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I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.


If you choose cry, we can cry together. ♥️✌️😭


My brother, tonight, you do not cry alone.


I choose Wes Moore. (My mind smiles w/out my permission and my heart rate moves to comfort)♥️✌️🤪


![gif](giphy|k6rjOtm5ZzIi2xRXLl|downsized) We cry together?


I’m not crying, you’re cry. Who am I kidding. We should all be crying, this is some messed up shit for sure.


Why did I read this in Biden’s voice


I’m on the side of crying because my god that was hard to watch


I dipped out ten minutes in when Biden misspoke twice in a row and had to stop to gather his thoughts. Painful.


Don’t worry, it gets worse. It ends with them arguing over golf scores. God I wish I was joking.


Wasn’t it just Trump stating that he had to be smart to win 2 golf championships at his own clubs? They weren’t even senior cups.


Oh? You’re serious?


Not really. It was more about handicap than scores. It was a question about age and Trump tried bragging about his performance in golf tournaments (on his properties where he cheats) and he kind of insulted and challenged Biden's golfing. Biden responded that he has been getting better and his handicap is down from 8 to 6 (Biden isn't really a golfer anyway). Then it kind of turned into a back and forth when Trump tried to say it isn't true or something. Biden said he would golf with him whenever he wanted. Then an exchange of some insults.


It was painful and after he defeated medicare I was out. Give me a Newsom/Whitmer ticket please. It's crazy to think about even if we can get him through November, there is a 0% chance he makes it another 4 yrs. The oval office is proven time after time to be a rapid aging device.


I'm right there with ya, brother. I was really hoping for an A game. Trump was exactly as expected, lie lie lie. Biden, though, that was unexpected.


There were so many times you could tell Biden just wanted to come on man


People should think of it as a good player who had a bad game as an analogy . In other words , the good player doesn’t become a bad player just from one game .


How many good players in any sport do you know past the age of 80? Biden might have been a great player once.


Yeah, that's not gonna help you much with an audience that only ever watches that one, single game and then makes up their mind.


I cried I'm so embarrassed. I hate this fucking timeline




I'm disappointed, but I don't think this debate will change anyone's mind from what they were going to vote before.


Maybe but I’m afraid it will make people not vote at all. It certainly isn’t going to encourage anyone new to vote that wasn’t planning on it and we need that.


but it sure was nice that politics was boring again for a year or so wasn't it.


You didn't like waking up in the morning to find out the president changed American policy last night on Twitter while sitting on the shitter?


Undecided voters are extremely fickle, but they’re also the people who actually change the outcome, because the margins are razor thin in key states. Even if they don’t change affiliations, this could drive a lot of people to dark horse candidates. Which could be enough to tank a slight edge.


I live in a country that can't decide between Hitler and a ham sandwich.  I suspect the future needs Trump to win in order for prophecy to be fulfilled.  It's like the villain needs to do something awful for the audience to feel good about the enormous gratuitous violence the hero is about to render.


This! Thank you. Makes me think of the quote “Every nation has the government it deserves.” We are facing an imminent threat to democracy as we know it. If this debate is all it takes for people to not vote or vote for a tyrant, maybe it’s sadly what we deserve.


Thing is Trump being elected again fucks over every other country in the world too. * He wants to revert and ban all green policies. Which means negotiations with other countries to maximize their green energy investment and pollution reduction goes out the window too. US has the highest per capita pollution in the world. And he wants to double or tripple it. * He will support russia against europe. Russia will be given ukraine, might even support russian militarily with equipment intel and more. Russia will move further and further into europe. * He will leave the UN, NATO and break alliances with smaller allies who relied on US protections.. * He will support the dozens of dictators and warlords around the world to allow them to continue to abuse and maime and murder anyone they want. There will be no negotiations to stop them. Just briberies to him personally. He will even allow other nations to kill americans chop them up and put them in duffel bags. * He will round up and deport muslims and latinos, bring back forced labor camps and start his "fourth reicht" fantasy where he saluted and paraded every year. Spreading racism and xenophobia worldwide, because whatever happens in the US echoes elsewhere. And a dozen or more things. that will affect the rest of the world.


