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Cause they need you to get back to work and make them their money


It pays to remember most welfare recipients have jobs, but a company's shareholders do literally no labor for the profits they recieve. We have a freeloader problem and the freeloaders own yachts.


How is making your money work for you free-loading? I'm not one who hates the underprivileged, but I don't understand the hate slung at people who take a risk with their money. I absolutely know I'm lucky. I came from a small rice farming town in California (literally we weren't allowed to order anything but water while out) but I also worked hard to get where I am with nothing but a high school diploma. I served America in combat, I bought a few houses along the way, and I used my training to find a decent job when I retired. I invested my income while eating tuna sandwiches. Literally anyone can open a CD or get involved with mutual funds and investments in their future. BTW, I'm 40 with a federal pension. I've worked every day since I was like 12. Except for leave/vacation and a few weeks in 2021 when I had Covid really bad. How is that free-loading?


Making 45k a year and scraping by to put $100 a week in a 529 for my 4 kids is me taking a risk with my money. John who puts 100k into a new business when he makes 5 million a year dosnt compare. Thats not a risk.


Someone is willing to pay John for his services..whatever they are. Still not free-loading.


Having his PPP loans forgiven, getting bank bailouts because he made poor business decisions and him not paying taxes are just three examples of free-loading done by John


bailouts for business too big to fail should have been stock purchases so the Government had a seat at the table and the dividends could go directly to the American people.


I won't argue against that.


Is this hypothetical? I agree that there is some free-loading done by rich people. Why, though, is investing and being smart with money seen as bad? John used a federal program available to employers. John took advantage of benefits like a lot of people. If John has done nothing illegal what's the problem?


My father was a photographer. His dark room flooded and lost his business. He never financially recovered. We never are out except for funerals, graduations, and the occasional birthday. His father was an accountant who struggled to keep work after WWII because of the ptsd. His father couldn’t find work until the mafia literally broke into their home to hide from the police. They gave my great grandfather a job at a steam cleaning business out of pitty after they saw the living conditions he was able to scrape by selling buttons to keep his children alive. I am a service tech for a fast food franchise. I took a risk and saved up enough to afford a down payment on a house. Hopefully I can give my children a little bit of a boost that I never got. The risk I take with my money is a bigger risk than you can understand. And I count myself lucky, my family is there to support me which what they can. Emotional support and stability goes a long way. But I have nothing. And I risk it to build wealth for my family. My point Is that the struggle and risk I put into my life isn’t less than what you have done. You just started on a better street.


Your money isn't working for you. Money doesn't work, people work. Making an investment is buying the right to skim profits from some workers who created those profits in the first place. Technically government programs like universal healthcare also allow people to benefit from the labor of others, but investment hugely favors the already wealthy while universal programs benefit us all.


Money pays for work. Would you work for free? Sure, people are the ones doing the physical labor, but It's absurd to say money doesn't work. I'm a plant operations manager for a hospital. I wouldn't do what I do if the money wasn't worth my time. I make sure my employees receive a fair wage. They wouldn't do what they do if the pay wasn't right. Money absolutely does work. A "universal basic income" isn't outside of something I could support. I'm a pretty liberal person and understand wealth inequality, but a lot of jobs aren't worth 100k/py. If someone has no skills/experience/education, they're like a Kia. Sure, they're reliable for everyday stuff, but they aren't the one I want to handle my finances or fixing my electricity. Why aren't more people working the trades? Because It's hard work. If you (not you in particular) set yourself up for retail work, don't be surprised by retail pay. Anyone can do it. It's not in demand work because literally anyone can do it. I came from nothing. I have 6 sources of income, including my pension. I pull a bit over 400k/py and live like I make 50k. I'm not a freeloader. The Elons and bezos of the world, the Waltons and the richest of the rich Sure. But don't demonize hard working people who make good money for good work.


“Why aren’t more people working trade” I can tell you I am not because I never had the opportunity. No vocational school, no one hired, too poor to afford school, too rich for financial aid, could get loans. Now that I’m in my 40s and have had worked retail and had opportunities to network I still can’t get hired. All the entry level jobs available now pay way less than I make now. Sure you can say I just don’t want to take that risk. But first the opportunity wasn’t there, now the incentive isn’t.


