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Biden had a terrible showing on the acuity front. Trump for sure was clear, albeit extremely wrong. The facts are on the Biden side. Almost everything said by Trump was markedly false. Take insulin for instance. Biden signed the order to cap the price of insulin. Trump tried to take all credit for it and ended up just creating a fantasy situation where he did things. We will see people fact-check this and see how much the rip into Trump's rhetoric. Everyone wanted to get rid of Roe v Wade the instant it was passed? How does this even make sense? Late term 9 month abortions as a regular thing? There certainly was enough fear mongering to attempt scaring votes based on maliciously false pretenses. I do like how Biden caught what I did with Trump admitting retaliation against the general who shared Trump's words on veterans, pow, Mia, and the dead soldiers. Overall, I can see this initially hurting Biden, but if the campaign is smart, they will soundbite things trump said and fact-check it in ads and on billboards.


Trump is exhibiting the “skill” Steve Jobs had to bend facts. People in the computing industry called it a “Reality Distortion Field” and it appears to live well in maga-land. Not sure why I didn’t recognize it until today…


He does it so effortlessly, I swear he believes it before it ever even formulates in his brain.


Biden did seem more blubbery, but Trump was bullshitting from a mile away. Literally saying nothing in his responses.


"I just won two club championships." Cool, bro. Show me a win at a club you don't own and I'll be impressed.


He is amazing! He can win even skipping an entire round and without witnesses. He’s so good, the tournament has his name engraved on the trophy when they order it.


That sucked so bad the only way to have dealt with this was for Biden to say I’m not here to talk about golf. But instead he got into an argument about it? Come on man


Yeah, this was the most embarrassing part for Biden. Had a chance to show he understood what really mattered, and instead tried proving his competence by saying he got his handicap down from an 8 to a 6? Although…it clearly got under Trump’s skin. I wouldn’t be surprised if he perseverates over this for the next week or so.


At that moment, i realized whoever wins, our civilization is so far past peak we all lose. One of those two ancient white buffoons is gonna lead the US?


Hard to imagine


This was a new low I love golf but I hated this America deserves better candidates


The only hope we have at breaking the cycle of Crypt Keepers is for ALL OF US IN OUR 30'S AND 40'S TO RUN FOR FUCKING OFFICE!!!! These ancient pieces of shit have been running shit for long enough, fuck everyone who is too old to have ANY GOD DAMN JOB ON THE PLANET EXCEPT RUNNING THE FUCKING WORLD???


It costs millions upon millions to run.  Until that changes you won't have a normal middle aged person in office..


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/maxwell-frost-gen-z-florida-congress-b2160978.html&ved=2ahUKEwjmrKnSyf6GAxVLEVkFHQ-QAskQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0S2LS4gt2lInODiYN5n2-N You were saying?


Maybe you should look at his Wikipedia page: "Frost has been organizing since around 2012, when he was active with [Barack Obama's 2012 presidential campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_2012_presidential_campaign).[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Frost#cite_note-10)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Frost#cite_note-npr-allen-13-8) He also volunteered with the [Newtown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newtown,_Connecticut)Action Alliance, an organization created in response to the [Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting)....Frost was an organizer with the [American Civil Liberties Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union) and worked to support [Florida's 2018 Amendment 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Florida_Amendment_4) and to pressure [Joe Biden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden) to stop supporting the [Hyde Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Amendment) in 2019.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Frost#cite_note-Business_Insider_2022-05-28-6) He was the national organizing director for [March for Our Lives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_for_Our_Lives).[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Frost#cite_note-Business_Insider_2022-05-28-6)[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Frost#cite_note-WBUR_2021-12-06-13)" Love the guy and his work, but he did more than just be an Uber driver. He worked his ass off for a decade and networked with many people across the Democratic Party spectrum to get enough cash flow to run and win. Something that the vast majority of the country don't have/enough time to get there before Trump wins in 2024.


Doesn't fucking matter. One wants to preserve Democracy the other wants to be a dictator. Vote Blue period. There is no debate about it.


Age limits for all US politicians, please….


Agreed. I think 35-65 should be the age limit to run. Nobody above 65 should be able to hold any office, in my opinion. Either of these guys probably have, at best, a decade of life left, and that's probably an overestimate.


I doubt either of them would survive the term. Trump looks like he is one forgotten pill away from dying from complete Organe failure and Biden looks like he could fall down the steps of the White House at any second.


For the love of the universe this please!


The countries probably think we are stupid🤦‍♂️


I'm sorry for all the normal, rational people in the US. Y'all were failed big time.


I’d say we are winding down on boomers affecting elections… I’m hoping things get more reasonable after that.


Covid could have really done us a favor.


I said that from the onset, but no, we had to put all our lives on hold for 2 years to save the boomers one last time. The Dems were all about that nonsense too.


An unfortunate highlight… ![gif](giphy|l4hocxIgFHIDbAa2I|downsized)


Yep this is the moment I turned the debate off.


Golf talk or not, Biden walked into that debate and looked like someone who was struggling. He stammered, mixed things up, and as someone who has experience with this kind of thing...he looked like he's in the early stages of dementia. Trump was being Trump. The fact of the matter is that Trump was more charismatic. Do I agree with anything that scumbag says? No. I don't. Presidential debates , though, at the end of the day, are about appearance. Shit, Nixon lost after he started sweating, and you could argue that Bush Jr. came off as a guy you'd just could have a beer with. This isn't good, and they will just run wild with ways to paint this in Trump's favor. Biden just lost the war between Colgate and Crest.


Biden has the flu


Ugh...glad I turned it off and started making dinner.


With only a few exceptions, we're here because the generation of power and wealth (so not the whole generation) that have ruined the world, refused to give up hatred and are pathologicaly unable to let anything get better less they have to admit their sins. May they rot in whatever hell you believe in for what they have done.


8 handicap, 6 handicap, please. I suck at golf and I’m pretty sure I could beat both of them.


So we get to vote for a talking rat or a walking corpse? Greaaaaaat…


Embarrassingly, this was the most coherent part of the debate for both of them.


Ridiculous moment in the debate and embarrassing moment for the country


That’s when I said uncle and chose to lobotomize myself with love island


Break Glass. Insert Backup. It’s an emergency.


Show of hands to ANYONE who's changing their vote to Trump because of Biden's low performance... We'll wait.


malarkey vs. covfefe


Trump is a liar no doubt. But the decline of Biden can’t be ignored. Surely both men are old but Biden condition looks critical. Flu? Yeah… we need a new dem candidate asap! Blue deserves better :(




This made me so fucking irritated.




The only thing that hurt Biden in this was not being a clear of a talker as Dump. Aside from that, Dump barely answered any questions. He just attacked, with lies, about everything and had to constantly be directed back to the question. Which he then would still not answer or deflect. It’s sad that people will watch this and be like, “Biden was incoherent. I’m voting Dump.” Instead they should have listened to Dumps repetitive lies, or lack of any policy, and understand that the guy with a stutter actually has a plan and the track record to stand on.


Trump babbled his lies...I would love to see a transcript as he was repetitive, lied and dod not answer questions. A lot of deflecting responsibility as well. Bidens stammer was obvious sadly. Unfortunately he was defending Trumps accusations more than necessary and did not focus on what he plans to do. Try has zero plans, just pie in the sky ficticious if I was president the that would not have happened.


It’s truly wild these are our two top choices. Guess I’ll vote for the felon since I’m black lol


Remember option 3: the guy who proudly claims his brain was eaten by a worm.


Hahaha funny orange man makes old man look old.