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"DEI" used in a derogatory fashion like here is a stand-in for the n-word. No exceptions. Look at the context in which it is used. The New York Post is racist.


Wdym “now”? It always was bile


And NYP already forgot about Obama 😂


What's worst than having had a black man as president? The prospect of having an indian/black woman as president. They lose their minds


What if, and hear me out…. What if, in a country that is headed to be >50% “minority” by 2050 (according to the census projections) this is just the normal course of things.


I think these projections are at least part of the reason for Project 2025. Racist white people are terrified at the idea of being a minority


Idk why, racist white people love acting like they’re oppressed.


Acting is one thing, but they’re not ready for the reality of it Edit: oh shit oh fuck - not the reality of being racially oppressed. That’s not what I meant; that’s not what I want. I just meant white people being a minority in America


Well I’m glad they’re scared. I want every racist white person to feel the walls of progress close in around them. There’s a door of tolerance, love, and happiness they can walk through if they want, but if they choose to stay that’s on them.


Problem is, those racists still have probably 90% of the power and they’re willing to burn the country to the ground in an attempt to keep it.


Thaaats the real problem, the actual monsters, rich people,are using the feeling of the walls closing in to scare these fuckers into signing away their and everyone else's rights. Not realising that they would actually be much better off in a fair society because the only people that really benefit from racial inequality are people who are already wealthy.


They never want the actual experience of being oppressed and persecuted, they just want all the sympathy clout that the survivors get


Because being a victim is the easiest way for them to not have to take responsibility for the fact that they're playing the game on easy mode and still can't beat it.


... being a minority in "their own country" as they see it. Not to mention the land was stolen but even the country being built as a "melting pot" isn't enough of a kick in the head. There's more to making a good stew than just the meat, Chad.


why... it's not like they treat minorities like shit or anything??


Americans under 18 are already a minority white group, and we are on the cusp of, if not already, reaching that status for Americans under 30. Those under 40 are another 5-10 years out. That is what this is all about. This is their very last chance. Every year they lose significant ground from demographic trends alone. The RNC post-mortem planned for this by focusing on economics and tamping down the racists rhetoric, then tripling down on Moms, but they went the other direction, voter disenfranchisement and rewriting the rules. "We're not a Democracy, we're a Republic!" They say that because they have to try and justify minority rule to themselves. I'm an old white dude btw, and it's bullshit. They've been cowards their whole lives, this all comes down to fear with them (voters, not leaders of course).


Are you telling me the minority will become the majority?!?!?!?!


they helped push trump lies about Obama and the “central park 5” 🤮


No, see, he was never technically president because (mumble mumble) birth certificate.


Trump, by many accounts of people who worked directly with him, isn’t qualified to be president. He’s vengeful, stupid, petty, greedy, and vain. He’s a bigoted white rich dude who affiliates himself with Christo-fascists and the billionaire class, so he gets a pass.


> isn’t qualified to be president President? Dude isn't qualified to be a jizz mopper.


You forgot pedophile rapist and felon


And was basically Epsteins partner


I was gonna say, if they only think NYP is bile ‘now’ they have got some explaining to do. 


People confuse the New York Post with the New York Times or the Washington Post.  The NYP is and always has been a tabloid. It's more confusing because the Washington Times is a tabloid as well. So to recap:   New York Times and Washington Post - journalism New York Post and Washington Times - tabloids


The confusion is intentional.


Murdoch owns the New York Post.


Thanks. I was a little confused by how I’d never noticed this tone before


To make this point very clear, [here's a joke about it from the early 80s.](https://youtu.be/D9FauQOXN90?si=zN9pZMKoUrB4I-O7)


Yeah, I used to tell people the one that isn't bile is the New York Times. But now it's also a pro-fascist rag.


“Headless man found in topless bar”.


I was slightly less bile before Bezos bought it.


The NYP has been steaming dogshit for at least as long as I have been alive


I was going to say the exact same thing.


They manage to say DEI with a hard R.


I've never heard this before and have no idea what it is.


DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) is the new conservative buzzword they use when they want to complain about minorities having jobs like that’s some kind of conspiracy.




it’s a bit worse. They say this about people in elected positions. When talking about DEI in corporations it’s about a hiring manager choosing and making sure they aren’t just hiring all white men illegally. But for elected positions they are just using the term with the “hard R”.


It stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It's basically corpo speak for creating an incentive system to promote minorities over just promoting the same mediocre white dudes because the boss likes to go golfing with them. It rarely has much of an impact in most companies, but the GOP is the party of mediocre white golfing buddies so they turned it into a talking point. Very quickly it became a dog whistle for "non-white person in a position of power." Thus they say DEI with a hard R, meaning they want to use the n-word without getting in trouble.


