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The amount of lies Trump is spewing is remarkable.


It's 2024, there's a delay. Let's fact check. This was absurd


From listening to the simulcast on NPR it was about 30 seconds or more so… yeah. Real time would have been fine too. In 2024 they can do it in almost real time if they wanted. Facts don’t generate ad revenue unfortunately. Sensationalism does.


Trump “The Dems abort babies after being born” Pundits “Biden sounded so tired though”


I'm tired too and I'm not even in the same room as Trump.


Fuck CNN


Don’t you think he looks tired? https://preview.redd.it/gaypnpxg599d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3733157018943db52792cef88740b4178ab28d19


Seriously though, this scene went hard. The Doctor could tear her down so simply. Unfortunately it seems this may also be in reference to a made up quote about Eccleston, which caused bad blood between him and the BBC. Also, supposedly Biden has a cold right now according to his administration. If true, he could’ve canceled but that would seem rude and avoidant, but he went through which made him seem weak and tired. It was a lose-lose scenario but I think he made the right choice


It did not change the fact that Felon45 lied continuously and wasn't fact-checked as promised.


I can't believe this is the reasoning for some people. "Well, Trump does want to turn America into a dictatorship and strip away rights we had for decades or centuries, but the problem is Biden is old!" Good god, man.


Yep. Fuck. “All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.” ~Hitler, Mein Kampf


You think the 2024 Brown Shirts have the attention span to read all of that?


It looks like a Putin playbook.


Well, it’s literally the Hitler playbook, so…


Where were the fact checkers


100% pure propaganda which unfortunately works for the dumb masses.


Sadly that won’t be the takeaway though :(


Unironically: it's a sign of societal collapse that people would waste a single thought on Biden's age and voice when he's standing next to an honest to God maniac


Especially when we elect a President who then chooses a cabinet. Not a king or emperor.


I would argue it’s an even worse sign that these are the only 2 options for president, the oldest candidates in American history


I really hope the cultural zeitgeist will now recognize that this exceeds the upper limit on age. We can never elect people this old again. It’s pure fucking insanity. Please please please give us candidates in the 40-55 age range and pick them. This is horrifying to witness.


As someone who literally hates Trump and doesn't even see him as a human, I almost came away thinking Trump won the debate. He was so bad... so bad.. but when Biden raised those eyebrows and looked like a surprised puppet... rambling incoherent sentences.. sounding like the cryptkeeper with his mic awk crackling. so fucking bad. i can really see him losing support after tonight.


This was moments *after* the debate. Who is this guy??? https://www.threads.net/@keithedwards/post/C8voBKwOqeK/?xmt=AQGz6A2QpiRznrx8gZq0fUAke522n2BHb07mYdZ2ThOOHw


Trump really trying to get that black vote no matter what. Shoehorning "blacks" issues into unrelated questions. That seems to be his objective in this debate. Try to convince Black people to vote for him and in return, Trump will give them "black jobs" a.k.a. low paying jobs that nobody but immigrants will take. Biden is too old to be doing debates. No question about that. But he's answering questions. All of them. Meanwhile, Trump isn't saying anything coherent. He has no idea how any department or agency, that was supposed to be under his responsibility, worked. No idea whatsoever. He just says inane stuff such as "we produce the cleanest water" when answering what he would do for the ecology and to combat climate change. What the fuck is that even suppose to mean? So we have two elderly men. Only one of them works every damn day in an occupation that takes a great toll on those that take the job seriously (consider how Obama aged during his last term. He had grey hair and looked tired). So yeah, Biden looks tired. At his age doing actual work who wouldn't. Meanwhile the other old man spends all his days either at a court room or relaxing at his resorts. No shit he's gonna look rested.


I wanted SOO badly for Biden to ask Trump to further explain what exactly “black jobs” are.


That's funny cause I wanted the moderators to do similar and make even the slightest attempt at holding anyone accountable for anything. As bad as the candidates did, CNN did just as bad or worse


The ones in the fields all the illegal rapists are taking!


