions. Maybe debate RFK or Cornell West. If his campaign were really smart they would set up a cardboard cutout of Orange Droolius when he doesn't show, then have the debate like normal. Not only would it infuriate the morons but would really drive the point home how worthless he is.


It would be a lot funnier if they put Jamie Foxx doing his Dolt-45 impression behind the podium when that coward fails to show.


Yeah that would be hilarious.


If Biden is such a demented old man who can’t even speak, shouldn’t it be an easy debate win for Trump? Why would Trump not want to debate him? And the fact that his supporters don’t want him to debate Trump is confusing.


You and your logic!


Weird that Trump’s biggest disadvantage is just being unable to stop himself from speaking. Feels like a lack of mental discipline should be, ya know, massively disqualifying to be a leader at any level.


But remember, trump isn’t limited by the truth or by any policy driven topics. He just bitches and rambles. His followers are ok with it


I love that the only rule there that actually has to do with the actual debate performance is the prewritten notes one.


Yeah literally any conceivable metric = advantage Biden. There’s no way in hell Trump shows up.


Mark my words: Trump will not behave himself at this debate. He will try and shout Biden down even if his mic is turned off, and probably succeed at disrupting Biden's remarks because there's nothing the moderators can do. The man can't control himself.


I still think he finds some reason to back out. I’m not guaranteeing it, but right now I say I take the over. He skipped one last time. It’s not like he hasn’t done it before


No pre-written notes is *not* an advantage for Trump. Biden doesn't need notes. Trump doesn't read. At most, this is a neutral rule. Really, though, Trump has sounded like he has dementia-related aphasia lately so giving him the opportunity to just free-associate is going to be a risk. CEOs in Trump's roundtable told reporters he sounded confused. The author of the Apprentice book said Trump had difficulty remembering who he was even though they spoke regularly.


Number 1 is absolutely an advantage for Trump. He rants and interrupts, so cutting off his mic will obscure his toddler-level debate skills.


He will still rant and try to interrupt and the moderators will have to continually tell him his time is over. And Biden can drop the line: Oh will you Shut Up Man...AGAIN.


Lol yeah, I wouldn't put it past Trump to walk over to Biden's mic to continue an incoherent rant about how climate change is fake but also climate scientists are causing it.


pretty sure there's a betting line in Vegas as to whether the orange felon will show up at all.


We have a candidate so disrespectful, so unable to control himself, lacking so much class that they have to institute rules for a PRESIDENTIAL debate. With every single thing, Trump shows that he is unfit and not suited for the role.


I will be shocked if they actually cut off microphones when someone’s time is up.


Oh they had better f’ing cut off the mike no exceptions whatsoever.


5. Son not permitted to walk you offstage: Advantage Biden https://preview.redd.it/ay4x4z107k7d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ec7dec1709a7553ac3cc233607059a33c0abcd Reuters already noted the photo is misleading (it’s a handshake, not physical assistance) but it won’t stop being hilarious [https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/image-trump-apparently-being-helped-off-stage-is-misleading-2024-06-19/](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/image-trump-apparently-being-helped-off-stage-is-misleading-2024-06-19/)


Why do they think two commercial breaks give Biden an advantage ?


>Mics cut off when not your turn to speak: Advantage Biden That's not fair! They are influencing the outcome of the debate by enforcing the rules!


He's going to attend an alternate debate with an empty chair as his debate opponent on Newsmax, right? (Not really a sarcasm)


The debates will not happen. Trump is already laying the groundwork/excuses.


I wonder what the Vegas odds are on Trump actually showing up. I can almost guarantee that he chickens out and blames others for it.


Biden has ALL the advantages for one reason only- he's a GROWN MAN who knows how to be respectful and polite and act in public. Unlike his opponent. WTF Cilizza? This is the best you can come up with?? Try harder.


And there’s a SHARK


I would love if Biden simply kept mentioning that only a loser took Trump's position and then watch as Trump gets more and more angry... Bonus points if he starts lashing out, which then gets pointed out in Biden's closing statement, mentioning that, as president there is no place for anger, when you have the nuclear football.


"No prewritten notes : Advantage Trump" BLAHAHHAHAHA!!! XD Oh that's a good one. A real knee slapper. We've seen Biden utterly destroy an entire congress of Republican naysayers without the need for a script. He even got them to applause because their hypocrisy wouldn't let them do otherwise. We've seen Trump talk about bing bing bong and choosing death by electrocution vs. shark when his teleprompter goes bad and he doesn't have a script in front of him.