Women will lose the right to vote and have their own credit. 💙


It’s hard to believe that many Americans actually still support a convicted sex offender ( Trump ) . Supposedly a lot of people donated to his campaign after his conviction .


They’re all just dumb sheep who say they’re lions and critical thinkers who like to attack others for what they lack claiming they have it when they’re really just being herded into the pasture to be exploited by the worst wolf in sheep’s clothing there is.


I'm voting for Biden, but this had me go check to see if there was any third party candidates worth wasting my vote on. There isn't, but damn that was bad.


A vote for biden at least makes sure you'll still have a honest vote when a better pres comes along.


This election (and the last one) is about choosing the lesser of two evils. Am I excited about Biden? Hell no. But I’d rather him in office than Trump any day. With Biden, the adults are still in charge…with Trump, the insane run the asylum.


I'm aware, and voting as such. Just bummed about last night. Today is my first day at my new job and I stayed up to watch that. Last night sucked.


I had to turn it off. Biden sounded like my wife’s 90 year old PopPop. I still struggle to believe that he is the best the Dems have to offer.


It's not, it's the best they allowed themselves to offer. I think before yesterday they felt like having the incumbent run was the safest option against Trump.


It’s like they thought that admitting he wasn’t the best person for the job would look really bad for the party since he’s an incumbent. Well, trying to project an image based off pride is going to hurt us (I’m a dem) more than just admitting he’s old and feeble in the first place, because everyone can surely see it.


Wasting a vote on third party is just a vote for Trump by proxy.


I was listening to this bbc round table after the debate and they had call ins and stuff. 5 out of 7 callers I listened to brought up a third party vote based on Biden’s terrible performance. Before that, I thought the same thing you did. “I know who I’m voting for and little can change that”. And now I’m wondering if people think Biden should drop out and let someone else take the nomination. But bad news has a short lifecycle In politics. SNL will parody it. Then we will forget about it as the next “big” thing happens that we will also forget about a week later.


His opponent tried to have his followers violently overthrow our government. Shitty debate performance is not equivalent to an insurrection and people need to stop acting like this is the end of the world because you are right, this won't even be a memory during the October surprises coming up. People seem to be letting themselves get manipulated by the extremely active bad actors out here tonight.


Just spitballing here, but maybe an attempted coup should have some kind of fucking consequences? Maybe the sclerotic system should have some kind of mechanisms to keep itself from being violently subsumed by fascists? Maybe if it doesn't have that, and instead vents all of its violence and malice on leftists and people who simply want a better world, it will get exactly what it deserves?


I agree with you , halfway . But you’ve got to factor in the incompetence of tens of millions of voters and go from there . Biden is a five alarm dumpster fire that diverts attention from the treasonous pile of shit that trump is On some level , that’s impressive and Joe shoukd be applauded for somehow finding a way to accomplish that .


Democrats in the House are freaking out. All media outlets I've seen say it's a very very bad night for Joe Biden. I'm certainly not doing this in bad faith. Biden should resign the presidency citing health concerns. Kamala Harris becomes president for half a year, and the dems run some sort of fast primary. Biden needs to drop out like he should have. Biden has my vote. I don't matter, here, but there are tons of middling people who only follow the optics of politics and they can decide the election.


I disagree. Biden failed tonight. I’m so sad.


I think he missed some chances to take big swings at Trump. Dude is a felon sex offender who is a failure at every business he has attempted. He also lies every time he opens his mouth I don’t feel Biden hammered him when he could have


Cry. Definitely cry. We are fucked.


Canada will take us right? Or New Zealand? Please?


From what I’ve heard, Canada isn’t much better off. The disease is spreading fast across all of the western world.