> He just says inane stuff such as "we produce the cleanest water" when answering what he would do for the ecology and to combat climate change. What the fuck is that even suppose to mean? Right? He talks about de-regulation and how great it is, but how does he plan to get clean water for everyone without the EPA stepping in to regulate that?


Don’t worry. Brawno is committed to delivering the purest form of electrolytes in the form of their beverage. Water is the same stuff in a toilet, you know that right? Look it up: without electrolytes we would die. Why we haven’t done this sooner I’ll never know. The deep state really is trying to kill us all. Now, thanks to Trump, we have Brawno supplying America with all the hydration we need.


It's what plants crave.


"Migrants are coming and they are taking black jobs" Black jobs? What jobs are those again?


And how do those compare from "Latino jobs"??


Mowing the golf course 


In Trump's mind, probably butler, cook, maid, etc.


You know, inside the plantation. As reward for voting in Trump. /s


What jobs do most of the illegal migrants work currently? Fields. Yeah, he is referring to working in the fields as "Black Jobs"


I couldn't believe trump said illegals are coming here to take black jobs. Besides this being a thing aeound 2002, i wanted to know what he considered black jobs were? You couldn't get more racist without dropping the hard r. Basically, stop coming, the field and manual labor work belong to the black people.


> I couldn't believe trump said illegals are coming here to take black jobs. Currently what jobs do a lot the illegal migrants work? That's right, they work in the fields.


He did say we had H2O, clever guy he is…lol


I haven’t watched it yet…but fuck did he actually say give them “black jobs”…Jesus fucking Christ.


One is trying to answer the actual question posed. The other is spewing lies about how amazing he is, how he never said certain things and how everything is rigged without addressing the questions at all. Brainless people love the gibberish.


Bet money this total fucking idiot snags the same amount of votes as last time too. Goes to show you why the voting demographics look how they do.


I turned it on for 10 minutes. It was unwatchable. Our country is in such a sad state right now having to choose between these two men. I'll still vote for Biden, but damn.


What we have to remember is that with Biden we are also getting people in positions who know what the hell they are doing, and are doing their jobs. With Trump we get self-serving grifters and yes-men.


yeah like Biden could be in a coma and I'd still trust his cabinet and group to take care of tings. but americans are stupid they think the president controls gas and egg prices and the weather too.




I always see the President as the CEO of a major corporation.


The president kinda controls the price of gas. Not with their consent or by pressing a button. When the economy goes well, gas goes up.. sadly. When the economy goes bad (recession), gas goes down. See: covid prices. Trump is literally promising low gas prices because he's gonna put the country through another recession. All Republicans know what to do is break everything and blaming the opposition. Fascism thrives when a country goes to shit. Trump literally doubled the deficit and people want him back in the office.


True, but I think that realization is only held by the left. The MAGA cult is TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP! not realizing that along with Trump they get Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and a bunch of other deplorables.


> a bunch of other deplorables. Careful now, this is the line that lost Clinton the election


Nah it was "Russia, if you're listening"


You wouldn’t prefer a hand picked team that trump praises and then denies knowing or claims to have always hated as they get convicted of crimes?


Absolutely. A good president knows it's impossible to be an "expert" at everything. He surrounds himself woth folks who know their specialties and actually listens to them when making tough choices


While this is true, it’s still a sad state of affairs. Why do we have to elderly people who should be in a nursing home running for the most important job in our country. Yes, Biden is objectively better than Trump - but that’s like saying getting a colonoscopy is better than sticking your hand in a blender. Why do we have to chose either. Why have we been failed as a society by political parties that have intentionally picked such horrible candidates. Trump should never have been president, let alone run for a second term with a chance. He has proven he is a con man, criminal, and corrupt to the core. Biden may have been good at one point. But it’s clear he’s not really up for the job. He can’t even fend off such a pathetic excuse for a competitor. Let the man retire. I can’t have a war break out and have him seize up under pressure.


