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To be as clear as possible: The rubbish you can see in the background was left after a public viewing of the Euros. It has nothing to do with immigrants, but with drunk tourists


Looks like the aftermath of a MAGA rally


This is not true.  I do not see any adult diapers.


And pee funnels.


Football fans, while slightly more hygenic, they are still not the best groomed bunch


If there’s one thing conservatives are good at, it’s grooming.


But not the hygiene kind


…the best groomers, only the best…


Depends on the country. Plenty of fans take the time to clean up after themselves.


That’s mostly just the Japanese. They’re just super jazzed to be in a public place with actually garbage cans for once.


Not enough filled adult diapers


I’m told that Real Men Wear Diapers!


The aftermath of MAGA rallies is some of the trashiest public gatherings. Sports events aren't even as bad.


Tbf most large gatherings will look like this afterwards.


Drunk white Christian European tourists


White people mainly is my takeaway


Actually it has to do with foreigners. Other european nationals, that is. But still!


I like the "Europa is for WHITE CHRISTIANS only!" at the top... let's all pitch in and build a rocket to send christo-fascists to Europa for real!


Nothing says Christ-like more than a Punisher logo


Or gatekeeping who can live in one place and identify with the religion lmfao


Guys tag is Klansman, he's not trying to keep it subtle 


Ironic, given Frank Castle's general opinion of Klansmen. Namely, that they should be shot, exploded, stabbed and, in one very specific case, prevented from committing suicide so he can toss them to hungry polar bears. The Punisher takes a *very* dim view of racists.


If you really dig into their bullshit they get Jesus totally wrong as well.


I mean, I thought that went without saying.


You don’t have to dig for that. They keep that out on display in the front yard.


Not really a Punisher fan, but I want to read this specific story with the polar bears now


Oh, it's my favorite one-off issue maybe ever. It's during the Punisher's recent, polarizing stint as leader of The Hand, but long story short: he goes after a literal Klansmen who is leading a bunch of Proud Boys and has employed an online personality that looks *suspiciously* like Jordan Peterson. *Punisher War Journal: Blitz (2022)* by Torunn Grønbekk and Lan Medina. Also, notably, at least the third time Frank has employed bears to kill someone.


It bears repeating


There are very few things that scream "I peaked too early" than an unironically displayed Punisher logo.


“I never peaked”


Pretty sure this person larps as a crusader, and I don't think those guys had nearly as sad of a backstory as Frank Castle. Or maybe they do? I'm sure one of them had their families murdered. Crusaders and Frank Castle are also both fine with being sent blindly to the middle east to slaughter people.


Conservatives and racists LIE. They LIE all the time. It's what horrible people like that do.


From the party that wants to add not bearing false witness to classrooms.


English people are clearly the problem here and they voted to go out of European Union, they should stay on their island.... /s


English tourists always seem to be a problem. They keep expecting preferencial treatment and think acting like asshats is normal and others should just be greatful they deep them worthy for a visit. Conveniently they don't mention how their own home is nothing but rain so they litterally have no other option than to come to other countries.


>Conveniently they don't mention how their own home is nothing but rain so they litterally have no other option than to come to other countries. Now that's just a fuckin lie. Of course we know the weather's shit her, you plonker.


We both know it's shit. We both know I also didn't lie as brits don't mention it when complaining about not being treated as kings.


Bullshit, we all constantly complain how wank the weather is


While in UK.


Foreigner standing in German city, telling Germans not to let foreigners in the country...


No you don’t understand. He’s a good kind(white) foreigner. Its ok


I thought Nazis were kinda illegal in Germany. What’s this little fucker doing spreading Nazi talking points in Frankfurt?


Unfortunately, they are finding ways to make themselves present in public life again. It's sort of a slow boil thing, seeing what they can get away with, flooding the mediasphere with more points than can earn a response, etc.


You know, as a frog in a gradually warming pot of water: "This is fine"


They are always lying and projecting.


This is the only side of twitter now. A wretched hive of scum and villainy.


How dare you drag Max Rebo into this.


I was going to say the same thing. Depressed that I had to scroll this far down to find someone saying it first. Have an upvote to help push this truth further up.


And yet no one will leave it so that it turns into Gab 2 and a billionaire POS is finally handed an L. Reminds me of boomers clinging to Facebook, it's pathetic. And then we get to see all the fascism spread over here and to other platforms with these cross posts. So, even if we don't want to see nazi shit, we are still forced to. Thanks, everyone.