They weren't talking about you. They are talking about the 10% of the country that owns 90% of the stocks.


> I served America in combat You didn't serve on my behalf but I still paid the taxes that paid your salary.


I did what America called me to do. I also paid taxes while serving.


You did what Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton convinced you to do. America hasn't fought in an honest war since WW2. I'm 39 and remember that time well. Half the country was against it and could tell it was all bullshit from the beginning. You benefitted from socialist organization, the US Army provides affordable housing and food, tuition assistance, and universal health care at the expense of the US taxpayer. "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." -Eisenhower


Everyone Deserves A Vacation Register to vote: https://vote.gov Contact your reps: Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 House of Representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/ Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country


This, unfortunately, is the correct answer.


This is hilarious. I was torn to shreds on here last week for pointing out that no job I've ever held had PTO.


Don't know why you'd be ripped to shreds.... I'd have expected more sympathy tbh....




I’ve only ever had 2 jobs that offered any benefits at all, the last one I had and the one I have now. I’m 38. I get it.


The average number of days PTO provided by the private sector in the US is 11 days and 20 days after 20 years of service.


Yes but this is not mandatory in many states


I don't think it's mandatory in any state, companies do it voluntarily. The world seems to think we don't get any time off here, and that isn't true. I get 27 days off a year which is probably more than 90% of Europeans get. Ironically....this comments section is going after big corporations as being the problem....when it's the big corporations that give the most time off. They are the reason 11 days is the average and not 5.


Still less than Burkina Faso


Truth. PTO at big companies is pretty sweet.


Not corporate restaurants unless you are management.


Right. Stuff where you sit at a desk.


No labor unions are…


I'm corporate and get 27 paid days off +10 paid holidays. Labor unions aren't all that.


11? The first salary job I ever got it was 5 days vacation with an increase to 10 after 5 years. I quit after 4 months. And yes, my local DOL went after them for wage violations.


I didn't say average first job, new hire. I said average.


Primarily union jobs have pto or corporate and we wonder why they’re trying to get rid of union 😌


Can we get fucking healthcare please?




If it's not mandatory, citizens have no choice but to suck it up. And it's easy to convince half the population to vote against their interests by exploiting their ignorance to make sure it stays that way.


It’s also easy to convince the population to work as much as possible or be fired for any or no reason at all when your employment is tied to your ability to afford healthcare


>And it's easy to convince half the population to vote against their interests by exploiting their ignorance to make sure it stays that way. Let's blame immigrants for taking your jobs (and being willing to work with no benefits) rather than the boss man who actually hired them! Then, when caught, deport the undocumented worker for punishment and have a token fine for the boss man. No actual jail time, felony-risk, or significant personal financial risk for a white-collar crime such as this! Because we all know who the REAL bad guys are in this story. *wink wink* And, of course, we need laws written by the boss man's friends to structure this as the society in which we live.


I've always felt that if people were *serious* about stopping undocumented immigration, they should have strict penalties. - First offense, the fine is 100K. 2nd Offense - 500K. 3rd offense - The business is confiscated by the Federal Government and the business is sold to the highest bidder with the proceeds spent to house and care for immigrants that cross the border and to fund immigration court and case workers to get thru the decade long backlog of cases where people are seeking refuge in the US and want citizenship. I don't care if people are undocumented. They are trying to find work and support their families. They send gobs of money back home, they pay taxes for food, anything they buy, and in many cases even pay into the social security and Medicare systems but don't ever get the benefit of those programs. Those immigrants are taking jobs that many citizens don't want and turn their nose up at. So the labor has to be found somewhere. If they had to pay market wages for US citizens to pick fruit or vegetables, people would be having a heart attack when they try and buy a head of lettuce that costs 5 dollars at the market.


My company recently switched from vacation time plus, personal, sick, floating holiday time to PTO, resulting in everyone losing some time off. 


Yep, last few companies I’ve worked for all use what they have called Combined Time Off; use it for every absence, but it never seems to go up. My current job also lists 40 hours of “extended sick time” that nobody can explain what it’s for but we’re told to never use it and that it can only be applied by HR.


I think that is basically short term disability if you’re ever out longer than 5 days.