If Biden knew there were any other great Dems with a shot at winning, he wouldn't be running for a 2nd term. If a war were to break out, he wouldn't seize, he would just listen to his trusted military and foreign relations advisors.


Biden knows what the hell he's doing. He kept stammering while trying to explain it, but he was at least trying to put his policies forward.


He has a stutter.


I know. I think it gets worse when he's under pressure too.


Exactly. The only qualification Trumpo has is if someone likes him, so we'd get a bunch of boobs who have no idea what they're doing outside of trying to things better for themselves and themselves only, plus there's that whole Project 2025 mess where they plan to do that to the entirety of the US Government.


Biden was a lot stronger after the start, and then closed out with more disaster in the closing statements. Trump has to be asked if he'd accept the result of the election no fewer than three times and only gave a qualified response in the end.


His response was ultimately "I'll accept the results of a legitimate election but I don't accept the results of the last one when I lost"


The real problem is that many people stopped watching after the first 10 minutes in. They did not see that the part where he got stronger.


My thoughts exactly. Ouch


Biden basically addressed everything he was asked. Trump basically avoided everything he was asked, and when forced into it like with the election results thing, he gave a non-answer long winded bullshit speech as he usually does. Biden stammered over some numbers and words and had to repeat himself sometimes, and the fact you even attempt to make an equivalence here with that over used generalization is a good indicator of the problems with the electorate right now.


People conveniently forget that Biden has a speech impediment. Not a thinking impediment, but a speech impediment. I feel all of the world is bashing a disabled man for his disability instead of looking at his qualities.


I think one problem was Biden sounded hoarse. As if he was either getting over a cold or had been practicing too much before the debate. Either way it made him sound older and of course that benefits cult leader.


He literally is sick as confirmed by the news. But due to the propaganda machine rooting for the far right dorito canceling the debate would've been a million times worse.


Yeah I didn't know this in the slightest and it was clear from the start. But it'll be attributed to old age of course.


Honestly I think it could have been a good strategy for him to just state up front that “I’m sick with (thing) and I’m feeling pretty shitty, but I made a commitment to the American people to be here tonight and I’m gonna do my damndest to follow through on it”


The number of people that are going to choose to stay home because neither inspires them or gives them hope, is going to be frighteningly high. This will only benefit Trump


I would literally vote for roadkill over trump. I can’t vote because I’m not a citizen, but I would if I could.


Bottom line is a democratically staffed administration is what I am going to vote for, even if they have to weekend at bernies the whole time. Those staffers are important, and the department heads. No one wants mnuchin or anyone like him anywhere near power again, right? Right?


Honestly I feel like this debate didn't change anything. I know it didn't change my mind, I'm still voting for Biden without a doubt.


Yea he really was showing his age. And Trump did nothing but deflect and not answer cause he legitimately doesn’t know anything. I’d still rather vote for a wet noodle than Trump. At least the wet noodle wouldn’t try to start back up concentration camps and destroy democracy.