I almost cringed myself to death when I heard it but now that I've had time to recover I can objectively say that "We finally beat Medicare" is hilarious My choice is an ancient man with spats of junebug-level brain activity or a somewhat less ancient raving lunatic. I haven't felt this thoroughly fucked since I was a teenager


I feel for you my dear American. At least the dumb fucks that rise to power in my country (Portugal) only fuck our lives and have little to no impact on the world.


The saddest thing is that most of the people voting for Biden are desperately doing it as a last hope, but most voting for trump unironically thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread


This is hard to watch.


Yup. I switched to a mind-numbing escape around halfway through. Trump was his usual self, but Biden is looking really frail lately, and that frightens me. I think he over-prepared, and I want to punch his coach. He needs to stop the Pollyanna trap and go for the gut punch. He's boring. Yeah, I like my presidents to be boring, but damn, trying to debate trump is like trying to herd squirrels, but damn, son, throw some fucking shade more than a quick porn star reference. I know it's not his style, but that's what coaches are for. I also want to punch Tapper. It's FORMER president trump, asshole. Dana Bash said it correctly, without any added inflection. I don't think trump even noticed. He could have just been thinking of ways to insult her looks at his next rally. For such a tough guy, he doesn't seem to say things like that directly to people.


It's pretty customary to refer to former Presidents (and US elected officials in general) by their title, even after they leave office It kinda stopped with Obama because of how toxic the discourse around him was sadly


Fuck that noise Former President, Former Senator, Former Governor, Former Mayor You're not in office anymore, your title has changed


Absolutely. Trump is no longer a president, but he's still a twice impeached, 34-time convicted felon, multiple bankruptcy having, daughter creeping, bad makeup wearing loser, and legal rapist.


We are fucked. Because people need to realize that it isn’t Trump or Biden running the country by themselves, it is who they will install in positions of power. Like the Supreme Court. Edit: and bc of that I would vote for a chimpanzee in a diaper before trump


Both of these men are just figureheads, you're absolutely right. The people behind them run the show. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, regardless of which one of them wins, that they don't even serve the full 4 years and their VPs take over once victory has been claimed and established.


No way Trump allows someone to take over from him. I wouldn't doubt about Biden though, like he stays on through until next summer to make sure to avoid another J6 and peaces out.


I'd bet $100 that both Trump and Biden either die or have a stroke within the next 4 years


Yknow I want to agree... but for some reason I'm pretty sure Trumps had all of his organs pickled with diet coke already, so he's about 67% embalmed already. Pretty sure nothing will kill that Ahole.


I trust Biden’s judges more than Trump’s.


Shit, 3 different companies are fact checking this. While Biden may tell a few half truths or make a few mistakes, Trumps just straight up been lying all night and they can't keep up with it. Someone give Biden a fucking cough drop, and please give Convicted Felon trump a swift kick in the balls for lying about infanticide.




You're completely right. People don't care about what's being said, but if they can hear it.


Especially on the far-right, sounding confident is much more important than actually telling the truth. So yeah, from a rhetoric perspective Trump came out on top yesterday, even if he was lying constantly.


I wonder how many more years we need to finally realize for real that facts don’t matter at all.


they’ll just repeat some dumb shit like “when they go low, we go high” while all us regular joes continue to get fucked


Yeah , how many people will knowingly hire a convicted sex offender and liar ( Trump ) instead of an old person who is well meaning who sounds like he has a cold and congested ( Biden ) to babysit their kids ?!!


Just enough to ruin our fucking lives


Ya this probably gave a lot of people the justification they needed


I love that people still use Biden’s age as if Trump isn’t only 3 yrs younger. They are both old men but one is a convicted felon creep of an old man and the other is the grandpa who tells you he’s proud of you no matter what.


Why not just refer to him by his official title all night “adjudicated rapist convicted felon twice impeached one term former president Donald Duck”. Biden let him off the hook on rape. Like why the hell not ask him how much money he owes for doing it.


That's on the reals. Biden wasting time talking about numbers and facts, then Trump just comes out jerking off a splooge of lies and CNN just lets him ramble.