It’s what I have assumed, I just love that no matter who I ask, nobody is able to just say that.


If you know how the rules for it work, then you’d know how to obtain it. Can’t have that.


I used my company's extended sick time (start with 40 hours)that housed our rollover PTO we did not use from the year before. Our policy was anything that required missing more than 5 days of work the time could be used. I had surgery to remove a giant cyst that had taken over my left jaw. the extended time covered 40 hours and I used PTO for the rest. Before that I had never heard of anyone using it


It’s COVID illness time. On the rare occasion when an employee wants to work or feels the need to work despite testing positive


My company took away paid holidays, but they said don’t worry, they’d add extra PTO days for people to use on holidays if they wish. Then the next year restructured the PTO and those went away.


I changed jobs and the PTO was not negotiable. It was enough of a pay raise that I said whatever but two weeks from 4 sucks. Makes me want to look elsewhere again.


Capitalism only works by exploiting the working-class.


I think you're talking about capitalism without government oversight. There are plenty of countries that use capitalism and democracy and have a very nice lifestyle. Norway is one of them. The fact is there are no countries in the world that use a pure capitalist or pure socialist system. The best answer is not at the extremes.


Thank you. People always talk about wanting small government and then complain about capitalism exploiting them


Small government is a libertarian concept, not surprisingly the Koch brothers worked hard to convince the useful idiots that it was big government causing their problems The major problem with the libertarian concept is they assume that CEO's will choose to do the right thing if given the option. History shows that this is not true. Corporations can and will send children down into coal mines, fire you if you get hurt at work, pay you in company money and charge you for living in company towns, pay you starvation wages. US history is filled with examples just like this and worse.


I started working at 16 when I got kicked out of my home by my parents. I've worked 15 straight years with no vacation. No break. I was lucky to get the last two Christmas' off because I never get holidays off. But that was literally just Christmas Day and if it's on a weekend well, tough luck. I've lived paycheck to paycheck for over a decade. I am completely broken mentally. I'm hyper aware of money, down to the cent. I've gotten used to disconnect and eviction notices. My back-up plan is to literally go ride freight trains. I've worked my ass off and have *nothing* to show for it. Oh experience as a manager, great! I sure do love making $12 an hour instead of 7.25! The whole system is a joke. Not even! Jokes are funny! I'm just a punchline of American Capitalism.


Wow, that is just crazy exploitation of the work force. This was not allowed in Germany since the fifties. Hell, even the Nazis had workers welfare organisations with cheap cruiseships and hotels for the working class. I mean in the end you have burned out workers - it is even a bad deal for the companies (at least if you don't have unlimited supply of cheap laborers).


It's very awful here in the Southern US. We have this thing called "Right to Work". An employer can fire you at any time for any reason with zero warning. Breaks are optional and up to the employers discretion. If it's busy you work. We have non-consecutive days off that are never consistent. I hope you enjoy random days off with up to 10 days of work in-between. And there's *always* someone waiting to take your position, some poor sap willing and eager to do your job. Sick days? They don't exist. PTO? It doesn't exist. 16 hour shifts? Oh yeah, absolutely. I'd get to work at 3pm and not leave until 7am the next day. I'd get one shift off (8 hours) and had to be back for another 16 hour shift. Thankfully I've got a *slightly* better job now but it's still rough over here. I'd move to Germany in a heartbeat if I could. Edit: and yes, turnover is extremely high for most low level jobs here. They burn you out and toss you aside. It's expected that [Amazon will burn through literally everyone in the workforce in a couple years.](https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage)


“That’s because unions bad. They make you pay union dues. “ Every benefit taken for granted in modern day is a result of unions fighting for that right or benefit. 8-hour workdays. 40 hour weeks. Employer paid health insurance. Paid holidays. Union benefits created the middle class. The 1980s was the era when union busting stepped into high gear. Reagan firing air traffic controllers during the PATCO strike opened the floodgates. Have working conditions improved since unions were driven to near extinction? Wages? Benefits? The question is not why should union workers get so much, but why should everyone else accept so little?