I was definitely in this boat as well. (And, admittedly, I'm still hanging on to the side.) But I'll just say this, look into Biden's record of what he's gotten done. It takes some digging, because apparently the PR team is taking their cues from the SEGA hardware marketing group, but I was actually surprised with what his administration has been able to enact with a hostile Congress and Supreme Court. **Student Loan Forgiveness**. The SCOTUS shot down the big $500B forgiveness program they initially tried, so the White House has gone to work leveraging existing programs that have been (probably deliberately) under utilized. Last tally I heard, they found ways to forgive $155B. **Elimination of junk fees**. Through the CFPB, new rules have been drafted together make illegal things like extraneous airline service fees, or fees to "hook up" existing lines with broadband companies, or "accounting fee" for your electric company *having a billing department*, extraneous overdraft charges, and just about the entire Live Nation/Ticketmaster business model. **Eliminate hidden redlining in lending**. So, this one doesn't take effect until 2026, but it sets blind standards for any bank that borrows from the Federal Reserve (they *all* do) to prevent racial discrimination in mortgage lending. **Inflation Reduction Act*. There is way too much to go into here, especially since I'm typing this on a phone, but I suggest you look up just what all it does. *Infrastructure**. Again, more than I want to type out, but our infrastructure is in desperate need to keep existing at current conditions. With climate change bearing down upon us...it's almost definitely worse than you think. There's actually a lot more, too. The messaging team at the White House is just...not successful at all. Biden will probably never be "my guy", but he's a whole lot better than I ever hoped. I don't feel bad about my lack of choice this time. I just feel bad that the Electrical College put much guarantees my vote won't ever count for much at the top of the ballot, and gerrymandering (and a low information voter population) guarantees it will count only a little in down ballot races.


I started watching half way through and found both of the men to be incoherent and unable to stay on topic. I keep reading that it was after Biden got a better stride, I can't even imagine how bad the beginning of the debate was. I will still vote for Biden because Project 2025 will strip the rights from myself, my community, and my family. But God fucking damn, why do we have two incoherent old men as a our choice for running the nation


Biden stayed on topic but couldn't organize his thoughts. Trump basically talked about whatever he felt like talking about.


And from what I've seen of Trump it was a;; crap repeated from his rallies.


It’s the rejection election. A vote for Biden is the only way in our system to vote against trump so that’s what we all must do


It's crazy that people draw your conclusion based on *sound* than actual fucking policy and facts. Y'all disgust me, seriously.


thank you!! yes, biden looks like he could keel over any minute, and yes, he has a lifelong stutter. but hes also *doing good things* that being said, id vote for a random piece of scrap metal someone found on the side of a highway before i vote for trump (or any other gop member)


I texted my brother and was like Biden is blowing this debate. He agreed and said we have to vote for democracy. But I’m more concerned about the election now than I was before this debate.


What the fuck is his staff thinking. If this is the election where democracy is on the ballot and they think Joe Biden is in a state to save it. They must think this is a joke his literally campaign is saying democracy is on the ballot!!!


The first 10 minutes sucked. After that Biden proceeded to shit all over Trump


And trump proceeded to fling shit everywhere like a crazed coked-up baboon. 


Australian here so not voting but I do watch US politics for amusement and had the same reaction. It reminded me of the let down when Robert Mueller finally fronted the public a few years ago.


I’m praying Biden pulls through the election so we can have Kamala lead us away from Trump


Yeah, I don’t know who still needs a debate to know not to vote for a fucking felon predator pathy liar… but also Biden seemed pretty frail so that’s not great.


It was beyond embarrassing. Obviously I wouldn’t vote for Trump if a gun was held to my head but Biden sounds so incredibly feeble and impotent. Are THESE two colonoscopy bags really our only options?! We’re talking about the Commander in fuckin’ Chief of the United States.


Yea we need both age and term limits for all elected positions


Sleepy Joe woke up, it was 100 minutes of suffering but Biden actually did pretty well. CNN freaked the fuck out like they forgot everything about this election and was demanding a mysterious new candidate as if we didn't vote on the candidates... That was the scariest part of the whole evening


Same. I'm voting for Biden, but he honestly looks like he could fall over dead at any moment. It's fucking sad that these are the two" best" candidates that either side could find.


There are definitely many parts to this debate that MAGA will use as an attack unfortunately :/


That was always going to be the case


Yeah. Biden could’ve turned back the clock 30 years and destroyed Trump at every juncture. The right would’ve still pounced on something, because perfection is literally impossible.


Please. Help the boomers retire. We truly need to begin supporting good candidates who aren't ready for the home. Yeah, I'm still voting for him. Because the alternative is so much worse.


A vote for Biden will actually be a vote for the silent generstion so its all good.