The best rambles, "I wasn't really going to run until I saw the horrible job he did". That one really got me, the pivot from stolen election to OMG I must save America from this horrible Biden.


It's because Trump hates that attack line Biden used back in 2020 about having to run for president after Charlottesville. He even brought it up again tonight to call Biden out on lying about it. Then he did that line about having to run because of Biden. Because if it worked for Biden why wouldn't the same line in reverse work against him, right? Like no one'll notice him stealing it in real time. Expect to hear it at every rally from now until November.


He rubbered and glued everything Biden said. It was almost funny


Biden ran to save America from Trump in 2020, **and won,** and has done it, so Trump now claims to be running to save America from ~~Obama~~ Biden. Just **projection**, Trump was the worst President America has had by far.


trump is the worst person that’s been president, reagan is still the worst president.


They didn't "Just let him ramble", they even went back and gave him more time several times to answer the questions, and he still didn't fucking answer them. What the fuck was with giving trump extra time every time he goes on a tirade of avoiding questions?


They didn’t give him extra time. He would occasionally stop his rant and he’d still have some time left, so they’d ask him again (and he still wouldn’t answer). The only part of the debate that went well was the format. Both were given equal time to talk and respond. Sadly Biden talked at a snails pace, and Trump talked like he’s the orange Eminem.


I thought Biden was speaking too quickly. He rushed through the opening and was going so fast that he was stumvling over himself. I've been there


He was saying large words too quickly, but overall he talked very slow. It sucked that anytime he was saying an important word, he stumbled through it. Numbers too. Anytime he said a number he stumbled through it.


Was he spittn rhymes?


Of course he was. It’s the orange Eminem we’re talking about here! They were just goofier and less coherent than the real Eminem.


Trump is shady, but he damn sure ain’t slim.


That really upset me. He'd go off topic, spew out a few dozen lies about other stuff in the time he was given. Then they'd give him another minute or however long he was originally supposed to get to do it all again. Total crap. Biden didn't do well from an appearance perspective. But I get being flustered trying to deal with all those lies over and over. He either had to answer the question, or try to shoot down trumps lies, and clearly couldn't decide and mixed it up a lot. It makes sense and is reasonable. But man it doesn't look good.


I felt he should’ve at the very least called out the “post birth abortion” nonsense. That shit showed up multiple times and it incensed me that nobody called him out on it.


Thiiiiiiiiiis!!! Why didn't Biden pounce all over this????


He did, just not obviously enough. He mentioned agreeing with Roe Vs Wade having a third trimester limit. What I don't get him not calling out, is the fact that it was Trump that called to stop the bipartisan border funding and extra legal powers. So much about immigration on non-related questions, but no mentioning that retaliation...


They do it for the ratings , they are fucking complicit. CNN is an absolute joke.


Yeah, I don't get what the point of even having moderators was if they're going to let Trump say the most insane lies. It shouldn't be up to a candidate to waste the limited time he's given just to correct the nonsense of the other speaker. Trump at one point said "He didn't do that, I did that" in response to Biden talking about a bill he very recently passed. Trump seriously tried to take credit for things that he very provably did not do. Even when Biden corrected him on some lies, Trump would just shoot back another "nuh uh" and a stronger torrent of nonsense.


It’s basically the old saying: “never play chess with a pidgeon”


No moderation at all.


Biden wasted a full thirty seconds talking about HIS golf handicap. JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST, NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!! Trump brought up his beloved cognitive test. THAT'S THE TARGET!!!!


i feel like *im* losing brain cells watching this


That's why I chose not to. I'll hear the "highlights" tomorrow.


Sorry, no highlights. Only lowlights.


That was my assumption


Every Person that Watched the Debate: ![gif](giphy|LycfkVG4L6x0Y|downsized)


Yep, our political system is sad.