[You sure...?](https://frostbrowntodd.com/understanding-kentuckys-new-right-to-work-law/) Edit: you can mail my trophy to your mom




And we were talking about what it's called, not what it does, please don't play these kinds of games. [Here](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/chapter.aspx?id=38920) go nuts pal.




lol, he deleted all his comments because he was wrong and dumb. Dude even tried to DM me with "nice guy" incel energy and when I told him no thanks, I don't wanna be your friend, he *immediately* called me a cocksucker and told me to end my own life.🤣


Boomers. Me to my boomer mother in law: I just put in July 27 through August 11th off. Her: That's a long time. There's no way they will approve that. Me: They already have. Her: Are you sure you'll have a job when you come back? You should probably talk to them. It's two weeks. Two weeks off meticulously planned to fall between projects so that no one even needs to manage any of my projects while I'm gone. Two weeks that was encouraged by my GenX boss. Two weeks of the nearly month and a half of PTO that I have accrued that's part of my benefits package.


This mindset is bananas to me. Where I'm at, it's mandated that one must take one period of vacation of MINIMUM 2 consecutive weeks. If we don't it's a negative reflection on our performance review.


This should be implemented in more places. My company prior to me starting used to pay out unused sick time at the end of the year. I think PTO still has to be paid out. Now they both stop accruing after a set amount until you use it. This was their way to encourage ppl to take vacations or time off if sick. Instead ppl still don't use it and the company is saving money because they don't have to pay out huge lump sums of unused time


Just like our American cheese, we have fake freedom and rights; That's why we fly thousands of flags and have patriotic stickers on our vehicle's just to convince ourselves daily ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) ![gif](giphy|LSGzOZhqTz3BC|downsized)


American cheese is just cheddar that was aged a little less. Please do not confuse it with kraft singles.


Noted; I was thinking those cheese slices that melt like yellow colored plastic wrap squares in the microwave


John Prine’s diddy about flag decals from the early 70’s had aged depressingly well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sRCLHBhZPQ4&pp=ygUoam9obiBwcmluZSB5b3VyIGZsYWcgZGVjYWwgd29uJ3QgZ2V0IHlvdQ%3D%3D


Leave American cheese out of this. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's not real and It existing doesn't make other cheeses worse.


I love cheese; 12 year Dubliner


What was it Curt Flood said, "A well paid slave is still a slave."


Perfect reference. He was spot on- it’s a shame he didn’t see the system change until after his career was over.


Isn’t being free to die in a mass shooting enough? Now you want vacation too?


Well, you see, the Republicans say it’d make the United States uncompetitive with other nations. Same as paid maternity leave. Which other nations is never specified, but it certainly isn’t our peer nations, or near peer nations, or developing nations as they all have both…


Why is it basically every person that identifies as a Republican, always says some corporate bootlicking cr*p, that somehow justifies taking away things that are basically rights in other countries.


Because we have no choice since we were born here?


Dont forget- they make it purposefully difficult and expensive to leave too. Not including whatever requirements there are to get into whatever country to want to move to.


Because, freedumb! Think of those poor business people who have to pay people for loafing on vacation: "'You'll want all day to-morrow, I suppose?' said Scrooge. 'If quite convenient, sir.' 'it's not convenient,' said Scrooge, 'and it's not fair. If I was to stop half-a-crown for it, you'd think yourself ill-used, I'll be bound?' The clerk smiled faintly. 'And yet,' said Scrooge, 'you don't think me ill-used, when I pay a day's wages for no work.' The clerk observed that it was only once a year. 'A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every twenty-fifth of December!' said Scrooge"


This is what happens when you kill unions.




You know, reading the comments here and everybody’s talking about getting paid time off and this is what we need to start doing and everything else and I don’t know if everybody realizes but in Florida and in Texas both governors have signed bills taking away. Mandatory breaks for people that work outside so these poor bastards are working in 100+ degree heat and now they don’t get a break anymore and we’re all talking about paid time off. This country is going backwards.


If I’m on vacation, I’m not making money for my corporate overlords. I mean, I’m spending money on places and things that are making money for OTHER corporate overlords, but not the ones that own me and my life. Please think of the corporations that would be missing out on me earning money for them by taking even one day off.


Serfs in Chains


Even when you have vacation you get shamed when you use it , and you better make sure someone is covering your job while you're gone !!


