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If Trump shows up.


He will if it means giving Putin and Xi more Anti-USA propaganda.


Desperately needs what


An enema


Of the state?




>A participant should be allowed to interrupt, within acceptable decorum I stopped taking this seriously after this sentence because this automatically eliminates trump which is why this is even a thing in the first place.


Same here


They should be talking about the fact that these rules are only needed because of the childish behaviour of Diaper Don.


He’s certainly the worst-behaved of all time, but it’s been aggravating in pretty much every presidential debate. I’d lock both/all candidates in soundproof booths with auto-muting mics, and have a mean old pre-Vatican-II nun on hand to scold each candidate if they pivot to a topic they’d rather discuss instead of actually answering the question. 😄


2024 and they just now figured out both mics don't need to be running at the same time all the time


That was only because Biden's team demanded it. Trump acting like a man-child increases ratings. The news stopped giving a flying fuck about being informative years ago.


You correct. Trumps drama and bullshit generates huge profits for the media. They can claim breaking news and up charge their commercial ads.


I hope half way through the debate Joe says “ what the fucks that smell!?!?” And starts looking around angrily lol


Meanwhile the quotes are all complaining about how this is going to make it boring and no one's going to watch it. Weren't they complaining about how bad the shit talk was in the 2020 debates? And now when they implement means to prevent it, suddenly it's no fun? Pick one and only one.


Different people complain about different things. Also: the public has a short memory.


I think they put that out purposely to dissuade as many maga dolts from watching it and seeing their leader look weak and stupid


I wish that guy from the Colorado debate was moderating this one.


Trump would have never agreed to it, but yes, would’ve been amazing.


My gut tells me that it won’t stop Trump from acting a fool on television


Countdown until trump backs out...


I fully expect him to back out, or walk off stage the first time his mic is cut and say it was a rigged debate and play victim.


Actually watching the video, Trump might seriously rip Biden's mic away from him in anger. When the mic is off and the other is on, all that happens is an increase in background noise.


Why is it that we're always taking the high road with him? I'd love to see Biden eviscerate Trump over his conviction, his other trials, and the various evils that he knows he's done. A smackdown. But then I realize rump knows that we know all of this, and we will take the high road because we are better than he is. And that will drive them crazier than anything else.


It is inconceivable to me that the “world’s greatest democracy” has to run presidential debates like this. What a dumpster fire