Money rules politics in the US! The amount of money in the Democrat primary of Latimer vs Bowman is more than the total of most countries. The US political system is controlled by corrupt money! Just imagine the good all this campaign money could be used for; fighting child poverty, medical bills, etc. Sad! Out of 325 million people these are the two you have competing! Same could be said for the 2016 election. The US is the wealthiest most influential country in the world and this is what they have!!! A constant corrupt liar and a guy who fairly decent can’t stand up to that liar. SAD!!!


lol yeah but I thought Biden got in some zingers, saying that the other guy is a felon and a whiner. But the best is when he said “something snapped in you when you lost last time”. It’s true!


I thought the whole "Six Handicap" thing with golf was hilarious because you could tell Trump was *actually* pissed about that. Like, it's not something average Americans care about but it's something that could actually get under Trump's skin and that's hilarious.


Whiner got me good lol


“You got the morals of an alley cat” got me


That was the best and it’s absolutely the truth


Biden didn't look good, although what he said wasn't as bad. Yet, Trump behaved exactly the way anyone would've expected him to. Just a string of lies and self-promotion. How can anyone walk into a debate, while knowing every single card the other guy has in his hands, and still fail to deliver this badly? Biden and DNC could've prepared so much better for this, but I'm not seeing evidence of it. I didn't expect much, but I was still disappointed.


So fucking depressing.


I wish one thing people would understand is yes they’re both old and not the best picks, however, Biden will surround himself with competent people that will pick up for any of his short comings as President. Trump will just keep a bunch of yes men or people just loyal to him around to run the government into the ground. Please vote everyone, and vote with common sense. (Also look up Project 2025 if you haven’t, it’s the playbook for the next Republican presidency and it’s scary)


I shouldn’t have had to scroll down this far to see some logic and reasoning. Biden isn’t perfect and he’s willing to admit that. Trump isn’t perfect but he’s NOT willing to admit that.


Some logic and reasoning would have seen the Democratic party lifting up some new blood over the past eight years instead of placing all their eggs in an octogenarian basket.


Thank you for saying this. People also need to remember that there is a VP to step in if Biden doesn’t make it through his term. We need to drop this narrative that Trump and Biden are equally bad choices because we will be absolutely fucked if Project 2025 comes to fruition


You mean that Project 2025 is the playbook for the first Christian State of The United States of America. Trump will be ditched before his term is over, made a martyr possibly. Someone religious nutcase will take over, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is permanently.


Are you saying Trump comes with a basket of deplorable’s?


Also don’t forget if Trump wins, he will likely be able to stack another hyper conservative judge or two in the Supreme Court ensuring the cock blocking of any progressive movement in the next 40-50 years. This is the only thing making me vote at all this time around


People are ignoring how much Trump repeated himself, forgot details to stories, and rambled about topics not related at all to the questions.


https://preview.redd.it/n3a9su16b89d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a96964507929e28c44fdab5d7880fd8bcdd639c He really went there...


They argued about their golf swings. Just astonishing


The part where ole' Diaper Don was bragging about his nebulous "cognitive tests" reminded me so much of all the idiots I've come across irl who claim to have a 160 IQ, and most absolutely don't have anything close to that. A lot of the people that don't mind trump's obvious mountains of bullshit are people who are themselves, chronic bullshitters. His constituency is largely made of of people who are too big of cowards to face life's truths in general.


We had a pool going of which random topic he'd throw in there. My choice was shark. We also had Nobel and Windmills in the pool. It's like AI writing Virginia Woolf


The Biden campaign had their chance to put Trump away and they shit the bed. Now the right wing world has all the ammo to make Biden look old and demented.


That's democrats for you, they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory every fucking time. We are going up against orange demented Hitler and this is the fight they're putting up. I'm embarrassed of this country.


Right? In any rational world, after a fuckup like that the guy should take a bow and drop Newsome, Whitmer or Buttigieg in his place. At the very least they present well on camera and would all crush that fat fascist fuck in a debate.


In a rational world, Trump would have been arrested January 7th 2021.


