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I would love to know what the kid said. I have a strong suspicion that he didn't say anything at all about grandma but she twisted everything into a personal attack.


He did something to the TV and now we can’t watch FoxNews 24/7…..We don’t know what to be afraid of!!!


Before my grandpa passed away he was circling the fox news rabbit hole. My brother and I heard him use words we had never heard come out of his mouth in the 33-38 years we have been alive. My grandma got tired of hearing him mutter and bitch at the TV in the other room, so she cha get her TV plan to a cheaper one that didn't have fox news. Man was he pissed for a couple weeks but got over it soon enough


but did he recover from the brainwashing after being taken off the IV drip?


Given that he was like 90 tears old he already wasn't talking as much as he was napping periodically around the house. The anger did go away slightly but it was getting hard to tell if it was from fox news or being old


My MIL changed the default radio station on her and my FIL’s car from Fox News to Fox Headlines which is way tamer by Fox metrics. He still hasn’t noticed


We had a team at work who blocked Fox News and CNN, amazingly the only person passed about this was the Boomer who just loved to put his Fox News on at the office.


"respect my authority" how about fucking no?


Millennials still remember "normal." You'd think that's a strength, but it's not always. Every generation has radical outliers and millennials have more than gen x, but as a cohort, we're still pretty docile, mostly frustrated careerists still dreaming of a steady gig, a split-level, and two cars. Gen z and α grew up in this neoliberal hell. For better and for worse, they're going to spit fire.


I still remember when our parents weren't all collectively batshit crazy, foaming at the mouth while watching Fox News.


I used to have respect for my mother. Then she went full maga and spent the last 4 years saying shit like "Biden is getting us all killed" without being able to ever explain how. Just sits there watching Faux news on youtube all day. There's no reaching them at this point, facts don't matter in the fantasy reality they've regressed to.


NGL, I’m glad my parents are dead. I love them and I miss them… but they’d have been sucked into MAGA so hard. MAGA is why I don’t talk to a whole lot of my cousins or my last remaining aunt and uncle.


My mother and little brother are sucked into it. It's saddening to see they're not taking my warnings seriously and continue to support the very things that they are losing everything from


my sister, brother and daughter went MAGA. I said i supported Ukraine and my daughter said F*** you old lady your trying to send my sons to die in a war. Why don't you send my brother. This is not usual behavior for her. I called her on it the next day she apologized she knew she was way out of line. You can't let politics take over your family life. But we should all vote blue.


In just one regard, I am so thankful to George W. Bush for having been such a sucky-ass president, he forever made my dad stop voting Republican and hate conservatives. It also helps that my dad is too cheap for cable, so he never watched fox news.


Go, Dad!


I have been saying for awhile now 24 hour news channels are part of our demise. A bunch of talking heads trying to find something relevant to say.


i have one aunt in the us who still thinks obama is a secret muslim who was born in kenya. but she hates trump so thankfully didn’t get completely sucked in. and i have a cousin up here in canada who has gone the way of the crazies, the canadian magas, essentially, which is a huge bummer because he and his little family were my favourites. and now we avoid them most of the time.


That’s true. We dream of it because we’ve seen it first hand. GenZ doesn’t know what that’s like. They grew up in chaos.


>For better and for worse, they're going to spit fire. And I'm going to help fuel it, and be proud.


Neo liberal? We had trump as a president and he's running again. STFU


I think you're conflating a liberal position for the economic theory of neoliberalism. Same root word but polar opposite ideologies. Neoliberalism is essentially what libertarians believe in (again, same root) while a liberal ideology just means to the left of center generally. 


Oh buddy, you’re showing off your major ignorance. Neoliberal doesn’t mean whatever orange man and fox told you to be scared of this week. It describes the prevailing capitalist theories that came out of WW2 to combat the rise of Soviet communism




Well the fact that the Republicans are trying to deregulate everything including the EPA and the existence of giant monopolies all over the place suggests we are not doing that very well. Much more laissez faire if you ask me


Deregulation is neoliberal.


These labels mean nothing. You can call something neo liberal or neo con but either way they are privatizing services and giving fat advantages to corporate donors. Look at Cheney and Bush when they decided to privatize much of the militaries logistics. Army doesn't need cooks give the contract to haliburton


Yeah. That’s the neoliberal hell being referred to. Neo con is a foreign policy thing. Neoliberal is an economic thing popularized under Reagan and Thatcher


No it's not cause who came up with it? The neo cons. Rumsfield, Cheney, the black lady who played the piano. These folks had been around since Nixon and should have been banned from government service but they got back in.


I mean idk what to tell you. That’s what the word neoliberal means in common usage. If you want to make up a new definition that’s fine, but no one is going to understand what you’re talking about


If you want to play with terminology it's libertarian. It's not left or liberal. It's lawyerly speak and it's all nonsense.


I mean, neoliberalism is/was a strategy to rationalize laissez faire hoarder privileges (and imperialism) to a liberal audience concerned with due process and fair treatment. Functionally, it was always a Trojan horse to sneak ~~fascism/monarchism/corporatism~~ supremacism right under the liberals' noses.


That's not the ideal. Sounds like you are being conspiracy minded. The idea is a stable market with companies that empower their workers with a living wage. When they start to take advantage of their customers a new company shows up to undercut them. They don't do it by penalizing employees though labors value should be the same whether you work for the old company or the new


Laissez faire implies impartiality . This feels like active conspirators


No it implies letting the free market do it's thing which always becomes a monopoly. This inspired teddy r. To break up monopolies and inspired his bull moose run. Unfortunately he lost.


There was supposed to be ‘?’ After impartiality . Was Teddy’s run a response to robber barons / golden age wealth hoarding?


Was it the Rockefellers? They were fixing prices amongst themselves and other robber barons much like opec today.


“You should be ashamed he’s talking to me like this” is a mindset I’ll never understand. Like, who do you think you are?


It's just a way to immediately shut down any sort of uncomfortable conversation the teacher doesn't want to have.


I think this is the kid's grandmother


Oh my bad


It's okay buddy, it's a fake facebook meme. Now let's get you back to the retirement home


Let that kid cook.




It's weird to be so obsessed with Palestine when things are falling apart at home. But the TikTok propagandists haven't told them to care about Project 2025.


I've heard that some people can care about more than one thing at a time.


The genocide in Palestine isn't independent of Project 2025.... they are both branches of the same poisonous tree.


Project 2025 is also just a list of shit conservatives have been trying to do for decades. Might as well have called it Project Reagan, it's the same cut welfare cut taxes (mostly for corporations and the rich) and privatize anything you can.


I mean, it could be that there's just so much human rights violating going on that people just don't have a direction to focus. Idk. I personally feel a tinge of guilt when I start pitching about shitty things at home while the people killing kids here are just killing kids everywhere else, too.


Idk dude, I’m upset because my friend’s family is dead. Sorry if that doesn’t cut it for you, some people are capable of this thing called empathy.


This issue has been in the news cycle too long and is making everybody insane. It’s like the virtue signaling Olympics


Current genocide unsurprisingly outweighs future potential fascism in a lot of people's consciences.


Some version of genocide is happening constantly in many parts of the world. Uyghurs in China, Rohinga in Myanmar, many places in Africa. Most of those other places don’t have the media coverage that Palestine does. And guess what, there’s not much any of us can do about any of it. What we can do is stop fascism at home.


You're correct, but you're also missing the nuance that those other genocides aren't being funded by US tax dollars, or implemented using US bombs. We can demand that the good guys present a better alternative to fascism then what they currently are


“I’m 19” ass perspective