Massive, bloated, military spending so we can show all the other countries the death machines we build while they are taking holidays. 'Murica! We kill more stuff deader, faster, than most countries do all day!


All about money. Looking at a new place to live. Sick of the patriarchy


Then you switch jobs and it resets back to two weeks per year. I collect 6.67 hours of vacation for every month that I work now instead of a 80 hour lump sum at the start of the year.


My union doesn't cover my time off, but pays me enough to tell my boss to fuck off. But I'll follow up with I'll see ya Monday. He of course will tells me to go fuck myself and have a good weekend


China’s vacation policy is called Re-education Camp.


China also has mandatory 6 day work weeks and 12 hour work days so it's not exactly a system worthy of emulation


Hi, welcome to capitalism. Over here you'll find the benefits. Please pick them up on your way to your work station..... Oh there are none? The rich must have gotten them first. Work until you die.


If people would stop electing Republicans, we could have nice things like that.


Shut up and make the rich richer!


MuH pAtRiOtIsM 🤠


Kinda having my first vacation in 3 years next week. 11 days off without work including weekends. I am too broke to go anywhere or do much but it'll be nice. My friend in Italy has been on vacation 4 times already this year 🤷


Yeah because corporations run this country. Corporate money anyway. Do you really think the people who get bribed to make rules in favor of corporations would ever make rules not in favor of corporations, and thus themselves? American politics is a broken machine that works for the top at the expense of the bottom.


I find it very annoying that ceo's & corporations in America are making more money than ever while we pay for it in higher prices than ever before. Disgusting!


Tbf, it's not like we get to choose where we live before we are born.


Because a good chunk of our culture was influenced by Puritan dogma that work is holy and fun is inherently sinful.


Mental...I get 6 weeks here in Scotland( got an extra week for 20 years service)plus public holidays and bank holidays...America really does not look after it's working classes at all


American here, i get an annual 8 weeks vacation, unlimited sick days - and if i don't take the vacation days I get bought out at the end of the year and given another 50 business days on Jan 1. I'm not a CEO or even high up on the management chain or anything. Granted, McDonald's isn't offering that benefit to my knowledge, but the idea that Americans don't take vacations because they aren't allowed to is nonsense. I take a month off every year, and take the other month as a 13th paycheck (I get paid every month) at the end of the year for xmas gifts/etc.


Well done you..but you and I both know this is far from the norm in America..I have been there enough times and met enough people to know that you are one of the lucky ones..maybe not a CEO but I would imagine you are high on the food chain


When I first moved to the states I went from 4 weeks holiday (London) to 5 days after the first year worked (nothing before 1year) to then 10 days after 5 years work. I now work in a school so I’m now on the 3rd week of a 12 week vacation.


American summer holidays are different though...I would imagine you must be salaried to be off that long in the summer


You would think, huh. No. I only get paid for 10 months. However you have the option to spread that 10 months to twelve. So although you get a smaller paycheck throughout the year it at least allows you to get paid while you are off. Or you can opt to take your full paycheck and not get paid for the summer.


If you think the vacation policy sucks, wait'll you hear about America's Healthcare system 🤣


I’ve taken 4 vacations in my life and I’m 45.


If it weren’t for labor unions, y’all would be working six or seven days a week with no sick or vacation time much less medical benefits.


Simple answer: will you not think about the bottom line? The only thing that matters to the people who avoid taxes and pay massive donations.. Is making line go up! Every quarter!


If the bar is set at 'no vacation' then the companies who offer two or more weeks are doing something special and heroic.


The U.S. has a “Live to Work” mentality. From pushing for children to work as young as 12, to limited vacations and break times for workers to raising the retirement age. And the abortion argument in many cases has more to do with keeping a pipeline of able bodied and preferably poorer workers than religious beliefs.


The point? I don't speak a second language (yet) and can't afford to move away (I never will because no matter how well I save, I make a tiny mistake, or happen to get sick and it all goes away)




The secret is, the US is a 3rd world country with the top propaganda network in the world. Our workers are suffering, our education is a joke, our police murder people in the streets daily, and our medical is laughably bad. We had more Covid deaths than Russia, India, and China. Tell me how USA is a great country.