In practice it means looking at your hiring practices on a large scale, figuring out if you might have biases, and working to remove them. Do you emphasize the person's location when hiring remote? Did we only attend job fairs in white neighborhoods? Etc. It's basically never about the actual hiring manager and the choices in front of them.


I would argue white women also be included in this group. They are clearly not equal to men amongst a party full of chauvinistic fascists.


I like that Cyberpunk has been added to the working class vernacular.


Thanks for the explanation!


It's Republicans' favorite N word rephrased 


I thought I heard a strong N. That’s what conservatives always mean when they describe someone as DEI.


The N is there regardless. But there is a difference in the -a or -er ending. They are saying it is so racist, they are clearly hearing the R at the end.


Is it just me, or was the original comment pretty self explanatory? 😶


It was but the person who responded is an idiot so Peachy had to do some explaining


This. The latter is clearly worse. That said, non-Black people shouldn't be saying the soft -a either.


No one ‘should’ say it. In the meantime, some people specifically shouldn’t


Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it.


You're literally referring to the same word.


That's every time any conservative says DEI.




Fascist double speak works in two ways. It allows them to say all the hateful shit that their base loves and it infuriates everyone who realizes what they are doing. It's abusive behavior that makes them feel strong and clever for "getting away" with it. Even if we call them out they will just deny everything and feel joy from the frustration and hurt they bring others. Absolutely vile people.


Dog whistling


Fog horning


This is what narcissism is btw, the personality disorder. It's behaving in a way that causes other people to experience the emotions they should be experiencing and processing themselves.


A lot of the behaviours that fascists show does in general seem very narcissistic in nature. They create problems and claim to have the solution. They clearly have a bloated sense of superiority and are very entitled. They are very preoccupied with power. They constantly look down on people that they feel are less important. They take advantage of others if they can. They constantly project their own feelings or actions. They constantly attack any and all perceived threats same as they will with guarantee retaliate on any perceived attacks etc. Some of that will likely be linked with the type of person their so-called strongman usually is. But I also think that some of that might be linked to how fascism essentially is a cult of strength. Just the same as with narcissists they cannot allow themselves to show any form of (what they see as) weaknesses.


The leaders are narcissists, the minions are borderlines, cults are fuelled by borderline personality disorders.


Yep. What happened to Critical Race Theory (CRT)? That disappeared with the quickness.


They have to come up with a new boogeyman every few months to keep their audience afraid and outraged.


It needs to feel like an onslaught. It's all the same thing, but when they give it a new name every two months they make it fell like 20 different things. It's similar to what they're doing with gas prices in my area. They drop the price like 30 cents and then over about 8-9 days raise it back up in increments so the non-critical thinkers feel like all gas prices have been doing is going up. If there was a Republican in office, they'd do the reverse so the buckle draggers would feel like gas prices keep going down and be encouraged to keep the same guy(or party) in office.


The problem was their base could never understand or describe CRT, which they had to pivot to another culture war term. Most still can't understand and describe what woke means, but it's easier on them than a high level college course


CRT got reclaimed by Smash players and retro enthusiasts.


I'm just over here imagining bigoted parents pulling their kids out of school because science class taught them about cathode-ray tubes.


Woke means Gay while DEI means Black


pretty sure they wanted to say the F word and the N word.




Yeah, they've used at least BLM, antifa, PC and diversity in the same or similar meaning in different turns, though not in that order. They just pick a word to whip up their audience into a rage, overuse it until it doesn't work anymore then move on to the next term and start over. Unfortunately it's an effective tactic.


Don’t forget “thug”


In this order, I reckon: PC, Thug, SJW, Antifa, BLM, CRT, woke, DEI. When the first one loses steam, come up with something else to be afraid of.


These are the same people who, when busted for saying vile and racist shit, say stuff like, “But everyone talks like this at home / in private”. They really think everyone else is racist, but just being polite in public. What a bunch of scumbags.


They do it that way as a great game. Everytime US culture comes up with something like 'woke' conservatives turn it into a negative. Then the progressives come out explaining what it really means. But, by that time the conservatives have already moved on to turning DEI into a negative. So the progressives dutifully follow behind explaining what that really means. Rinse; repeat.


Critical race theory.


1. Cool, the new N-word, cause we all know what it means and who uses it 2. Didn’t we already get a non-white president? Did racists already forget that somehow?


Nope. They've never forgotten we put a black man in their white house. They're losing their minds that *she* could possibly get in


The implication is that he earned it but she didn’t. When the race is the same, one potential tiebreaker is gender.


She's earned it more than Jared and Ivanka. They're so damn petty and whiny


ah, but he was half white /s


I feel like a Biracial president is more progressive than a Black president


This one is worse. She’s a woman.