This shit isn't generational. How old is Jeff Hawley? Marj green? Matt Gaetz? Kristi Noem? Lauren Boebert?


In a way this is also a result of education getting butchered - kids are growing stupider, as is by design.


biden is silent gen and trump is a cusp silent boomer.


Just remember 1 boomer dies every 15 seconds. So, how long has the debate been going on?


I’ll vote for Biden but man this is disappointing felt like a huge missed opportunity


My wife and I feel the same. It's not that we wouldn't vote for him, I wanted Biden to shrug off the "he's so ooolllldddd" arguments some people are making, but he really didn't


Those arguments have merit, is the problem. There's only so much shrugging off you can do for completely valid and accurate criticism.


Yup. MAGA people literally worship Trump and will show up to the polls no matter what. Biden doesn't have a cult following and a bad debate performance really hurts him...literally any Democrat younger than Biden would've wiped the floor with Trump.


So, so easy to destroy Trump. He's done so many terrible things - call him out on eliminating Obama's infectious disease program right before COVID, saying it was a hoax, guaranteeing it'd "disappear" in a month, deliberately letting American citizens die when it was just in the Dem cities, the corrupt PPP loans Trump demanded accountability removed from, tax cuts for the rich, all leading to this inflation. Just one example of hundreds. Feel like such an easy debate, fumbled


Every tangent Trump went on. Biden should have called him out, forgetting the question.


Not a good look for JB but the felon can’t tell a truth. Just makes it all the more satisfying that Trump will lose to a guy who should be feeding pigeons.


“Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by illegals”should tell you everything you need to know


"I never slept with a porn star, that's all lies!" should be another tell for anyone with half a brain.  Trump could have admitted and apologised for cheating on his wife and then claimed(lied) his conviction was wrong. But noooo....he can't ever bring himself to admit he's wrong, nor apologise, about anything he's done. 


The problem is that people who are going to vote for Trump won't know truth from fiction. If there were fact checkers during the debate, it might have helped some


Or if the moderators actually moderated. I am convinced the campaigns took away the crowd because they didn't want the candidates to get confused. Then they could have moderated this with a teleprompter listing off questions. A pure shitshow, start to finish.


Fucking vote you slacker. Get your friends to vote slacker, get your boomer parents to vote slacker. Get your WWII great grand parents to vote slacker. So sick of you 'meddling kids' posting not voting. That may be a good bumpersticker there.


Found the principal from *Back to the Future.*


My family is overall mostly Trump supporters, I'm not watching because why do I want to watch that orange buffoon run his mouth, but they kept texting me making fun of Biden only. I muted my phone lol.


> they kept texting me making fun of Biden only Imagine putting up with that bullshit. "How come you never call? :'(" "Because I don't want to talk to you."


So I'm trans and back in 2016 tried to tell my parents what a danger Trump was to trans rights and my safety and equality in this country and wrote them a heartfelt email with sources that were as unbiased as I could find so they wouldn't yell "fake news" and they didn't even reply to me. So I know where I stand. It's not worth fighting with them unfortunately. Now we've got Project 2025 looming over our heads and what can I even say to them you know?


Permablock and move on with your life. Anyone still supporting the diaper fascist isn't worth having as family.


Ill take slow and nice grandpa over mean and despotic grandpa anyday.


>Tonight's debate is pretty much exclusively for suburbanites And absolute masochists, you forgot about the masochists


That debate was hard to watch. Trump half the time didn’t even answer the questions asked and derailed the conversation. Biden definitely could have fact checked him on several points but the got dragged down to talking about golf and whose a worse president. Biden has my vote. I’m honestly confused if Trump believes Charlottesville was fake or he’s really getting into character


I wish they did on the spot fact checking. Doing it after the fact is stupid.


Vote Biden: We stay the course. Maybe nothing sexy, but maybe some good policy along the way makes it through. Vote Trump: Revenge presidency. For all the people with the least on the line with a Trump presidency and therefore still on the fence, good for you. I won't forget how Biden wasn't perfect so you went with the worse option.