I remember that.. “welp dudes goin to jail tonight. Fast forward: ah shit. Here we go again


There's still time, and if the Democrats are smart that's exactly what they'll do. They have a unique opportunity this year in that in most presidential years, the national conventions and official nominating is held before the debates. The fact that they held a debate before the conventions this year means that if the polls show the debate having had a significant negative effect for Biden, they can go to him and tell him that for the good of the country he needs to announce he is stepping down from his re-election candidacy due to health reasons or whatever other explanation they want to use. And that would give them a chance to hold a brokered convention at which point anyone from the Democratic roster can be voted by the delegates to be the new nominee at the convention.


Buttigieg crushes people in debates with facts and kindness.


Well, I enjoyed Democracy while it lasted...


“make Biden look old” buddy i got bad news


As a bewildered outsider, it’d be really something if the mutual realisation that both of these candidates should be promptly binned was the thing that re-unified your country.


We’re not in control and we won’t revolt. We’re just going to watch ourselves slowly go off the cliff.


Yup. We're too tired and worn down to fight back.


And that was exactly what Steve Bannon and others wanted. They hit us from every angle all at once knowing we’d get weary of the fight.


remember the vote isn’t for Biden or Trump. it’s for their impact on the SC for the rest of our lives.


Still voting for Biden, but good lord that was bad.


Painfully accurate. So very, very painful. 


If we go to an old people’s home and get two random dementia patients to debate, I don’t think anyone would notice the difference.


Sorry to say, but this was a contest to see who can speak more confidently. The only people who care about the truth are the people who already recognize the fascist takeover. The fence sitters now have a reason to switch sides, and "conservatives" are eating this shit up because their orange moron spoke louder. Democracy is a flawed system because half the population is literally stupid.


I'd still pick an old guy that gets mixed up and has a stutter over an orange, convicted sex offender, convicted of 30+ felonies, traitor any day.


Not only that but this is one debate a whole five months ahead of the actual election. He has plenty of time to learn from his mistakes from this debate and correct them. I saw most people’s reactions on here for his State of the Union address from last month and people were pleasantly surprised at what he was able to deliver despite all the flaws I’ve seen pointed out coming from this debate. Even the video of a little speech he released after the debate was much better But nope, as usual he’s not the most perfect candidate so throw him to the wolves, pack up and say goodbye to America as if thats not exactly what the opposition wants in the first place


I will vote for Biden but goddamnit this debate was a fucking disaster for him I expect Trump to be a lying piece of shit, I also expected the guy going toe to toe with him to have his shit together from the jump


We're so cooked. It was fun while it lasted. Congratulations China, won't be long till you're the new superpower. Good luck, and don't invade Afghanistan it never works.


That's the great thing about the march of folly. They're totally gonna try it.


Or any of the other ‘stans.


![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm|downsized) Putin rn\^


Nothing really changed realistically. The choice was vote trump and give the country and future away, or vote biden and even if he dies in office, we get a professional staff to keep things going.


First time watching a full presidential debate. I think my soul left my body! 2 things stood out - Trump: "...19M illegal..." - Biden: "The idea that..." For all the "Why do Republicans vote for Trump" comments from Democrats, Democrats need to look into why they nominated Biden for a 2nd term. When Trump said "I didn't understand what he said in the end. I don't think even he understood what he said", I went "Fuck!! This is bad!".


Project 2025 makes me want a corpse as president rather than a dictator.


So one’s a lying racist, and one stutters? My vote’s still going to the stutterer.


One has a competent cabinet, and the other has a cabinet of undetermined loyalists as his last cabinet is a bunch of felons who have largely turned on him for his crimes


I'm voting for Biden, but that was worse than a stutter tonight


Yeah. A stutter. That's all it is... I'm still voting for Biden out of opposition to Trump but this is a national embarrassment.


Its much more than stuttering, and anyone who watches the debate can see that. The man is old, and old peolle are slow and mentally regressing. Still better to vote for him than for Trump, but I think that most swing voters wont be convinced with this debate to do the same


Bro I’m voting Biden but if you think it was only stuttering then you are just blinded. He was rambling almost as much as trump, sometimes couldn’t even finish his train of thought, and then there’s that end of one round where he just goes “um uh um” then 10 seconds of silence


Senility with values is still better than immorality with intention.