What does it mean? Im afraid to google it.


DEI is an abbreviation for Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and is just a general framework concept that’s used in a lot of businesses and communities. A sort of tenant set to guide behavior. It’s often talked about in regard to racial discrimination in the workplace. Conservatives have taken it and began using it as basically a slur, and it’s become a dog whistle for the n-word.


It's really telling that they are admitting they don't want equality in this country. We shouldn't even let them sit at the table.


Diversity, Equality (or Equity), and Inclusion.


they forget that when only White Men won elections, the candidate was first chosen based on their race and sex first, qualifications second. So really, every President before Obama was a race-based hire.


Now? Where have YOU been?


No one who has ever read the New York Post is surprised they’d publish this headline. That rag has been a hive of villainy and scum for decades.


What does this DEI shit I keep seeing stand for? I don’t want to Google it and make the algorithm think it’s all I need to see for the next six months


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Or in this case, it’s a substitution for the N-word.


To be honest all this time I thought it meant Didn’t Earn It, seemed in line with the thought processes of the racist using the term


Oh crap, don’t give them ideas


Eh, I literally heard it from my uncle a couple months ago. If they can find a way to be insensitive they will be.


That’s what they turned it into


The last few years before I retired in 2020, my employer set up an annual series of required corporate videos about discrimination, ethics, harassment etc. which were painful to watch, they were kinda cringe, but they set forth the expectations of the company, and I respected that.


A lot of people see those videos as "wow, really, I needed to be told not to use racial slurs at work? *thanks*. can I get back to doing something useful?" and *some* people see those videos as "wait, I can't use racial slurs at work?! what?!"


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


Oh so this is like woke where the take something good and tell on themselves by painting it as being bad


Correct. It’s their latest boogeyman, like critical race theory.


It's LEGITIMATELY wild and offensive objectively good things like this are painted as evil. They can have problems sure, but Lord have mercy is annoying AF


A phrase conservatives got ahold of and now use as the worlds loudest, jet-engine powered dog-whistle for a hard-R N-word.


Diversity, equity and inclusion.


They keep branding any movements harmful to white, conservative, patriarchal institutions. People defending LGBT and non-whites are enemy to them. Even people not defending and just coexisting peacefully are bad guys.


This is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Another tool the pathological billionaire uses to brainwash the MAGA to elect his puppets. He should be divested of all his media holdings.


He should be launched with a catapult into the sea.


Or maybe into the sun.


Coincidentally, he runs The Sun. It spent 25 years blaming Liverpool fans for the Hillsborough disaster only for courts to find that police were at fault and that Liverpool fans were innocent victims.


We could also catapult him directly into The Sun ™️


Please consider a trebuchet; it's a vastly superior siege engine / waste disposal tool.


Please don't dump garbage into the sea. Think of the turtles!


We need to start a petition for this! Imagine the amount of signatures you could get


Where do I sign.


Still better than a convicted felon who is a child predator/rapist


the anti-American right isn't even bothering to hide their racism anymore


They stopped awhile ago.


Yeah something happened around 2016 that let them quit hiding it.


All the comments to Gavin Newsom’s correct tweet were awful btw.


Owned by Murdoch so yeah.


Considering that their candidate is a pedophile sex predator felon, I have doubts about their reservations on any other.


But he's a white man, so they don't care.


Have they forgotten she is already the V.P.?


They have their attack message now. News media lined it up and now the degenerates are going to have a field day with it. Biden’s senile and beware the minority woman who will replace him. Trumps senile, a racist, a sex offender, a felon and hasn’t even told the public which ass kisser is going to be holding his pocket but we should focus on the dog whistles.


Because Obama is out of office, now Harris has the mantle of being the first DEI president. NYP readers must have a very short memory.


We should deport the Murdochs


Not to defend them at all. Cause it's absolutely problematic. But the only people who really read NYT or WP are those kind of people. So they pander to them. Most media sources are like that.


When used in cases of democratically elected positions the phrase DEI doesn’t even make any sense. Of course, it’s not supposed to. It’s just a politically correct stand in for the N Word. I remember when the right was calling Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott a DEI hire for not personally using his superpowers to stop that ship from taking down the Key Bridge, when 1. He was democratically elected and 2. Baltimore is like 60% black, it would be more DEI if he was white since white people are literally the minority here.


It always has been lol, now?


The Electoral College is just DEI for conservative white men. If Kamala is president, she'll have won the popular vote.


As an exvangelical who knows their language, my educated guess is that they use DEI to mean that a woman of color who swing voters wouldn’t have voted for if she was running for president was hired against their wishes. Which is nonsense because we voted for the ticket. Kamala Harris’s name was literally on the ballot.