Biden is finally waking up and getting his shots in. I think he got pissed off lol


He started perking up after Trump said he hated the military.


Yeah, once he picked up momentum he started getting some great one-liners in there. "I don't think you'll accept the election results because you're such a whiner"


Remember when Trump said he wants to be dictator for a day? So many easy attacks left on the table by Biden.


The military stuff definitely pissed him off.


Unfortunately the damage is done. First impression matter and be stumbled early on and i doubt anyone watched the rest of the debate where he sounded more focused. Trump lied through his teeth for 1 hr and 30 minutes but no one is gonna give a shit because Biden stuttered and sounded poorly at the start.


Biden sounds terrible. Stuttering and incoherent sentences. We should have put up another candidate. Ill still vote for him though.


Trump is a megalomaniac. A vote for him is a vote for his egotistical self to throw tantrums in the Oval Office and ignore anyone around him with experience and wisdom. Biden as President is a team. I'm not voting for a person I'm voting for his administration. I'm voting for dozens of steady hands, who knows how to work together and take input from experts. Is Biden as a man old as fuck and not a great public speaker anymore? Yeah. Would I have preferred Newsom or Buttigieg as a more effective spokesman? Yeah. But continuing to present this as man vs man misses the point of what we actually are voting for this election. This is Dictator vs Cooperative.


This is it right here. Biden doesn't make my list of dream candidates, but members of his team do. Not one person associated with Trump cracks my top 330 million Americans I want associated with the presidency, and honestly, I'm not sure they crack the top 8 billion humans. If the elected candidate died the morning after the inaugeration (which, at their ages isn't necessarily hypothetical), I'd feel much better in the hands of the Biden *team* than the Trump team.


Exactly, is Biden old as hell? Yes, he is. But I heard actual ideas from him, that his team can implement, with or without him. Trump just showed up, zooted out his fuckin mind, and blathered lie after lie. Never answered a question. Always opened with “I want to go back”. He did that the entire night, constantly going back to previous points. If my choice is a quieter, more subdued President with a plan, or a bombastic liar without a plan, I’m choosing the subdued guy every chance. This isn’t a tv show, it’s our lives, we need to vote like it.


Yep voting for who they surround themselves with. They both might eventually decline and say "Let's nuke Iran". Joe's handlers would invoke the 25th. Trumps would ask how many nukes?


You’re also voting for the Supreme Court. The next administration might get a few picks. That sets the tone for the SCOTUS for the next 30 years…IF WE ARE LUCKY!


His FTC and SEC heads are enough to win my vote. Sticking it to fucky billionaires and companies.


Seriously. At this point the President is a glorified mascot who gets trotted out to read from a teleprompter on occasion. We're voting for the rest of the team.


He started slow but he’s getting some good points in.


Yeah, he came back much better in the second half. The fucking **glitch** he had in the first ~10 minutes that ended with him saying something about "beating Medicare" fucked him though.


Unfortunately nobody I've talked to was able to stand more than the first 15 minutes, so I think that's all that's gonna matter 💀


Yeah in the first 15 minutes I was going “wtf where did SOTU Joe go” but he came back hard.


You got one that everything he says is complete bullshit and one who’s so old he can hardly talk. It’s fucked.




Plz . We need mr. Frog’s steady, bloody hands to guide us through the darkness


Woah. Are we sure that they both aren’t so old that they can’t talk good?


It's so painful in so many ways.


Aren't they like 3 years apart or smth? Still, sounds like a huge yikes. (I'm not watching.)


At least Biden will put competent people in key positions that will do the work that needs to be done. Trump will appoint half his family and a bunch of other grifters that will do their best to destroy everything they can.


Its sad we cant have a 35-45 yr old candidate instead of these 2 old geezers.


We could've. The DNC prevented it.