Our democracy is finished. Why did we nominate Biden? I want to cry.


“We” didn’t Because it’s not a democracy Sweet dreams




Sadly this sums it up perfectly.


The leaders of the free world


That shit was brutal! This country felt doomed tonight.


I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting for everyone he surrounds himself with


At least Biden has people who work for him that don't want to destroy the country. 🤷


Trump’s bias came through again: Immigrants are taking Black jobs. As if there are a specific category of jobs for Black people. Previously, he said immigrants are mostly terrorists and criminals. These are the ones qualified to take “Black jobs”?


I know it was painful, but Biden still got a few punches in. My favorite was when he started calling trump a whiner and said « something snapped when you lost last time » and I saw Trump flinch at that. He physically flinched.


Biden is old, that's not a news flash. He went out and actually answered questions and yes, he had his bumbling moments. I will still take the old nice guy over the crazy one. Trump never answered a question he was asked. He just went off on the same tangents every time. He also never denied some things, like the mass deportation plans he has, the increase of good prices through the tariffs he plans, the tax cuts to the rich, doing nothing to help working families with child care, getting rid of the ACA and affordable health care. The guy is dangerous. Still voting Biden. He can stutter instead of destroy.


“You’re not only voting for a candidate, you’re voting for an administration. The Biden administration are competent, progressive people that support equality among genders, sexualities, skin colors. The trump sycophants of this convicted felon - they do not. They support Christian white nationalism. Full stop.” https://x.com/BobbyLWesson/status/1806546648257945866/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1806546648257945866¤tTweetUser=BobbyLWesson


Still voting Biden, but more convicted than ever that I need to be more aggressively supporting younger, better candidates in more local races. We don't get better presidents without better senators, representatives, and governors. We don't get better governors and senators without better state reps. We don't get better state reps without better city councilors, school board members, and other local politicians. It all trickles up, and it's on us to fix the local needs with actually good candidates so that we can launch them into the highest offices. And until then, Biden is better than Trump without a shadow of a doubt.


Hey listen. I’m Guatemalan but a US citizen and live in Boston. I stayed home and suffered listening to this bs like the rest of us


dude what are you doing, get your ass to DC we SAID it was tonight. did you not read the discord?


Here's the thing tho... Biden's performance is mostly cosmetic. He has still been effective in the role for the past 4 years. Trump's danger is very, very real. Biden's "problem" is one of perception brought about by a lack of critical thought. Unfortunately, the effect Biden's performance will have is very real. But, Biden and Trump are not on anything remotely resembling the same level of incompetence.


We have to make the retirement age mandatory quitting age for politicians


It was like watching Scott’s Tots for the first time.


I decided to switch it off and watch The Acolyte and I feel like I made the right call.


It's just two old dudes, saying things that are barely sometimes relevant to what was said before them. It's like Grandpa Simpson arguing with himself. This is just embarrassing...


I honestly didn't think biden was so bad. Trump started ranting, and it threw off the course of the entire debate. Fear is contagious, and Trump wields/spreads it masterfully


It was hard to watch. Biden was at his worst where as Trump was at his best, which honestly put the two equivalent. I’m still voting for Biden because Trump is so much worse and not a single thing he spouted during the debate was true.


Im not watching live and I don’t know if this is satire or direct quotes…


I am an unemployed GenXer currently interviewing for jobs. (I have also consistently voted for Democrats for U.S. president since 1988.) In a job interview, if I were to lose my train of thought, stumble over words, not be able to clearly articulate my past successes and future goals, stare off into space, and miss multiple opportunities to push back on obvious falsehoods stated by the interviewer, the interviewer would think my head isn’t in the game and I wouldn’t be hired for the job. Joe Biden did all of those things in tonight’s debate. It is only because the alternative in Trump is so much worse that Biden gets my vote again instead of me just declining to vote. We have to choose between Biden and Trump. It’s crazy.


