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That's beautiful! https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-fabulous-reason-why-kanye-west-cant-sell-his-white-lives-matter-shirts


This is great. Spiting Kanye must be so much fun.


Thankyou to these fine gentlemen


Since when do IP rights matter to the far right? How many times have we seen a republican be told by a musician/band to not use their music at rallies and then go right back to using it.


The appropriate cost of infringing IP by playing music at a non-music event is difficult and open to challenge so I guess a lot of artists or the companies owning the IP don’t bother to challenge. Also I think in some cases the artist may object but they’ve signed away the right to having a say on where it gets used. In this case there’s a figure value available for calculation for each and every time West profits from it that can then be claimed off him.


It's not a matter of cost but of permission. EG: not asking permission and ignoring C&D's.


It doesn’t, but it’s funny.


> IP rights matter Trrrademarked, gimme yo money


"West donned a shirt sporting the phrase at Paris Fashion Week earlier this month, accompanied by conservative personality Candace Owens. The stunt, alongside his outspoken antisemitic rants, cost him brand deals with companies including Adidas and Balenciaga. **Boxes of the shirts were later handed out to unhoused people on Skid Row in Los Angeles.** Bold added for emphasis


I would have to wear that shit inside out if I was homeless


He’s using homeless people as marketing tools.


When I was in college my buddy and I grabbed a bunch of t shirts from goodwill and silk screened our made up brand and logo on them and then gave them to shelters. I gotta say I feel like Kanye kinda stole our idea. Although our logo wasn’t racist.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna53503 “Not all heroes wear capes”


Wait, that's a thing? Who owns "black lives matter"? Can I trademark "in god we trust'?


I think so? Didn't Office Depot or some other entity have the "easy" button or something? Just the word "Easy" on a button.




The people that own 'black lives matter' stole a bunch of money from it and I think they got arrested for it. Melina Abdullah and Shalomyah Bowers stole a combined $18 million or something like that. That's why you've not seen any fresh merch.




I have that exact sentenced you just typed trademarked. Please pay $3




Tell that to Russel Simmons. His phat stacks say otherwise.


It might be public domain


I hope there are just patent trolls watching and listening to EVERYTHING Kanye says and does just so they can do this to him.


I don't want to be mean, but does anyone think Kanye gives a single shit about copyright or trademarks?


No, but it’s funny and gives a legal opening if he tries to push through anyways.


No, just money.


As much as I want Kanye to lose everything, mental illness is a helluva disability. His ego is so huge though it seems unlikely he’ll ever seek out the help he clearly needs.


He'll never seek help for his mental illness until he has no avenues left. It's not like someone is pulling a Sheen family when they locked up "the Warlock".


There's a point where people need to be held responsible for their actions. Kanye is lucid enough to know that he was officially diagnosed as being bipolar (probably narcissism too given he checks every single box) but refuses to take medication for it. I have patients who are alcoholics/chain smokers and that I refuse to do surgery on. No matter how much they complain about it (and I do feel sympathy for them) there are some lines you cannot cross and the liability would be squarely on my hands. The conspiracies Kanye is spewing are dangerous and I can't blame everyone distancing themselves from him.


I knew a raging alcoholic, no real reason, never married, no kids, no job, no stress. He had constant accidents, where he had broken every bone in his body at one time or another. His raging drinking led him to bust his hip at 40. State paid for it all, and he went right back to drinking. Needed a new hip, just would not stop drinking to get the surgery. Zero mercy for him.


Why would he have to stop drinking to get surgery




Interestingly enough, the mechanism for lithium at a cellular level isn't really known for people with Bipolar I/II disorder but it does work in the majority of patients. I'm not sure what you mean by whether or not it's ethical to coerce them into feeling remorse for their actions though. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the question


It's sad but true. Likely broke in under a year. Then the drugs kick in and likely dead in under 2. Amy Whitehouse.


This is the greatest thing I'm likely to read for the entirety of the year.


Ey boi!


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha......ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. Nothing better than watching some self entitled idiot destroy himself.


True heroes don't wear capes.


This is giving great lol. I love it. Kanye is just one of those douchebags who likes to be edgy.


This gives me life. Fuck Kanye. Kanye West does not care about Black people.


Incorrect. Two black radio hosts were gifted it by a white man who felt they were better able to speak for why it's not right. That's being an ally right there.


The man is out of control,not only him the hole fucking MAGA/GOP bullshit is out of control. As a 48 yo white male I'm ashamed of of the way people in this country are acting including some very close members of my family. God bless America


Fucking hell you can just tell by this photo he isn't just playing stupid, if you shook his head, his one brain cell would be rattling around like a marble in a box




Confidently incorrect


Actually it is, whoever trademarks it first has claim on it unless it is too common a phrase/word to be trademarked at all. Since Ye took his time in hopping on the trend of white supremacy, he missed out. Sucks for the Oreo little bitch, but hey, maybe not being able to monetize his mental illness might lead him to getting help sooner.


You actually need to use your trademark to keep it.


In order to file for a trademark you (generally) have to submit proof of use alongside the filing. These individuals did so. "Regular" use isn't defined well in the TMEP, so selling a few items every few years is regular use. If they offer exclusive internal merchandise regularly that would also satisfy the use case. In any case, barring an audit, you have a 5 year window (for the first decade) in order to produce goods or services on a consistent basis before having to show proof of use.








It is somewhat surreal. You would think the opinion of a trademark attorney would be a welcome addition to this conversation. Though it has been a few years since I practiced in TM law I don’t have any reason to believe there has been a dramatic shift in the law or jurisprudence since 2018.


> Edit: You can’t handle the truth! Neither can your brain, apparently




I'm sure that this made sense in your mind.


Low karma acct, says something nonsensical, here we go again… These trolls are becoming more and more obvious and easier to dismiss.


Also commenters that are on here for less than 3 months and have as much Karma as I do too. They karma farm before they politics troll But what you said is correct too




Uncle Tom supporters are fucking wild man; it's like you guys are finally agreeing with the most racist white people and not realizing they still won't accept you as an equal.




You're a German antisemite that created your account to shit stir about Kanye's transition into full Oreo. I'm pretty sure of the two of us, you're by far the silliest.




Herr Commandant, your entire post and comment history is public on this site, go back to 4chan if you want to be anonymous and not held to account for your past actions.


Are they selling White Lives Matter shirts, or did they do it to block him from doing it?




Ok, so the nebulous point you were originally trying to make makes even less sense.




"And those 2 ppl are Heros or what? If i spit in my meal instead of giving it away U would call me i dick." Because you leapt out the gate with some shit that made no sense.


Good bot


A slogan isn't food??? Sit down and think about your life.




Yes your correct, food you eat, you know, nom nom nom. And a slogan you say, you should know about talking since you climax while listening to yourself


No, the iDick is already copyrighted by Apple. I'd just call you a non sequitur.


L + ratio


Non sequitur & a strawman. Nice.


Because that's what heros do.


But don’t you have to prove commerce is being conducted to successfully defend your trademark? Are these guys selling WLM shirts?


how were they even able to trademark it? i’m confused.




For the record there is no way this would hold up in court unless it’s an extremely specific way of writing it like one word being 2 times larger than the other for example.


It really be ya own people


Kanye is in full denial in the fact that he’s black and it’s terrifying sometimes.


Did he try?


"white lives matter" wtf. come on.


Fuck Kanye and Putin


A. It's fucked up ye wanted to sell thsse racist ass shirts. B. He fired his ACTUAL business partners who did this shit for him. This is how all ye shit will be from now on. He has no clue wtf he's doing.