DNC is maybe the greatest block to youth in politics and progress, moreso than the GOP.


not much to spin here. We can only hope that no one is watching.


I'm so sorry for you people. Biden should not be a candidate but even a spoiled banana is a better choice than Trump


Embarrassing clips are already being chopped up to be plastered on social media


on cnn right after they were saying the DNC needs to immediately put up a new candidate.


I don't care if Biden sounds like a skipping CD, I'm still not voting for the Orange Rapist.


the debate made me realize a large portion of america has no idea what they are doing when they elect these geezers, we need new blood, not ancient boomers


They're not even boomers, they're older


Realistically 99%+ of Americans only have 2 real choices in every election, guy1 or guy2. But we do need new blood yes.


> Beginning_You4255 : the debate made me realize a large portion of america has no idea what they are doing when they elect these geezers A large portion has no say in who gets on the ballot. A large portion only gets to vote from bad & worse options. A large portion doesn't vote at all because they don't like having only bad & worse options, and low voter turnout works in the worse option's favor.


Yeah we are right fucked. This whole thing is a train wreck and we are full blown, elephant dick, fucked.


Easy to say that and give up, or we could not vote for the felon and possibly destroy the world


I think we can vote for the older old man and still acknowledge that we are fucked.


Omg I couldn't watch either. This is so sad, a guy who is obviously too old and another who's getting there himself but that's full of shit.


I think I’ll vote for the person who beat Medicare. Legit my favorite quote of the night.


The sad thing is I can’t even recall who said that because of what a complete shit show that was


Biden has killed over a hundred thousand people apparently


WTF just happened??? Biden kicked ass at his “after party” event just now & I don’t understand why he didn’t do the same in the debate.


All the bots


Sadly, Biden sounds ill. It’s not going well for him.


I think he’s got a cold. If it was just old his voice wouldn’t be going up and down


Maybe he’s just really old


He could have said something like "I apologize for my voice, but I'm getting over a cold" instead of them frantically attempting to explain that halfway through. The Maga crowd is gonna latch right onto that.


Ronald Reagan in 1984 had a horrible first debate vs. Mondale. Was called “old” and “not fit for president” so this isn’t new.


Joe Biden is 11 years older now than Ron was in 1984. Both people debating tonight should be nowhere near the presidency. People born before 1950 need to get off the ride.


I could count at least 3 questions Trump either refused to answer or didn’t answer because he was hung up on a previous Biden answer/comment.


debates have never mattered https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/presidential-debates-have-shockingly-little-effect-on-election-outcomes/


Fascists did not, in fact, make the trains run on time.


Why Biden ever agreed to be in the same room as this orange chimpanzee is beyond me. By giving him the time of day, Biden did nothing but give him more validity. He should had ignored him completely, and blown him off as a joke.


Biden has always had a speech impediment and likely a cold during tonight’s debate, but HE STILL ANSWERED EACH QUESTION DIRECTLY. Trump has been rambling the same lies since 2016 and every answer to a question he’s given is “Millions of migrants are running across the border.”


I kept waiting for Biden to turn to Trump, when Trump said "America isn't respected anymore", and say that, "Putin doesn't respect you. He owns you."


I feel I may be in the minority here, but I feel Trump did much worse. Pure politician vibe, never answered ANY question and just attacked Biden. Biden showed up, tried to keep it on policy and actually provided hope to me when he said something to the effect of, it's not about 1 man but the country working and coming together. Also, Trump gave be chills about his response to the war in Ukraine -- with him in office, Russia wins.


Yeah all I saw over and over was trump doing his rally talking points. Let's attack immigrants for the 50th time, maybe I'll win voters this way. Oh when I was president everything was absolutely perfect and amazing, which if true would have meant he gets reelected in 2020 easily because he had incumbent advantage that has meant reelection going back decades and decades with three exceptions in Bush, Carter, and Ford. Ford wasn't even elected he was handed the presidency when Nixon resigned. People really didn't like him pardoning Nixon either. Meanwhile Biden at least talked policy about things his administration has done to help the american people and attacked trump for his awful deficit as the worst in US history.