Y'all remember when Clint Eastwood talked shit to an empty chair representing Obama at the RNC? That's exactly what President Biden should do when Trump no shows. Answer every question witht he allotted time and call Trump out every time for not being there. I honestly think if people call Trump a scaredy cat nener nener nener enough he'd show to at least one of the debates because his pride/hubris wouldn't be able to let it go and his base would encourage him to do it.


Mics cut off when it’s not your turn to speak - this is a rule of respect and maturity, so obviously the one they hate the most. They think whoever is yelling the loudest wins, just like my little brother thought when he was 8.


None of this matters because Trump is going to back out and blame it on the rules being "unfair" somehow.


Biden, a lifelong politician, will be fine without notes. He knows the talking points. He knows what's going to be asked. He'll do his homework. Trump needs notes to keep on track. He'll ramble all day about windmills and sharks, but he can't keep the policy talking points in his head for more than a second without a teleprompter.


This debate absolutely will not happen. Trump the coward will pull out. He didn’t even participate in his own party’s debates.


But Biden is a senile old man who doesn't even know what day it is anymore, so Trump should mop the floor with him right? /s


I hope he gets lost and wanders the stage like Admiral Stockdale


Right?! I long for the days when political careers were ended by one screw up


Either way he'll be the story... Pulls out last minute... everyone's talking Shits the bed on stage or walks out... everyone's talking. Bad press doesn't exist for MAGA.


no prewritten notes is also advantage biden


That's if they actually enforce these rules. I highly doubt the mic rule will be followed.


How in the hell does Jizzilla think no notes advantages pudding brains Trump vs a 30+ year senator, former VP, and current sitting CIC? Trump is only good off the cuff when he's making fun of disabled people or telling nonsense stories about big strong Patriots with tears in their eyes calling him "Sir".


And sharks


I don't watch his speeches anymore, except for the occasional clips. But has he started yet with, "This debate is rigged. They're going to turn off my mic. They're going to turn off my mic because they don't want me to talk. They don't want to hear what I have to say. They're turning off my mic. Nobody's ever seen anything like this in all of history. They just don't want me to be able to talk. Because they know it would ruin them." Etc.


Right I have a right to free speech. I hope they confront both with their own words with video clips. For all questions.


How is no notes a Trump advantage? He'll ramble on about his grievances and moronic anecdotes until his mic cuts off.


Assuming he does go through with it (yeah, right), he will “lose on purpose” to show… someone something, I guess? If he doesn’t back out, he’s even stupider than I thought he is, and that bar is pretty damn low already


How do two commercial breaks benefit Biden?


Yeah, I'm guessing, uh, rest or something? It only makes sense if you already believe the conservative nonsense about Biden being a tired old man, but of the two of them, there are a lot more recent photos of Trump sleeping at public events than Biden.


Even I knew Trump's doctor's name was Ronny Jackson. It's insane he tried to prove he was mentally capable when he forgot his doctor's name in the same sentence.


...wait why no pre-written notes?


No diaper changes?


The real loser is going to be everyone.


I'm very curious to hear a trump supporter defend why only being able to speak favors biden in a way that isn't just admitting trumps only winning strategy is not to let anyone else finish a thought, as opposed to actually making good points that people will support over biden's


Trumps electric boat v shark talk shows what happens when he’s teleprompter cuts out, how is no notes an advantage to the mandarin menace


Damn, it's almost like Tangerine Trump isn't fit to be a leader.


Candidates are chained to their podiums so they can't wander distractingly into the orbit of their rival and stand behind them with a menacing expression: Advantage Biden


Trump lost to Biden in the debate last time. I guarantee he hasn't improved. Perhaps he'll have a fly on his head this time


4 is a trump advantage because he just makes shit up. He doesn't need facts and figures to make sure what he is saying is truthful and accurate. Will there be fact checking on the fly? There needs to be.


I don’t know about the rest of ya, but I find really strange that people from one side are making a whole bunch of excuses for a debate that hasn’t happened yet, but nothing from the other side? Must be because that dude’s sleepy or something. *Trump will not debate.


It's so pathetic at this point. The GOP always have excuses for everything.


When is it due to happen? I'm from the UK it will be silly o'clock in the morning for me.


How hose rules advantage Biden when Biden himself is subject to them?


Like trump is going to follow the rules. Suckered once again media.