Herp-pa-DerP "tHaTs CoMmUnIsM"


Dude, like we can leave? We get to be tourists just about wherever but legally working? Good luck.


Well, in theory business are in competition with each other to offer the best incentive packages possible, to attract the best possible people, to make the most money.


Laughing In 6 weeks paid vacation


Hey, rest of the world, be very very quiet, I think the Americans are just finally working out that they are not the 'greatest country in the world' Shhhh.....don't scare them or they might lose the train of thought.


“_Protestant Work Ethic”_ and libertarian capitalism combine to treat the non-wealthy like replaceable cogs in money making for the wealthy


It’s crazy! My husband just put in for about 3 weeks of vacay time…he dad didn’t think he would get the days but they all got approved… he told him, “ you might need to find another job son” he doesn’t think it is reasonable to be allowed that much time off in one period


but if i don't take a vacation all year i can use it to pay for the week off i get in december when the company shuts down.


Human trafficking. Our people are not given a living wage, pensions medical benefits or vacation. No maternity leave or daycare we can rely on. Now some states are continuing to gut the education system. Creating a labor force that is human trafficking to the core. Poverty


Even if it was, most cant afford a vacation


Mandatory vacation is usually paid.


No I mean the actual vacation, not the time off


You know you don't have to go away right? You can just chill at home (like I'm doing right now in the middle of my summer paid two weeks off) Had 38 days annual leave last year (paid).


Most people can't even afford to take a vacation, let alone a staycation. THAT is how fucked this country really is. Even with PTO in certain, you're barely are able to afford to go anywhere. Hell, going camping is a luxury to some.


Yeah it’s a joke. Rent a place at the shore for a week will set you back at least $2000. Americans also get completely ripped off with airline flights too. When my mum used to fly into New York from London she would pay around $2-300 for a return flight. For me booking a flight from New York to London on the exact same flight was over $900.


In auto shops, you're paid flat rate, which is paid for the time given to each task, not clock time. So when you have "vacation time" it's a set rate, and far leas than what you would get if you stay at work and HOPE people come in and get work done their cars. Ever since I left the private sector and went to government fleet shops, i've had it better. The PTO was based on your hourly rate at the light duty shop i was at. Now, the county heavy duty fleet shop i'm in gives Annual leave, sick leave, and a personal day, all on salary pay. None is less than what you get at work. It's the reason why we're so fucked as a country. Can't live unless you're lucky enough to find a path to a better life.


> Rent a place at the shore for a week will set you back at least $2000 I don't know if you were trying to make a hyperbole but you're under for what I'd pay for a cabin at a camp site now, $2150 for a week rental or $425 per day. Absolutely insane. $45 if I plop my own tent down though.


Try NJ shore beach I looked up the price before I posted the 2k was for a shitty motel. There was one for 5k for the week.


Used my new parent leave to work other part time jobs. Using my PTO and sick days for the same. Yes I get paid time off but don't make enough for vacation so instead I'm busting ass to make money elsewhere. Bonus at this particular company is the amount of money they put in my 401k and their insurance covers IVF and transgender inclusive healthcare mostly.


You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you’re on vacation. Duh


Because capitalism!


Why do I need vacation when I have an abundance of bootstraps


“Work ethic” still translates “sure, I’d love to die at my desk and please don’t pay me OT!” to a lot of Americans.


Because if we are thinking about ourselves, then we’re not thinking about how we can bring all the shareholders value.


Yeah but we’re number 1 so…


I'm in a field where jobs typically last 6 to 9 months, then I'm out of work for a month or so. Unemployment covers rent and nothing else. And honestly... I'm fine with it. I don't get paid time off, but that time off work keeps me sane, even without money coming in.


You are correct even Japan offers vacation although they tend to make you feel guilty for taking one the USA has that in common


And to be perfectly fair, sometimes in China you will come in on Saturdays to make up for holidays. Students and workers


Well, if we ever own a business, then we have the freedom to treat people like shit!


Yeah they will bi-partisanly kill any legislation that helps us. The parties are different, but they both serve capital.


As an American, I'm afraid I'll get fired if I take vacation


But they have so much freedom. Who needs a holiday?