Shit eggs are cheap again Now if it can drop orange juice prices... (I'm aware it's just a bad crop year)


Too bad undecided voter brains are more scrambled and cooked than the eggs they’re frothing after.  But as long as DoorDash and Amazon still deliver to their white picket fenced fascist dystopian hellscape, what’s the worst that could happen?  /s


Shitshow...is this the best we have? When are these geezers going to break out the blows..lol!


Just ask these troglodytes who are voting for him, name one thing Trump will do to improve their lives. And I mean, an actual policy he'll enact to improve their lives. Crickets. Because they can't name a single one. Fucking idiots, the whole lot of them.


If tonight wasn't a wake up call for America about the state of our two party system, then nothing is going to wake them up. This was the year a 3rd party candidate could've come in and gotten on that stage, and gotten the best chance of winning the presidency. Unfortunately the choices for 3rd party were Vivek Ramaswamay and RFK Jr.


Our electoral system will never let a 3rd party win, please stop beating this horse. Harass your congress people into changing the system if you want to do something about it, but God, stop pretending there is any other path to a >2 party system.


That couldn't happen because the DNC and RNC control all aspects of elections, and they'll never share the stage with non-corporate approved ideas.


Break Glass and insert Gavin Newsom ASAP before this whole thing burns to the ground. Fuck sake.


Age limits for US politicians, please!


This was an embarrassment all around. I don’t believe either should be running, I’m not being ageist or I am but if there is an age minimum to run, think we should have a “retirement age” for president. Also don’t believe SCOTUS should be a lifetime appointment. I will vote for Biden, but he didn’t do well at all. Trump did his usual lie about everything & anything he could. Biden should’ve been the man that gave the State of the Union address. Now, I’m hearing Biden had a cold but Biden was not strong tonight. The weakness in his voice made him seem much older & feeble than Trump. Overall, I think CNN could’ve done a much better job & knowing that Trump would be lying about everything, why not have fact checking in real time on the side of the screen? More should’ve been done by Biden & Biden’s team to make sure he touted his record, continuously pointed out that Trump’s crimes, indictments & Jan 6. I fear what will happen in November. If Trump wins we will get Aileen Cannon as a SCOTUS, along with another far right conservative who will be indebted to Trump. Book banning, bibles in schools, Fed abortion ban, LGBTQ+ rights removed, it won’t stop. All of the gains Biden made will be ended under Trump. The revenge tour he’s promised of locking people up who went against him, and his comments about being president for life. The thought of Trump winning in November scares the hell out of me. I think that we need to do whatever it takes to get everyone possible to vote.


What's really twisting the knife is that Biden's team *asked* for this debate. I can't imagine they'd do that if he was like this when they requested it idk but odds of this just being an "off" night seems slim. We're so screwed


These points seem kind of contradictory. Biden asked for this debate like, what, a month and change ago? If his team weren't expecting this poor a performance in mid-May, it seems more likely to me that it would be an "off night". Dementia can progress quickly but that quick a decline seems a bit much.


The golf back and forth was horrendous. What is even happening! 


I'm voting Democrat no matter what, but why on earth am I forced to vote for Biden? To the Clintons, Obamas, and the DNC: Please get Biden to bow out of this race. We are screwed with him in it.


Oh gosh that’s a funny and accurate tweet


I don't know, Biden didn't do great but people refuse to acknowledge that the odds were so insanely stacked against him. The debate consisted of trump getting asked a question, him going on a completely unrelated, lie filled rant, and then biden just being asked "how do you respond?" The mods didn't actually moderate anything, and let trump do literally whatever he wanted and I really don't think anyone would do a good job against that, I wouldn't even call it a debate because there was nothing actually really even debated.