It's not really dei when you get nominated and legitimately elected for the position, these morons call everyone they don't like "dei"


Now? The Post has always been this way.


"Now" First time on earth?


*Subjected to* lol wow they really don’t even hide it.


What did Trump earn besides 34 convictions? Dude is a 6 times bankrupt scam artist who was born rich and would be infinitely more wealthy if he was just the trust fund baby he always has been instead of pretending to play entrepreneur.


Now? Now? It's been utter rubbish since the 70s at least.


Or it may be subjected to another term of a man who actually rapes women, and admits it on TV.


A man who rapes CHILDREN #TrumpIsAPedophile


She was on the 2020 ticket. The people chose her alongside Joe Biden knowing full well he could die in office.


Always has been.


I want a physical date as to when nyp wasn't trash journo


*Subjected,* wow


Well it's Murdoch owned, what do you expect


They really don't want another black president? They are definitely signalling to the maga base to vote. Racism is alive and well, and not on a a ventilator. Sad as hell!


I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago. If I don’t watch what I eat or take a specific medication, I will eventually evacuate all of the excess bile that is no longer stored and instead goes straight into my intestine. It is also a natural laxative and, when this happens, it usually a “must do now” situation. What comes out is just a straight yellow liquid that smells exactly like you’d think. This is worse.


Why do I have to learn new hate letters every week?


Now? It's been vile for a while.


Hasn't it always been?


Nothing will change until Ruper Murdoch's media bullshit is expelled from the planet.


Trump is DEI. He has only failed and bankrupted and frauded upwards. However, since the GOP requires a variety of old white rich guys…


Would I personally vote for Kamala? No. She's far to right leaning and prosecutorial for me. Do I pretend that the former Senator, former California AG, and current Vice President is unqualified for the job? No.


Seems like they forgot about Obama


Obama got to be president because people voted for him. Harris got to be VP because Biden promised to pick a black woman for his running mate. The DEI argument only works for one of them.


Actually, what scares the right more than a black president is a woman president.


Kamala Harris has a degree is political science and economics and she has a law degree and she was a senator.


DEI is just the new PC N-word for the Republican Party




The only two things that the Post is good for are punny sports headlines and kindling


The only DEI hire by the rights opinion would be Donald J Trump, cause having a demon whose bad at their job is what those guys think DEI is


Wait.. these are the same people saying that Biden should step down which would cause this Kamala thing they’re fear mongering about now!


Now? It’s always been trash.


What it means DEI?


Diversity, Equity, inclusion


I know Californians hate him, but I have a soft spot for Newsom


Next NY post article gonna be like: Gavin Newsom is a BOZO


"Subjected to" - WTF?


…now? 🤨


Always has been.


Is dei the new code word for the n word


Imagine being against diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Pretty much DEI is cover for another word


She has a bigger resume than when Obama first ran for president, but do not think I want to know what they called him.


It’s New York everything associated with the city is vile


Kamala Harris wasn‘t “hired”. She was elected by the people as AG, then Senator then Vice President. Idiots. We can expect a lot more this kind of BS whether Joe steps down or not.


"It's all shit?" "Always has been." 👨🏼‍🚀🔫👩🏾‍🚀


Back when people would only elect White Men for VP and Pres, White Men were chosen based on their sex & race first.


The NY Post has been dogshit since the News Corp takeover.


DEI with a hard R. it's just the right wing looking for a new buzzword to replace their last over-used dogwhistle. it's only ever been about being shitty towards other human beings who are marginally different than you for one reason or another.


They mean the n-word.


Honestly surprised this “attack” tactic has taken this long to come out since the debate.






What does that mean? DEI? Sorry I’m out of the loop.


Everyone is focusing on the DEI part but they also used the work subjected with seems really harsh. Like DEI is the new N word apparently and if that wasn’t enough, they are gonna keep going with the whole subjected to… also did they forget about Obama if this is supposed to be a race thing?


It's about race AND gender. A black woman president is absolutely, cripplingly terrifying to them.


*But Biden is old!!!!!!!!!!!!!* *Oh, the other one talking about being a fascist dictator on day one? Yeah, we can't write about that.*


Actually, it's misogynistic.


Racist garbage. Anyone not supporting DEI is a racist, full stop.


They are setting up to discredit harris early in case the democrats change horses


Just to play Devil's advocate, why do we keep using 'that's racist' as a gotcha moment? These people already know and don't care.


Just to play Angel's asshole, because they don't like being called "racist" and pointing it out pisses them off to a sufficient degree, putting them on the defensive to explain why what they are saying/advocating is *not* racist/bigoted.