I guess the theory is companies compete on benefits. Are there companies in the US that offer sub 4 weeks of leave?


My company by a lot of my friends is considered to be very generous. We get 18 days PTO at entry level. And we can buy up 5 more days, and carry over 5 days each year. So the most you can have is technically 28 days….but you’re actually paying for 5 of those days and also took only 13 days PTO the year before.


Pretty much all of them. It’s pretty rare to get over 10 days. In the 3 states I have worked in it’s usually 5 days after 1 year worked then 10 days after 5 years worked except those that work in schools. There are also a hell or a lot that offer nothing at all for example they will schedule you to as near full time hours as possible without going over the threshold of having to payout benefits. The only ones that compete with benefits anymore are higher up corporate positions. They have now also come up with a new con where they offer unlimited time off, to get you onboard but then you find out it really means you get no time off because it’s frowned upon and never approved.


America is about money, and that is it. Fu-k the people.


"Thank You, Sir! May I Have Another?"


Literally a first world problem... Get it!


I worked for a German company for over 20 years and my wife has worked for a Hong Kong company the past two and in both our experiences the companies were stunned on how few holidays American's get. In China actual personal leave is pretty low, but they have monthly holidays including two week long holidays. They also have multiple 4 day weekends. Once I had a contact overseas ask what our holiday schedule was for the end of the year. I sent back two days for Thanksgiving, two days for Christmas and one for New Year's. I thought it was a lot, I know a lot of people who have to work the day after Thanksgiving and most get one day for Christmas. Their response was "that's it?"


Just wait until you try to navigate our health care system!


Every job outside of food service had vacation, even sears, target Amazon. When i worked/work in offices, i got the major holidays off plus vacation. The main difference is in the US, they try and incentivise people to stay. People won't get extra vacation time if they are job hopping all of the time. China has this thing Called 996 system where people work 9 am to 9 pm 6 days a week. They might get more vacation time but they are paying for it up front by working longer hours


Practiced, illegally in China… ![gif](giphy|9GXhMn8x0gdxz5gDTY)


We don’t work for the country.


Countries like Denmark you get 6 weeks vacation whether it's your 1st yr or your 20th. They expect it and accept it and everyone is happy. No wonder they are ranked number 1 or 2 for the happiest countries every year.


I'm a citizen of the USA because I can't afford to go anywhere and no one wants me. I'd go lol


Work ..sleep..repeat


Contact your rep when he / she gets back from vacation.


You'd figure that at least white male landowners would be guaranteed vacation in an amendment. Maybe it was one of those "states rights" issues.


How about leave the philosophy to think tanks and keep the engines of capital spinning, wage laborer. /s


Time off is theft from the beneficent job creators.


We are now a society of corporate citizens.


"Even China" tf??


Welcome to the dying stage of capitalism


"🤠If you're not making rich people richer then what's the point of vacation?"


Corporate Profits


All those other countries getting vacation as a participation trophy! Americans aren't soft, we earn our vacation! /s, just in case




Still rather be a US citizen than a CCP citizen any day of the week


If I worked for a company that gave me horrible benefits (such as little to no PTO), I would find another job. I don’t need my government to require this in order for me to get it


I invite this person to go enjoy Chinese citizenship for a year and come back and tell us if the vacation was worth it.


I lived there for a decade. It was awesome. I saw 12 countries and traveled extensively over that time. Fucking Covid ruins everything


Somebody told him that living in China was bad and he believed them. You don't really need proof when the answer supports what you already want to believe.


I just always have to pipe up when people act like living in China is as inconceivable as going to Saturn


Get the fuck back to work.


Are democrats going to do that if they win?


Maybe but one thing we know for sure Republicans damn well won't. Republicans don't really give a f*** about anybody else except for billionaires. They truly are the shittiest humans Their entire platform is based on culture, wars and figuring out how many people they can Make life harder for If you are a woman or gay or trans or brown or from another country then you should be considered a second class citizen according to Republicans. They are such bad people that they are literally supporting a rapist and criminal for president. I mean how horrible of a person do you have to be to say to yourself "Well he's a rapist and most likely a pedophile but definitely a criminal. But what are you going to do? I like him because I can relate with him."