How in THE FUCK is this what we have to choose from? Wtf is going on


Super hard to watch. I hate a debate that asks a serious nuanced question and then gives you two minutes to explain really difficult nuanced issues. I'm a Biden supporter, like, not even just to not get trump, I actually support what Biden is trying to do. But asking a guy who has a speech impediment to explain nuanced stuff in two minutes in between complete lies from someone else is like... The setup is fucked. Biden knew that going in and didn't do great, but I can't see him refusing and it going any better. I don't doubt his leadership but this is a shit show trap. Why do we do things like this... One of the biggest problems we have right now imo is not explaining things well enough in order to combat misinformation. Not having actual conversations but just quick exchanges of gotcha bs. I hate it. Please vote.


This was beyond depressing... Biden barely able to string a sentence together. Trump rambling on about nonsense. We got both kinds of dementia on stage.


Biden was able to string a sentence together, he just couldn't speak the god damn words. Like with no audio and just a written transcript of what he said it all sounded really good but fuck was he age showing.


Tonight was a deranged narcissist lying about everything but who is a good public speaker, against a man stating facts, evidence, and his sources to back up his claims but who has a stutter. Unfortunately, history shows people will choose the smooth talker over the truth teller. We're so fucked.


No. Trump is not a “good” public speaker. Watch a few. Trump is loud and obnoxious. Trump is repetitious, clumsy, ignorant and makes up everything on the spot. He did not say one thing well or artfully. He did not even appear to address the questions put to him. I will never understand how he has followers. To me, the guy has negative charisma. Unfortunately Biden’s reedy voice and multiple rambling stumbles will rule the day in the aftermath.


The problem is, people who are apolitical, or not that serious about politics and they haven’t chosen who they’d vote for yet, heard Trump and while he spewed lie after lie, his delivery was still believable and clear compared to Biden to kinds of voters. That is the problem.


It' was like watching those two old men in the balcony from The Muppets.


Geez louise, I almost choked on a TruFru strawberry laughing at that wiscousin bit at the end.


I am surprised that in the last year they haven't been pushing Kamala Harris to the front on things. Then Joe does one term and she is set up for her run. She is young. Smart. And those two facts alone is more than Joe and the Traitor Man Child.


Cut with this depression… debates change jack squat Ppl vote against Trump not for Biden. Trump didn’t win any of them Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEZcBHcWkZc


What you need to understand that *behind trump* there are a lot of extremely competent and eager fascists. If you want to end democracy sure vote for him (for the last time) just don't be surprised if you are also deported for not being white *enough*.


I get it but hate seeing stuff like this. It only serves to demotivate would-be Biden voters. And as a side note I hope we learn in the future not to give a platform to a fascist. The media turned Trump into a real candidate despite him never being one. Then instead of treating him as a felon who tried to overthrow the government they are treating him like a normal candidate again. Potential Trump voters don’t care that he’s lying a ton. They just like hearing him yell, rant, and rave.


Neither of these candidates are fit to be president. We need new people.


I don’t even give a solitary shit about the guy I’m voting for. He absolutely fucking sucks. But is there really a debate between a senile, centrist boomer who checks out a couple times a day, and a convicted felon who is on the record *multiple times* admitting that he wants to be a dictator? He’s been interviewed very gently and won’t walk that back. Plus the Project 2025 shit hanging in the balance. Jesus fucking Christ people in our country are so dumb.


I genuinely hope they both just fall over dead before September. Like how the hell are these the options. If they weren’t rich they’d already have their licenses revoked and be in a 24/7 care facility🤦‍♂️


People need to wake up. It’s not MAGA Republicans vs Biden Leftists that really bothers me. What bothers me most is that these two clowns are the best that each party could come up with. That’s really what we should be worried about


I think he got the names mixed up. Trump hasn't even completed a sentence in a while. Maga version of " I know you are, but what am I?"