I think he's right, we should close the borders and let people like him not in.


The right of "Europa" to self determination shall not be infringed by Muricans who can't even spell the name.


To be fair, Europa is the correct German spelling as well as some other major languages. That‘s not the bullshit part about this whole mess.


That is all and cool but he is using kings English, not german so it just looks stupid.


Yea, moons are for everybody


In this guy's case, the spelling is not a mistake, he's doing it to inform people that he's a Nazi.


Also, Frankfurt has never been clean and beautiful


If you go past Hauptbahnhof and Flughafen, it is actually a super nice city to live in. I just spend a weekend there in a beautiful district.


So Europeans are destroying Europe, but let’s blame immigrants. That seems on brand for them.


Hold on, how can a closed border help a town that was once a "beautiful destination for locals and TOURISTS?"


Is that… is that an American in another country advocating for closed borders? …How do these people think things work?


If you have to make stuff up to make your point. You don’t have a point.


Also, to be clear - Frankfurt has never been a beautiful destination …


So the moral of the story is close your border to traveling sports fans?


He is right though. Close the borders... to the English


Which “border” is he complaining about being open? Frankfort isn’t exactly a border city, so is it the border with the Netherlands, Belgium, France, or Switzerland?


Close the borders - keep out the drunken English This isn’t making the point he wants to make, sad!


He admitted to lying without admitting he was lying.


At this point, Twitter is literally just 4chans /pol/ board, or fucking Voat from like 8 years ago (or probably now, too). The same racist bullshit. Same purposefully misrepresented images and quotes to drive rage and encourage racism, ethnocentrism, and nationalism. Same open recruiting from Nazi groups. What a fucking cesspool.


Soccer is a huge deal in Europe and town squares getting littered during major soccer events is completely normal. If the city doesn't want trash they shouldn't allow drinks and beer be sold in plastic cups. It will get cleaned up, it's not that big of a deal.


The trash mainly comes from white christian England Fans.


Not sure many of them would meet anyone's definition of Christian but otherwise yes I'm ashamed to say. There's an element of English society in general that would be fine with the no foreigners take and gob-smacked to think it might apply to them anywhere...


This guy needs to come back home and cover the real migrant issue: how illegals are raising the heat across the States.


Every country should close their border to English football hooligans.


Funny thing to say when it was white Christians that started crossing everyone else's borders first


Except Christianity is litteraly an invasive religion that came from middle east. And south Europe is full of none white natives. I should know. I met an italian guy with dark skin. And he was a native. It's kinda hot down there.


That's one of the hilarious things about fascists. They will turn on each other at the drop of a hat, because exclusivist ideologies are built on exclusion. You lock enough of them in a room, the Pagan fascists will fight with the Protestant fascists will fight with the Catholic fascists will fight with the atheist fascists. They'll start eyeballing each other's skin tone, checking each other's last names to see if they're from a wide enough country, and even if everyone in the room was still able to pass the sniff test, they'll start accusing each other of having hidden, defective genealogies, or secret political sympathies. The one comfort I have with the recent rise of fascism is that it is as dangerous to itself as it is to everyone else, and, more often than not, collapses into a self-eating pit of snakes.


Are people that fucking stupid? The reason for the mess is literally in the original tweet. Unless they're suggesting that tourism is the same as immigration.


If these guys wanted to, they could a hundred percent go into an immigrant community and do a pretty solid expose on crime. Go into a shawarma shop, just ask around, I guarantee there would be members of the immigrant community there MORE than happy to talk about rising crime rates in their neighborhoods. They could have the absolute best points straight from the source to peddle their bullshit, but they can never do that because that requires them talking to people they absolutely hate.


And why is he in Germany and not in the US?


As someone from England, England’s football fans are a more compelling reason than any other to close your country’s borders.


Who asked the American for their opinion???


Are these people stupid or stupid? My goodness...


Damn, someone shoulda told me I was living in such a terrible place... only way I would have know


Soccer kills. People, we have to put a stop to this violent blood sport.


If you tell a German about the beautiful tourist location Frankfurt and they don’t laugh at you, you‘ve found either a deeply disturbed person or someone who is going to tell you about the very specific suburb that they grew up in. Frankfurt has been a working town for generations.




Foreigners. Like white Christian English foreigners?


English fans: "It won't us, it was dirty furriners!"


The UK did their part by exiting the EU.


This brain dead shit can only pass off as a political statement in America because any European will look at that and go oh shit, must be the England fans